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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1937, p. 8

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orono weekly times NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS BOWMANVILLE Well, the Durham Ol d - Boss' and Girls' Reunion ewme to an end in a. .great blaze of glory on Monday evening evening or Tuesday morning, and with tone or t ; wo little slips ..was a great success- 5 A -very large number of old timers registered at the "House of Friendship," especially on Sunday Sunday and 1 Sunday night, there was some disappointment in the non-appearance non-appearance of' some through illness and - such-like,, but there was never such a number before at any former reunion. reunion. The Toronto Salvation Army band contributed 1 in no small' degree to the success of the Saturday and 'Sunday programs. This band is a credit to the city from which they came, Toronto, and both at the park and up-town, this fine organization contributed in no small, degree to the aulecess of the reunion. The sports were carried on in the athletic -grounds of the park and the baseball tournament was a great drawing card. The -decoration and many coloured lights added greatly to the appearance appearance of the old town, hut why were not the stores illuminated in the ■evening that was a conundrum to us. We ,mgan the store windows -Sunday evening with such a number in town it would have helped the situation to have had all.the light possible as the traffic was heavy.: The Service Sunday Sunday evening was' rather late in get- tinig' under Way, and the lighting- was none, too good, it would have been better-to better-to have opened the program somewhat' somewhat' earlier, but like the play at the theatre, "first nights" are not always perfect and allowance must be made for a hitch occasionally. There was many old time mementos shown in -the 'gathering in looks and playing that was- much appreciated. That fine organization the Girls Flute band of O-siiawa, was as usual -very-attractive In their neat uniform -and also' in their playing. The town's- fife àhd drum ba nd wa s on: deck as " u sual and presented a good appearance. The base ball game on -Saturday afternoon Clobourg and B-owmanvilld, we did not hear - how it came -out or the football either, too busy -elsewhere- -to 'attend to those games. The Old Time Fidellers, was a one sided affair. Only onéTone player 1 "putting- in an appearance. Where were those old time artists? -Surely there must be quite a: number of them throughout the Durham County, over TO years- of age. For all probability the Canadian 'Statesman will have a full report, of all winners of Sports items. The Legion band contributed to the the program on all three days. We did mot learn the name of the Orchestra that,. furnished the music for the Street Dance, hut it "Was very good -ospoially in the Old Time dances which was a. -source: of much amusement amusement to the large crowd of on-lookers, but it was a great night for the youngsters and visitors who had a great, dance--jest and loads of fun. The night was warm but, dress coats olid starched shirts fronts "cut no ice in this circle- and wilted collars, everyone, was out for a jolly old time, and the sing-song style of the floor manager added a U'lcturesqueiiess to the tone picture that could not, be improved Upon, not, since the old time dimees of years oast, have we had more zest in those 1 dances than the Old Durham Bovs and Girls dance of Monday evening last, it was faintly an "old time frolic Jong to remember on this 1937 "Re- ymion of the Durham County Club in the -good old town of BowtMffr ville, with mayor Ros-a "Strike. a"s its chief magistrate and chair man of -comlmittee. -- ^ --o--c : . --U- Rea-d the .AdvertisernenlS in The Orono Times and save-money.. ' ' -- ;; - 1 ■ i ■ Î A 50®- 1 1 ! Radio Repair | 1 1 bef vice j | Any Where Any Time f 1A m | not .one 'Complete line of Tubes' will | ho f-omi-d this side b"f Toronto - N 1 'Tubes tested free of charge. ! -- ----- ----u I Chas. R. Knox | Phone 42r2, Orono j Serving the public for: six years I (formerly with Green's Radio j Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., i Detroit. | NEWTONVILLE •Miss. Ida Savinac spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Air. and Mrs. D, Kaufm'an enjoyed a trip""to- Kingston last week. Mrs. Walter ti-herwin, Orono, visited visited her'daughter, Mrs. Laurie Cole. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glelan-d Lane upon the arrival of a daughter. Mir. and Mrs, W. Chester, Oshava, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rcdkn-acpjp. "Mrs. Bnche, Toronto, was a guest if her aunt and uncle, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Ja-s. I.aiv.g. 'Mrs. Raymond Bruce and Marian has returned from a week's holiday with relatives at Bancroft. Mrs. E. Atkinson and Janet, of Richmond Hill, visited Mrs. J. Barrie and in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. L.. Hayes, Bowman- villo, with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dareh visited in Oolxmrg on Sunday. Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Lniivnahave returned home from a pleasant visit in Montreal, motoring through the 'States part of the way. Mr. arid Mrs. C'has. Moase, Lindsay, Lindsay, visited his sister, Mrs. ,G. W. Joiio.-. Mgs. Jones returned with them, for a short visit. Miss Gladys Pearce " in -company with Mis-s Eldna Pearce-and Mr. Walter Walter Grayson, of Montreal, has been on a trip to New York City. Air. and Mrs. S. Pothick,- Floyd and' Verna", Enniskillen, and Mr. Howard Wight, Providence, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red'knapp, Sunday. Mr. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., wife and family, Brighton, and Mr. R. Martin. Martin. Lake Shore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, Jr. Some of those attendingg Castle ton "field day were : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Leona, Mr. Olêla-nd Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and family, family, Rev. and Mrs. Wallace, Douglas and Mrs. Harold Couch.. Recent gu-ests with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were, Mr. Harrison, Hamilton Hamilton ; Mr. and Mr's. IRobt. Bowman and Mr. Moody, Claireyille; Mr. and Airs. B. Beebe and Mr. W. Langdon, Canton; Miss Claire Musselwhite and Mr. and Mrs. Musselwhite and grandson, grandson, Gordon, and Air. Louie Gold: thorpe, Toronto. Miss'Elsie Wallace accompanied her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wallace, Greenhank. and her aunt, Mrs. Grainger, Toronto, upon a motor trip to . 'Montreal and upon their retu rn -Elsie entered a hospital and had her tonsils: successfully removed. We hope to see her at the "switch board" again soon. COW AN VILLE 'Mrs. Reid visited- Miss Dorothy Swailb-ick on M-onday. Miss Dorothy iSwarbrick visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. -Mary Henderson has returned home after a week's vacation in Peterboro. Miss Ethel Simpson has returned home after a pleasant vacation in Oshawa. The farmers through this district are all real pleased 1 to be threshed out once more. Mrs. J. 11. Van; lew and grandson Jack were recent visitors at the home of T J. Simpson. Reserve the fourth Sunday, the 24 th of October, for the anniversary service in Clarke church. Congratulations, to Miss Marian Simp-son on passing her examination on Agriculture in Guelph. Mr, Westhauser, Jack and Bill Hawes arid E. Lillie, all from Toronto, Toronto, visited Mr. Alfred' Perrin. Several of the young people from here enjoyed a good time at the corn roast at Mr. White's on Saturday even i ng. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rogers,- "Mliss S. Stringer and Miss B. Rogers, Kirkland Kirkland Lake, visited Air. "and Mrs. .J. -1. W. Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Mis-s Rogers, Shirley Stringer, Air. J. J. W. Stringer Stringer and Miss AL Portedtis motored to the C.N.Fl. on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Irwin, Peterboro, Mr. 11. D. Irwin, Detroit, and Miss Martyri, Detroit, visited at Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson,s on Thursday, Thursday, "On Tuesday Sir Malcolm Campbell Campbell broke the s-p-eed boat record held by Gar Wood of title --States and on Wednesday broke his- Tuesday's" record, record, travelling tit a rate of 136 miles per hour. Gar Woods- time was 134 wiles per hour. It now 'looks as if England is going to take the Harm- worth Trophy back to the Old Country. Country. Here's hoping, NEWCASTLE All's. Christie of Toronto is visiting M rs. 1" idler at the lake. Air, and IM.-r-s. Bart J ackson have returned to the city and lent their cottage to friends for September. Miss Dorothy Gibson and -Miss Mabel Tait of Brampton have been staying at the Gibson cottage at the lake. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson of Allow Y or'k are- visiting Mrs. W. H. Gibson and Air. and Airs. Harold Gibson. Mliss -Salome Howard and Air. Allan Allan Howard spent the week-end with their parents,;Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott. Howard. Mrs. T. Anderson and daughter Peggy were Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. Cecil Horrocks- at/ "Half- a-Hi;!." The bowling for the John Douglas Douglas trophy has been completed and Mr. Cecil Carvel It's team were the winners. A number of cottagers at the lake intend staying for the month of September owing to the epidemic in Toronto. Miss Francis Stinson has returned from à motor trip to New York and is at her cottage at the lake with Mrs. -Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Roliph have returned returned to Orono and -have rented their cottage to Mr. and Mrs. Hall for September. Air. and IMIrs. -Spry and family have m-oved to Bowm-anville. They will be much missed by their many friends and patrons. Master Jftck Eilbeiek entertained a large number of his young friends ru a bonfire party on the west beach, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford and Mrs. Frank O'Neil were hostesses for a large miscellaneous- shower for Miss Ruby Cowan on Friday evening last. Mrs. Long is occupying her cotta-go at the lake for September and Mr. and Mrs. Vierkotter and daughter are spending week-ends with Mrs. Long. Airs. Gilbert Riayner, with her daughters Ann, and BWebljey of Lake Forest, Illinois, is- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Gibson. Air. and Mrs. Wise and family have removed to live with Mis-s Breen at the lake. Their house here is, now occupied by Air. and Airs-. Fred Lake and children. Mrs. D. B. Simpson and Miss Ethel Lockhart, with Miss Olive Thorne an. Air-. Go-wan Ard-agli, of Toronto, have gone on a three weeks' motor trip to the G'-aspe. The Rev. G. M. and Airs, lire win of Akron, Ohio, are visiting Rev. J. iS'cott and Mrs. Howard-. Air. Bre- win was, curate for Mr. Howard- during during his last year as Rhetor of St. George's. The sudden and severe illness and consequent death of Mrs. Thomson is much regretted by all with, whom she came in contact during her occupancy occupancy of the Buckley hqpse';-at; the lake front, Much sympathy is extended extended to Mrs. Thomson's " family. - Rev,. I). R. Dewdeirey took charge of the funeral service in Toronto. The Horticultural 'Society's Summer Summer Flower Show was a very successful successful event considering the dry weather. weather. Mr, Harry Jose; won the silver cup- for the most- points, having -a great many entries in gladioli aii-d Mrs.- R. T. Rutherford was the runner runner up, with a number of very fine entries in vegetables in which Mrs, Rutherford excels. CECIL G. MERCER , CHOSEN CANDIDATE Continued from page one) the platform and spoke on Federal àffaiïs, and wished Mr, G. G. Mercer success in his election -on October 6th. He said he- knew 'Air. Mercer quite well and that he had brought H-ope township to one of the best tovmships in the province,- of which Mr. Mercer has been reeve for the past six -years, lie told blow the export, export, trade had increased under the .Liberal regime and that they were gradually: bringing the country back to normal. He also stated that $50,- 000 will be spent on Port Hope bar-'- bor this: year. He,said that the Pro-' vincial and D'qminion governments should work together", and that never had the province of Ontario had- such a- premier who had given such good government : and saved the people so m uch money, and he predicted that Hon. Al. F. Hepburn would be returned returned to- office with as large a met;- iori-ty, as .lie had last; election * and that, Durham county .would send Air. Cecil G. .Mertter to Queen's Park,-as its representative. A hearty vote of thanks was extended extended to Air. W. J. Bragg: for his loyal work to liis riding by Air, Mayklin and this was seconded by Airis. M. S-. Hawkins. Air. Bragg thanked Bis mover and seconder for the compliment. ^The meeiii g closed by singing the Natonal Anthem; Messrs. Clarence and 1 Bill Reid and Air. Alfred Perrin motored to and one j Pewdley recently. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED with the new patterns and quallitU of our NEW SILK. SCARFS :...; ;.... ..25c. to 49c. New shijinicni TABLE OILCLOTH, 54 inches wide, yd 49c. WEEK-END SALE'OF FANCY CAKES. We have aiiot'he-r shipmient of QUAJL'ITY CAKES to arrive . direct from the ovens this Keck. Buy fresh cakes while the weather is hot 2 LIES 29c. NEW CHEESE (Mild) J LB 21c. SPECIAL OFFER--COL|EO TOILET SOAP, made hy Colgate's, entirely pf iegetabl-e oils -5 FOR 16c. OUR TWO 'REST CCiFFEES-- MÀRVA - (a.high graded blench ...I... ........LB 29c. . CB.EM-0 (mild) : ........... LB.. 23c. FRUIT JARS, Pints 3 for 25c, Quarts, doz $1.13 CORNED BEEF, 12 ozf cans... .14c. 2 for , 27c. MOTHERS--If you have a baby under . two years of age leave your name and receive a FREE' tin of HEINTZ BABY FOOD. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO/THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY" QF REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE. CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL. Shingles, as low as $3.25 per square PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co Size 30 x sy 2 Size 4.40-21 Size 4.50-21 Size 4.75-19■ Siz'e 5.00-19 Go where you will, you'll never find Bigger value in tires. We have your size. We-give quick service.. Try us. PERCY M. LU MM ORONO, - ONT.

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