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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1937, p. 6

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33: v % % â Classified Ââwertisimg AGENTS WANTED LADIES' WEAR PORTRAIT AGENTS WRITE FOR catalogue and prices--Big money making proposition. United Art, Toronto Toronto 2. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS pi ANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., 126 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Toronto. Improved light metal and willow willow artificial limbs without shoulder straps. . FILMS AND PRINTS ?,0C ROLLS DEVELOPED AND printed by experts, mailed back same day. Beechwood, 178 Lambton Ave., Toronto 9. ENLARGEMENT F REE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brightling, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. gPAKKLÏNG, HIGLOSS, DECKLE- edged prints. Three extra with each roll finished 25c. Twelve reprints reprints 25c. Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont. IROLLS DEVELOPED ; PRINTED, one free enlargement 25c. Reprints Reprints 10 for 25c, Photo-Craft, 183% King Sc. fe,, Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT prints with free enlargement, 25c, Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. FURNITURE SPECIAL OFFER Free Delivery to nearest freight depot depot if you enclose this advertisement with order or present at our showrooms showrooms if shopping in Toronto. LYONS' AUGUST SALE OF TRADE-IN FURNITURE Every article completely reconditioned reconditioned and sanitarily treated. Toronto's largest used furniture market. Special Special attention given to mail orders. 11.95 -^tchen Cabinets in perfect perfect condition. C5-S5 Uressers, any finish. 11.30 Singer drop-head sewing machines. 95 or 4 burner gas stoves. Guaranteed. 11.95 China Cabinets, any finish. 14.50 ® ^ c ' breakfast suites, enamel enamel finish, assorted colors. 12.95 ® e( * ou bfits, all steel panel beds, walnut finish, excellent excellent springs and brand new mattresses. mattresses. All sizes. 32.50 8 Pc - Walnut Mohair Chesterfield Chesterfield Suite in perfect condition. condition. Reversible Marshall cushions. A wonderful bargain. 24.50 8 Pc " heavy taupe repp covered covered suite with reversible Marshall cushions, in perfect condition. condition. 24 00 8 Pc- solid oak dining room suite, large round table, and buffet, with six chairs, leather upholstered, upholstered, completely reconditioned. 69.00 8 Pc ' 2-tone walnut dining suite, large buffet, . glass door china cabinet, square table with 6 panel back, leather upholstered chairs, This suite cost over $200.00 when new. Looks perfect. A real snap. , 35.00 ® Pc - bedroom suite, walnut finish. Large dresser, chiffonier chiffonier and full size bed with sagless spring and new heavy roll edge all cotton mattress, A1 condition. A snap. 67.00 8 Pc ' Moderne walnut bedroom bedroom suite, large dreser, chiffonier, triple mirror vanity, full size bed, sagless spring and new, excellent excellent quality all felt roll edge mat- itress. A real bargain in fine furniture. furniture. Send money order for complete price of goods. Any chartered bank our reference. Money back guarantee. LYONS, CHESTERFIELD MAN J- ' FACTUREES TRADE-IN DEPT-, 478 YÔNGE ST., Toronto. PERSONAL gOOKS EVERY MARRIED COU- ple and those contemplating marriage marriage should read, "Entering Marriage," Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page illustrated , catalogue of books, drug supplies, and household novelties, free upon request. Supreme %>ecialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. Ladies , To introduce our new methods of selling direct from Mill to Wearer, compare these big money saving prices. It is smart to be thrifty 1 Slip (shadow proofed) 50 regular 1 Dance Set (double gus- $2 50 sets) regular .... 1 Teddy (double gnssets) ®2 50 regular Any two of these numbers *jj3.00 for Or all three for <^4 50 Our exclusive Hollywood designs are Tailored in our own factory of finest silk ; shades white or tea rose ; guaranteed to wash and wear like iron. Wear and wash them and if you are not satisfied return same and your money cheerfully refunded. Buy in confidence from an all-Canadian all-Canadian firm. Order today. State size, enclose your check, postal or money order. WEAR-RITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 707 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Telephone Midway 1613 MACHINERY FANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, guaranteed increase crop. Write, Kline Mfr., 121 Empress Ores., Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS £EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, Trumpet, Trombone. Become a . Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms --no interest. Literature free. Greene Music Company, 57 Queen St. East, Toronto. POULTRY AND EGGS . DON'T MISS THESE PULLET BARGAINS y^LL PULLETS FROM GOVERN- ment approved, bloodtested breeders, breeders, Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Leghorns 2 months old .35c, 7 weeks old .32c, 6 weeks old .28c, 5 weeks old ,24c, month old .20c, 3 weeks old .18c. Assorted breeds, 4 to 6 weeks .18c, 7 to 8 weeks .22c. Special mating mating .02c per pullet more. Write for prices on older pullets. Terms-- Shipped C.O.D. anywhere, 100% live delivery guaranteed. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited, Fergus, Ontario. POULTRY FARM WHITE EGGS wanted. Highest premium, paid on all grades. . Bank references. A. Zammit, 5 Kane, Street, Toronto. CEDARBROOK .GAME FARM QFFEES, AFTER SEPTEMBER first, large, hardy young Ring- necks, all breeds fancy Pheasants, Wild Ducks, Geese, Wild Turkeys, hundred Ringneek breeders, non-re- lated, imported stock. Write for price list, 240 Jarvis Street (Department (Department C), Toronto. r a.' fr.M-EPL RANTED ,/ELL KNOWN Reputable Toronto Brokerage House, Representative Salesman over twenty-five years of age, in various Cities and Towns in Ontario outside of Toronto. Exclusive territory if desired, good commission and full cooperation. cooperation. Experience helpful but not necessary. Reply giving full particulars particulars to Box 52, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. STAMPS ANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS in quantity. Best prices for accumulations accumulations and collections. Queen Stamp Co., Toronto- TELEVISION AND RADIO £NGI.NEERING TAUGHT PRAC- tically. Motors, generators, armature armature winding, electrical drafting,, etc- Day and evening classes. Special Special correspondence course. Employment Employment service guaranteed. Canadian School of Electricity, 282 Ontario West, Montreal. TIRES jyjENZIE'S USED TIRES $2.95 up for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge, Buick, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks. Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. Nudist Tea Shops fiaffle Bobbies London pome Offi:e Battles With Queer Problem LONDON.--Enthusiasts of the cult of nudism have provided the Home Office and the police with a queer problem. For in and around London the nudists nudists have now opened tea shops and clubs. There is no secrecy about them, for they are openly advertised and visitors are invited. No allegations are made that any of these places are run other than with the utmost decorum, and visits paid by the police have revealed no indécent behaviour. Ample dressing room accommodation is provided, and guests of both sexes and the waitresses waitresses appear in slippers only. Even the girls at the cash desk of the tea shops wear nothing but a smile. While the lord chamberlain in London, London, and the local authorities else where, have the power to ban nudism in public exhibitions and stage performances, performances, they have no legal right to interfere with the nudist tea shops. So in the absence of indecent behaviour, behaviour, the police are bewildered and checkmated. I Smiles and I 0 $ Chuckles % $ » - Guest -- "Well, goodnight, I hope I haven't kept you up too late." Host (yawning) -- "Not at all. We would have been getting up soon anyway." anyway." Breathing through the mouth is said to be harmful, talking through the mouth also has very serious results at times. Friend -- "She'll come along soon, without a doubt." Man -- "Yeah? Shell be doubting my sobriety, my veracity and my fidelity." fidelity." Explaining gets to be a chronic habit habit with a lot of people. READ IT OR NOT !--Dutch clocks are made in Germany. Traveller -- "This rain should do 1 lot of good." Porter -- "Yes, sir. An hour of II would do more good in five minutes than a month of it would do in a week any other time. The fellow who got that job away from you yesterday is a low-down, chiseling so and so, and he cut the liafVMt MM* W'&sti keeeost 1 tient my $@@i with Mm tailed CIIM1I" Wool to reduce root rots and other titseases--got bigger wheat yields --better profits? Then treat seed with. SjSew Improved CBBESAN. "This duet..." save a recent Division Division ai Botany report, "effectively controls the smuts of onto, covered smut of bazlay.and bunt of wheat. It also improves ®e©< germination,-" germination,-" Easy to apply. Goals less than 6g «m acre. Write today for &ee 'mmtt' jfcmpMel W by m MMistmmm w m toi-mwH b-i-l rrMbwre FiWium fob your fall SSftUtBiÜMÎ* El Y03B !0SM OEALEIh eâNimâfi limited m Wests* ft»wH|,WSél Toronto, Out. BA fie ■ < : uï,' U. Issue No. 35--'37 B-- 1 price to the bono to get it. When you got that job away from him last month it was superior salesmanship. Exhibitor -- "Why didn't my dog win a prize?" Handler -- "He failed on legs -- not long enough." Exhibitor -- "Well, they touch the floor, don't they?" Operator -- "Number please?" Drunk -- "Number nothing. X Just put a nickel in here. Where's my chewing gum?" BILLBOARDS I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all. Lady -- "Here you are again, and 1 just gave you a pair of shoes last month." Tramp -- "Yes, lady. I just came back to see if you would have them half-soled for me." June Groom -- "Who spilled that mustard on this waffle, dearest?" June Bride --- "Oh, Jack how could you ? This is lernon pie!" His employer said he was an Independent Independent salesman ; he took orders from nobody. It never pays to worry about what other people are thinking about you, for they are probably wondering just What you are thinking about them. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; If it weren't for paint, women would rust. Harold -- "Was Eld shocked over the death of his aunt?" Jacob -- "Shocked? He was electrocuted." electrocuted." Soviet-U.S. Trade Pact Won't Affect Canada THE GOOD ROLL DAYS There's no need fo fish around for a cigarette tobacco of satisfying smoothness. Get a line on Ogden's Fine Cut and you're set for the fullest enjoyment in rolling your own. Get a line on the best papers, too -- i'Chanfeeler" or "Vogue". And remember that you get a bigger 15c. package of Ogden's, nowl P.S.-- Your Pip& JS.HOWS Ogden's Cut Plug, s Children Picket PHILADELPHIA. •-- Thirty-five South Philadelphia children picketed today a neighborhood candy storq whose owner complained of noise they made at play. They carried signs : "This Store Unfair to Kids." OTTAWA. -- The new commercial agreement between the United States and Soviet Russia proclaimed at Washington will have little or no effect effect on Canada's trade with either of the countries in the opinion of trade officials here. Interpretation placed on the agreement agreement here is that the, principal change will be to give Russian coal and coke free entry into the United States. Canada Canada and Russia are not competitors in this commodity arid there is little competition in others. The expansion of Russia's purchasing purchasing in the United States will also make little difference to Canada. The trade between Canada and Russia, freed last September from a mutual embargo, amounts to, only a few thousand thousand dollars' a month. "No man can be loyal to American American institutions and believe in a single fundamental principle of Fascism and Nazism." --William E. Borah. /U, RHEUMATISM 1 Pour Minard's into a warm Jl§ dish. Rub liniment gently in; |1F JB | then apply it according to Jjj"' 11 directions a e and soon ||i w | t yoa'ïi get relief! -jra KING OF PAIN ITCHING TORTURE STOPPED In A Minute ! For quick relief from the itching of pimples, blotches* eczema, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin eruptions* apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D, D. PRESCRIPTION,, Its gentle oils soothe the irritated fikin. Clear, greaseless and stainless--dries fast, Stop» the moat intense itching instantly, A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves ii--or money back. Ask for-- 30 Safe for High Speeds because of 2 Exiffl cord Plies Under the Tread and Gum-Dipped Safety Locked Cords Sa for Guide Stopping because of New Extra Rider Strip «ad Scientifically Scientifically Designed Safety Tread They Stop A* proved in UP t® 25% tesls hy a Iead ' Quicker "* university. %|6,99CsCGr The Scientific» ally Designed Tread, with, the extra rider strip and especially compounded rubber, gives you longer non-skid safety mileage and lowest cost per mile. They <Mw Because every Greatsst ^ COT t and „ „„ ply am Gum- Protection Dippo a -- sa t. «rated and insulated with robber to counteract internal friction and heat--the greatest greatest enemy of tire life. 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread Bind tread and body into one inseparable unit, providing greater strength and making the tire safe at any speed. Only in Firestone tires can you get all these extra features „ , . aod at no extra cost I See the nearest Firestone Dealer today. ,'- J <h MU Ur SPEED TIRÉS

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