www.durtiamrcgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, MARCH 17, 2004 PAGE 3 {Region's health department pffers advice on safe body art DAVID BLUMENFELD iff writer $ DURHAM -- Think twice before getting that tattoo or piercing, or you may walk away with more than you paid for -- maybe even a deadly disease. disease. To avoid any associated health risks, the Durham Region Health Department is openly inviting the public to visit its Beauty and Body Art display to learn how to shop for these services safely. The exhibit, which will include photos photos and information, is at Oshawa Centre Centre March 19 to 21 and Pickering Town Centre March 16 and 18 during mall hours. |l "' "Make sure the artist you chose has made infection-control a priority," said Ross MacEachern, manager of environment environment health, Durham Region Health Department. "Ask if they used disposable needles, because things like hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV can be passed through improperly improperly sterilized or reused contaminated contaminated needles. Ask even how they sterilize sterilize their equipment," he added. Mr. MacEachern said the display provides a lot of similar information for the public to determine what is a safe environment prior to receiving a tattoo or piercing. "They should have a clean, organized organized work area. The worker should be washing his or her hands and using clean, single-use gloves. They should dispose of needles after use in a (plastic) container and give verbal and written information information for after-care once the procedure procedure is done." "We recommend that you walk away if they don't do those things," he said. Mr. MacEachern said the Durham Health Department is mandated by Ontario's Ontario's Ministry of Health to, at least once a year, inspect businesses providing providing beauty and body art services. Inspections Inspections also occur if they receive a complaint. "That's another reason for doing the display, because when you get a well-informed well-informed public, if they do see something improper, they should be phoning the health department. We generally try to get out there within a 24-hour peri- od...and take the appropriate action if need be," he said. Mr. MacEachern said if an "immediate" "immediate" public health risk is identified, such as the use of unsterilized needles or equipment, the health department has the authority under the province's Health Protection and Promotion Act to shut the business down. Individual operators can face fines up to $5,000 a day per charge if they do not comply with the health department's orders. Franchises and corporations can face fines of up to $25,000 per day on each separate charge. Unfortunately, Mr. MacEachern said service owners are not required to advertise advertise or post if they pass a safety inspection. inspection. Moreover, they do not even need a licence licence or the department's approval before before opening. "That's probably one of the biggest challenges that health units in Ontario have to face. They can just basically set up shop without a health department inspection," inspection," he said. Mr. MacEachern said, aside from checking out the Beauty and Body Art display, the public can also call Durham's Health Department if they want to get the'most recent inspection results on a particular establishment. The information is public record. "They should get as much information information as they can about what's going to be done, and how it should be done safely, in order to protect themselves," he said. To get inspection results, call Mr. MacEachern at 1-800-841-2729, ext. 2188. Additional information is also available by calling the Durham Region Health Department at 905-723-8521 or by visiting www.region.durham.on.ca. Jason Liebregts/The Canadian Statesman Tattoo artist Kevin Melvin practices his art out of a Durham studio that voluntarily participates in the B-safe program, which imposes standards for sterilization and infection control. All Members are Invited to Attend our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday, April 3, 2004 CAW Local 222 Union Hall 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa, ON Registration is open at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. A luncheon will follow This meeting will consider and, if thought appropriate, approve an amendment to the Credit Union's articles of incorporation preventing members who hold less than $200 in Class A Shares (Patronage Shares) from transferring those shares to another member. The text of the special resolution is now available at all offices of the Credit Union. The meeting will also consider and, if thought appropriate, approve an amendment to the Credit Union's by-laws instituting a numerical quorum requirement for meetings of its Class A Shareholders. The text of the by-law amendment is now. available at all offices of the Credit Union. Please RSVP to our receptionist at the main branch by Monday, March 29, 2004 • 905-728-5187 Annual Reports will be available at all three branches on April 1,2004 flfctto \UcduM CwMHu^vtiÿ Credit Union 1 322 King Street West, Oshawa Five Points Mall, 285 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa 133 King Street East, Bowmanville Phone: 905.728.5187 • Toll Free: 1.800.268.8771 www.awccu.com Email it The Statesman newsroom@durhamregion.com " " ' Eli ' * S». . ■ WAL* MART Specialty Oils For Specialty Equipment Including Farm Machinery r ; I, m B l « ii i ■ I 18 PONTIAC BUCK CMC LTD, II FACILITY U f: 7 Hip Staff and Management of Mills Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd invites you to visit their new service department and take full advantage of all they have to offer. 6 H ' I ^; „ L t , M5* V. mm : - Customer vehicle pick-up and delivery Customer service lounge with refreshments Posy access with 3 bay drive thru service 6 service consultants 28 boy garage .1 bay detailing department bfafe of the art equipment 2 laser wheel alignment machines 2 service shuffles baturday Gaadwrench Service available Large parts inventory MILLS PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD. I Offer expires: June 15,2004. rnNiw nAimlA 240 BOND ST. E. 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