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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS -- ;--; r^TT-T"! --aT-T ::u. ! NEWCASTLE Mrs. W. II. Pearce is visiting friends in Gallt. Miss Marion Ail in is home from her .school this week owing' to Llhiess. Mrs. Grubbs of Weston, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. P. F. -LeGresley. Mrs, Wm. Jamieson has returned to her apartment here after spending the winter with relatives in tire 'Bast. The pupils of the junior room of Publie ' school are having more holidays, holidays, owing to the illness of Miss Orchard; Orchard; . Returning from, a holiday at Nassau, Nassau, ill W, 1, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas were recent guests of Mrs, John Douglas. Eticont ladditibito to St. George's choice are Mrs, Tom .Spencer, Master Jin Amy Keach, Master -Cyril 1 Mm Rows and Master Balfour LeGresley. Miss Tucker Couch is attending Business College in Kingston. Miss Trone Tribble is taking Miss Ooulch's place at Mr. I In ne,y Britton's store. This, is Parochial visiting week for ISt. George's Churoh. which means . that half the congregation are busy calling and the other half are staying staying at home to receive them. A Ladies' Bridge Club from Bowman Bowman ville hdld: a dinner and bridge . party 'at the "Newcastle-Arm's" on Tues/lay -evening to celebrate the sixteenth sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the club. Mr. Luther Barrabaill and family (have moved from "the farm which they have rented from -Mrs, T. M. Gibson Gibson for several years. They are now occupying Mr. Mamrel's farm, one m8e'west of Conrlice. Mr. Jim Smith entertained 1 a number number of the professiitonal and business men of the town at a most enjoyable "stag" party on Friday evening last. ""-The guest of honour was Mr. Ed. :'uT'vis, the popular -traffic officer, who ; is, being transferred to the Niagara district. While supper was being served, Dr. Butler was called upon, and making a very bright and ap- (proip-riatë speech, presented Mr. Purvis Purvis with a very fine electric mantel block. Mr. Pufvis, the utterly surprised1, surprised 1 , thanked the men- for their -present and good wishes and a unanimous'; unanimous'; vote of thanks was given Mr. •'Smith for a fine party in 'his, attractive attractive home. COWANVILLE Miss Velma Cowan visited in New ton ville over the week-end. Mr. Leslie Reid visited -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Henderson on Thursday evening. 'Several of the young people from this community attended the dance in Newton ville Friday night and report report a real good time. The League met last Wednesday night in the form of a social 1 evening. evening. Everyone enjoyed themselves in contests and games .after which refreshments' refreshments' were served. _o_ COB ON ATI ON CELEBRA TIO N (Continued from page one) of different lodges and organizations; throughout the township, be in order, .followed by a guest speaker. A discussion on the advisability of this parade living held in the tnorn• ing or afternoon followed. Plenty of - f armers and busi ness people are more likely to: take the afternoon as a holiday holiday : than the morning. However, this was left in abeyance. Mr. Russell 1 Osborne" stated that at some of the schools a tree planting programme would take phi.ee and that, he. thought it would be a splendid thing for all schools to- : follow - this line of procedure. The meeting got underway on the motion that the Coronation Coronation Celebration be held in Orono on May 12tli, and that the programs should take place in the afternoon and evening. The Reeve was appointed to invite the different, -organizations and lodges to participate in the Coronation parade. parade. The following committee was 'appointed 'appointed to prepare the proto'iaw for the afternoon : Messrs. R. R. Waddell, Waddell, G. W. Roirii. M'., TT i c lf-apIcr. Mr. Mellor, Neil Porter (O'uiirmnn). T. '-A. Reid. IT. Lowery, A, Mimni-tg and: W. Burley, The /success of the amuTgemnnls for the afternoon activities will do - -pend 'on this -commlt-tee. The second 1 committee <ff todies was. appointed' for the reswmrtoVto of the evening enfcrtairitotorib wbL't ■ may be a pienie supper in the Armouries. Armouries. with "narticinantiS bringing their own lunch and a Coronation concert in the evening, and are as NEWTONVILLE Mrs. Arnott has been ill for a few days w-e are sorry to report. Mr. Arthur Haines has gone to Toronto to take ulp radio work. Miss Inez -Symon's, M-orrish, visited visited her cousin, Miss Lauma Pearce, during Easter week. The G ini s' Softball team held a successful dance in the community hall on Friday night. Miss Florence Burley is much improved improved following an operation for the removal of her tonsils. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Oolborne, in Easter week. Mrs. Willis Jones -and children visited Mr. and Mrs, D. Merrill, Warkworth, in Faster week. We wish to correct a mistake made in these items recently. When Dr. Williams comes to us in the United Church, .May 4-th, he will bring "Motion Pictures," not slides. It is not everyone's privilege to visit the Mother Land and Hr. Williams has painstakingly secured "Motion pictures"' pictures"' of Great Britain in natural colour and in blaick and white which- he especially desires all residents- of Ms native County, Durham, to en- ; joy. On account of this being Coronation Coronation year he has decided to bring his. "Motion Plotulres:"' of London, England, to us and will treat us to a realistic evening in London, while we vie.v such wonderful buildings as Buckingham Palace, St. Baruli's Oatli- odrall, Westminister Abbey, and numerous numerous others. Also -rich splendid view such wonderful buildings: as Court" in their natural "'colours- and environment. SIXTHLINE Mr. S. Thomas hag returned from a- visit to Toronto friends and Miss' Catherine 8 : invart and Mr. Neil 'Stewart, were als-o guests of Toronto friends and delegates to the recent educational -convention there. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family and also their near neighbor, Garland Catheori, were recent callers on Leslie Leslie Morgan and brought back good news of some improvement in his condition. condition. We are also aill glad to see -Mrs. J, A. Gilroy much improved in health. We regret to state that several of -our worthy citizens' are -somewhat under under the weather at present, namely, Mr. Frank Coo,per, who has been in- disposed for some -time; Mrs. Wm. Greenwood, who has been ailing the oast, few days, and Leslie Morgan, who is a patient -at the Lockwood clinic in Toronto. In each case their friends all wish a speedy improvement. improvement. I"was on a Wednesday,: one pan., your scribe was there -as one to see, when nineteen were (I counted them) there at Lilly Greenwood's bee. The men, of course, had brought their saws, here was/ their task they -did agree. There to this stunt--na noble cause, to saw those logs at Billy's bee. And was it cold ? Well, I should say, hut don't blame if you please, our choice was near the close of day to weild out saw's or just to freeze. The job was done, it was well done, then filed they in, you ought to the end of meat, cake, pie and bun we rdlislied with at Billy's bee. Each -mother's son enjoyed the task, and if next March we live to see, may each galoot sure get the ask to Greenwood > nd son's log sawing bee. ." --------:-- o top- There are areas on many farms tha t would be better growing trees. II may be a steep hillside that is difficult difficult to work, or that is. eroding. '-Sandy and gravelly soils are often a liability if they are not growing 'trees. There are small irregular fields' that a,re cut off by a creek, road or railroad. follows, Mrs. Fred Bowen (Chairman (Chairman ), Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mrs. J. Dixon, Mrs. H. G. Macdonald, Mrs. II. Lowery, Mrs, M. II. 'Staples, Mrs. D. Robb, .Mrs. George Campbell and Mies Kate Stewart. Rev. J. II. Osterhout impressed upon these committees that the celebration celebration must necessarily he conducted conducted as a religious célébrât ion. that the actual performance in England will be conducted by the Dean, of Westminster Westminster and Archbishop of Oimte.r- iuivy. and- we must not lose track of the fact that the performance will be pre-eminently, :ai L religious service. A, mBt-oin was passed that the test-, - aments: to be used as tokens to the children b-e procured and the expense of these be absorbed by dither the eo-unci! or the school board (this to be decided at a future meeting), and these" bibles to be distributed to the children- the day before the Coronation. Coronation. KENDAL The Grom, baker, owing to road oonidiifionjs, had the team on this route on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Patterson, Toronto, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoye and daughter, of Oslvawa, spent a day last week with their daughter, Mm Cecil Tibbie. Sympathy is extended -to Mrs. Win. Oarseiadden, whose sister, Mrs. Pro lie, passed away in .Midland hospital hospital last week. Mi*. 'Harwell. Lowery, Kirby, had a wood bee here last week, when some of Ills former neighbors here -assisted in getting his wood out. Miss Helen Darlington, Newton- ville, spent .Sunday with her m-otlier, Mrs. A. Darlington. Miss Georgina and Mr. William Darlington have returned returned to their schools- in Eastern Ontario. Miss: Annie Thompson and mother, Mrs. Chias. Thompson, spent: a few clays last week with friends- in Toronto Toronto arid Woodhridge. The former has returned 1 to Pontypool to continue her work as teacher in that school. Owing to weather conditions there was a small attendance at church and Sunday School on Sunday mo-ruing. Mr. Beech delivered a. splendid sermon, sermon, taking for his text the words addressed to Peter, "Did not I see thee in the garden with IlLm." A number of the Quantrei family were re-united on Wednesday evening evening at the Home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Quant-ril, to -celebrate -celebrate With them their sixty-second wedding anniversary. They 'all enjoyed enjoyed a sumptuous oyster supper and the evening was spent in happy fellowship fellowship together. Mr. and Its Quantrei were presented with gifts and flowers. Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plunkett and sons Ronald -and Murray, Murray, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Harold' Qmm I rll and sons, of Wbibtv. There were over twenty .present at the Young People's meeting on Thursday night. Meeting was opened opened by -Singing, hymn "Day is dying in the West," followed by the Lord's prayer. Psalm lit was read bv ' Mr. Swat-brick and hymn "'Stand Up. Stand Up for Jesus," was sung. Mr. Beech gave an interesting balk on the book ol St. John. A piano solo Was given by Myrtle 'Falls and Georgina Darlington gave a reading, entitled "The Inventor's' Wife." A splendid citizenship topic was given by Bill Darlington . and the meeting was closed with hymn "Now the sowing 'and the weeping" and the Mizpah benediction. EASTER SCHOOL REPORT Crooked Creek. S.S. No. 7, Clarke Fifth Class--«Lillian Hale 66.7, Albert Albert Hildreth 59.5. Jr, Fourth --- Raymond Gilmer 77.2 (bon.), Harry Won-all 70.7. (Sir. Third--Ruby Sunday 78.3, Jean White 68.9, Jean Hale 67.2, Aileen Ogden 65. Junior Third -- Clarence Farrow 73.45, Lois Turner 66.2. (Second Glass --- Francis Hale 71.3, 'Sybil lloskin 64, Johnnie Hicks 54.3; Jr. First Class -- Evelyn 'Staple- ton ■ 78.3 (lion.), Wilfrid -Sunday 76.5, May Hale 74.5, Mildred LIos- kiii 71.2, Arthur Farrow 64.5, Jack Ogden 64.2. Primer Class -- Jean- Turner, Thelma Stapleton, Ray 'Stapleton, Mildred Wood, Clarence 'Sunday. Spécial' -- Susie Bu,dicky, Katie Bttdi.cky. -AS. Ii. Rutherford, teacher. Winter Term Report-, Kirby School Figures denote percentage. 'Sr. IV.--Riu-th Lunh, 80. Jr. IV.--Edna Billings- 81, Ruby Allin 72, Bruce Tennant 67, Bill B'oydi (absent) : Sr. 111.--John Allen 76, James Lowery 72, Audrey Tebble 68, Marion. Marion. Wright 68. Jr. 111.--Audrey Billings 84, .Bill Rutherford 72, Pearl Tebble 71, Gordon Gordon Rloss 70, • 'Sr. II.--Ray Bryson 72, Nellie* Wrigflit 72, Johnny A il in 59, Lay erne •B"vd (absent). Jr. II.-- Rlossi Boyd; (absent). ' Jr. I.--Flenor Wright 67. iSr. Pr.--Raymond Limn. Marguerite Marguerite Riutherfoird. Jr, Pr.--Gordon Lowery, Allmi Boyd (labeen-t). --Lorn-e Wiannan, teacher iStiibscribe for the Times. Orono Weekto COWAN'S Anticipating the rise,in prices we were particularly fortunate in booking our orders early at the lower prices. As is our custom we pass airing the savings! to you. Take advantage of th e low prices now. MEN'S- FULL GRAIN MENNON1TE LEATHER BOOTS $2.49 MEN'S MILITARY BOOTS, solid leather throughout $2.89 WALKER'S 8-OZ. BLACK OVERALLS $1.79 LADIES' FASHIONED HOSE, variety of shades 49c. PAL BLUE STEEL BLADES, 5 for SPECIAL ,05c. No. 1 COOKING ONIONS, 10 lbs. for 19c. No. 1 MAN VERS POTATOES, peck 30c. ORANGES, CALIFORNIA, SUNKIST, large, dozen 33c. LEMONS, LARGE JUMBO SIZE, dozen , .'27c. APPLES, 6 quart basket (. 20c. RED COAT SALMON, 3 large tins SPECIAL 25c„ Phone 66 PERCY LUNN General Merchant Week-End Food Values THRIFT SOAP FLAKES, for better Suds, special, 3 lbs. for .......................A-A., ..21c. KRAFT TASTY SANDWICH SPREAD, 6-oz, jar...,..15c, FRESH FIG BARS., Special, 2 lbs. for , 27c. BLACK CURRANT JAM, 12-oz. Jar 14c. ROBINHOOD FLOUR, for bfead or pastry, 24-lbs $1.00 CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP, per tin 11c. CELERY SALT, in handy shaker 9c. KREMO COFFEE, fresh ground, special per lb ....21c. "TODDY," delicious hot or cold, 1-2 lb. tin ...'23c. CHOCOLATE DROPS (white centres), special per lb 17c. Wooden Packing Cases, some have, excellent lumber for shelves, -etc............... ; 25c. to 50c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP WINTER WEATHER -4- IS NOT OVER 4- RE-F1LL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD •BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at all times --•--also- - LUMBER, ■SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES; Orono Coal & Lumber Co GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie's Purest Quality of Alfalfa, Red, Mammoth and Sweet Clovers Timothy and Grass Seeds Orono

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