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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1937, p. 8

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orono Weekly, times NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KEIÎDAL The Ladies' Association of the clnireh -lmd a quitting bee in; the Sunday School room on W edin-esday, Mr. ' and Mrs. George Quan.tr.il entertained their family t,o_ a goose dinner on Friday evening in honor of their son James,. Who has been . homo from, the West, on a few weeks' visit, and will shortly, be returning to his home. There was ; a good attendance at church Sunday morning. We are glad to report that at our Thank- offering services of a week ago our $200.00 objective was reached within a few dollars, so if we get a few more donations we. will exceed our mark yet. A Hallowe'en masquerade party was held by the Young People's League on Thursday evening. There was a good crowd in attendance and quite a number were in masquerade. Meeting was opened by a grand march by those in costume and not until those in costume had promen «.led around the room for sometime did the judges award the prizes as follows : 'Best original adult prize (Orutin weekly Times Costume), Alma Alma Bell; 2nd prize, best, comic couple couple (Andy and Madam Queen), Laurna Pearce and Marion Bruce of -New towUle : ; cliihlrcn'- prize, fancy, 1st (Miss Hallowe'en), Peati Hoye ; !\2nd)"'children's prize, coiriic (Clowns) Audrey Patton and Myrtle Falls. Following Following a few games candy and ajp pies were servede and the meeting was closed 1 with "Blest be the Tie that Binds," and the ,M izipn.h Benediction. Benediction. NEWCASTLE (Held over from last week) - 'Mr. W-m, Curtis has rented the Teedic farm and' is busy ploughing. iM'rs, Will Honey spent last Sun day with her mother, Mrs, A. J ack son. The pupils of Kendal School enjoyed enjoyed their Hallo w'een party Monday afternoon. , Miss iBtena Hoskin and Mr. Bill '.srpent Sunday with Mrs.' Darlington and Helen. Mrs. -O. Hoskin -and family, .who . have resided in the village this past uvqa. moved to •New'touville last week. " "We regret Mrs. C. Hoskin and family family have moved away from our vi 1 huge, and are now residing in New tom-ill e. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tamblyn,_ of Woodib ridge, have been visiting friends in the community over the week-end 1 . Mr. and Mrs, Win. Jackson have returned home from a .visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, near North Bay. ; Misses Katie 'Stewart and Anna- belle Hendry attended, the teachers' convention on Thursday and Friday of last week. Last Wednesday evening the pupils of McLean's school held a little Hal- low'een party, and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. Ed. Davies and family, who have resided on the former Win. . John McMillan farm, have sold the farm and are moving to the city. The Women's Association held their monthly meeting in the school room last Thursday afternoon. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. It was with deep regret we learned of five death a week ago of Afr.s. Hall who used: to live on the farm of Dr. G noddle. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson Robinson and: Mr. Harper Garscaddon attended attended the funeral in Toronto. A few people went up from here to Hairmony to celebrate the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Con- lin, formerly from Kendal. This was held in the Hall where a large num- Mr. Lloyd Hancock, of Urrionvillê, was hoiiie for 'Sunday. ' "Miss Jean Go wans, of Toronto, is visiting .Mrs. Wm. Atkinson. (Mr. Jack Hare was home from Queen's', Kingston, over the weekend. weekend. . Mrs. John Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Misé Ethel Lockhart. Mrs. J ante-- Grace and Miss Isobel Mi- Williams were Sunday guests' of Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mi-s Ruth Symons, of Welcome, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. II, Hancock. Miss j Salome Howard and Miss Arrest Arrest a Martin spent the week-end with their respective parents. Miss Ballagh, of Cobourg, is staying staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp for a few weeks. Armistice Day services will be held at the Community Hall on Thursday morning at, 10.45 a.m. Mrs. Reynolds of Peterborough is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Urn-rocks, at "Greenfieldis." Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Wynn and two sons, of Brantford, spent the weekend weekend with their mother, Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. The Mi. -ses Lizzie and Ada Allin are moving their household effects from the Allin homestead 1 to their new home, formerly owned by Mrs. Coulter. Mr. (Ross Dickenson, Mr. George Stevenson, Mr. Arthur Toms and Mr. Irwin, Col will and Air. .Stanley Graham are among those who have gone north for their annual deer hunt. (Mrs. Georg'e Stevenson entertain ed a few friends at tea or. Saturday afternoon last to give' them the opportunity opportunity to say good bye to Miss Isobel: IS'tevenson, who leaves short ly for England. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Church held a special meeting meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday afternoon. Miss f>. S. McIntosh, the president, presided and the guest speaker was Mrs. M-atheson of Toronto, Toronto, formerly of Saskatchewan. Mrs Ma: boson*- address was most interest ing, telling of her experience of many years of work in the West with her husband, the late Canon Matin son and! also of conditions there m the last few years. Mrs, W. II. Gibson Gibson moved 1 a vote of thanks to the speaker and Mrs, 'Sipen'cer, of St John's Bpwm anville, and Mrs. Me Lean, oil' the W.M.S. of the United Church, seconded it. Tea was ser ved at the close, of the meeting. SIXTH LINE Mr, and Mrs. Cornish were visitors visitors on Friday last with the Thurston Thurston family, Bobeaygeon. We congratulate the board of the church that the free will offering made possible the result: of the attainment attainment of their objective on Sunday, Sunday, 31st, The pastor on Sunday last chose as the subject of his remarks the man Solomon and cited some very interesting interesting events of his -career. Especially Especially timely was his remarks that lavish expenditure brought high taxation taxation in its: train with restlessness of the people and disastrous- results to Israel, and .pointed to modern re- semblences. Very seldom in- our usually peaceful peaceful neighborhood: have we to record such an experience which happened to Mr. Clarence Beatty who, on Shis way home to Elizabeth ville, was overtaken near the Hope-Clarke boundary by two thugs, with a stolen- car from Oshawa wh 0 mlade request for a ride as- they were out of gas, Mr. Beatty took them in and the m-an in the rear seat struck him over the head with a -bottle, when luckily neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock Peacock 1 came along and the highwaymen highwaymen fled The victim was hurried to medical a id and is recovering from hemorrhage. --------O- TYRRELL'S REXALL DRUG STORE DRUGS PHONE 68 STATIONERY KODAKS Garden Hill is a comparatively small -community in Durham County, pi miles north of Port Hope, but the United Church ichoir is one of the outstanding village choir- in the province, with Mrs. H. M. Foster as leader. They won the shield this vear at the music festival at Port Hope. Orono Times to that distant distant friend or relative as a Christmas present, Watch This Space Next Week You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Store ! (!li-1.l over from last week) Dr. Annie Higbee and son Jack, of Burlington, were home for -the , week end. Mrs, Chapman has returned from a week's visit with friends in Roch- ,esfter. Mrs. D. B. Simpson and Miss B. S. McIntosh are in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Butler, of Toronto, -pent Sunday with -Mrs-, R I '. Butler. Mrs. Stella Anderson, "Newcastle Arms," spent a week with friends in C-blingwood. Mrs. Martin Es-tol of Queen's, Kingston, has been visiting her moth er, Mry D. B. Simpson. Mr. and"' Mrs. Allan Howard and 1 i ■/ TT Will YOUR RADIO GIVE VOU jack Benny j Every Saturday Nite ? ? or jj Do you get stations j Static and Sputter \ Have your radio fixed ! GET RESULTS Chas. R. Knox . . Phone 42 r2, Orono -Serving the public for six years (formerly with Green's Radio -Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., Detroit. IlsraBKI-OIM (I *»»■ <*«*H '►YW n, -< ■<**» 1 -her of friends' had gathered and pre- -sented Mr. and Mrs. Con! in each with a bag of Gold. The. Young People's League met on Tuur-day evening as usual. The meeting was conducted by the Vice- I've-ideiii, Mr. J. S.-warlmek and the program was in charge of the social -conveners, Miss Jennie Wright and Mr. George Carson. Mr. Beech gave Ills ten minute talk arid the topic was given by Miss Nellie Hill. A solo was sung by Mias Bernice Langstaff and the meeting was -closed with hymn arid the Mizpah Bénédiction. The October meeting of the Kendal Kendal Women's Institute was -conducted by the President, Mrs. R-oy Mercer. The mehnibers wore divided into two groups Under the leadership of Mrs, John Patton and -Mrs. Neva Little. Mrs. J. -Swarbrick was- chosen pianist. pianist. Mrs. Wap, Patterson' gave an interesting interesting report oil the talk given in Orono by -Miss Pasmore on "The Becoming- Becoming- Gbstu-mie," desicrilbing the different different types' of peonffe anil their ap- nropriate style,: dress and material. Mrs. Bit tie gave a reading, entitled "Love- Lightens T.ab-n-." Mrs,. Roy Mercer invited the Institute to meet at, her home for the next meeting on Nov. ll'th, at ■ 2.30 sharp. All ladies of the conutmnity are cordially invited invited to attend these meetings. Miss Salome Howard, of Toronto, were home for the week-end. Miss Naomi and Miss Audrey Hor- roicks halve returned from visiting friends in Toronto for a week. Miss Isobel Stevenson is leaving the first of November for England, where she expects to remain for a year. One hundred dollars worth of new books have just been added, to the shelves, 0 f the Newcastle Memorial Library. Miss Dorothy Gibson, of the Brampton General Hospital staff, ha-?: been visiting 'Mbs. W. 11. Gibson for a few days. Mr. arid Mrs. Rage n and Miss. Dbrofhy Rag err, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. Brittain. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Hen ion and Mrs. A. F. Hunter and Miss Barbara Barbara and Master Jim Hunter were Sunday guests of Mrs. R". P. Butler and Miss- Butler. Miss : Betty Lake visited her sister, and, brother-in-law at Tyrone over the week-end. While there Miss Lake -attended -attended a masquerade party and captured captured a, prize dressed as a lovely black hat. The congregation of St. George's Church had a very successful church sup-per on Thursday last, under the able, direction of Mrs. Philip Le-.- -Gres'ley, President of the Parochial Committee, nearly 'two hundred guestti enjoyed a good supper. Later in the evening a short programme was given consisting of several vocal and musical mum,hers 1 and, two short comedies directed by Mrs. Dewdeney. The United Church are holding their amii-versiary services on Sunday, Sunday, October 31st-. There will be special music and the Rev. Richard Davidson, Principal of Emmanuel College, Toronto, will speak at both services. On Wednesday, November 3rd, there will be a hot roast goose supper held 1 in the Community Hall and in the evening a play put on by the Maple Grove Young People. Hallowe'en passed fairly peacefully, in Newcastle, There are still a few gates) and steps to be replaced. The annual masquerade given in the Community Community Ball by the Young People's Union of the United Church was a great success. -Some of the prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Worry and Miss Mary Clémence. Supper was served to all and a very plea slant- event was -over .and done with for another year. Miss Marion Allin and Miss Mar garét- Sanders on 1 motored! to Toronto list Saturday -and' took with them Miss Rlheta Cooke. Miss Bivi'airi Duck, Miss Wanda McKay and Mr. Jimmy Lpvekin. The object of the journey wn- for the High School pupils to attend attend a play at Hart House "Twelfth Night" which is being studied this year. The pupil-s were much im- nfessed. with Shakespeare and' Hart House in particular and Toronto in general. THURSDAY, NOV. 16th Our Second Birthday Since opening the Orono 5c. ltd $1.00 Store we have strived to be of REAL SERVICE to the Community of Orono which we serve. It has been a real pleasure -to us 'that our efforts have not been in vain as ihas been proved by your patronage patronage and that you are in favour of having a More of this nature in your community. In the ftiture, as in the past, we aim to give you a well balanced Merchandise Assortment with Qualities- as good, and Pricees equal to those any store could offer if they were in. our town. Grocery and Candy Specials NEW MINCE PIE. BISCUITS, oven fresh, lb, .....25c. HONEY BUTTER, 14-ounce pkg. ..21c. CARNATION or BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK, baby size ••••• ••••* 3 FOR 13c. GERM WHEAT 3 LBS 13c. PRUNES, MEDIUM SIZE -2 LBS 19c. SEEDED RAISINS . 16 OZ. PKG 15c. CRISCO 1 LB. TINS.. 23c. ROMAN MEAL OR LISHUS , - ; -- -29c. OXO CUBES, 10's 23c. UNFITTED CHOCOLATE COÂTED DATES, fresh stock EB ,15c, CHOCOLATE GINGERS, WEEK-END SPECIAL, lb 25c COLGATE'S ELEPHANT BRAND . LAUNDRY SOAP 2 FOR. ...19c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL]LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIM ES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection . ^^cStCH' CoÂïr^'^WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD ' in STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR ' REQUIREMENTS -- "PROMPT SERVICE Just now we are f eatuaing ST0RN SASH PHONE 48R16

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