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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1937, p. 4

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6R0N0 WEEK!* ThMm ADVENTURES IN ECONOMY... I'M GLAD -HEPBURN KEPT LIQUOR, OUT OF RESTAURANTS AND WILL TARÉ IT OUT OF POLITICS JACK TOLD ME OUR CAR LICENSE WILL BE ONLY $2°-* INSTEAD OF $72° THIS YEAR-JUST WATCH ME GET A NEW HAT OUT OF THAT 5AVINO MARGi DO YOU KNOW THAT MY HYDRO BILL IS MUCH LESS THAN LAST MONTH SINCE THE GOVERNMENT CUT THE RATES ? HEPBURN SAVES US ABOUT $ 1522 BY OUR THREE CHILDREN NOT HAVING TO PAY EXAMINATION FEES YES, IT CERTAINLY MAKES IT EASY ON THE HOUSE KEEPING MONEY HELEN. NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT, I'LL HAVE TO GET AFTER JIM FOR MINE AND I'M GLAD THEY'RE GOING TO CUT DOWN ON EXAMS AND HOMEWORK AND I UNDERSTAND HE HAS MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR ALL DESTITUTE MOTHERS TO GET ALLOWANCES THAT'S GOOD I'VE MADE SURE JACK'S AND MY NAME ARE ON THE LIST-OUR VOTES WILL SAY tARRY ON" HEPBURN EVEN OUR LOCAL TAX BILL IS DOWN due to hepburn's one mill bonus THAT MEANS $ 5°-9 TO US NO WONDER Hi IS CALLED A MAN OF ACTION, IN SPITE OF ALL THESE TAX REDUCTIONS HE MAKES ENDS MEET UtflJ HE ALSO GOT $30,000 IN BACK PAY FOR GIRLS IN INDUSTRY WHO HAD BEEN DEFRAUDED JIM SAYS THE FARM VOTE WILL GOTO HEPBURN BECAUSE HE REDUCED THE RATES FOR ELECTRICITY YES AND THERE S NO TAX ON MOVIES OR HOCKEY GAMES ANY MORE t YES AND JIM SAYS HEPBURNS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE^ WILL MEAN WE'LL NEVER HAVE TO GO ON RELIEF DO YOU KNOW HELEN I THINK I'LL PERSUADE JIM TO VOTE LIBERAL THIS TIME HE ALWAYS VOTED THE OTHER WAY t HEPBURN HELPS HOUSEHOLD HAPPINESS Issued by Ontario Liberal Association, ELECT MERCER FOR DURHAM Hr. and Mrs. T. J. Carscaddm and Mrs. G. M. Stewart and Mrs. Thos. Patterson were guests at the home of Mr, arid Mrs. U.. Jones on Eri- <l: \V]iil e Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Elliott from north of Kendal, where returning returning home last night, their ear was struck on the main street, O'rono, by another car coming east onto the main road. Mr. Eliott's car was hit at the front wheel, bending the axle BUY NOW! -Now is the time to buy your NEW RADIO For the past ten months _ prices n the industry have steadily ad- zan-ced and indications point to iurther increases. Hear your fav- mrite programmes with studio realism by means of a 1938 Westinghouse Master Craft Radio From $39.75 up All makes repaired at Reasonable Cost. CLIFFORD P. JONES Radio Service Phone 79 r 16 - Orono THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY „ Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday Her Last Picture ! JEAN HARLOW CLARK GABLE In the Romantic Racing Drama "SARATOGA" Shows at 7.00 and 9.00 ( D.S.Ï.) Standard time next week MONDAY AND TUESDAY Greatest, of. Novelties ! : "ELEPHANT BOY" From Kipling's Story, with "Sabu"', the Wonder Boy WEDNESDAY ONLY Gene Stratton Porter's "Michael O'Hallorn" Millions Have Read It Everyone Will Love It PRIZE WINNERS (Continued from page one) Fruit, Miss E. Waddell, Roy Putnam Putnam ; Sepia, any subject, Miss E. Waddell, Mrs. F. Bogart ; Crayon Drawing, Miss E. Waddell; Mrs. W. M-cGoIl ; Pastel Drawing, Mrs. W A. McColl, Miss Agnes Waddell; Pencil Drawing, Figure, Miss Agnes Waddell, Waddell, M rs. W. A. . McColl ; Pencil Drawing, Animal, Miss E. Waddell, Miss Agnes Waddell; Pencil Drawing, Drawing, Landscape, -Miss Agnes Waddell, Waddell, Miss E. Waddell ; Pen and Ink Sketch, Miss Agnes Waddell, Mrs. W. McColl. PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS Girls' Sample Needle Work, Miss Bernice Colville; Boys' Manual Training, Bill Colville, Roy Berry, Elgin Sa-very, Alfred Redknap. ' DOMESTIC SCIENCE Two Loaves Homemade White Bread, Mrs. Robert All in, Mrs. Reg. Sutton ; two Loaves homemade Brown Bread, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs. D. G. Hooper ; Raisin Loaf , Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. Reg. Sutton; Sutton; Date Loaf, Mrs. Neil Mutton, Mise Lorn a Hooper ; one dozen Buns, Mrs, Reg. Sutton, Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Hooper; Tea Biscuits, Mrs. R. Allin, Mrs. Ada Ann is; Dark Orange Cake, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Hooper; Short Bread, Mrs, D. G. Hooper, Miss Lorna Hooper ; Macaroons, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. W. Farrow ; Date Bars. Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs, D. G. Hooper ; .lu rubles, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Miss Lorna Hooper; Graham Graham Gems, Miss- Lorna Hooper, Mrs, Robert Allin : Dark Layer Cake, Mrs. Annis, Miss Lorna Hooper ; Mrs. W. B. Roar; Angel Cake, Mise Lorna Hooper, Mrs. D, G. Hooper ; One Ego- Cake. Miss' Lorna Hooper, Mrs. F. W. Tambl vn : Banana Cake, Mrs. A. Annis, Miss Lorn a Hooper ; Apple Pie. Mrs. Robert- Allin-; (Mrs. Reg. Sutton ; Pumpkin Pie. Mrs. R. G. Moffe tt, Miss Lorna Hooper ; Lemon Pie, Mrs. F. W. Terribly". Mrs. Eagle son ; Tart Pie, Mrs. Robert All in, THE BOWMANVILLE DAIRY wishes to announce to the citizens citizens of Orono that they have purchased the Milk Business from Mr. L. E. Crise and that they are now ready to serve you with a full line of Pasteurized Milk and Cream Give us a call or phone, Dairy 446, or store 703. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of tire Estate of Peter Laing, of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands demands against the late Peter La mg. w'jb died on or about the 28th day of July, 1937, in the . Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to Mary Elizabeth La mg. executrix, their names and addresses, addresses, and full particulars in writing writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of securities, if any, held by them. All take notice that after the 11th day of October, 1937, the said Mary Elizabeth Lame will proceed -to distribute distribute the assets of the said deceased deceased among the persons entitled thereto, thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, .and that the said Mary Elizabeth Elizabeth Laing will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Orono this 11th day of September, 1937. MARY ELIZABETH LAING. Executrix, Orono, Ont, By her Solicitor R, IT. ARMSTRONG, Orono, Ont. Miss Lorna Hooper ; Raisin Pie, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Robert Allin ; Currant Jelly, Mrs, M. II. Staples, Mrs, A. Annis ; Two Varieties Salad, Mrs. D. G. Hooper ; Marmalade, two varieties, Miss Lorna Hooper; Apple Jelly, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. R, Allin ; Mixed Pickles, Misa Lorna Hooper, Mrs. I), G. Hooper; four ways of. serving tomatoes, Mrs. D G. ' Hooper, Mrs. E. W. Tamfolyn ; Chili. Sauce, Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Mrs. A. H. Found; Cucumber Pickles, Mrs. A. Annis, Miss Lorna Hooper; Onion Pickles, Mrs. Reg. Button, Mrs. Robt. Allin ; Mustard Pickles, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs, A. 11. Found ; Bean Pickles, Mrs. W. H. Rowe, Mrs. Reg. Sutton ; Pickled Pears, Mies Lorna Hooper, Mrs, W. H. Rowe ; Meat Relish, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs, A, H. Found; Col. Canned Canned Fruit, Miss Lorna Hooper, JÆrs. Reg. Sutton; Butter in Blocks, Mrs. Ira Lo we ; Winter Packed Butter, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Ed. Dean ; Orono W. I. Special, Small Cakes, collection, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Miss Lorna Hooper; Robinhood Flour Mill Special, White Bread, Mrs. R. Allin, Allin, Mrs. Reg. Sutton; Jelly Roll, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Ed. Dean ; Buns, Mrs. Reg 1 . Sutton. Mrs. D. G. Hooper ; Tea Biscuit®, Mrs. Robert Allin, Mrs. A. Annis; fShortbreadl Mrs. D. G. Hopper, Miss, Lorna Hooper; Hooper; Spongecake, Mrs, A. Annis; Light Layer Cake, Mrs. W. B. Hoar ; Angel Cake, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. Eagleson; Apple Pie, Mrs. R. Allin, Mrs.' Reg. Sutton ; Pumpkin Pie, Mrs. R. G. Moffatt, Miss Lorna Hooper. Classified COMING EVENTS MeOrae's Church will hold their Annual Anniversary Services and Thankoffering on 'Sunday, October 24th, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. FOR RENT Four-robmed Unfurnished ment. Apply 0. R. Knox, 42r2. Apart- Phone FOR SALE Essex Sedan Oar. Ap-ply to Geo. Laing. a-35-c. FOR SALE Coleman Lamp, Parchment Shade, new, $4,00 ; Small Churn arid Dairy Pails, $2.00; Chemical Toilet, new, $4.50; Hanging Lamp, oil, round wick, shade, $4.00.--John T. Allen, B.iR. 2, Newcastle; Phone Clarke 3914. a-35-c. • . PULLETS Barred Rock Pullets, ll.O. P. sired, 4 to "5 months old at bargain prices. Quantity reduction, Will be laying when egg prices are highest. -- Donald Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, Ont. ; Phone Clarke 3811. c-36-p. SALE REGISTER Monday, S'ept. 27---Farm 'Stock, Implements, Implements, etc., the property of Peter Stopkoff will be sold by public public auction at Lots' 25 and 26, Con. 9, Clarke, one mile south of Mc- . Orae's Church. Terms Cash. Mb. Morton Ted Jackson Clerk Auctioneer Auction Sale Having received instructions from Mrs. John Henry to sell by Public Auction on Lot 16, Con. 6, Clarke on Thursday, September 30th, all her Farm 1 Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Corn, Turnips, Potatoes and some Household Effects. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 o'clock.---Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. Auctioneer. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING As required by The Public Schools Act, I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of 'Orono School Section No. 12, in the Township Township of Clarke, hereby give ; notice that a special School meeting of the Supporters of the Public School in the 'Section will be held at the School House pn Wednesday, the 29th day of September, 1937, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening, for the election of a School Trustee to complete complete thb term of Mrs. O. W. Roiph, resigned. Dated this 21st day of September, 19-37. B. R, WADDELL, ' Secretary, Board of Trustees Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. O. MILNE, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00- a.m. t 0 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other days by appointment. appointment. Phone I Sri. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - Ontario Office Hours : 1,30 to 4 pm, and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator. Conducts Auction -Sales of al-1 aims and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pwt Perry, Ontario, or see -his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Otreno, far date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» te Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive o«r prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH ] S Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. : ! Pastor I -- | SUNDAY, SEPT. 26th. | 75th. Anniversary 111.00 a.m. and 7 p.m., Rev. George | I Dorey of Toronto. f ! Special music by the choir. ; 5 Don't fail to attend'the last Sun- Ï day of our 75-th anniversary and | hoar this gifted-preacher. ' ! COME AND WORSHIP WORD OF APPRECIATION The President and Directors of Durham. Central Agricultural Society w-ish to, thank -all who assisted , in making this year's Fair such a splendid splendid success. Especially to the ladies who labored to make their departments departments go. No one who has not done this' work can really appreciate the ; effort required. To the Orono Women's Women's Institute "and those who assisted assisted with the concert and dance it , due a great deal of praise- 'Signed J. C. GAME Y -Secretary

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