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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS 1!:- ILE In passing Dream of Barley Park on Sunday last we never vena .tuber seeing so many autos parked, there were hundreds of them which shows the popularity of tills handy stopping pilaluo. Another thing we noticed was the number of : young people who do the thurnlb act in trying to get a ride ulp town. Those youngsters should know that this hikester business is •somicthing. that should be frowned 011 ■ and auto drivers are, as a rule, giving giving such the "g'o-foy." The Canadian Legion Band of this town: hiked down to Port Hope on Thursday evening last and were to take part in the "Lions Chib" Street Carnival but rain iriterferred and it was postponed until: the next evening when the band again went down, but the street parade was held but rain again interferred. Old Man Pluviua seams to have a grudge which he holds against the valley town people, people, However, better weather next time we hope for the Lions 'Club. We noticed in Monday's Globe and Mail the death of an old Clarke son, Mr. John Middleton, at his home in M inden. The interment. took place in On am on Monday last. John was an old Ho. 9 school boy and the old hwmestead was just east of 'Tri-drey's corners at the old Bethel Chapel 'where bis- grandpàrenits and 'parents attended when it was a preaching- centre centre ,for that district. The Middle- tons were a prominent and much respected respected family- in that neighborhood. The .noiighhorhood. of Bradley's school house, held a reunion on Saturday Saturday afternoon last and a very large crowd as-semibkxl and listened to old timers- in speeches and music. Mr. i i. II. I lardy, head of the Goodyear factory here, was one of the chief organizers of. the old boys and girls of that district, being a native of that "far-off district" in his school boy days. Th a : Legion band went out and discoursed a pTentious program of up-to-date music which was much appreciated, Mr. Thomas Hamlyii, a resident of this town for many years past away at the hospital on Sunday last and the funeral; was held from B. F. Morris' Morris' Funeral Parlors on Wednesday afternoon last to the-cemetery here. While the piano shop was; in operation be Wa-s an employee of that place for many years- and also day watchman afterwards employed at the Goodyear RiuiBber Works until illness and old age interf erred. He loa'ves- three soins, (me in Kngl-ànd, one in Toronto and one in Tltt-awa, Mr. liunert Hainlyn. The last of the holiday series of United Church sermons as given by the. pastor of Trinity ad minister of St. Paul's -earne to an end on Sunday evening last. July was taken by Mr. Diayiison and August by Mr. Banister. St. Paulis. Sunday- Schdol will hold their picnic this week at the Cream of Barley P-ark, arid no doubt will be a great afternoon of sport and games for the kidiet.group as well as for the adults, and so now for school and fall work, atid also in rural sections for the preparation for school fairs, which: must not be lost sight- of. ■ The Legion Baud -gave a street concert at Oirptio on Saturday overling overling last and also in Newcastle on Sunday afternoon last, but wo have not had a program in this- town this summer. We know they have been down to the Cream of Barley several times,, but not uip town. We understand understand the Port Hope Band will be here at the Old Boys arid Girls reunion, reunion, alto one of Toronto's, Salvation Salvation Army Bands will be here, on Sunday, We hear that Orono Regimental Regimental Band will also he-present. We were hoping that Cant. John Shifter and his band would' be present but we believe this will not be just n-ow The good old 48th Highlanders would | A 50° i Radio Repair i l t o ! I . service i \ Any Where Any Time - - i ■ i, _ /■-" ; _-j I A mpréfeimt-iléie linqmf- Tubes -will j s not be found ' this, side, of: Toronto ; s--all Tubes tested ' free' of charge I j ; '\i, I j Clias. R. Knox' i Phone 42r2, Orono ! 'Serving the public for six years - | (formerly -with Green's Radio j Bèfyi-ce), 12th and Monterey Sts., i Detroit. NEWTONVILLE Mrs. J. T. Pearce is visiting friends in Montreal, Mrs, Roy, Orono, is visiting Miss Bertha' Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, N. Nesbitt spent Su-nday in Toronto. Miss" Edna Pearce, Montreal, is bo'Mdayin'g at home. Mi. and Mrs. S. Hutchinsoh -spent the week-end at Bolton, A number from here -attended the Street Carnival in Port Hope Friday night, Air. and Mrs. Reg. Woodbam, Toronto, Toronto, visited relatives here on Sunday. Sunday. Miss Elsie Wallace is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Herb. Alexander, Markham. Mrs. Willis Jones, Bud. and Bae, are spending a week with relatives at Warikworth. -Master Noel Brooks, Montreal, is visiting bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe. Mrs. S. R. Jones and Mrs. Alice TruScott Jones spent Thursday with Mrs. A. George, Port Hope. Mr. Howard Bellamy. Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loftuis Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay and family. family. spent -Sunday with M r. and M is. Robert Gordon, Elizabeth, ville. Miss Olive Whitney is undergoing treatment in Bowmanville hospital -as a result of injuries received in a runaway runaway a short time ago. W-e ' wish her a speedy recovery. -Air, and Mrs. J. II. Couch, Helen aii-d: Bill motored to Hamilton Wednesday. Wednesday. Mr. Couch returned on Thursday while the rest are remaining remaining fur a longer visit. Our Girls' Team (Miss Hilda Rowland, Rowland, B'emiece Milligan and Beatrice Beatrice Thompson) won first place at Pererboro Exhibition and will compete compete at the O.N.E. on 'Sept.. 8th. Heartiest congratulations ! : The W, I, held their regular meeting meeting at the home of .Mrs. John Robinson, Robinson, Newcastle, on Wednesday, Aug. 18-th. Plans were made for -a 'School Fair booth at Newcastle. Mrs. Oh as. Hancock gave a talk on "weeds and their control" and Mrs, Willis Jones gave a talk on "corn and the corn borer." -Mrs. . Ha-igih gave a reading "Mist." The roll call .was answered by a "product and where produced" and "current events," Mrs, F. Love- kin and her group, served lunch. *»>--"■ BASEBALL A series of games has been arranged arranged by the Executive of the Forestry Shftiball team to be played 1 on our Joeal diamond, the first of which will take place on Friday evening with the -Schofield Woollen Mills of Osh -twa. Game called at 6 p.m. sharp, s + an dard time. Arrange to attend giving your support to the team that was good enough to-win Our group '•baimpionship. be a- huge drawing card for this Durham Durham reunion. We are,pleased to congratulate those worthy people of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, on the occasion occasion of celebrating their fifty years of married life and our wi-sli is- .many more years of health and happiness in days to come to those much respected- respected- residents' of this village. There is certainly a scarcity of houses in this town today and we notice notice many new homes are being bull! along No. 2 Highway, which is probably probably cheaper than living in town or city. The auto ear helps o-ut in this line andl with the exception of city water, people have the electric lights but still with more factories as wo are looking forward. Today working men's houses arc what is needed, snob as have been erected the past few years. What about you monied men ? If there's not time en ough during the week for advertising purposes by radio, if you are lisitening to a good lecture or a -sermon by some eloquent speakers to have your attention' called called .to the next, some manufacturer or dealer in tooth powder or fertilizer, or special food for hogs, -or some other artipie juis-t as out of placé, does it not make you tired and especially, on Sunday this is particularly "ri la ling. Why. not cut out all advertising on Sunday, likewise baseball games and su-cb sports, and often in newspapers, is announced "Midnight Fr-oliic" at 1215 .Sunday night Bill Blank's Jazzy entertainers -on the program ail-dl then this iSun.day evening'-; pro-, gram "RolMeking Cèyboy Ballads and well-known hymns." 'Such going on does not in anyway exalt an nation nation but jysit -the reverse, and if it were not for the law we would have no day of rest but just a sport- holiday. holiday. With many it is only the fear of hell and the hangman's rope that keeps them in order. KENDAL The Tweeddle family, Toronto, Spent last week at the farm. - The Winn Bros, have been busy digging a well in McLean's school yard. Airs. Will Little and son Don. and friends motored to Ottawa for the week-end. - Air. Fred Boyd has been visiting with his brother Mr. Whitney Boyd 1 at Kirby. The Philip family, Toronto, -spent last week at their summer home in the village. Mrs, O Wright and daughter Annie of Newton ville, spent Sunday at their home in the village. We are glad to- welcome Mr. James Wannan and family to our church service Sunday morning. Miss Dorothy Swarbri-ck of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Air. and Mrs. •Ins. Swarbrick. Mr. Dave Elliott who is a brother of Mr. Wesley Elliott, visited some old acquaintances here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery attended attended 'chuXc-h service here Sunday rn-orning and visited at the home of Mr. 'Siam Senile. Miss Edith Rough!.y, girl friend who have been visiting her grandmother grandmother Mrs, T'horne have returned home to O'shawa. Mr. Arthur Thompson, mother Mrs. C. Thompson visited at the home of Mrs. Milton Dunbar, Parry- towu on Sunday. Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Jack- son and family visited at Mrs. Carman Carman Bel's, Oampbclteroft on Tuesday Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bell -and -baby, of .Oampbelcroft, 'her! brother, Mr,. Frank McM.niicn. who is holidaying holidaying with them visited with friends here Tuesday even i ng. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave and family, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs. George McKenna, have returned homo to Toronto and Mrs. McKenna and family have accompanied accompanied them for'a short visit, : Mr. and Mrs. George Oars'ca-didden , Colling wood, visited at the home of Mr.Wesley Elliott on Friday evening and on iS-at-urday mo tored - to Parry- town to visit his sister Mrs. Wesley Elliott, whom we are glad to report is out of the hospital and is staying at the home of her daughter Mis* Milton Dunbar. .'Sympathy is extended to the family of Mr, Mark Allin who passed away at his home: at Newcastle .recently. Until the last few years- since sickness confined him to his home Mr. Allin often, visited, in our community and on Anniversary occasions was always ready, willing to- assist in the Service of Song which was much enjoyed- by everybody. There was a large congregation out on Sunday morning to hear Miss Nellie Nellie Hill who gave a wonderful address on Mission' work here and abroad, Owing to a serious illness a year ago Nellie has been un-able to carry on her church work here and ' we have missed her help very much but hope, from now on her health will permit her to carry on again. Mr. and Mrs, John Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Norm an Patton, motored, to RJuevale on Saturday to attend their Uncle's funeral and on their way home they" visited 'Miss' Etta Boyd who is in. Toronto hospital and were glad to report, that her condition seemed to be improving. They also visited Air. Herb. Trew of Oak Hill who is also in the hospital there. NEWCASTLE Miss Relia Cook is visiting friends in Toronto. Both High and Publie Schools open here on Sept. 1st. Mr. E. W. H. Ward has gone to Toronto until schools opens. Miss Gladys Shaw has been home from- Toronto for her holidays. Air. Jim Lovekin is visiting his mother in Toronto for. a fortnight. Mrs. Frank Ball, who has been spending the summer with Miss Lockhart, Lockhart, has returned to Toronto. • Air. Alonzo Cowan announces the engagement of his younger daughter, Ruby Irene, to Wm. Eld ward War- burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wiarlburton of Osliawa. The marriage is to be solemnized, at Newcastle on Sept. 11 : li. The Canadian Legion Band gave a Band couver at the Lake on Sunday Sunday afternoon fast.. They also played for a- - short - time' on -the lawn 'of "LongWtiod" where Miss: Alabol Foster, Foster, nursing si s ter w itli the Canadians ov-ersea.s, is- .residing. -Miss Gladys Pollard whose forth* ■coming marriage to Mr. Everett Brown is to be held the,'-first paît of September, was given two- showers last week. The first, a miscellaneous: one, -was given at the home ,-,f Mrs. Fred Couch and w'as largely attended. attended. The second .was, given by tithe members of the class at -Sunday school and was held at the home or Mrs. Mellows. Gladys is one of Newcastle's Newcastle's most popular young lies YEARS TO PAY under the IMPROVEMENT PLAN Get the finest roofing money can buy on easy payments, spread over three years. Tite-Lap and Rib Roll roofings are durable, handsome appearance, fire-proof; even lightning-proof if erected according to the lightning Rod Act. Buy from a company that has served you honestly for years--whose products set the pace -- Eastern Steel Products Limited Side and end lapa weather* TITE-LAP and mB-POLL ROOFING Both Tite-Lap and Rib- Roll are easily put on over your old roof. They save you money by cutting cutting upkeep costs, protecting protecting your crops and livestock. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P. product. product. Send ridge and rafter measurements for free cost estimate. A drive-screw nail, development development of the Preston Led- Bed Nail. Takes ten times aa much force to draw it out of a sheathing board as a standard standard barbed roofing nail, JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for literature on the famous Jamesway Poultry Equipment. Complete line of incubators, brooder stoves, poultry house equipment of all kinds. • Specialists in ventilation and housing for The^p'reston Fertilator attached to your seed drill enables you to sow fertilizer with your fall wheat. 705 Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO Eastern Steel Products 'Jjrrtited Factories also at MONTREAL end TORONTO SBBH THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY are SPECIAL FEATURE DAYS SELECT VALUES IN ALL DEPTS. WATCH FOR SALE BILLS IN THE MAIL TO-DAY EXTRA. SPECIAL BROOMS, well filled with Quality. Quality. Corn. SALE PRICE, N-o. 8 Brooms, 5-string 25c. SALE OF FANCY CAKES, fresh -shipment for the sale, 12 varieties to choose from, including your favourite Orange Creams and Snowball Mallow's, •2 lbs. for 1 29c. JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX, Vanilla, Chocolate and Maple flavours. You can make your own ice cream, MULLETS, 2- pkgs. for 17c. TAPIOCA, 2 libs, for 15c. Ill I X( REST SHORTENING, fresh stock, 2 lbs... 25c. COMBINATION OFFER--1 regular pkg. SUPER SUDS, 20c. and- 3 cake-s COLGATE'S TOILET . SOAP, 15c. ALL FOR 25c. ORONO 5c. T0$1ÔÔST0RE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF ■ REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL. Shingles, as low as $3.25 per square PHONE 48R16 i Orono Goal & Lumber Co aii-d will be much missed when «he makes her future home in Montreal. , The Myitis and Women's: Bowling Clubs have started their annual tournament for the John Douglas Trophy. There are six rinks in play end -are -as 1 follows. The skips of each! rink is mentioned first. Kink Mo. 1, Mr. 'C. Ihitty. .Mr>. 0. -Oar- vetli, IT. C. Britton and Major Dudley; Dudley; Rink Ho. 2, Dr. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs. H. C. Brit ton, Mr. George Jamieson; Rink,Ho. 8, Mr. Kenefick, Mrs.' Ken.efi.ck, Mrs. C. 0. Fisher, Mr. 'Walter Orowther; Rink Ho. 4, Mr. Bert B'rereton, Mrs. Bpi'l Brereton, Mrs. Herb. Toms and Mr.- J. - E. W. Philip; Rink Ho. 5, Mr. Cecil Carveth, Mr; Carl Fisher, Mrs. -Percy Hare andd Mrs. Chris La w ; Rink Ho, 6, Mr. Percy Hare, Mrs. J. A. Butler, 'Mr. Hanlon Barker Barker and Master Artie Toms.

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