THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, JUNE 5, 2002 PAGE 13 Sports &LEISURE CANADIAN STATESMAN JUNE 5 , 2 0 0 2 Green Gaels fall into first place trap 'Teams in first place tend to take it easy': head coach Brad MacArthur BY BRAD KELLY Stuff Writer BOWMANVILLE - Just past the midway mark of the season, the Clarington Green Gaels have worked hard to grab a share of first place in the Mid East Division along with the Barrie Tornado. Coach Brad MacArthur is now hoping his team doesn't decide to rest on its laurels. While a pair of wins was likely, the Green Gaels managed just a split over the weekend, blasting the Huntsville Hawks 17-6 Friday night, but followed up with a sub-par performance performance in a 10-8 loss to Six Nation Nation Red Rebels Sunday afternoon. "Teams in first place tend to take it easy," said MacArthur of the lack of an edge his team showed at Six Nations. "Those are the kind of games that come back to haunt you at the end of JAMES BARTON Led the offence with seven goals and four assists on the weekend. the season," when a team is jockeying jockeying for final position in the standings, standings, he added. The Green Gaels are tied with Barrie at 10-4 with Mimico in third at 8 7 4. The weekend got off to a promising promising start at the Garnet B. Rickard TYLER HARRIS Team's leading scorer had five goals and six assists against Huntsville and Six Nations. Recreation Complex Friday, as a strong third period turned a close game into a laugher over Huntsville. The game was tied 4-4 after the first period .with the Green Gaels pulling ahead 9-6 after two periods. Eight unanswered goals in the third period put the Green Gaels comfortably RYAN PRESTON Named Player of the Game for ■ the Green Gaels in 10-8 loss to Six Nations on Sunday. ahead. James Barton led the Green Gaels with four goals and four assists while Tyler Harris contributed four goals and three assists. Jim Mum- ford had a hat trick, Nate Andres and Shane Sargent a pair and one each to Ryan Preston and Chris Stewart. In Six Nations, Barton collected a j hat trick with one each to Coady ! Derks, Mike Carroll, Thomas ! MacArthur, Preston and Harris. Sar- ! gent and Harris had three assists each. j While the Green Gaels were able j to turn up the tempo in Friday's win, they couldn't duplicate the effort "i Sunday. MacArthur said his team i was "flat right from warm-up" and ' only played "15 minutes of the 60" ! against Six Nations., j "For some reason we seemed j tired. We just weren't up for it." j The Green Gaels hosted Mimico 1 Mountaineers Tuesday night (after ! our deadline). Wallaceburg will visit ! the Green Gaels Sunday at 2 p.m. | THE SCOOP - Tyler Harris was j named Player of the Game in Fri- ; day's win over Huntsville, while j Ryan Preston won the honours Sun- j day in Six Nations...The Green | Gaels are 5-1 at home and 5-3 on the ■' road...Tom Solomon has joined the -i team. He was at training camp, but a ! broken wrist sidelined him for the j start of tl]e season...Ryan ; McMichael, suspended indefinitely ; by the team, has joined the Jr. A i Whitby Warriors. i Dodgers split with London, drop pair to Hamilton OSHAWA - Ryan Crotin extended extended his consecutive consecutive game hit streak to 11 games as the Os- hawa Dodgers scored a double- header split with the London Majors Majors in Intercounty Intercounty Major Baseball Baseball League play Sunday. Crotin had two hits, including including a homer and drove in four runs as Oshawa topped London 7-4 in the opener. Darryl Jennings also had two hits and Ken Calway blasted a 425- foot homer in the seventh inning. Mike Roga got the pitching victory, victory, fanning eight in six innings. innings. In the second game, Crotin had a single as the Dodgers fell 5-3. Brad Hanna had two hits, including including a double, while Darryl Reid hit a home run. On Saturday at Kinsmen Stadium, Stadium, the Dodgers dropped a pair of games to Hamilton losing losing 6-4 and 3-1. Crotin had three hits in the two games. In his Intercounty Intercounty league debut in the second second game, major league prospect Steven Reiss went five innings for Oshawa allowing allowing just one run on four hits while striking out six with no decision. decision. Calway, J.P. Vittorio, Darryl Reid, Graig Andrew, Andrew, I Innna, and Terry Arges also had hits during the twinbill. • The Dodgers, now 3-8 on the season, Imsl the Toronto Maple Leafs Saturday at Kinsmen Stadium, Stadium, beginning at 2 p.m. ........ u,i ; ..v • ■; : , m CHEVY TRACKER LX 4x4 », 16-Valve DOHC Engine • 5-Speed Manual Transmission Ww*!l5* Steel Wheels • 4WD with 2-Speed Transfer Case irt-on-the-Fly • Fully Reclining Front Bucket Seats OR *1 Irhri Iwwy tern HfljJ ah v ■ m per ■ IIS month/ ||pS i *'S 48, months INCLUDES FREIGHT 81, with $3.745 low* Fayeiit, your piyiHt will b« $23it« Ifig p fâtr'-tk'f. 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