www.durhamrcgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, SEPTEMBER 10, 2003 PAGE 15 Novice Toros tee up fund-raiser CLARINGTON - The Clarington Toros novice A hockey learn is holding a golf tournament on Saturday, Saturday, Sept. 27, at the Bow- manville Golf and Country Club. Everyone is welcome to join in a fun day of golf ns foursomes are still being accepted. accepted. The entry fee of $ 100 per person includes an 18-hole round of golf, power carl, steak dinner as well as prizes donated by local businesses. Tee off times begin at 9 a.m. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available by donating a prize to the event, hole sponsorship in the amount of SI00 or event sponsorship in the amount of $500. For further information about sponsorship or to book your foursome, please contact contact team manager Norah Barker at 905-434-8623. Mickey Finns on top of world NORTH BAY - Blair , McBratney was named most : valuable player after pilcli- i ing the Oshawa Mickey ; Finns fastball team to its ! third straight World Seniors' ; Fastball Tournament title. - McBratney earned the ! win in both the semifinal i and final games as Oshawa ; went 7-0 during the tourna ment and oulscored the opposition opposition 47-8. John Annis and Lawrie Williams also took turns toeing the rubber while the offence was led by Paul Goodfellow's two home runs. Bill Brady, Bill Hargreaves, Hargreaves, Doug Willoughby and Jim Trimm went deep once each. Newcastle Men's Hockey NON-CONTACT SUNDAY NIGHTS COST s 310 REGISTRATION SEPT. 14 3-5 PM 17 6-8 PM 21 3-5 PM ©NEWCASTLE ARENA LEAGUE BEGINS OCT. 5 CONTACT JASON ROGERS 905-697-8993 All tryouts at Canlan Ice Sports 1401 Phillip Murray Drive Page 2: (FA092F603) Save $400 Carrara Leather Sofa. Correction: Item is incorrectly illustrated. We sincerely regret any inconvenience Ibis may have caused our customers. CORRECTION NOVICE SELECTS Saturday, September 13, 8:15a.m., Ice Sports ATOM SELECTS Saturday September 13, 9:00a.m., Ice Sports ATOM (minor) SELECTS Saturday September 13, 9:10a.m., Ice Sports PEEWEE SELECTS Saturday, September 13, 11:00a.m., Ice Sports BANTAM (minor) SELECTS Saturday, September 13, 10:00a.m., Ice Sports CYO Hockey Select Tryout Schedule i "THE MEAT PEOPLE" - WHERE QUALITY COSTS LESS! Lean Ground Beef ffl Pork Chops Fresh Sausages / Octoberfest, Honey & Garlic, Regular or Hot Italian chnitzels Breaded Chicken Kabobs ■I Ham Serving Durham Region with 4 Locations Including. 915 Nelson Street (Wentworth one block east of Rrtson) 576-6328 Mon.-Thurs. 8-5:30 Fri. 8 -6:00 Sat. 8-5:00 CLOSED SUNDAY % Taunton Square Taunton/Ritson 571-1446 Mon.-10-6, Tues. &. Wed. 9-6, Thurs. & Fri. 8-7 Sat. 8-6, Sun. 10-5 wsjssr EAST OSHAWA & C0URTICE 1300 King St. East (Kingsway Village Shopping Centre) 432-1382 iSit Mon.-Wed. 9-7, SSwMi Thurs. & Fri. 9-8, Sat. 8-6, Sun. 10-5 nu pi 1916 Dundas St. East (N/E Corner of Garrard & Dundas) 434-8454 i Tues. & Wed. 9-6 Thurs. 8-7, Fri. 8-7 Sat. 7-6, Sun. 10-5 If* Want to see YOUR team's RESULTS IN PRINT? FAX YOUR TEAM'S GAME RESULTS TO THE SPORTS DESK 905- 579- 1809 CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 273 Daycare Available 273 Daycare Available Wee 'Wfteu (Hticf (/< utilt dry! Working us partners with purails and I'ravitlcrs, Wee Waicli vain's lo the gmwili and development of children in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily I'wgr.uns • Vnsdiviliili'il Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts •Tull anil I'ail Time fare /'toe cull: liowmiinville/Osliawii East - 433-0558 Daycare Available CHILD YOUTH WORKER 13 years in-home daycare experience. experience. Reliability guaranteed. guaranteed. 2 full-time spaces available. Call (905)623-0912. SCHOOL-TIME DAYCARE. Limited spaces available in our highly recommended program. program. In Ajax across Irom Costco. Call Mrs. Macdoncll •at (905) 428-88-17 277 Music&Uancing Instruction Mortgages CENTRAL FUNDING GAOUP.lirst S second mortgages lo 100%. From 1.85% lor 5 years. Besl available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation consolidation a specially. For Iasi professional professional service call 905-666- 4986. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage mortgage foreclosures & harrassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, S protection lor your assets. Call now: 905-576- 3505 CONSOLIDATE all bills Into 1 easy pay'!. 100% 1st moil- gage with no money down oac. 1st. 2nd & 3rd mortgages. mortgages. Residential and commercial. commercial. Call VAL LAWSON, Accurate Mortgage Services. 305-436-9292 or 1-877-509- 5626. Online application • mvw.accuralcmorlgages.com Cleaning JEMM Residential Cleaning, Back lo School Special, 20% oil your Introductory Cleaning. We customize customize cleaning services lor your busy lifestyle. Quality assured, reasonable rales. Free estimates. 905-377-0008, loll Iree 877-424- 8429. 700 Improvements TNT HOME MASONRY & REPAIRS Specializing In: Parging, Repairs, Interior Masonry, Brick, Block, Stone & Chimneys Over 30 Years Experience Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed CALL MARCELLO (905)-987-5098 702 Garbage Removal Hauling •TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING -a--. Ask about our L\VlW'>-, GENERAL «KèsSySV SALVAGE fiuEr* ySK service DAYCARE AVAILABLE in Couiticc. Babies up lo 3 ye,us. Lois of Hive ami Inn indoors S outdoors. Phone (905)728- 4903 EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 3 providing dayeaie in my home. Looking lor childten 2 years & up, Hr, lloss Tilley aica, Howmanvlllti. Please call Jody (905)697-9945 (sup) LICENSED CHILDCARE loi infants lo 12 yr:;„ lull or pail- lime care in a sale home environment. environment. Caiegivcis are sciccnud and leijiilatly Inspected. Inspected. Receipts. DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE DAYCARE 005-509-1207 or lull- Iree l-Q/7-236-2959. REGISTERED NURSE has dayeaie immediate openings, ages 2/up. Snmke-liec, 1 pel- lieu environment, close lo 401, Hot null liions lunches. Iniloor/oiihlnor stimulating play. CPU ceililied. Cumllco 905-434 - 5475 __ RELIABLE.* EXPERIENCED daycaio available m my Inline. John M. James school, llmviiMiivllle. Ilahles welcome. welcome. Call Neva (9115)69/ 3/51, Mortgages Loans KEYBOARD Popular Styles All ages - lJnii|ue, imnlern niellunl Qualified insiruenir SS MONEY SS 100% 1st, 2nd and 3id Moilg.iges. iladciedil OK. Call Onlaiio Wide 1-888-307-7799. SSMimiOAOESSS BEST HATES AVAII AlllEI III sl/Znd moilgagcs. Iimkiuiil, pom cicilil. sell- employed, nu income. IIMC I- 800-699-0792 SS ISI S 2ND M1GES SS Held Cunsulid, liions, Hell- ii,inning, Ciudil Issues. Pie- iippiuViils, Cashback;;. Low rales. fins ltleiill.it/Coinnioi* liai Call Dennis al (289)314- III); 1 www.iiinilgjgelildxn IIUSINCSS Fill,into Specialist lliislnnss Iimiis lui all imiposos. I mm Punic > I";, 905 690-9875. Improvemenls & Framing Custom Docks Dnsomonl Ronovnllons Froo Esllmalos (905) 623-9709 Rick Watts Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air CoiuHliuniny Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Melal Auihori/eil Consumer's (ins Dealer 905-983-6221 CALL US 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now rocoiving asphalt shingles, concroto, road asphalt. Ask lor tipping loo rates. Also accepting Iridgos, stovos, battorlos. All rocyclablo molals. Mon.-Fri. 0-5, Sat. B-12 v -iQ-iicy 1)0 YOU.... I'ainl? Make l-'iirintiiie'.' Ki'pair Appliances'.' iluilil Felices',' Do Roofing? Clean I tomes',' Tlll'NCAU. oshawa this wi-:i-:k CI.ASSIl-IHDS 57fi-V.U5 AND I. HT Till; COMMUNITY KNOW! Home Impiovemenli I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homos, Gonornl Contracting, Additions, Ivan Jonos 983-5303 Tony Fannra 263-9988 710 Painting and Decorating A & M PAINTING Interior & Exlerior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. (905) 623-2098 or Cell (905) 213-9749 715 Moving and Storage C0B0URG MINI STORAGE - 83 Veronica SI., 905-372- 6756. Brand New Facility. Including Including storage lor lurnilure, appliances, SeaDoos, ATV's. etc. OPENING SPECIALI 730 Flooring, Carpeting Gardening & Landscaping CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, reslretcliing, our speciality. Free cslimales. D 4 N Duncan, 987-1799 01987-1800 Tree Trimming Tree Kvmiivnl l-'ree Kstlimites Fully Insured I.S.A. Ceil, Avlmrlsl (905) 263-2538 DURHAM TREE SERVICE FALL SPECIALS! Tree Plaining, Nmsciy Slock, Landscaping, Low oveilic.nl. Volume discounts. Call 905-797-2801. Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHAÎLINEI Outturn's Own! Sometimes love Is |u:;l mil onomili, Llslon lo llio voice ads lice. Women lice lo meet men. 905-083-1110 FAX YOUR AD 579-4218 Births Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks Registration Registration Bowmanville Badminton Club Registration Everyone welcome! '... $80 for the season! Award winning Durham Shores Chorus Sweet Adelines invites women of nil nges to join us beginning Wednesday evening September 2-ltli for 3 weeks of free singing lessons mul un opportunity to join our chorus. I cam lo Sinn •l-Pari,\ f V//«7/<( Harmony No experience necessary Mike & Cindy (nee Kindrcc) arc thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter $0 Delaney Ellen Bom March 18, 2003 Weighing 7!bs 2oz Al Lakericlge Health Oshawa A little sister lor Carter. Proud grandparents are Don & Marg Kindrcc, Eleanore Pedersen and great grandmother (Oma) Francine Erickson, Special thanks to Dr. Tremblay IT'S A GIRL! Pedersen PASURKAx# The family of Franz Pasurka would like to express their deepest gratitude to the staff at The Wynficld Long- Term Care Facility for the overwhelming overwhelming love and support they gave to all of us during and after Franz's time at The Wynfiehl. Spécial thanks to the PSW's and the nurses on the 2nd poor. You may never know how much we all appreciated vour unwavering compassion and care. "Mess You All" Tlw film Hi/ of Hie lute Dr. Bob Mimro Wish to express their hearlfid thunks to nil our relatives, friends, neighbours, co- workers and patients. The prayers, hospital hospital visits, meals, phone calls, cards, Idlers, floral arrangements, donations and mass cards have been greatly appreciated appreciated ami mean so much to us. Your kindness and support will never be forgotten. A special thanks to Father Phillip Chircop, Pallier Norbert Gigntic, Tailler liai Hiissniiicli, Pallier Paul Ca- siillo, Pallier Hob Reddy, and Father P.dwin Gonsalves for the beautiful eon celebrated mass. To SI. Mary's Choir and to all who participated in Ibis célébration célébration of Hob's life, we gratefully thank i/oil. II was indy a wonderful tribute to Hob. Thank you lo Hie Ostm- wn Pnnenil Service staff for their earing assistance and helpful 'ways in all l/ie arrangements. To all members of Hie health care team at St. Michael's' Hospital Hospital and our special thanks for earing for Had throughout his sickness. I'Ve are sincerely'grateful, thank you all ami t .oil bless, Noiveii, Michael, Heather, Trie in, Ada mul families. Please read your classilietl ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. ,i r