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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1937, p. 7

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Si .. ' ' «™. a» K» C< 5 6 s? »a@ |*i i| ►ii S ►i w tel ►J ... . . ■ -«-- w l,, " ,J ■ 1 1^4 FILMS AND PRINTS >:i A AGENTS WANTED ■ jp OOD PROFITS EVERY DAY SEL- '^• 8 ling our guaranteed hosiery. Plenty Plenty of repeat orders. Protected territory territory for producers. Clarion Company, Post Office 162, St. Catharines, Ont. PROGRESSIVE AGENTS WANTED * for made-to-measure men's cloth ing. SUIiercraft Clothes, 5044 St. Lawrence, Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., n 126 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Toronto. Improved light metal and willow willow artificial limbs without shoulder straps, BARN ROOFING --- FENCE POSTS fVDR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES save you money on Supertite galvanized galvanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Superior Superior Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. CEDARBROOK GAME FARM SEPTEMBER OFFERS, AFTER v first, large, hardy young Ring- necks, all breeds fancy Pheasants, Wild Ducks, Geese, Wild Turkeys, hundred Ringneck breeders, non-re- làted, imported stock. Write for price list. 240 Jarvis St. (Department C), Toronto. DOGS |_IIGH CLASS .SCOTCH, ENGLISH " Collie Pups, natural born, low heelers, good watch dog. Males, two months, $3.50. 3 months $3.75. Females $2.00. Failures replaced free. Trained cattle dogs, trained fox, coon and deer hounds. Rapidview Kennels, Morris- burg, Ontario. FURNITURE 7J SPECIAL OFFER Free delivery to nearest freight depot if you enclose this advertisement or present, at our showrooms if shopping in Toronto. HUGE SALE OF 'TRADE-IN FURNITURE Every article completely reconditioned reconditioned and sanitarily treated in Toronto's Toronto's largest used furniture market. Special attention given to mail orders. g QJX Dressers, excellent condi- *_ . tion, all finishes. 1 ft *GA Singer drop head Sewing mac hine, perfect shape. 8 95 Day-beds, complete with * new mattresses. 1 1 Kitchen Cabinets, perfect shape, porcelain top. 3 and 4 burner Gas Stoves perfect condition. J.i-1 50 Breakfast Room Suites, 6- pieces complete includes Buffet, several colors, enamel finish. 1 Ô C$i S Bed Outfits, walnut finish, dB. 0 -r 1 ,1 'll T *1 all steel panel beds, way- sagless springs, brand new mattress. IQ 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, • 1 " genuine French Jacquard covering, Marshall cushions, a snap. 29 00 3 "Pi ec ® Chesterfield Suite in heavy repp cover, used less than 1 year, reversible Marshall cushions, a dandy. *3S fif!) 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, covered, finest quality mohair, mohair, walnut, Marshall springs throughout, throughout, reversible cushions, like new, really beautiful. 8-piece solid oak Dining room Suite, buffet, table, and 6 leather seat chairs in perfect shape. 59=00 "todem 6-piece Bed-room Suite, large dresser, vanity with Venetian mirrors, chiffonier and full size bed with sagless spring and new mattress, completely refinished. 89 00 Beautiful 9-piece Solid walnut Dining-room Suite, large buffet, china cabinet; extension extension table, 6 leather upholstered chairs, cost new over $300, Completely Completely refinished. 49 00 9- P* ece walnut finished * Dining-room Suite, buffet, square extension table, china cabinet cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs, in perfect condition. Send money order for complete price of goods. Money back gaur- antee, LYONS CHESTERFIELD MFKS. Trade-in Department 478 Yonge Street, Toronto FILMS AND PRINTS E «LARGEMENT FREE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brightling, 29 Richmond Street' East, Toronto. CPARKyNG, HIGLOSS, DECKLE- ® edged prints, three extra with each roll finished 25c. Twelve reprints 25c Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont. DOLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, " one free enlargement 25c. Reprints Reprints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King St., E., Toronto. DOLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT *'■ prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B„ Outremont, Que. JC ROLL DEVELOPED AND one deckle edge print of each. Reprints 3c, 10 for 25c. One Free enlargement enlargement with each order 25c or more. Snap-Y Photo Service, Box 72, Station K, Toronto. FUR FARMING O AISE MINK, FOR PROFIT -- GET started right with Moss "Quetico" strain mink--guaranteed stock. Write for full information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Sapawe, Ontario. LADIES' WEAR I ADIES -- TO INTRODUCE OUR " new methods of selling direct from Mill to Wearer, compare these big money saving prices. It is smart to be thrifty 1 Slip (shadow proofed) regular 1 Dance Set (double gusset) regular .......... 1 Teddy (double gussets) regular Any two of these numbers for .... Or all three for ... $2.1 if), <kA t Our exclusive Hollywood designs are Tailored in our own factory of the finest silk; shades white or tea rose; guaranteed to wash and wear like iron. Wear and wash them and if you are not satisfied return same and your money cheerfully refunded. Buy in confidence from an all-Canadian firm. Order today. State size, enclose your check, postal or money order. WEAR-RITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 707 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. Telephone Midway 1613 LILY BULBS PLANT LILIES NOW -- ADD TO brightness of your garden with Lilies from home-grown bulbs of reliable reliable varieties. Also other perennial flowers--and fruit trees for northern gardens;, all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with instructions instructions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaranteed. guaranteed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner, Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba. MACHINERY f"ET OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold, Shapley & Muir gas, gasoline, gasoline, and fuel oil engines and grinders. Also repairs for Brantford engines, pumps, windmills. ,T. A. Fellows & Co. Brantford, Ont. PANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, guaranteed increase crop. Write, Kline Mfr„ 121 Empress Cres., Toronto. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS Ï EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, " Trumpet, Trombone. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms--no in terest. Literature free. Greene Music Company, 57 Queen St., East, Toronto. PERSONAL BOOKS EVERY MARRIED COUPLE and those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies, and- household novelties, free upon request. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, Comfort, Positive Support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. POULTRY AND EGGS 7 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS 20c ' BEFORE HAVE WE OF- MEVER fered pullets so low in price. Bar red Rocks or White Leghorns 4 week old 18c, 5 week old 22c, 6 week old 25c, 7 week old 28c, 2 month old 33c, 4 to 6 week old 17c, 7 to 10 week old 20c. Super quality 2c per pullet more, All pullets from Government. Approved, Approved, bloodtested breeders. Terms -- Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Baden Electric Electric Chick Hatchery, Baden, Ont. RADIO pARM-CITY RADIOS $7.95 COM- â plete. Save half. Agents free offer. Amazing prices windchargers, power plants, accessories. Marco 1243X Mc- Gqe, Kansas City, Mo, SALESMEN WANTED gALESMEN, EASY TO EARN $25.00 weekly. Sell shirts, pyjamas, made-to-measure. Dignified work. Every Every man interested. Write D. Stetson, Box 2110, Montreal. Issue No. 36---'37 B--1 SALE8id E N WANTED fei WANTED BY WELL KNOWN RB- »» putable Toronto Brokerage : House, Representative Salesman over twenty- five years of ag®> to various Cities and Towns iii Ontario outside of Toronto. Exclusive territory if desired, good commission arid full co-operation. Ex- Derience hell)tcl but not necessary. Reply giving "full particulars to Box 52, Wilson Publishing Co,, 73 Adelaide St, W„ Toronto. STAMPS WANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS IN " quantity. Best prices for accumulations accumulations and collections. Queen Stamp Co., Toronto. TELEVISION AND RADIO ENGINEERING TAUGHT PRACTI- cally. Motors, generators, armature armature winding, electrical drafting, etc. Day and evening classes. Special correspondence correspondence course. Employment service service guaranteed. Canadian School of Electricity, 282 Ontario West, Montreal. Montreal. ; ■ . & || i |.8 I.Sil m , The DOUBLE automatic booklet is uvudll auîomanc oooi<ier is «Hé* 1 , i ler--each paper comes out easily, ,,, 4 IliipsmsL Wm MSegami w - -- * n > BS V 1 "v ' lifigr v* • ■■ is :'j E ^ ; I -1 ' ' n y , u* > V" } "" ^ ; AUTOMATIC BOOKLET E % RSCE TIRES MENZIE'S USED TIRES $2.95 UP for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth Dodge, Buick, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks. Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. ia Hudson foi Unsal Less Dangerous Than St. Lawrence Lawrence In Some Respects Says Board OTTAWA--The Hudson Bay shipping shipping route "is no more dangerous, and in some respects less dangerous, than the St. Lawrence route," it was stated in a report of the Imperial Shipping Committee released here. The committee, which sets insurance insurance rates for the Ear Northern shipping shipping lane, reported that a fast, modern modern tramp steamer would have no difficulties in making three round trips between Churchill and Europe in the official navigation season, from August 5th to October 15th. The committee recommended gyro compasses for ships on the route, and in fact made reductions in insurance insurance rates for vessels equipped with them. "Eight seasons have passed," the report stated, "since the new route was opened. The way is well charted charted and well equipped with aids of navigation. The exceptional circumstances circumstances on account of which the warranty warranty is imposed--ice, fog and magnetic magnetic disturbance--are known and have been provided against by the gyro compass, direction-finding and the very efficient escort of the • Canadian Canadian patrol vessels. Nevertheless, so far as physical risks are concerned, concerned, we are convinced that the Hudson Hudson Bay route is no more dangerous, and in some respects less dangerous, than the St, Lawrence route. As against this there still remains the fact that with the present small number number of voyages, a single total loss in a season is a serious matter for the underwriters'." V ►S I * uc ues $ * 4 © Husband (reading newspaper account account of an incident at travelling menagerie)--"With menagerie)--"With a hoarse roar the lion sprang at the trainer and pandemonium pandemonium broke loose!" Wife--"What queer names they give animals to be sure!" _ Great opportunities in life may be scarce. But every hour of every day of our existence is a little Opportunity to improve yourself, to the end that you may be better, your neighbor hap pier, and the world the gaine your presence in it for a short t: Lonely Valley Blackened trunk and blackened and still the living green Comes bravely forth to hide the O Friend, when you have seeiji The najked. hillside, bare and where once the lilac bloomed, r for me. twig, scars. gray, these Will you not give a thought to your careless act has doomed? The smouldering fire you left behind that bright September day, The match you flung so carelessly as you drove on your, way, That half-burned cigarette that fell beside the winding road ; WHEN IN TORONTO HARLEY- DAVIDSON Distributors Used Motorcycles, Parts and Accessories - KENNEDY & RENTON 421 College St. Toronto You bear the sin in secret--yes, but you bear a heavy load. And yet, the stricken valley wears a trusting hopeful air, As though it really tried to say; "Now don't you fret and care ! This frightful thing that came to me was never planned by you; We'll both forget the harm they did - --but YOU be careful too!" Read It Or Not.--All wild men of Borneo are fakes. Continental Landlord (to his American American visitor)--"And how do you like our city?" American--"I hate it. It's as hot as h--, and just as uncomfortable." Landlord (admirably) -- "Ah! Is there anywhere you Americans have not been?" Jack--"There is a lot of favoritism in our family." Uncle--"Why, Jack, what on earth do you mean ?" Jack--"Well, I get punished if I bite my fingernails and when baby puts his foot in his mouth they think it's cute." Judge--"Your wife complains that you never work. How about it, Sam?" Sam--"Dat woman's crazy. Ask her what Ah was doin' de second Tuesday of August, last year?" Shoe Merchant --• "Business is so quiet that we had better have a special special sale." Store Manager--"All right. , What shall it be?" Shoe Merchant--"Well, take that line of $5 shoe's and mark them down from $10 to $7.95. in bringing better health to abotf- 290,000 people scattered oyer the island and another 5,000 along th$> Starts ord of Yam MACON, Ga.--Startled scanners of seriate S's said surfeit of sibilants seemed certain for students seeking to read the Rev. J. F, Cargile's 13,- 000 word novelette in which each word begins with the 19th letter of the alphabet. The 66 year old Baptist missionary minister has been working on -his opus, opus, "The Gladiator's Choice" for two years and said he determined to confine confine himself to "S" words "for reasons reasons of my own." Cargile conceded that reading the seemingly simple sentences--escuse it, please--of his book "takes some thought," but added succinctly, "So does reading Milton's 'Paradise Lost'." Sibilant sample: "Spain's sapphire seas, surging sonorously, scared sickly so-journers, Stephens 'Sea Ships' sailed swiftly southward. Scattered seaweed (sun- struck) shone serenely. Seagulls swiftly sped, sometimes swooping suddenly, scraping seething sea surfaces, surfaces, stopping several seconds, seeing seeing something stomach-satisfying." Peculiar Task Faces Government --One Doctor For Every 7,000 People Public health-, which has been commanding increased public attention attention in Canada and the United States year by year, is now being considered' considered' by Newfoundland authorities with more serious thought than ever, before. before. In his recent budget speech, the Commissioner for Finance declared the problem of public health was one of the most important with which the Government had to grapple. The Department of Public Health and Welfare has been given over three million dollars for its year's estimates estimates and in addition, it is expected that part of the $8,000,000 reconstruction reconstruction grant from- the British Government will be devoted to improvement improvement of medical facilities. Newfoundland has a gigantic task Labrador Coast. In the remote fisfffe ing villages there is only one to every 7',000 people, the area cofjS ered being so largo that the burden^ is tremendous, f Within the last year, nine cottage! hospitals have been put into operlp tion and the work of planned publie! health commenced by various pro.-', ventive measures. ■•) Some idea of the need of publié* health facilities in Newfoundland may be had from the infant mortal-^ ity figures. Canada's rate of 7|| deaths per 1,000 births is considéré^» large, yet in Newfoundland the ii|? fant mortality rate in 1936 . stood a|> 96.5 for St. Johns City and 103 the country district. Narrowest Street Closed By a QUEBEC.--Sous le Cap street, thei narrowest street in North Americaj and the mecca of tourists from am parts of the continent will no longefi be traversed by automobiles and' other vehicles, including the quaiiti calcchc. At the request of the Quebec Safety Safety League fearful of injuries to tlio flock of children who play in thl|i narrow alleyway which is graced by r - the ,name of a street, Chief of Police Police Trudel has closed it and gates have been built at either end to pro- vent their passage. j The children who made a lively hood by begging for pennies, runt find their source of income cut. off. Lost Has Nerve After 12 Months' Suffering from acute rheumatism là) both his knee joints -- treated in hos-i pitai twice without result so un-j nerved that he was afraid to cross &j street--how readily every rhéumatid' sufferer will sympathise with this ; man. Road what he says : ■ 'For 12 months, I suffered pain and | misery with acute rheumatism in both ; my knees. Twice, I was treated in hospital--but hospital--but it was no use. I could nofjl walk up or downstairs. I was afraid to, cross-the street, for I had lost all j confidence in myself. Fourteen days ] ago, I started taking Krusehen Salts, j and already I am a new man. I can j walk with a smart step, go up and downstairs with ease, and Cross the Street with complete confidence. My rheumatism is getting better every day." -- D.L. In a good many cases, rheumatism j cannot resist the action of Kruschetil Salts, which dissolve the painful crys-. tals of uric acid -- often the cause of those aches and pains--and assist the' kidneys to eliminate this poison, through the natural channels. f LIN! Rub on--pain gone.' Get the new large economy economy size--Also avail* able in smaller, regular ««Snip ©assr Protect your CASH and BOOKS fçom FIRE and THIEVES. New and used Safes, Certified Certified Cabinets, and Steel Chests, all sizes. Moderate prices and terms. Visit our showroom, or write Dept. W, J. & J. TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1.855 . v K. -• vj . ' ;s '■ .X ' - ' ■ ■ ' "y \ : -• w : r e-Mm sF 8 *

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