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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1937, p. 4

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NEW ORONO NEWSPAPER TOWNSHIP COUNCIL (Oontiued from page one) credit of the United Counties and 50 per cent, payable to the clerk of the Township of Clarke. Meeting then adjourned until 2. o'clock. Mm Henry and Mm Cooper, representing representing the Orono Public Library, requested that they have the privilege privilege of the use of the basement floor of the town hall 1 for a euchre, Feb. 17th. in order that they might buy more books for the library. It was moved that this request be granted with the exception that the caretaker be paid for Ids services. Mr. Caser- A bridge on the. 5tli conjoession 'being broken, necessitates a four mile detour to Orono. He suggested that he would supply the timber, to construct a temporary bridge until after the spring freshet. The road being a mail route it was deemed advisable by council to build a temporary bridge. Moved and seconded that bridge be constructed. Cedar posts and brush lying between between Lot 4 and 5 on eoneesBion 4, was a, matter taken uip by Mr. Tveid. It was suggested that the municipality municipality could make use of these at some future time, or that they could be sold. It was moved that this be left to the care of Mr. W. Laing and W- A. Reid, Road Superintendent. The report on the show, fence at the Forestry was brought up, but was'held in abeyance until the road superintendent could write for prices on 5000 feet of laths for fence. A. petition for the statuory grant on the road expenditure, amounting' to $10,168.97 for 1936, was authorized authorized for resolution. Road accounts were mainly washouts, washouts, with some gravel hauling, and were ,as follows :W. A. Reid, road 1 superintendent, $3:49-34; 2 hospital accounts. $13.13; Canadian Statesman, Statesman, printing and postage, $5.67; Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, $10; Lancaster's Garage, $10; Orono Coal Co., relief order, 75c.; John J, Cornish, Cornish, relief orders, $17; R. A, Wood, caretaker, $11.10; Chas. A, Brown, repairs to furnace pipes, $6 60; County Office Supply Co,, stationery, $32,22; Municipal World, assessment notices $0, 400 dog tags ;$12.35, assessment assessment notices $8.66.; stationery $1; J. R. Fisher, relief orders, $17.- É. LOti-adalJ, agreement, ... C.Tfail, relief orrfey, $4; Alin Alin Hall, relief order, W. Jordon, $6.- 10; I. R. Tapaon,. tunning piano in tall, $4; A. Staples, Clerk of Coutill, Coutill, purchase of postage $13.52,. telephone telephone ' messages outside $1.59, sta- ionery incidentals $2, cashing che- heque Port Hope 95 c. W. 5. Davey, taxi to Toronto, $6 ; 89 egistrations for 1936, at 25c. each, •22.25 ; relief order from. Port Hope, 11.25. Total, $613.14. PoundkeeperR and Feneeviewers /ere appointed for 1937 : Poupd'keepeiis -- Wm. Milligan, )has. Carson, R. II. Luxoti. Clifford frown,. Peter Laing, Geo. Oàin, W. 'enwarden, L. Rabbins,- Ro'bt. 1ST es - itt, Thos. Robinson, II. Coathnm. 1. Andrews,'W. J. Hall, A. J. Bige- iw. Ti. II. Brown l? - Hollbwel] ..O. l'ôpër, "1, Thompson, H. Glenny, R. /ochrane, J. Ramsborry, L. Bell. Feneeviewers -- G. Smith, W. lolmeé, E. Bean, S. Bryson, A. lean, , A. Rdbbins, R. A'.lin. H. 'homps'on, Fred Hill, -S. Lockhart, *. Martin, A. Turner, Fred Falls, I. Mil Ison, . F. .'Syers,.. R Ard, W. Tnllmvcll. A. Rldwett,. J. Barrie, W. 'arrow, M, Blackburn, E. Quantrel, 1. Morton, W. Cornish, G. Hender-' rm. J. J. Stringer, R. Moffatf. It was moved and seconded that his list be accepted. The meeting adjourned to meet on Tiesday, March 2nd in • the eouncil hamfoer at 10 a.trn. The Guelph Mercury : To ask a- young man to give up his life for something bigger and better than his own' selfish ends is one thing. To ask him m do so that some TNT magnate or armour-plate peddler can make 60 per cent, dividend is something something quite different. NEWTONVILLE Miss Hazel Reid was in Oshawa last week. There was skating on Milligan's pond last week. Mr. Melville Jones was in Toronto Toronto on Thursday. Miss Mabel Colon, Toronto, was home on Friday. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, was home for the week-end. Miss Marguerite McKay, Brighton, was home, for the week-end. The W. 1. bave installed a new stove in the Community Hall. Mrs. Harper, Uxbridge, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. , (Rev.) E. L. Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodiham, Toronto, Toronto, visited relatives here over the week-end. Miss Eileen Todd, Starkville, was 1 week-end guest of Miss Jean Campbell 1 . The Orangemen's dance in the Community Hall on Friday evening, was a decided success. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Bedknapp ■HL',1 Alfred visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa, recently.. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and babe, Morrrsih, were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mi.-. -es Mary Lane and Elsie Wallace Wallace were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Leuty. Port Hope. The Park committee are putting, on an "Amateur Night" in the Community Community Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 5 th. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lane have been visiting their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Colborne. Mrs. Thos. Stapleton has returned home after a two weeeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. N. Smith, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery attended a "Shower" at- the home o*' Mr, arM Mrs. Chas. Yule, 'Oshawa, in honour of Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Stapleton, OfoïFV Friday even ing. '( At the Mission Band on Saturday afternoon, Marian Bruce had charge of the following program : iScriptur'e reading, Audrey Burley; recitation, Jim 'Savery; reading, Kathleen. Randall1 Randall 1 ; vocal duet, Mary Burley and Marguerite Adams. Story told by Mrs Slavery. Minutes were read by Margaret Donnai). A word contest followed by lunch. Audrey Burley will have charge of the next program, February 27th. ISid Lancaster, acting as President, opened League on Tuesday evening, January 26th. Mr. J. J. Mellor had charge of the program, which was an "All Boys' Program." Bob Urry acted as chairman and Arthur Haines gave the Bible reading. Ronnie Burley Burley gave a splendid' address on "What a young unmarried man expects from the Church." Lawrence Savery gave another splendid address on, "What à young married man expects from the Church." Mr. Mol'lor delighted delighted the audience with a, sold, "Steal .Away." Mr. Mellor then gave a summary of the two addresses, after after which lunch was served. Professional Directory DKNTAL HR. W. H. C. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours: Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.in. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon, by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. SKATING PARTY A very enjoyable skating party was held last Wednesday night on a field on Mr. Souch's farm by the High iSehool students.. The night was clear and cold with brilliant moonlight flooding fields and iee. A bonfire on the iee added warmth and cheer. •Short iv before ten o'clock Mr. Drummond suggested skates be changed to shoes. Although all were loathe to leave this was done and the hike home begun. Those arriving first at the school basement lunch room, enjoyed ping pong and checkers checkers until the hikers arrived. Then a Substantial lunch was served. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Drummond and Mr. McDonald McDonald also attended the party. FIRE m FIRE Classified FOR SALE iStaok Oat Straw, about 55 tons. -Belmont Farms 1 , Newcastle, a-2-p. SHOE REPAIRING When your footwear is in need of repair, call on Walter Carlefon, 1st house north of tracks. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 1-p, CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY NOTICE Dr. McCullough's office will be closed until further notice. During that time Dr. N. Colville will take over the duties of Health Officer. iv. g. McCullough, m.d. a-2-p. WANTED Three hundred people to enjoy the Oyster Supper at Park St. United Church, Wednesday, Feb. 10th, at 5.30. Cold Meat for those who do not eat oysters. Admission. 40 ets., children, 25 cts. a-2-c. KIRBY Be prepared. Fire gives no warning warning ! Every property owner needs the protection given by an adequate fire insurance policy written in a dependable dependable insurance company. This agency represents those fire insurance companies whose finances have stood the test of the depression years, B'owonosa Mutual Insurance, the largest lire Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, with agents from coast to coast, is now writing insurance up to three-quarters of actual actual value instead of two-thirds a£ written by all Mutuals. With no premium note and placing fire extinguishers extinguishers free of charge on every risk. E. E. PATTERSON Phone 35rll Agent for Fire, Automobile, Theft, Windstorm, Earthquake and Aircraft Insurance. 3-p. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William John Armstrong, of the Village of Orono, in the County of Durham. The annual congregational meet ing of the Kirby United Church, was held on Thursday night, January 28, and was largely attended. The minis: ter presided. The . treasurer's report showed all bills paid and a substnn tiial surplus in the treasury. The report report of the '.Sunday School 'showed the interest:. well sustained and a balance on the right side of the led ger. The report of the W.A. showed an excellent year's' work by the ladies they having raised the magnificent gum of $200.00. The W.MjS. report showed an advance of $10 over the previous year's givings. Altogether Kirby had the best year that it has had for several years. The congregation, congregation, by unanimous standing vote approved of the action of the official board in inviting the pastor, Rev. J. II. Ost-erhout, B.A., B.D., to re main for the fifth year. NOTICE How many people in Orono know that Cedar Dale Dairy herd have been federally tested for T. B. for the last 15 years, and also for Bangs Disease for the last five years and regularly; tested, for Mastitis, and that the bottles are now washed " with a revolving brush and properly sierilzetl ; cows mechanically milked ; milk mechanically bottled and capped. PAY US A VISIT, ANYTIME AND INSPECT OUR DAIRY NiOTJOE is hereby, given that all persons having any claims or'd'* nun ids against the late «William John Armstrong who viied on or about, the 9ih d , of December, 1936, at the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, are required to send, by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned undersigned solicitor herein for. R. 11. Armstrong, the executor, their mimes and addresses, and full particulars in writing of_ their claims and state Hi'ents of their, accounts and the nature nature of seen ri ties, if any, held by them. AND TAKK XOTICK that after the 23rd day of February, 1937, the said R: H. Armstrong will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said R. H. Armstrong will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose daim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Orono, the 23rd day of January, 1937. , R. ÏÏ. ARMSTRONG Barrister, Solicitor, Executor, Orono, Ont. COMING EVENTS A three-act play, entitled "Mother Mine," will 'be presented in Clarke 8 pun., under the auspices W.A., on Wednesday ebruary 10th. Admission, Children, 15c. a-2-e. ^ A very pleasant evening was spent Saturday, January 23rd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood, when their children and a few of their friends gathered to celebrate Mrs., Wood's birthday. About twenty-five guests enjoyed the bountiful supper served and the evening was spent in social chat. The guests. present were, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fi in to if, Oshawa; Mrs Herb. Rundic and Alma, Bowman • ville; .Mir, and Mrs. Geo, Armour, Nellie and Bertha, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wood, Dick, Keith and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood and Neil, Mrs. Victor Ehasey and. Gwfen.ytlie, Mrs. James Wood,' Mr and Mrs. H. Curtis; all of Orono. Church at of Clarke evening, F Adults 25c RADIO LISTENERS Don't lei; faulty tubes ruin your reception; replace them with genuine Westinghouse Radiotrons. Tubes tested free in your home. Call in. for a demonstration of the 1937 Westinghouse Air-pilot Radios. CLIFFORD F. JONES Authorized .Westinghouse Dealer Phone 79rl6 - Orono 2-p. COWANVILLE _ Mr, and Mrs. Westol Stringer visited Mr, and Mrs. J. Burley on Sunday afternoon. A good attendance at league last Wednesday night with, Rev. S. McLean McLean as speaker. Several yo-ung people : of this community community attended the Orange dance at Newtonville on Friday night and reported a good time. A three aet play, entitled "Mother Mine," will be presented.' in Clarke church under the auspices of the W A. on Wednesday evening, Feh. 10, ---- o--■,-- At a. meeting of an urban district. Council, the clerk announced that he wanted a suipply of ribbons for the typewriter. It was promptly voted: •down, as unnecessary extravagance. "Bet her buy her own ribbons," they said. OYSTER SUPPER ™ In basement of Kirby United Church on Wednesday, February 17, at 5.30 p.m. Meat provided for those who do not eat oysters. Good program, all for 35c. STATIONERY FOR YOUR CORRESPONDENCE YOU LIKE NICE PAPER AND ENVELOPES WHEN WRITING TO YOUR FRIENDS. HAVE A LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMS. WRITING PADS AND ENVELOPES PAPETERIES & CORRESPONDENCE CARDS ALSO NICE PLAYING CARDS AND TALLY CARDS DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR VALENTINE CARDS Prepare for February 14th. JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. RENAL/. DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 11 a.m. Moody, The ninety and nine and other speèijil music. 1 7 p.m. Special Y oung People's (Service. Several young people taking part. Instrumental trio, COME AND WORSHIP (Subscribe for the Times. Orono Weekly Ban ORONO MEAT MARKET NO. 1 WHITE HONEY, 4 1-2 lb. pail. SPECIAL 50c CLARK'S ASSORTED SOUPS. SPECIAL, 4 tins for 25c BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, 1-lb. pkg" SPECIAL 35c BLUE RIBBON COCOA, 1 lb. SPECIAL ?3r ONIONS, 10 lbs. for 13c Choice Fresh & Cocked Meats BLADE SHOULDER SHORT RIB Roasts 15c. lb. chuck j Roasts * POt 12c. lb. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs 25c. PEA MEAL BACON, lb...25c. FRESH HAMBURG, 2 lbs. FRESH SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for Li -, 25c. for 25c. PHONE 55rl T. W. CAWKER Meat & Groceries ORONO

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