ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - Orono teems of subscription $1.25 per year. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2.00 per year. Advertising Rates on. Request FINE JOB FEINTING Phone 9 r 1 K. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursday, November 11, 1937 BOWMANVILLE High School commencement on November 25th and 26th, so kindly reserve those dates for that event, "Poppy Day 5 ' iSaturdlay last, and with few exceptions the girls were tolerable and well patronized, but it takes some courage to stand in that cool wind all day even if it is for the good! cause. Monday evening Trinity , United Church young people put on quite an extensive play in the school auditorium, auditorium, and from the number of ticket ticket sellers around' we should! judge a large house is ready for the fray. On Monday morning the electric business was off for a considerable time on account of, as a iStar reporter reporter expressed it, trouble at the Bowmanville station, but by 8 a.m. every thing was again at normal. ■Sunday last the 'boy scouts paraded at the public school and headed by the Legion Band marched: to St. An- " drew's Church where they were addressed addressed toy the minister, Rev. W, G. Blake, The boys presented a fine appearance on the march and carried their colours. The military ball at Cobourg the ifeipast week was a very brilliant affair, and those who attended: were loud in their praise of the splendid efforts made toy the officers and their ladies ■in attendance. It was carried on until until the "wee suin' 'orrs ayoui the twal" before the happy party broke up and then reluctant to breakaway. The small textile building opposite Trinity Church has been sold to an Oshawa firm and will toe engaged in the manufacture of thirst quenching fluids of a non-intoxicating nature. Just the same it is rather astonishing ' the number of demijohns that are carried in hip reeeptiteals nowadays, The old days of the nine bars in town would not produce s'o many "Wally Eyed"' at a social dance as you see today. It may be exhiterating exhiterating to a certain few, but what a difference difference in the morning. There was considerable foolishness done in various parts of the country this IT-alowe'en, and occasionally a life is lost when an irate .farmer loses hi« temper and fires a charge of shot into the crowd of holigans that are annoying him. This relic of the dark ages should be gotten over by this time and something more sensible taking its- place. There is nothing particularly funny in' this .business, even if our old' timers, did far worse, that is a stale old excuse. Harking back to barbaric deeds is a sign that there is still left a trace of the innate cussedness of the savage savage left to be eradicated in some ipeqple yet. ' The past week has been -a strenuous, strenuous, one in this burg. Something doing doing every evening, bowling clubs, church meetings, business propaganda, propaganda, soeiaal affairs, to say nothing about -sports doing or scout outings 1 or the outstanding Rotary meet at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, at which this club attended. Tearing down and building up is the continuing continuing program tit the 'Goodyear plant: and extending the railway siding was a feature of the week's work. The hope of good weather is uppermost ' n the mhid- 1 of the contractors and probably no less, among the farming community in finishing the year's work among the root crops. The usual week-end tragedies occur with ■rotor cars and the surprise would be if there was not one to chronicle, and now we understand the government government is going to introduce a test case for ear drivers which, if carried out, will i>ut. a .considerable number in the discard. HAMCO less COKE sold by ORONO Coal & Lumber Co. (Held over from last week) The' usual "shell out" corwd was out in full force Saturday night but we noticed very little damage done around town compared with other years. The fire siren tooted for a few minutes- but probably a false alarm. The terpsecorean season, for this burg began on Friday even ing at the Badminton Hall, and with the new decorations, new members and music of the latest, flavor, well the opening was a good: introduction for those to follow. Very sorry to announce the sudden death of a yearly summer visitor to our town, Mr ; John- Noble, of In- dianopolis, Indianna, who was- well known in town and 1 at the beach where he and his wife and! daughter bad a summer cottage. His wife was a ■sister of Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, who on receipt of telegram, took the train for that city. Mr. Noble was an insurance traveller and passed away at the hotel where he was staying staying on one of his, regular trips. Much Sympathy is expressed here for his wife and daughter in their bereavement bereavement by those who knew them. They had a great old "blow out" down Belleville way last week, when two hundred musicians representing ten bands from the Quinte district held -the second annual tatto in the Belleville Arena, and the big place was packed to the doors. Lieut. J. J. Buckle, of the Queen's Own Rifles band of Toronto wia-s guest conductor. conductor. Lieut. A. J. Wiggins, Secretary Secretary of the Bandmasters' Association, Association, was the judge of marching and Lieut. BViekile the playing. The mayor of the city welcomed the visiting bands. Tweed band captured both the playing and marching trophy. The guest artist was Ellis McClintock, McClintock, 15 year-old eornetist who brought down the house with his skilful skilful solos on that instrument. This baud meeting Was pronounced a great ■success. Why not try it up in this district. The principle event of the week in the matter of religious service was the 103rd anniversary of St Paul's United Church of which the Rev. W, F. Bannister, B.D., is the minister. minister. The program for the morning Northumberland County Plowmen were successful in capturing a good share of the. awards: at the first United. United. Counties' annual plowing match held this year at Bailieboro. The United! Counties' Plowmen's Association is a reorganization of the old South Monaghan and Cavan Association which had not hold a match in the last four years. A large crowd was present and all classes were keenly contested'. F. S. Tyndall of Richmond Hill acted as judge. , Classified COMINÔ EVENTS The I.O.O.F., No,. 43|>,, / are holding an Old! Time Darree/'ii: the Town Hall, Orono, on /-November 26th, M errymakers Opemeetra, Admission, Gents, '50c.; Ladies, 26c. _/ 0-44-0. Orange Hall, Monday, November 15th, at 8 p.tn., Orono! L.O.L. No. 409 are holding Euchre, and; Five Hundred. EVeryohe Welcome. Admission, Admission, 25 Cents. •!»-- !2-o. The regular meeting' of: the Women's Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber 'on Friday, .November .November 26till. Topic,'."Oiir Ladies' of the Legislature." . Convener, Mrs. Hooper. We will also'have a report of the annual convention., by our delegate, delegate, Mrs. Harold-Allen. 'Please note change of date./ ' b-43-c. service was the Dodologv Holy, Soly, .Stilly, with the Invocatory Prayer, With hymn 680 "That Man Hath Perfect Blessedness,' followed by the Scripture lesson ; male quartette,. "Blessed," by Messrs. Alex. McGregor, McGregor, Donald Williams, George Dav- idge and Wilfred Carrot hers : prayer ■by the minister ; hymn 252 "There is no East or West"; Offertory; anthem by the choir "Fear Not O Israel;" sermon by - the guest speaker ; hymn, "All Halil the Power" ; benediction and organ prelude. Evening service --Organ prelude; hymn 155 "Come Holy Ghost"; scripture lesson; prayer prayer by pastor, Rev. Davison, of Trinity Trinity Church; hymn 478 "Saviour Thy Dying Love"; anthem "Go not far from me O G-od" ; j sermon by the guest speaker, "And we sat where they sat"; anthem, 'jThe Lord is My Light" ; contralto solo by Mrs. Alexander Alexander Colville, "The Day is Ended" ; and organ prelude and benediction. The anniversary preacher was the Rev. Bruce G. Gray, Toronto Secretary Secretary of Home Missions, United Church of Canada, , who gave two splendid addresses. j At the evening service Trinity Church withdrew their service and worshipped with St. Paul's and the church was filled to capacity, both in the gallery and the auditorium. The soloists in the morning service were Mrs. Kenneth Hull, Mrs.. Colville, Mr. Donald' Williams Williams and Mr. Wilfred Crothers. At the evening service Mrs. iR'eta Dudley, Miss Elsie ■ Oarruthere, Mr. Donald Williams and Mr. Geo. L. Davidge. The choir organist is Miss L. L. Bragg, choir 1 leader is Mr. Alex. McGregor and the musical service service on this occasion was of a very high order, and werje thanked by the minister for the splendid service given by this excellent body of vocalists. vocalists. Great service was rendered toy Mrs. Dudley and I Mrs. A. Colville, and in fact by every member of the choir. The amount asked on this anniversary dlay was $1,000. and it was reported that over $700 was raised1 raised 1 at the morning service. The weather weather Was of the best and everyone was apparently in mood for the turn able. a church-going out was remark- Editor's Vision To Be Realized on World Cruise FvNlFSliliÈ'F i SIS mm 'T he above picture showing the * Empress of Britain and. Sydney's Sydney's great harbor bridge represents represents the dream of an Australian editor, who in making the composite composite picture from separate photographs photographs at the time the bridge was opened could not have known that the Empress would ever visit the port "down under". under". Captioned "Splendid Empire .Achievements" the picture showed the greatest single-span bridge ever built within the Empire and the ocean liner which, launched a year previously Was, at the time, the largest ship built in the Empire since the war. Now comes the announcement that the Empress of Britain Will visit, Sydney during her 19'37 Round-the-world- Cruise, and with it the realization that, when the ship is there next April, at least one editor's dream will have come true. Not only Sydney will be visited while the big white liner is in the Antipodes ; she will also take her cruise members to Melbourne and, to the New Zealand ports .of Wellington and Auckland. Hier cruise starts from New York January January 8 and will end there on May 16. Until heading for Australia she will follow the usual world cruise course, -- Madeira, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Athens, Palestine, Palestine, Egypt, India, Ceylon, the Straits Settlements, Siam and Hong Kong. Leaving- New Zealand Zealand she will go to the Fiji Islands, Islands, also new territory for her World Cruise, Honolulu, San Francisco, Los Angeles and the Panama Canal Zone. GARAGE FOR RENT -- Centrally Centrally located. Apply to Jas. Dixon, Orono. c-43-p. SHOE REPAIRING 'W We call for and deljVer. l'hone Comfort 11. C5rl;L'"" X_ , c-42-c. HOUSE TO RENT On Church street, possession first of December .--Apply to Mrs. George Taylor, Phone 57rlO, Orono. c-44-c \ NOTICE On and after November 1st, Harness Harness Repairing will be done at my house.-- R. S, Cornforih. tf Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. O'. MILNE, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00' a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other clays by appointment. appointment. Phone 18rl, (FOR IS ALE OR" RENT (Small farm, 10 acres with house on 4th line, Lot 26. Apply Orono Times office. c-44-c. FOR Nine chunks of Pigs, also Percheron Percheron Foal for . sale.--oS. D. Souch, R.R. No. 4, Bowmanville; . Phone fiOr'14. / d-42-p. À Good Concert Will he given in the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, November 19th, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U.. Eight, Silver Medalists will compete for gold medals. The musical program will consist of a quartette from Garden Hill, a solo by Lawrence Dunbar and other home talent. Music by Rowe's Orchestra. Admission, 26c.; children 15 years and under, Kite. b-48-e. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario- Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sizes and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono,. for date. Auction Sale The undersigned 1 auctioneer has received received instructions from C. L. POWERS to sell by public auction at LOT 25, CON. 7, CLARKE TWP. Oil THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, '37 the following Horses, Cattle, Implements, Implements, Household Effects, etc, : HORSES 1 Brown Mare, General Purpose, aged TO years; 1 Bay Gelding, General General Purpose, aged 13 years ; 2 Foals. CATTLE 2 Ouvra, due to renew around time of sale; 6 Calves. IMPLEMENTS 1 Massey -Harris Binder ; 1 McCormick McCormick Mower; 1 McCormick Sulky Rake; 1 Massey-11 an'is Disc Harrow ; I 12-foot 3-horse Harrow ; 1 Massey- II arrh Cultivator ; 1 Massey-Harris Corn 'Cultivator; 1 Conk-butt Manure"Spreader Manure"Spreader ; 1 Turnip Drill ; 1 Massey-Harris Massey-Harris 13-disc Drill ; 1 Verity Gang Plow'; 2 Cock-hurt Single Plows; ' 1 one-horse Plow; set Stee. Wheel. Trucks; 1 3-4 Wagon, 2 inch tire; 1 3-4 Wagon, 3 .inch tire ; Buggy ; Cutter ; 2 set Toboggan Bob 1 sleighs; set of Wagon Springs, 2 ton capacity ; 1 Massey-Harris Sit raw Cutter ; 1 Massey-Harris iStraw' Cutter.; Cutter.; Fanning Mill ; Bag Truck; Wagon Box, 38 inch, 2 1-2 ton capacity; capacity; Gavel Box; Iron .Souffler; 3 Chop Boxes, 1.5 bag capacity; barrel Molasses; : 2 Feed Trucks; 2 small Chop 'Boxes ; iS-awing Machine and 3 Saw-a; TOO: feet Hay Fork Rope and Pulleys ; 20 feet, 1 1-2 Line* Shaft.' Quantity of Household Furniture. , •Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock. TERMS' CASH ■ Ted J ackson, • Auctioneer ; A. E. Morton, 'Clerk. Buy a Poppy today. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repeim to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORONO PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH I Rev. J. H. Oaterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, NOV. 14th ! 11 a.m.--3rd sermon of the -series on the Lord's. Prayer. 7 p.m..--Evening Service. COME AND WORSHIP THE BOWMANVILLE DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Give us a call or, phone, Dairy 446, or store 703. THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PORT HOPE Matinee Saturday iShe'll Thrill Yoti Again ! Deanna, Durbin Lovable Little iStar of " 3 Smart Girls", in u 100 Men and a Girl" Tlitf Treat! of the Year Three Play with Love "THE BRIDE WORE RED" John Crawford, F ranchot Tone and Robert Young WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ( Newspaper Comedy-Drama "BACK IN CIRCULATION" Pat O'Brien, Joan Blondel! and Margaret- Lindsay 1914 ' 1918 LEST WE FORGET