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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1937, p. 8

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ORONO W SM ELY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE lira. Annie of Scarboèd' is visiting lier daughter, .Mrs... Howard Gibson, Gbngra tulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard un the birth of a son. Miss 'Minnie Pearce, accompanied by- a friend, was home from Toronto for the week-end. Miss Katharine Clark of Toronto waist a guest of Miss B. iS. Mein tosh for the -week-end. The .Misses Lida and Muriel Lake of Toronto are visiting their mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. Mrs. Martin Batold of Kingston- visited her mother, Mrs. D. B'urke Simpson, on Tuesday. Mr, Ralph Gibson of Sudbury has been home for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Gibson. Mrs. K. Naif tel and Mr. Go wan A rdagh were guests of Miss .Ethel Rockhart over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Chilty of Toronto Toronto were visitors with the Misses 1 Iuvroeks over - the week-end. Mrs, Wifi Foil Xe.ies of Grimsby ' is- spending a few days with her parents, parents, Mr. ad Mrs. David Gibson, Misig, Evelyn Rickard has taken a position in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, for the summer months. Mr. and. Mrs. E, Veirkotter and daughter, of Toronto, are holidaying at Mrs. Long's -cottage at the Lake. Mrh.; Reg. Lovokin has returned to Toronto after holidaying with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cou:- sbn, for a week. Mrs, 'George- Eamcomb; enter tained the tnemibers: of the Oshawa Reading Club- at her cottage at the Lake on Monday afternoon 1 M.rs. George Stevenson entertained the niembei's of the young married People's Bridge Club at her home on Friday -afternoon last, Mrs.' Cutler. is (sailing on the .Duchess- -of Richmond from Montreal on Friday for a. two months' visit with relatives in Etugland. - Ten members of St. George's W. A, attended the Historical, Pagdant given by St, John's church, Port Hope, on Monday night. iSt. John's W, A. was celebrating its -fiftieth anniversary, The Rev. Samuel and . Mrs. McLean McLean have returned home from visiting visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and: Mrs. Whittle of Ottawa, Previously M r. and Mrs. McLean had attended the conference of the United United -Church at Smith's Falls. The Suffragan Bishop of the Toronto Toronto Diocese, Bishop Beverly, administered administered the -solemn and impressive rites- of confirmation on Wednesday evening last in St. 'George's church. The candidates' prepared and presented presented 'by the Rector, Rev. D. R. Bewden ey were Mrs. Stevenson, ISt. , Mr. George Stevenson, Miss Dora Martin, Miss Vera Cutler, Miss- -Gharlotto -Grey- Miss- Duck, Mr. Jaa. Reach, Mr. (Dougl-as Walton, Mr. j. Rogeikpn and Mr. Douglas Gibson. The Wmiiim's Auxiliary of St. 'George's- -Ohur-ch held a very pleasant garden tea ■ at- the residence of the Rtwv - J. S'co'tt and Mrs. Howard on Tuesday afternoon. This was to celebniie the 50th anniversary of the foundingpf the W-A. in this parish. -Mrs, J. Sobtt Howard welcomed the -guests and Mfes McIntosh, the presi- 'dent, gave a short summary of the early days of the Auxiliary. ' A birthday birthday cake with fifty candles was cut by Miss Flligg, who is the only living charter member of the W.A. The ten committee consisted of Mrs R. W. Gibson. Mil's Naomi. Horrocks and Miss Cora Butler. -- o KENDAL "Dad, it says here that a certain man was a financial genius. What does that mean ?" "That he could earn money faster than his family could spend it." A 5 QC. Radio Repair Service Any Where Any Time f i i f I | A. more complete line of Tubes will j | not bo found this side of Toronto j !--all Tubes tested free of charge. ! 1 i Chas. R. Knox j Phone 42r2, Orono j 'Serving the public for six years ! (formerly with Green's Radio | Service), 13th and Monterey Sts., Detroit The T. B. testers have been busy in the community -this past week. Mr. and Mbs, T. Tweedle and family, family, oi Toronto, spent Sunday at the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson vistied recently with friends in Toronto. Toronto. Mrs. Reg. Elliott spent the weekend weekend -at the home -of lier brother and sisters at Baillebo-ro. Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong, Mil- brook, spent Anniversary (Sunday with her father, Mr. Sam. Bryson. Mr. and -Mrs. Milton Elliott of Bowmanville were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Win. Carseadclen, Miss Helen Darlington o-f Newton- ville, Spent Anniversary Sunday with with her mother, Mrs. A. Darlington. Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins of Port Hope, were Anniversary visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Miss Marjorie Patton of Bowman • ville was an anniversary visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patton. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes. Oath-cart spent Tuesday of 1-alst week in Toronto and visited Miss' Eltta Boyd, who is in the hosnital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan, Kirby, were Sunday evening visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Patterson. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Percy Bur icy whose „ brother, Mr. James Burley passed away at his home 'at Newton ville last week. Mr. and Mrs: T. \\'iliis and daughter. daughter. Mrs. Davidson and son. Jackie of Oshawa were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Quan- tril. Mrs. G. M. G lasts and son T.yness of Woodhridge, were Anniversary visitors and visited at the homes of Mr. Cecil Glass and Mr. L.. D. Bell for the day. . Mr. Beech occupied the pulpit on -Sunday, morning and preached a splendid sermon on "Faith." In the aftdnioon he preached anniversary services at B'iackstoek. We -see Mr. Arthur Thompson -•porting a new car and -he is also having his -house rebuilt this summer. The Stewart family, Sixth Line, are also sporting a new Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brima comb of Kirby accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. \\>s. Elliott- were Sunday visitors visitors at the latter's daughter's, Mrs- Milton Dunbar, of Parrytown. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Honey, of Mil liken and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pea cock and sons of ElizabetliviUo, at tended the Anniversary 'services', and visited their mother, Mrs. A. Jack son. Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Cecil Quantril 01 Flizabeihvilh- were anniversary visi to-rs and spent -the day at the home o'f his parents', Mr. and Mrs. George Quantril. and with Ms brother, Mir Evan Quantril. Visitors' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bellon o-n Anniversary Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry and daughter Ann alb-ell, of Newcastle, Rev. Oster'ho-ut of Orono, Mr. -S-mith and daughter Bernice, of Camipbelilcrof't, Rev. I). M. Smith of Baltimore, Messrs. Reg. Bolton of Shiloh and Earl lia we of Parrytown, and Mr, and Mrs. Carman Bell and b'alby daughter of Campbelleroft. Anniversary services of last week were well attended. Rev. Mr. Osier Bout of Orono spoke specially to the children in the -morning and was much enjoyed by litem all. In the evening Rev. D. M. Smith of Haiti more conducted the service and preached a forceful sermon. The music in the morning wais led by the children of the school and by Garden Hill choir at night. On the Tuesday evening following an ice cream festival. festival. was held in the S.. iS. room after which a good program was put on in the Orange Hall (by Garden Hill talent. The Young People's meeting on Thursday evening was opened by reading of League Pledge and hymn "The Church's one Founda- ion," followed by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Clarence Bell, and the Bible reading was given by Miss Eljla MeRoberts. Hymn "I Need Thee Precious Jesus," was then sung and a piano solo was given by Annaib-ell Hendry. An interesting topic on "Influence" was given by Mr. Arthur Thompson and the meeting meeting was closed with hymn- "Out of m,v bondage," and the mizpah In •nod lotion. lotion. o "True generosity is a duty as in- dispentialbly neceslsary as those imposed imposed on us by law."--Goldsmith, NEWTONVILLE Mrs. -S-. R, -I ones is in poor health, we are sorry to report. Mr. Ken. Ware, .Fe-nelon Falls spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. CL Thompson and family have moved to Port Hope. Miss Jean Campbell was a week end guest of Miss Doris Budd, Dale. Miss Elsie Wallace visited her par ents at Greenfoank. over the weekend. weekend. Miss Evelyn Hassan and -Mrs. Grant, Chatham, are visiting Mrs. Rutherford. At the ball game at E'lizafoethville on 'Saturday, the score was Newbon- villo 7, Elizabeth ville 3. : Mrs. Harper, Uxbridge, visited lie daughter, Mrs. Beech, - while Rev. Beech was at conference. Rev. E. L. Beech and Mr. R. J Rowe attended the Bay of Quinte. Conference at 'Smith's- Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Misses Elsie Wallace and Mary Lane were in Petetlboro one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, lS-r., visited 'Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Elizabet'liville, last week. On Wednesday the ladies of the Presbyterian Church held a "Quilting" "Quilting" at the home of Mrs. Arnott. Mr. and -Mits. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. George McCullough visited friend's at Mt. Albert on Sunday. Mr. A. A. Martin, I.P.(S„ wife and family, 'Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. George/'Stapleton Jr., Sunday. Mrs. Chits. Reid, accompanied by Miss Hassan and Mrs. Grant were guests-of Mr, and Mrs. George Smith, S-tarkville, Sunday. This community -extends deepest sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mr. James- Burley, Cow an ville. A large number from here attended the funeral on Sunday. The W. M. S. of the Uni ted church held their regular meeting on Wednesday, Wednesday, June 2nd. The Bible reading reading was given by Mrs. Willis Jones A |taper prepared 'by Mrs. J. Couch „ was read by Mrk. L. Savery. The report report of the Presbyterial at Maple Grove was -splendidly given by Miss I. Laing. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. C. Robins-on. A short silent prayer was observed in memory of Miss' E. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell's pupils were successful in both piano and vocal vocal clates-es- at the Northumberland Music Festival, which was a great sueoess in every way for its inaugural year. F erne Gainer of Bailieboro succeeded in winning the Gold Medal and incidentally the highest -marks in the Festival (86 per cent.) out of a -class of 59 contestants; Gordon Biekl-e Bethesda, the Silver Medal and Jean Philip, B-ethesda, the Bronze. Of eleven entries every one took first -class honours (75 (per cent, or over), except one that took 78 per pent, (a beginner). The medals were beautifully engraved with the winners names. Great credit'must bo given Mr. Fenwick of the Department Department of Education. Toronto, adjudicator, adjudicator, Mr. A. A. Martin, IP'S., and Mr. A. 11. Martin, B.S.A.. agricultural agricultural repref'ientatiVe for the splendid way in which the whole festival was carried out. LESKARD is taking up Mr. Colin Brown French these days. Mr. A. N. Bobbin's, road boss, is busy these days levelling ;u]p the roads. Mr, Car: Tennant is busy moving to thé Colin 'Colville farm, having 'eased the house -for a term. Mrs. Clarence Martin has been at her parents home attending her mother, mother, Who has 'been ill the past week. Wedding bells are soon to ring again. 'Our bachelors are weakening at last. Hurrah boys, let's follow Roy's example. Glad to see Mrs. Robbins out around ; also Mrs. J. E. Nicholson, who has- been under the doctor's -care the past week, 'M'r. Roy Tennant has returned from his railroad career, with reports- reports- that there is more peace in LeS- 1 hard than railroad camps. It is coming to the time of year for re-engaging 'school teachers, and we hope our trustees hire Miss Grey for another term, as she is a real live teacher. Our Sunday School is holding their Strawberry Festival- and '-Sunday '-Sunday services' on July 4th and 5th. Mr. J. Mellor will speak -afternoon an,d evening. . (Sunday visitors to our- village were, Ross Robbins, Lloyd Truill, Edith- Trull, Henry Cornish, George Ralph, Dave Thompson, visiting at their respective respective homes. We have new styles earning out in clothing and automobiles- every day, why not on the farm ? (Scribe saw a hoy rolling at trotting speed and doing doing -acrobatic stunts on a packing box. POPULAR New Merchandise NEW WIRE FLOWER and CANDLE HOLDERS 25c. ASH TRAYS, Assorted .otilors 10c. HUSH LIQUID DEODORANT, large battle 15c. NEW SHIPMENT HOUSE DRESSES 59c. and 98c. MEN'S LEATHER TIES, assorted colors 20c. "THIRST ADE" CRYSTALS, flavours lemon and Orange, 1 container crystals makes 1 quart 5c. PUFFED RICE, 4-oz. Cellophane Rag, 2 for 19c. AMBER HONEY, 2 1-2 lb. pail 25c. -CAMPBELL'S CELERY SOUP, SPECIAL 10c. STUFFED OLIVES-, large 11-oz. bottle 25c. For painting wire screen's use STEDMAN'S STOVE PIPE ENAMEL 15c. For outside Paint we can with all confidence assure you that STEDMAN'S DIAMOND "S" PAINT Will stand up under the most severe tests along with the higher priced paint ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE COWAN'S LADIES --Never in our history have w-e assembled such a Beautiful Assortment of DRESSES, HATS, SHOES and ACCESSORIES. One look will convince you. MEN -- If you Want to know, what the Best Dressed Men are wearing in SUITS, FLANNELS, DUCKS, SHIRTS, SHOES, HEAD and NECKWEAR, come in and look our Stock over. LADIES' ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS WITH HALTERS $1.98 LADIES' SLACKS 97c. LADIES' SHORTS , 69c. MEN'S ZIPPER 2-PIECE BATHING SUITS $1.98 PEANUT STRAWS and HELMETS for the whole family ....... * 13c. AUSTRALIAN SULTANA BISCUITS, 1 lb. 28c. LARGE LUNCH BASKET CONTAINER FREE TO LUCKY PERSON CHILDREN'S SOCKEES WITH ELASTIC TOPS:.. 15c. HOME IMPROVEMENT Is Now the Slogan of Better Times We have a complete line of Builders' Supplies Joists Siding Flooring Sheeting Cement Brick Lime Roofing Materials Shingles Wallboards Gyproc PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co COWANVILLE Mrs. 0. Parnell and Mrs Oala.yton visited Mr. and Mrs Stanley Por- I.OOU s on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden and son were visitors ait Mrs. -and Miss Og- i! ett's m 'Sunday. ' Mr. Wilbur Howard, Negro minister,,,-will- minister,,,-will- preach in Clarke church on 'Sunday. af ternoon, June 13th. The community wish to extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Burley Burley and family in. their recent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs.- Banplew and grandson grandson Jack, Mrs. T-odd, Oshawa, and Miss Ruth. 'Simpson were visitors at Mr. T. J. .Simpson's on iSton-day. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. .Mrs. O, Oowan, Mrs. Morgan, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Morrish -Osborne, Morris'h, and Mr. and Mrs. Allin and daughters', Hampton, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan's on 'Sunday. 'Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. met' at the home of Mrs. Gèorge Henderson on Wednesday with *a good attendance. It Was decided decided that -a strawberry festival be held in Clarke church • at an early daft. . • Mrs. (Rev.) J. IT. Osterhout has returned from Ottawa where she visited her sons Jack. and Douglas while Mr. Oisterbmit was attending and conference at 'Smith Falk.

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