1 Clarington Community/A7 _ Faii\ hnnntv Durham Daily News lail^UVUlliy EVERY WEEKDAY AT NOON celebrated at farm @videodurhamregion.eom durhamregion.com ♦ Pressrun 24,350 ♦ Founded 1854 ♦ SEPTEMBER 27, 2006 ♦ 60 Pages ♦ Optional 3 Week Delivery $6/$1 Newsstand to press Region for longer crossing BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer A.J. Groen / Metroland Durham Region Media Group Eagles put on a 'furious' display enroule to victory BOWMANVILLE- Durham Fury goalie Matt Wagner has his eyes on the puck, as does everyone else, during a game between the Fury and BoWmanville Eagles. They are, from left, Ryan Ellis, David Ross, Brandon Couto and Mitch Moffatt. The Fury •defeated the Eagles 5-2 in the Ontario Provincial Junior A Hockey League's Governors' Showcase game played at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. BOWMANVILLE - Residents Residents of Strathaven Lifecare Centre Centre want just a little more time. So, Clarington will go to the Region of Durham, to request the time allowed at the crosswalk to Bowmanville Mall be extended extended to 25 seconds, from its current 20 seconds. T h e request comes in spite of a discussion two weeks ago when Charlie Trim councillors councillors were told the Region felt Jhe crosswalk meets or exceeds both Ministry of Transportation and Regional-standards. "This is a unique situation," said Regional Councillor Charlie -Trim. "We have elderly people, people with different types of problems, wheelchairs, et cetera ... and 20 seconds is just not long enough." The extra time would only be allotted when a person actually hit the crosswalk button. "If a person is so busy that they can't wait for five seconds for an elderly person to cross safely, then we've got a real warped world," said Coün. Trim. The matter will be forwarded to the Region's works committee for a decision. 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Mr. See JURORS,page A4 BY ERIN HATFIELD Staff Writer DURHAM - It is too early to determine the impact Toronto's purchase of a landfill have on Durham Region, officials say. Toronto is negotiating to buy the Green Lane Landfill, a private private operation near St. Thomas. This means it is likely Toronto will no longer he looking to Brock Township as a potential future destination for the municipal municipal waste the City currently ships to Michigan. There are still discussions that have to take place, according to Durham's commissioner of works Cliff Curtis, and it is not yet clear how 'the deal might, 'affect Durham. "This landfill is not going to accept biosolids," biosolids," said Mr. Curtis. Curtis. He explained Toronto might look at shipping ils organic waste to an anaerobic digestion plant in Ajax/Pickcr- Cliff Curtis Mirka Januszkicwicz, Durham's director of waste management management services, explained this type of facility can have some problems and be quite smelly. The facility, which would be located located on the Ajax and Pickering border at Brock Road north and Brock Road south, near the Greenwood Conservation Area, would accept leaf and yard waste as well as compost material. But, . troubling troubling to some mem- See GARBAGE, page A4 CHEVROLET ^IP CHEVROLET Si hi 0°/o Financing ON MOST 06 MODELS $1000 OWNER LOYALTY BONUS FOR SUNFIRE. SUNBIRD & CAVALIER OWNERS STUDENT BONUS PROGRAM CALL FOR DETAILS. *1000 OWNER LOYALTY BONUS f OR BLA/tR TRAIL BIA/FR JIMMY. ENVOY. RAINIER Ü BRAVAOA OWNERS HURRY ENDS SAT. SEPT. 30 DIRECT LINES: Port» 905-436-2X27 Service 905436-2228 Body 8 Point 905-436-2229 HWY. 12 TOWNLINE ° / nov „ -YV. NICHOLS E 401 | 2728 Courtic» Rd., HWY. #2 Courtice 905-436-2222 Toll Free 1-866-885-8822 roynkholsmotors@gmcanada.com www.roynkhoiimotofi.cofn Sm dealer tor detak PHiavK wmmmmmv Y ' 1 Council spends last of its cash Clarington wipes out grant account to help with disaster relief BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer CLARINGTON - The last of. Clarington's annual grant money has been wiped out for disaster relief. t In all, three organizations were granted money Monday, with the Red Gross Disaster Management Management Program receiving $4,300, the bulk of the just over $6,000 that was left. Both the Running Maniacs and the Volunteer Resource Centre for Durham Region were granted granted $1,000. The larger grant, to the Red Cross, came after a plea Jim Schell nator George Daniels, who said his organization had recently lost its United Way funding, "which has put a great strain on us." The group is planning to expand its volunteer base from about 85 to 140. "It is our estimate that in order to recruit, maintain and deploy a volunteer costs about $1,000 per volunteer," he said. The group is prepared from fund development co-ordi- to deal with disasters, both on 'It's still as costly to prepare for a disaster as it is to respond r to a disaster.' -- George Daniels the small scale, such as house fires, and the large scale, where evacuations are necessary. For example, the Red Cross was called in in November 2004, when residents of an area of south Bowmanville were evacuated evacuated as a result of a propane explosion and series of fires. ■ "It's still as costly to prepare for a disaster as it is to respond to a disaster," said Mr. Daniels. Each year, the Municipality Municipality doles out the equivalent of approximately a dollar a resident resident to organizations, based in Clarington or Durham in four categories: recreation and leisure leisure services, civic, social or hall boards and community centres. centres. This year, about $80,000 was available for grants. The major ity of the money is given, out early in the new year, but there is always some left over for grant requests received through the year that meet the criteria. The grants given out Monday leave the fund with just over $20. "I know first-hand of the involvement (the Red Cross has) had in this municipality municipality on' many, many levels, and should a disaster ever happen in Clarington, they're really, really organized to deal with it," said Regional Councillor Jim Schell. Clarington