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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1937, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 2. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1937. Subscription, $ 1.25 Per Year. SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR COMMUNITY PAPER Clarke Township Council Has Quiet Session In Town Hall Tuesday o Park Street United Church Has One Of The Best Years In Recent History Poundkeepers And Fence- viewers Appointed For Present Year The regular meeting of the council of the Township of Clarke was held iiu Orono on Tuesday, 11 a.m., with all members present, as follows : Mr. T. A. Reid, Reeve; Dep-hty Reeve, W. J. Patton ; Councillors, Messrs. H, Lowery, if. B'. Lbvekin ami Wm. Lain-g ; Clerk, Mr. A. 'Staples. Minutes of previous meeting were adopted as read. The reading of communications and the passing of bills taking up the greater part of the session. Mr. J. 0. Gamey presented ; a Workman's Compensation policy fok renewal for another y/ear. Moved The annual Vestry meeting of St. 'Saviour's Anglican Church was held in the Parish Hall on Monday, Fdb. let, with a large number of the congregation congregation present. The meeting was ably directed by the rector, Rev. D. R. Dtiwdmey, who opened' the meeting with prayers. Directly came the nominations for Vestry clerk. Dr. Neil Colville was unanimously elected, who then read the minutes of the last meeting. A short address followed by, the rector, outlining the progress of thé church during 1936. The rector also expressed Ms gratification for all the kindness 1 and hospitality which, had been extended to him since his 'arrival 'arrival in the parish. He asked- the faithful support of everyone of the church. The financial statement, read by the church warden, Mr. F. Hall, showed a decided improvement over PRESENTATION TO MR. AND MRS. STAPLETON Thursday evening, Janue-ry 21st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris, about 300 people gathered to honour Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Staple- ton, a bride and groom of December last. : - - The ; evening , was spent in cro- kinoie, cards and dancing. Messrs. Sou ch, Harris and Cooper supplied: real musi<; and plenty of it. At eleven o'clock Mr. Carl Billings, the chairman of the evening, called on Neil F. Porter to read the following address : Orono, Ont., Jan. 21, '37. last year. Mr. R. H. Allen then gave the envelope secretary's report report and the missionary secretary's report. The rector chose for his warden, Mr. Geo. Butters. Mr. F. Hall was re-appointed people's warden. warden. lie following nominations were then disclosed : Hector's Sidesmien, Mr. R. H. Allin and Mr. A. Manning; Manning; People's 'Sidesmen, Mr. E. Morton Morton and Mr. J. Morris : Lay. I Me- ga'tejsi.to the .Synod, Air. F. I In;!: substitute. Mr. G. Butters;' Emyelope Secretary v Mr. R. H, Ail in : Missionary Missionary Secretary. Mr. R. H. Allin ; Auditors, Auditors, Dr. Colville. Wm, Mitchell. t , The following iépdîta were then given : Report : of Sunday School by Mr. Allin; W.A.. Mrs. G. Butters; A.Y.P.A., Mrs. F. Hall. After a short discussion of general business the meeting was adjourned and lunch served by the ladies. Kirby Defeats Orono 9 To 2 ____ Bowhïànville and Newcastle First Two Teams To Take The Ice A fair crowd witnesigod the 1 "double "double header in the Orono arena on Friday night, when .bowmanviiio defeated defeated NeW-cas-tle (i to 5 in the first game, and Kirby subdued the. local lads . 9 to 2 in the second. In, the first game Newcastle had the better of the play and slammed, in three goals by Clough, Graham and Wright, while BowmanviUe dented the twine for 2, the marksmen being C. Mutton and, B. Crombic. The secofid period resulted in some line hookey with B-owmanvil-le hitting their stride and playing good combination, combination, put 2 goals behind the goalie by Moo recruit and Raiby, and Newcastle Newcastle addled one. to their total, J. Pickard : scoring while BowmanviUe were playing a man short, living up the score 4 all at the end of the second second period. J. Mutton in the third period: put Bowmanvine ops up for the first time hen he Scored after of play. At tile 14 j (jrav f- Newcastle! evened the count. With™»--__une. min \ u to to play Baby Scored for Bow-; m.-inviile and saved the teams Iron i playing overtime. \ The second game between Orono and Kirby, was the one that caused the excitement-. Bight at the start Kirby tore into the local lads -and sank four goals in before the bell sounded! to end the first period, the marksmen being Gordon Watson 2, Ab. West". 1, and Harry Davey 1. Each team received a. : penalty, J. Wood! and IT. Cantrell. This period was fast and furious, each team handing out bumps, hard and fast. The period ended 4 to 0 for Kirby. Goo Rowe scored for Orono at the start of the second period. iStan Bruton was hit on the left ear when Pierson shot the puck out of his defense defense zone and! Bruton hiad to go to the dressing room for repairs, and was replaced; by Eice of Bowman ville. I^ffiy again went after goals and adJBM&yur more goals by A-b. West 3||BHion Watson and Sunny Wood, iMKHT Middleton scored for Orono, mak»g the score .8 to 2 for Kirby at this end ofthe second. Penalties, Penalties, R. Wofid. In the third- period Orono held Kirby to one lone goal, Mb. West being being the marksman., his- period resulted. resulted. in fast hookey with the Orono boys holding the much heavier and more experienced! Kirby boys in cheek. Some of* the local lads are a little weak in shooting, but watch them go when they get a little more experience, and also more combination. combination. Final score, Kirby 9, Orono! 2. Penalties-- J. Wood, Kenneth Neil, Cl if. Cooper, Jim Wood and. Middleton.. ' LEAGUE STANDING W L T F A Pis Kirby • 2 0 1 25 13--5 BowmanviUe .. 2-0 1 14 11--5 Orono ....... 1 2 f) 11 15--2 Newcastle 0 3 0- 14. . 25--0 Games This Week Orono ' vs. Newcastle Kirby vs. BowmanviUe A picked team of Orono players defeated Bond Bros'.' hockey team of Oshajwa by 6 to 4. At the end of the first period, Orono led by 2 to 0, on goals by West and- Watson, with Watson and Woods given assists on the first goal and R. Woods an assist on the second!. West scored one in the second on a pass from Pearson, and Oshawa scored 1-wo, one by Muir grid one by Oa-wker, making the score 8 to 2 at t.he end of the second, period! Fiye goals wore scored in the' 3rd, Oron-0 banging in three while O-bawii retaliated: with two, Oshawa goals were scored by Cr-awford and Muir; Orono marksmen, Watson from a pasS from. J, Woods, tile other two goals were scored by Neal and West. Final score: Orono 6, O-shawa 4. "Riforce John James, Bowman* ville. RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES OF ROTARY DINNER The following is a statement of ,receipt's ,receipt's and expenses, of the Botary dinner held recently in the Town Hall, Orono : • Receipts Donations ...... ... .$1-1.00 By salé of meat . ...... : .75 Expenses Hall rent .... . . $ 7.00 Cawiker's Groe'y, meat 11.69 Armstrong's, supplies , 7.15 UiifilIan's, supplies . . .15 M. 11. Staples, supplies 8.63 United Church, rent of cloths' 1.00 Laundry 3.00 Balance to community Xmas Tree .... .1 6.13 $44. 75 $44.75 ►ALS DONATED The 1 ;- -Malian JDegt. : of Militia ., iv, . ha-i'1l* , 'bëëa:p-:ptéased to alter alter the tone of service:in tiiè militia, windi qualifie*' for an effi-cieiley medal reducing 12 years, Under this: new ruling Major Gamey on Tuesday evening had:, the pleasant duty of presenting' 15 of the Regimental Band with this token of their country's appreciation. He 'expressed 'expressed tlie h-ope that a. public investiture investiture on, parade would' be possible during the training'year 1937. The recipients were, Band'master WOT. M. J. Tarnblyn. Acting Band iSgt. A. Setindens, Opt. 11. B. - Best,: Bandsmen A.: J. Tan-blyn, .1. C. Tamblvn. I-vison: Tamlblyn-, L. O. Brown, 0. E. Gay, W. X. Robins-on, E. J. Brown. C. A. Tamlblyn,, E. G. Power, A. J. Knox, J. L. Buck ley, and O. D. 'S-andorcock. Congratulations of the community are due these men, who have carried on: under difficult conditions, and often with very little support or -appreciation of their service. LIBRARY STATEMENT General Works, 9; Philosophy. 2; Religion, 15; Travel, 8; Fiction, 8790; N. Science, 6 ; Literature, 23; History, 25; Biog.y 9. Total reading books, 3887, increase oyer 1935, 100 books. Number of - books ■ purchased in 1936, I0(>. Total membership, 68. The library is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 8 to 5 ! p.m. Saturday evening,. .7.30 to 9.30 p.m. The Board would appreciate appreciate your help fey • becoming a member, Join now -and assist in making nur membership 100 : n 11)37. --Airs. Cooper, Librarian. A number of the officers and members- members- -of Grow Lodge, I.O.O.F., attended attended the opresen t-a ti on and farewell gathering at Florence : Nightingale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., at BWrnan- ville, on Wednesday, January 27th. Bro. Harold Worth, P.D.D.G.M., of Durham District No. 42, and now Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge of O-ntario, is leaving Burketon to assume his duties of operator at the O.P.B. station at Drtunho. About two hundred' were present, .including D-r. Williams, P.G.Af., who filled the position of chairman very capably. ITis remarks were chiefly for the good of the leader and the valuable work' done in. this district, under the leadership of Harold Worth. Grand Sec¥eta$y Wm. Broiijgk sp(dîe in his usual efficient maim or and left much food! for thought. The program consisted: of instru- men-talb by Chas. Oboper and Chas. Harris, and everybody had their fr keeping time with them. *8. E 0 - - " " Burning Of Note Wipes Off Mortgage-Very Successful Successful Year The annual oongeegational meeting meeting of Park 'Street United Church was held on Friday night, January 29th, with Rot. J. H. Osteihout occupying occupying the chair. Messrs. W.' Reid and John Tamlblyn- arrahged h veiy splendid program, consisting of the following---Rfraiss quartette, Mr. H, Best, Mr. J. Tarnblyn, Mr. O. Tam- bi.vn. and Mr. I ). Hamm. Solos were sung by Mr. Harold Shut l le worth, Mr. Colin Taylor, Mr. Arthur Bell. Duets by Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mrs. M. Linton,, also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Welsli, Mr. Edwin Sander- cock rendered a fine : piano solo, accompanied accompanied fey Mrs, R. II. Brown,. Mrs. Sandcrcock, Mrs. Ti, O, Boss- borough and Miss E. Goddlcdick. The reports of the various organizations organizations were well received and all sho-wedi: improvement in finances. The Treasurer of the Board, Mr, W. J. Riddell, stated that the -church wa-si out of debt with a small balance of $25.28. Total receipts $2770.65. • vote of appreciation of the services; services; of the treasurer, Mrs. Riddell and Kileeu, for the past year was gracious'., extended. Mr. W. J. Rid- dell was elected treasurer for 1937. The W, A, report showed a splendid splendid year's work, about $1200.00 being raised. The UV.\j.K. nÿmied $265. 00,, and Sunday: Ste n ,„ r; y nice balance on hand. The big item was the burning of the $450.00 note which had been paid off during the year. Mr. Riddell burning the note while the congregation congregation sang "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." The large meeting by an unanimous unanimous standing vote approved the action action of the B-oard in. inviting the minister, Rev. J. IT. Osteihout, B. A., BID,, to remain for a fifth term. CARD FROM FLORIDA Mr. John Armstrong received a very picturesque post card of Florida Bathing Beauties from, Mr. Charles. TV Miller. Following is , the message sent home. See lots of these bathing bathing beauties in Florida. Was in. St. Petersburg. L8 miles south of: Clearwater Clearwater Friday and had a long talk with Jack Maxwell. He is looking line. Lost Tom at -Jacksonville, as we stayed " over " and he went on. Don't, know where lié lias - Idea ted.-- Charley. Address, V 216 Michigan Aye.,, Clearwater. Florida, ! len gave two recitations ! which brought down the house. The balance of the program consisted of solos- by Cojbourg and BowmanviUe talent. The chorus that sang "Who Killed Cock Robin,," was. very much enjoyed. enjoyed. Bro. Riddell, P.D.D.G.M, read the address to Bro. Worth, and the Noble Grands of the four lodges in the District, made the presentation of two beautiful chairs. Bro, Worth was completely taken by surprise, and although too ever,come to.say any thing at the time, pulled himself ' getiierVand very -feelitig 1 -- ' behalf' of Mrs. .W* thanking the r ' District for- ■friendshi- Iain of " / d " and seconded that policy, be renewed. Annual Canadian Underwriters, regarding insurance was received and filed. The Salvation Army appealed for financial assistance, was 1 moved to be brorught up at the next meeting of council. Mr. E. R. Waddell--There is a matter I would like to bring to the attention of the council. I have brought, to this meeting.two minute books, one dating from 18-57 to 18-67, the other from 1868 to 1885, which, are in: deplorable condition due to the storing of them in a damp vault. 1 think these books should be bound and preserved 1 for the future generation. generation. Moved that the clerk write for prices on rebinding these books and; report back at next; meeting. Mrs. Rolpli. representing the Women's. Women's. Institute--"We feel that we should have somé consideration, in regard to the rental of the hall during during the night of the Operette "Sun Bonnet Girl." We ask you for a refund refund on the money on condition that we put the -money back into putting the dressing rooms, off the stage, in running condition--making the aic- eommodntions for dressing more convenient. convenient. Mr, Reid remarked that the Institute Institute had- been doing a. great deal of good and that the council should give them every consideration, and that there was no personal gain in this request. Mrs. Bo id i stated that the Institute Institute try to heli) all appeals that come to them, from the community and last year their relief account amounted to $80.00. Moved and' seconded that $5.00 be refunded: to the Institute. Received from Mrs. Ken-. Ware, through Air. T. A. Reid, Reeve, the sum. of $12.26, with instructions to retrieve the hospital account of June Ware paid in March, 1936. 50 per cent, of the, amount will be for the (Turn to page four please) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton, Orono, Ontario. Dear Lenora and Jack,-- -Afun' having survived - the trials, and tribulations tribulations of married life for a few weeks, we felt that we would drop in to say "Heilo," to you this evening evening and to extend to you our si.nocr- est good wishes, for a long and very happy wedded- life. Many of us might like to add our advice to you as: a young couple, but we will refrain: from that on this occasion. occasion. We have taken this opportunity to -express our good feelings to you both and ask you to accept this gift as a token from us, that we do, one and all, congratulate you and wish you the very best, that life can give you. both. May we express. our thoughts in thi-s verse : We pray the prayer the Basiten-ers do. May the peace of Allah abide with you; Where'er you are, where'er you go, May the beautiful palms of Allah Grow. Signed--M. Skviding, M. Winmail. Bob. Beane, A. Tenant, Bob. Rutherford, Rutherford, At. Cornish, N. Porter, The committee then presented the gifts, two occasional chairs,. walnut end table, Coleman lamp and some money with the address. Mr. Stapleton replied on behalf of Mrs. Stapleton and himself, thanking all and extending the hospitality of their home at any time to those present. present. After a splendid lunch of sandwiches;: sandwiches;: coffee, tarts- and cake, the party continued till (?) well aimo-st daylight. in the, game even minutes --'-- " han't. St. Saviour's Church Annual Vestry Meeting Harold Worth, P.D.D.G.M. Tendered Farewell term from 20 yea|||^

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