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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE Mr. Jaiek Reid is iioiiJa.yiu<sr in Ot lawn. > {-! {{Mr! )J ,T. Pearce, Kingston, was home.' Miss She '.Nesbitt, Toronto, was home. Miss Olive Johnston, Pctorboro, was home;. M va. McIntyre, T-omuto, is visiting- Mins. Arin-ott: 1 Mrs.' Leona iSoùoh, Orono, visited Alirs. (Mms. Jfeid. ■ • {Miss. A. .M.u-r.s, B.nvtnanviLe, visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Parch, Mrs. AIL Graham, Toronto, was a guest of Mrs. Ohasi. lurid. Mr. MacGregor Jones, Uxbridge, visited Ms: parenit-s recently. Mr. and Mrs. OlmdielOowan, Newcastle, Newcastle, visited Mrs. Rutherford. ■ Mrs. 1 Toward Ellis, Alt. Cletmems, Mich,, visited Mrs. Bert Samis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rebee,_ Orono, visited 'Mr. and Mrs, L, E. Mil Ison. Miss Fae Jones , is'spending a week with Mrs. Argyll- Allen, Castleton. Master Rud Jones is visiting his cousin, Mr. John Carlaiv, Warkwurth. Miss Kay Kaufman, Haiwkesbury, visited tier- parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). .Kaufman. Mr. Bruce Elliott is erecting a service service station -on the north side of the Highway. Mr; and Mrs. E. Holdaway, Detroit, visited -Mrs. Wade and other relatives the'past week. Mrs. - Wylie and daughter, Mary, M iiainl. spent the past week with Airs. Cecil Robinson. Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas. Holt and daughter, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M lit. Kimbull. Mr. and Mrs. ; W, 'Chester, Oshawa, ad Mrs. Bradley, Toronto,, visited Mr. and Mrs. Redkna-pp. Mr. and Mrs. (Sam. Buttery and family. Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. •J. W. Lane as ter. Mr. and -Mrs. Ken. Ware land jam 5ly, F euel-on- Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Mrs. 1 larve Holman and brother. Ft. Britain, spent 'Sunday with Miami Miami Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mr-. T. J. -Sharpe, Toronto, Toronto, are visiting at T upper Johnston's Johnston's and J. Barrie's for a few days. Meessrs. Dave Dena.nl t and T. A. Reid motored to Parry Sound and other points in Northern Ontario this - week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope, and Miss Nancy Gordon, Eliza 1 lietlwille, visited Mir. and Mrs. Georgi LSt.apleton (St. Mrs. Hill and family, Toronto, spent a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dan-l;. Mr. Hill came down for the week-end. Mrs. iCcleil Glass and Lloyd, Kendal, Kendal, and Mr; and Airs. 'George Smith of iSitarkvlille, wore guests' of Mrs. Tinas. Stapleton on Sunday. Airs, Wolsileey 1 and granddaughter Booth and two children, Toronto, are Gera.Mine. Cl a re, and - Mr. and Mrs.' guests- of Miss Jennie Thompson. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris, Richmond: Richmond: Hill, and Miss: Audrey Jayne arid triend Mias' P>rigid Rashotte, 'Tweed, were week-end guests of Mrs Wm. Jaynes. , Other visitors from a distance attending attending Decoration were : Mrs Meiileeley and Nellie, . Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs.' Hamid. Payne, Bethany ; Mr and Mrs. Thos. Cowan and Mrs Homey well,' Orono; Mr. baud Mrs Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer. A very good crowd attended Decoration Decoration 'Services at our cemetery Sunday, Sunday, when the decorations were the best yet. There was a United Choir led by Mr. Geo. Campbell. The chairman chairman was Reeve T. A. Reid and the speakers wore Rev. Blake and Rev. E. L. Beech.; O' What about that new Furnace this year. Geo. S-priiigh.wi, 8311,' {Newcastle, {Newcastle, KENDAL Miss Annie' Thompson has returned home from a visit with friends in Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W annan were Sunday visitors at her father's, Mr. Win. Patterson. Over forty attended the S. S. boys pi ass picnic at Oshawa park on Thursday Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Lloye, Oshawa, were recent visitors with their daughter, daughter, Mrs. Cecil Tebble. Miss Helen Darlington, New ton- yule, spent a week's holidays with her mother, Mrs. A. Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson have returned returned home from a visit with her parents in Northern Ontario. There was a good attendance at church Sunday morning. Mr. Beech based his sermon on the life of Samson, Samson, Mr. and, Mrs. Win. Bamsy and Mr. and. 'Mrs. Joseph Austin of Welcome were Sunday visitor's at Mrs. L. D. Bell's. Miss Kay Beer and Mr. Cecil Philip of Port Hope were Sunday visitors with his cousin, Mrs. George Thompson. Thompson. For about an hour Sunday mom- i ng we had a very heavy down pour of rain which was much welcomed by the farmers. Mrs. Kirby, from the North West, is visiting her father, Mr. Wm Sleep and sister, Mrs. Norman Thertell, and friends here. Air. and Mrs. Milton Robinson motored to Toronto Friday night to .visit friends and her niece Freda, who has spent several weeks holidays with them, returned home to Toronto with them. Mrs. W, Aibercromby, Toronto, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. Wesley , Elliott, also with friends at: Peterboro so as to visit her sister, Mrs. Wes. Elliott " who underwent an operation in Peterlboro. hospital about two weeks ag-o and we are glad to state that she is gradually improving. There was a good attendance at the Young People's camp fire meeting- which was held beside Mr. (Swar- brick's pond on Tuesday evening. A splendid! program was put on. Meeting Meeting opened with hymn "What a Friend We have in Jesus," The iHible ireading was given by Miss Nellie Nellie Hill -and a si J end id topic. was given by Mr. John Stewart. The speaker rdferri mgr to the place of meeting that; evening recalled incidents incidents of Christ's life around the' Sea of- Galilee. Hymn "Take My Life, Lot, it Be," was sung and other numbers numbers on the program were, reading by Annie Thompson, mouth organ and guitar selections by Alex. Reid and Earl Bovii, solo by - Bern ice Lang- stiaff, talk (by Mr. Beech, m'outh organ solo, Agrfeiss. White, song by four girls, Misses Bernice Lamgstaff, Jean Mercer, Phi lis ISeàfile and Agues White. Meeting was closed with hymn "Take the name of Jesus with you,, and umver by Mr. (Stewart, followed by the National Anthem, after-which lunch, was served. I A5QC. 1 Riib Rîpiir j , Service | I Any Where Any Time f 1 . ... . ! ,| A more complete Iinefof Tubes will j 1 not foe found this side of Toronto j I --a! I 1 ■all Tubes tested free of charge. I Chas. R. Knox j I Phone 42r2, Orono j I Serving the public for six years • J (fomiefily with Green's Radio j |'Service), 12th and Monterey Sts,, i | Detroit. | COWANVILLE Several people from here attended Decoration at Newton ville on Sun day.- Mr. and Mrs. W. Water son Welland were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Erwin F arrow's. Mr. W. Thompson and Air. Perrin visited Mrs. Perrin and Alfred over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R, McNeil and Phy- llits visited at the home of Mr. T. J. Sinroson on (Sunday. Miss Marian Simpson has completed completed her course a t Guelph and we are all glad to isee her back in our community community again. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Robert Reid visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Reid on (Sunday and Mrs. Reid is staying. Mir. a ltd Mrs. H. Wilson and Mr. ■and Mrs. W. Wilson-, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, from Oshawa, visited Mr. C. McNeil' on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Spencer and family, family, from Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spenicer, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bedwin's, The regular monthly meeting of ilie W. A. met on Wednesday evening- is.the 'Sunday school room. They decided decided to hold a garden- party on the lawn of Clarke church on Wednesday evening of August 18, 1937, co in- in en icing at 6 p.m. • Guest speaker of the evening is Mr. T. A. Reid. There will be a lunch, a fish, pond and the ladies' are having a bazzar. i '--O -- We don't like to mention it but winter will soon -be here. What about that furnace '■ Geo. Springham, 8311, Newcastle. BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lodgham, ,of Windsor, and Air. and Airs. Dave Morrison are sojourning in the Buck Horn Lake region this vacation period. period. Twenty-five years ago the Goodyear picnic :was held at Centre Island, Toronto, and was a great suecete, I low -many of the boys of that period are on the list today ? The big bowling- tournament on Civic holiday and no less than twenty- four rinks took part, The Goodyear trophy was won by Oshawa rink and the, nip!11 was far spent before the event was concluded. Mrs. Miles of Syracuse City is a visitor here this week. Many of our citizens will remember her as Nellie Williams,* daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams, respected citizen's of this town for many years. The Canadian Air Force at 'Trenton 'Trenton pave a concert in Belleville last week under the Conductor,snip of Sargeant Cooper. May they prove equal to the "Air Force" band that played at the Toronto Ex. a few years ago. Mr. W. J. Bragg was a visitor at the regatta at Caesarea,, iS-cugoig- Lake, and reports a tremendous crowd on that Occasion. The music was furnished furnished by City Motors' brass band. This must be a new organization in Osh- aiwa as this is 'the first mention of it we have seen Or heard. The funeral of Mr. (Sherwood Run- die, mail carrier, who passed away so suddenly last week, took place on (Sunday afternoon last and was a very large one, many coming in 'from the country from over the route he travelled. Interment took place in the B'etihefeida cemetery in the family plot. 'The Goodyear people here are making making extensive preparations for another large addition to the present 'bu ilding. More room is needed and now experts are engaged oil the plans and 'work will 'proceed at once. Depression, or no depression 'this is- one busy manufacturing manufacturing establishment under the superintendency of Mr. A. M. Hardy and Ms staff. August 14th will be a big day in (Oshawa a?the Black Knights will meet, there o- that date to celebrate "Derry Day." The Ladies' Flute Band has been engaged for the occasion'. A sports committee has been formed and a great program will be announced. announced. Prizes for the best brass bands, also flute baudis will be given and one of the guest speakers will ho Mayor W. D. Robbins, of Toronto, -Over. 8000 Knights' are expected. The Whitby Citizens' Band came down on Sunday last and gave a band concert in the Cream,of Barley Park. As we failed to -connect with this concert concert and group of musicians we cannot cannot give you the goodness or badness of the concert, but the chances! are it was all right even if the humidity was overpowering-. Hoping to hear this organization in the near future. We now -look to--see the Orono Regiment Band in one -of their good programs at an early date, It is said we may- have the pleasure-of hearing- the boys band from Lindsay here soon. No need to tell you that- August 1 !tii is the day of the big Btotary doings doings in - town. Probably tins will be: to- late for the readers of the Orono Times, but there is the Old Boys and- Girls reunion August 2-8'th to 30th, and that is -going to be some reunion. reunion. (S-o watch out- for that event and come up and greet the old timers. Some years ago Orono gave the Durham!: Durham!: es a fine reception and now come -over here and show the same old -spirit of good will, also the good old village of Newcastle will be here and help to gladden the hearts of the old visitors from many parts of the continent. continent. Members of our fire brip-a.de attended attended the Firemen's Convention held in Georgetown the past week. It is many years since the. firemen here had their big day in this town. It was not of the convention kind, but an invitation to come to Bowmanville and have a day with the -boys here and they sure had it. Fred Hoskin, the well,-known tinsmith, tinsmith, was the captain at that time and visitors were here from London, Toronto and other places'in- the province. province. T't was a great event, especially at night, as many of our old timers will remember. The last one in this section in which our men and band took part was held in Oshawa. Bowman,ville Bowman, ville is just about due for another Firemen'is reunion we should siay. CLARK UNION Harvest is well - -advanced , and threshing has (begun in this section. Miss Mamie Archer..piade a' -short visit in . this section on Sunday. Mr. Kenneth Cain of (Sudbury visited his grandparents over the week-end. We - aie pleased to report; that' Mr. George Cain is somewhat improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power and daughter visited his mother at Osh- YEARS TO PAY under the HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN « Side and end lap! weather- Get the finest roofing money can bay on easy payments, spread over three years. Tifce-Lap and Rib Roll roofings are durable, handsome in appearance, fire-proof; even lightning-proof if erected according to the Lightning Rod Act. Buy from a company that has served you honestly for years -- whose products set the pace Eastern Steel Products Limited T1TE-LAP and RIB-ROLL ROOFING Both Tite-Lap and Rib- Roll are easily put on over your old roof. They save you money by cutting cutting upkeep costs, protecting protecting your crops and livestock. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P. product. product. Send ridge and rafter measurements for free cost estimate. STATilE iMeAtmlmn A drive-screw nail, development development of the Preston Led* Hed Nail. Takes ten times aa much force to draw it out of a sheathing board as a standard standard barbed roofing nail» JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write, for literature on the famous Jamesway Poultry Equipment. Complete line of incubators, brooder stoves, poultry house equipment of all kinds. Specialists m ventilation and housing for poultry. The Preston Fertilator attached to your seed drill enables you to sow fertilizer with your fall wheat. Eastern Steel products 705 Guelph Street PRESTON. ONTARIO jÇirnited, Factories also at MONTREAL and TORONTO ORONO 5c. to $1 STORE If y on are out just for a stroll with no definite purpose in view, drop into our store for a friendly visit. You are always roost welcome. ■ , A few of this week's SPECIALS are KIDDIES' PLAY SUITS (Coveralls) made from good weight khaki denim or her with patented wells to carry wave lotion to hair 6 year's, but not all sizes in each color 39c. New WAY EDI I' COMBS, made of genuine hard rub- indigo colors with bright red trimming, long legs, sizes 3 to SODA BISCUITS, fresh stock, 2 full 1-lb. pkgs- 25c. ROLLED OATS, large or fine flake, 5 lbs, for 25c. VANILLA, 2 ounce bottle 2 5c. NEW 1937 CHEESE, lb 19c. Combination offer--l lb. MAGIC BAKING POWDER and 1-2 lb. MAGIC BAKING SODA, complete 28c- 6 PEARL SOAP, 1 small RINSO, all for ............ 25c. MAR VA COFFEE, a high grade blend containing GENUINE GENUINE JAVA COFFEE, week-end Special, lb 27c. FRESH PEAMEAL BACK BACON, lb. 33c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND : MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE' WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON -YOUR COAL. Shingles, as low as $3.25 per square PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co aw a "n Sunday.. , Mr. and, Mrs, 'Sydney M-erp-an of Toronto 'spent the week-end at Mr. S. I ). Souelrs. - Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Jewell of Bow, inanville. Xh\ and Mils. Melbourne Wight, Providence, visited Mrs. R'ick- a-by on 'Sunday. ' ' ' .Misa Joan ttickaby,. of- Toronto, who has been spending her vacation at Mr'. IL. J. Souch's, has returned home. Ifiss Dorothy iSouch accompanied accompanied .her,-spending a few days in' rhe •ci ty. - - Mr. Archie Wat-son, who has- been spending a few weeks in Koch ester, H.Y., has returned home, accompanied accompanied by ' Mr. Jim!. Ferguson, James Lyons,' James Marr-, Stewart Beverage Beverage of that city who spent the weekend. weekend. at Mr. Alex. Watson's.

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