PAGE 4THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, JANUARY 8,2003' Some basement apartments 'fire traps' SOME from page 1 properties arc basements converted into apartments. While the number of illegal basement apartments can't accurately accurately be measured, some speculate it could be in the thousands. Officials say most of them can be found in Courtice. Basement apartments "are problematic, problematic, they really are," says Claring- ton Mayor John Mutton, who is urging homeowners renting out space to get the proper approvals. "A lot of people aren't fully aware that they have to do it." He reminds homeowners renting out a basement and not informing your insurance company could result in your policy being void. Clarington bylaw enforcement officer officer Tom Vendrasco says the biggest reason the municipality wants basement basement apartments registered is to ensure ensure tenant safety. "No one wants to see anybody die in a house fire. Some of these places are fire traps." Clarington Fire Chief Michael Creighton agrees. "There has to be a proper means of getting out and a proper smoke alarm that is working." He adds tenants on the upper floor also have to be protected, should a blaze break out in the basement. Mr. Vendrasco also addresses the parking problem illegal apartments can cause. In many cases, he says there is no room for an additional vehicle, vehicle, forcing the tenant to park on the street, a no-no in Clarington. Vehicles can only be parked on the street for three hours a day and not between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. And when the snow falls, the streets must be clear of any vehicles so snowplows and especially especially emergency vehicles can get through. With this weekend's snow dump, Mr. Vendrasco says many cars were ticketed after causing havoc for the plows. He says the municipality is getting a "proliferation" of phone calls from residents complaining about on-street parking. Many of these illegally parked cars are owned by tenants of basement apartments, he says. He advises tenants who are looking to move into a basement apartment to check if the space has met municipal approval. Aside from not having a place to park, potential tenants could be moving into a converted space and "have to wonder who has done the work, who has done the inspections," to ensure its safety, says Mr. Vendrasco. Vendrasco. Homicide suspect wanted HOMICIDE from page 1 charge of pointing the firearm at the officer. Mr. Prieto has other convictions convictions for drug trafficking, which led to a four-year sentence in 1992, assault police, aggravated assault and gun possession. He has been sought since last year by York Regional Police detectives on an arrest warrant for failing to appear for fingerprinting fingerprinting on credit card charges. Police said Mr. Prieto was previously seen in a 1995 Dodge Caravan with the Ontario licence plate number AELL 337. Inspector Mike MacMullen, in charge of Peel's homicide unit, urges residents not to approach approach Mr. Prieto if spotted, and to call police immediately. Joseph Braga Prieto Bethesda House extends crisis line hours BETHESDA from page 1 Prior to the shelter being closed, Bethesda provided the 24-hour service seven days a week. It received approximately 2,000 crisis calls per year and provided residential services to approximately 180 women and 130 children. In December, Bethesda cele brated the ground-breaking of its new Bowmanville shelter. Con- •struction is expected to begin • later this month on the barrier- free 15-bed facility for abused women and their children during times of crisis. It is slated to open at the end of March. Bethesda is kicking off a fund-raising campaign for its new home. The 'Building Hope...Changing Lives' campaign campaign will primarily support the building project although the ministry-funded shelter still needs to fund-raise approximately approximately 20 per cent of its operating budget. Donations can be mailed to Box 82, Bowmanville, L1C 3K8. The crisis line is 905-623- 6050 or 1-800-338-3397. C»f«l ifln*ar j 13,2M1 fri»! t* Wr anM le iW *f l««« cf Mil mw 2002 2WÎ tfWtt MvtrrJ ea or Wx e Janwrv 13, ?W3. W twiarMf bb^ fwî; ««berj, G*l sopoteit, GM CWefiWp oo^ h» Jl«l proyia ormlftitidwlkiw k t W« idrritf kt re f* Ik mil H $5W n ttjttt «Wl tifl* wtis rn« if $WO. t OS pmku fee») m qpnd titi( anSl «If. torn pcjiial iej/* tub wj In ityid. [iwplt $16.M0 cl OS lift, the Mttf prpwt h $ÎM J11* U imtk COJ. is $0 Correction Due to incorrect information released to 'The Statesman', Statesman', the wrong name was published as logo contest winner winner in 'Bethesda breaks ground on new shelter', Dec. 4, 2002. The Bethesda House of Mercy logo contest winners are Nora and Mark Weckworth of Whitby. 'The Statesman' Statesman' regrets the error. HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES Vegetarian Nutrition Classes 6 Mondays 7-9 p.m. jry| Jan. 13-Feb. 17,2003 1164 King Street East, Oshawa demonstrations, samples, videos, lectures, questions answered Call: (905) 404-0412 or. (905) 725-1121 for more infdrmatioh ahd to register Dr. John Balenko Dr. Karl Vermeulen & Associates GENERAL FAMILY DENTISTRY EMERGENCY CARE AVAILABLE 0 Sedation 0 Children's Dentistry 0 Periodontist Q Laser Dentistry VIRTUAL VISION FOR YOUR RELAXATION 60 LIBERTY ST. SOUTH BOWMANVILLE SB (905)623-7100 miimimnim 111 rx i x Tin x z x x i :m mini Q MORTGAGE RATES BEST RATES AS OF: PRESS TIME ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE 1.01% 6 MONTHS 4.55% 1 YEAR 3.95% 2 YEAR 4.60% 3 YEAR 5.00% 4 YEAR 5.45% 5 YEAR 5.35% 7 YEAR 6.00% 10 YEAR 6.20% ALSO AVAILAIILE: "MORTGAGE WITH Ul 1 TO 4% CASH HACK" NOTE: WE I IANDI.E Tl IE TRANSFER OE AN EXISTING MORTGAGE AT NO COST! UT ALSO AKHAKGK: • SECOND MORTGAGES • CREDIT LINES • I'EHSONAL LOANS CALL: DEL DYKSTRA/DEBBIE DYKSTRA-MURRAY 905-697-3300 FINANCIAL LTD. DELTONA MORTGAGES ixxxxxxxxixiixxxxiixxixxziixiixxxxixxxixxxxxx£ Ml | C ., Yancli '& Couture Trustees In Bankruptcy • Proposal Admininistrators Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives "Lets find solutions together!" , ('millin' lllllll'S It. VihivIi OSIIAWA 122 Altai Si. (905) 721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Avc. (Ily App'lUnly) (905)619-147.1 coitoimc 24 (Wit si. Illy Ai'p'i Only) (905) .172-4744 SATURDAY X- KVIiNIMi aitoint,mi:msayaii,aiii,h m:u initial CONSULTATION W Irf iüj» si fife' ' '* ..'4 •*' „ v -, >41 '• X • .i- ,i r £\ Ï$S$™ «erf* " "_A irtf V t wjfe • ife- K'Jfl $%$*£** s-S-W-" blw » AM Halenda's Stores Have Meat Cutters on Location & wMl gladly custom cut anything £or you! Question! or Comments e-mail us st AH Halenda's stores have meet cutters on location & we wiH v-r gladly -few custom cut for you! vJhp Serving Durham Region with * locations Including.. ■Vmiiyi i tu.-! ifittXl u/EmmSkL' ; • flf Nelson Street ( WrsIserU UN Wed Md »| lilt*) $76-6118 Mon.-Thun. MHO Frl. n .*too Sul. H-stoo CLQlüJfiiUhllAY. Taunton fciiurt Taimton/HMiun „ $71-1446 Mw.' 1Twt U. Wfd, fi, Thun, U Tri, B-7 S.I,It,Sun, Id lioo King Kt. Fast I (lUtiwi) VUUgs Usyfiag CeolrOj 4n-i38i>d*n; Mon.'Wfd, Thtiri. W Frl. f-N, | #41. *•*, Sun. lo t | Iflh Dumtai #1, Last V (N, t Cotiser et Curml It Ihuxbi) jfa 4*4-8454 WTut!. U WtU. v * Thuri. »-7i Frl. 9-7 Nat,7-4, Hum. lo t Sale ettective until dosing Sunday, January 11,1001