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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1937, p. 4

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QRONO WEEKLY TIMM ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - Orono TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 per year. To Subscribers;--Mo' paper will be stopped until all arrears are paid, except except at the option- of the proprietor. A p'ostoflice notice to discontinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the United 'States, 'States, $2.00 per year. Advertising Kates on Bequest FINE: JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, Aug 26, 4 1957 TROUT FISHING INDUSTRY Consignments of speckled trout, have been placed in eighteen different streams by Orme .Gatnsby this .season and are classed by him as the finest he has ever been privileged to handle. The Department of Game and ■Fisheries has; long since; .departed from the idea of shipping fry which were never qualified to take care of themselves. Next in order came fin- gerliiigs and now it is yearlings, some of them sixteen months old and arc six inches', in length. Mow the next thing in order is to keep the so-called "Fish Hogs" from taking thorn ont as fast as the other fellow puts them in. If it could be arranged that legislation legislation be enacted that every owner or lessee of the property- through which the stream runs might bo appointed appointed a .sub game warden or have signs placed on the streams forbidding forbidding trespassing and make an example example of just one to two pf the fellows who call themselves sports who take over the alloted number of twenty in a catch or take fish under seven inches, inches, the required length. It might help matters, or better stall, have the streams divided into fishing areas, Strictly prohibiting fishing in one area for two or three years, this being being ■ a government measure if necessary, necessary, ealeh fisherman to secure a license license say $1.00 per season, one half pf the license fee to be paid to the owner or lessee of the creek and that would prove, as an incentive for him to: guard his own interests and the interests of the public at large. Let's' all play fair. * * * * BENEFIT OF FALL FAIRS The season of fall fairs is with us again. Orono, in common with the smaller towns and villages in the province, province, is busily preparing for what is. always an event of great, interest in the community. And it is not only only an event of great interest, it is one of great value. - ISometiroes one hears the opinion expressed that the day of the fall fail- is almost over, its enviable position position having been usurped by the large exhibitions. Fortunately, this is not the casé. There are several reasons why the fall flair will continue to be a valuable and necessary institution go long as the community and district district which supports it is a progressive progressive one. In. the first place, the aim of the fall fair is to encourage production of the best within a certain varea. Secondly, it is. the only training KIRBY Mr. iSid Euitherford was home over the week-end and attended church and Sabbath iSichool as usual. Mr. and Mrs. [ C. L. Powers, in company company with Mrs. T. A. King of Alta, spent Sunday with friends in Whitby. Whitby. Pleased to see Mr. J. H, Osterhout i.n our midst again looking fine, and we hope to be able to speak likewise of Mrs. Osterhout. Mr. Percy Mord en is having. his house and store wired by Ernie Dent. Percy says, "I don't belong to the tightwads" or "slow boys." Mr. and Mrs. !.. A. Morrow and their daughter Miss Helen spent last Wednesday with Andy and Pearl, accompanied accompanied by J. II. Solo lies. Mias Jean MacKinnon leaves. on Wednesday for. " Chatham to attend Business. College in that place and our best wishes go with her for the very best success. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bryson and daughter Miles Marion attended the wedding of Miss Berniece Thornton to Mr. .1. 0. Burnham, B.A., of Pet- erlboro, formerly of Millbrook, which took place on Wednesday. Miss Marion Marion acted as bridesmaid. . Messrs. E, E. Bryson and Harvey Morgan are putting in the foundation for a large silo for Mr. Ortey Chapman Chapman and when this job is completed they have taken the contract of building building a tumbling darn for Mr. Morden of the Cream of B'arley fame, and he -claims that no more of his Valuable swine: will be allowed, to drift south to Lake Ontario, o John Henry Middleton (Continued from page one) Wilbur Vaskeryilc, Herb. Toms, Erwin Erwin Allin and Russell Wilson. Those from a distance who attended. attended. the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan, of Peterboro ; Mr. and Mrs. Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Venton and Mrs. Downs, of Bowma.n- villë ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott, of West Gilford ; Mr. W. P. Harris and Miss Berry, of Minden : Mr. Eviyn Middleton and ' Mrs. Sleragg, of Toronto, and Mr. Cecil Middleton of Oxford, ground for exhibitors at the larger exhibitions. If these great fairs, such as the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto and the Central Canada Exhibition Exhibition at Ottawa, are to retain the value which they undoubtedly possess, possess, it will be because they are the situ «-place of exhibits entered by thoroughly thoroughly trained and competent exhibitors. exhibitors. And these exhibitors must, of necessity,. have received their training training at the fall fairs. It is at the fall fairs that exhibitors, exhibitors, competing with their friends and neighbors for .the 1 most part, learn the lesson which is of more value than any other--that they must continually strive for the best. Having Having learned, this lesson, besides many others, they are able to invade .the great fairs and bring home prizes, thus exemplifying the thoroughness and the value of fall fair training. In order to have progress there must be -continued improvement, And improvement can only come when all are striving for perfection, no matter matter in bow imperfect a manner. The fall fa:/ fulfils this condition,", and is therefore an instrument of progress. progress. iSuch tin institution is deserving deserving of the - most whole-hearted support of all citizens in the rural areas and urban centres, for it is an institution which typifies and aids their own attempts at producing something better. Important Message to all Farm Boys NEW TWO-YEAR COURSE IN AGRICULTURE at the Ontario Agricultural College GUELPH No Tuition Fees Boord Reduced to $3.50 per week A practical Course specially arranged for boys who will continue farming. Enquire at the O.A.C. Booth, West Annex, Coliseum, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, for full particulars and application forms, or. write to Dr. G. I. Christie, President, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Fall Term Starts September 20th ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL JAMES B. FAIRBAIRN Minister Deputy Minister Local & Social Mrs. Ball of Glalt .is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. S Morton. Miss Phyllis Bowden is visiting Mrs. -Arthur Doolie in Toronto. W;e are sorry to hear that Mrs. Ilesiper Dean is sick with the "flu." Mrs, Boy is having a new cribbing cribbing installed in the well on her property. property. Mrs, 1. 0. Gamey and Mrs. Chas. Knox are spending a . few days in Kingston. Mrs. A. I. Staples is visiting in .Toronto, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. B. E. iStaples. Dr. Milton Tucker of New York spent one day last- week in town renewing renewing acquaintances. Miss Mary W. Somerville, of Toronto, Toronto, -spent the week-end with her; parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville. Somerville. We congratulate Mr. George Butters Butters on the fine job he has accomplished accomplished in cleaning up the Fair grounds. The Hampton Girls' Softball team are expected to play the Orono girls at the community park on Saturday evening at six o'clock. Mr. Harry Mercer received a post card from Rev. Win. S mythe from Belfast, Ireland, who reports that he is having a wonderful time in that country. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cornish and son Garni en and Mr and Mrs. Roy Cornish Cornish attended a boxing bout on Monday Monday evening held in the Maiple Leaf Gardens. A. handsome three-year-old Holstein Holstein was shipped: by Mr. M. J. Tam- blyn last week to join the Quebec show herd of Brown Oorp-., La Tuque, Quebec. Mr. George Lunn is t 0 be congratulated congratulated on the fine litter of fifteen pigs his sow. presented him with. "Hop" says he is going to have some -pork this winter. BowmnnviHe Legion Band journeyed journeyed to town on "Siiiitrdny evening last and treated the citizens to a Band concert. A fine program was arranged arranged for the occasion. School reopens on Wednesday, September September 1st, and the children are anxiously anxiously waiting for the re-opening to take up their new work. This article might be contradicted by .some of the children. We understand that Mr, O. C. Mercer will be the Liberal candidate in the coming Provincial election to be hold on ..October 6th. Mr. W. J. Bragg, the present member, we understand, understand, has retired from political life. . , The Mission Band of Park Street United Church, thirty-three strong, held a very enjoyable picnic on the spacious lawn of Mr. and Mrs. M. H, Staples on Monday last. Mrs. 0. S. MaLaren was in charge of the. picnic picnic and, all had a splendid time. . The Bowmamville Salvation Army Bland is coming to Orono Community Park on Sunday afternoon, August 29th, to hold a service, commencing at 3.00 p.m. (DjS.T.). There will be twenty-eight bandsmen and will be- necompatiu d by Colonel and. Mrs. Peacock, Chief Secretary of Canada, Newfoundland. Bermuda and Alaska, also Brigadier and Mrs, Riches, Divisional Divisional Commander of this, district. Township of Clarke VOTERS' LIST, 1937 MUNICIPALITY (!>F CLARKE 1 COUNTY OF DURHAM NOTICE is herelw given that 1 have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have pblteid up in my office at Orono on the: 23rd day of Aug fist, 1937, the list of fell .persons entitled to vote in the said municipality lor members of parliament, or as thé case may be, at Municipal Election4 and that such list remains there ftjr inspection. And I hereby cal to take 1 immediate have ifny errors or < i-d aiccWfling to law appeal sYbeing the 1 her, 19.% j X A. J. STAPLED, Clerk Orono, Vug. 2i3rdi 1937. upon all voters proceedings to missions correct- the last day for h day of Septem- Charles Buckley*" and Viola No den were successful in their Upper School evami nation's at Bowman ville. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Salntday Year's Bmniest Musical "NEW FACES" With the Radio Favorites Joe Pen ne r, Milton Ee rie Parijyakorkus, Haraiet Hilliard / MONDAY AND TUESDAY He's Up in the Clouds JOE E. BROWN In à Merry Mirthquake "Riding On Air" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Behind the Headlines ! a 9f EXCLUSIVE An Absdgbing Drama of Newspaper Eoiks, with Fred McMurray, Frances Farmer, Charlie Ruggles Shows at 7.00 and 9.15 DJS.T. Saturday 2.30, 7.00 and 9.30 I PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH j | Rev; J. II. Osterhout, B'.A., B.D. j I Pastor i Professional Directory DR. W. H. -JO. LEDGER, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office Hours: Daily 9 a.m.--'5.00 ri.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl, MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician/and Surgeon Orono - / - -, Ontario OfficeGErouxB" : 1.30 to and 7 to 9 p.m. iSundMy by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer, and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sizes and at reasonable rates. Communicate ■ with him at Pert; Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A* J. 'Staples or A. E. Morton, ait Orono,. for date. g ' G. RICHARDS iPracticqâ Watchmaker All Repairs fo W.Étche», Clocks, and Jewellery, w|li/receive our prompt Vttention PARK STREET ORONO Classified STRAYED / Prom the 1 premises of .Mr. Robert Allin, Lot 23, Con. 8, 01arke, about two weeks ago. one whitish steer between.' between.' six dr seven dwt., with red marking®, fast seen ground Lesfcardl Anyone knowing of whereabouts of same kinui.y notify Mir. Alin, Phone 25r3. c-31-p. Successful In Judging At Peterboro Fair -SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th | 111 a.m.,--Morning Worship. | ! The pastor will have charge of 1 j the service. ! Î 7.00 p.m.--Cancelled. I I COME AND WORSHIP f i ? Congratulations to our Junior Farmers' Farmers' and Junior Institute Girls on their success in the Judging Competition Competition at the Peterborough Exhibition Exhibition last week. In the Nutrition Class Miss Myrtle Tamblyn came second for senior girls and Miss Olive Brown third for junior girls. Messrs. LeRov Brown and Carlo» Tambi y n were among the prize winners winners for the, senior boys. Master FranMÿn Tambivn's calf won first prize for the best dairy calf in the Junior Oallf Club. Franhlyn won seventh prize for showmanship. We understand the* competition was open to the five surrounding counties Keep u;p the good work, J unions'. The dry spell that has held sway over Orono and district for the past seven or eight weeks was broken on Thursday of last week. Lawns are burnt brown and gardens are wilting* away. , SIXTH LINE Misses Ida iSlavanac and Nurse Bedell, I LX., Toronto, in company with Mr. Fred Glover, Newtonville, were recent visitors with Mrs. C. Henry. Our readers will be glad to hear of the continued improvement in the condition of Mrs, W. Elliott after her recent operation who is now resting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milton Dunbar of Perry town. Miss Catherine and Mr. Neil Stewart, Stewart, were visitors at the home - of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lanky of Fraserville on Friday last. Mrs. Laeky (formerly Miss Blanche Reesor) and fellow graduates of the Stewarts at Peterboro Peterboro Normal. Mr. James WaUnan of Columbus, with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Reeve, their children Jean, Ted and Allan, Billy Burns and Lloyd Wannan were visitors visitors with friends here and attendants attendants at church service and were welcome welcome guests at several former neighbors' neighbors' homes during their stay , last Sunday. With regret we learn of the death of Miss Maretta Gray of Millbrook public school, teacher and beloved citizen I who was a niece of Mr. A. Oathlcart, Sixth Line. To the widowed mother and to all who mourn we tender through the Times our -sincere sympathy. Deceased was a daughter of the late Went and Mrs. .Sarah Ca (heart Gray. 1 SCHOOL OPENING f / ' -Jr IS NOT FAR/OFF AND PREPARATION FOR IT WILL SOON OCCUPY THE .XÎlNDS OF STUDENTS WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NECESSARY IN THE/WAY OF ! I Text Books Blank Books Scribblers, Exercise Books, Pens j Pencils, Ink. I Î: ik FACT ALL REQUISITES IF ANY SPECIAL TEXTS ARE, NEEDED WE WILL .PROCURE THEM PROMPTLY. . JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm: B. REXALL DRUGGIST oni OPTOMETRIST

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