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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1937, p. 7

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agents wanted AGENTS BELL MEN'S NECKTIES. 140 PER cent profit. We carry largest assortment. Lowest prices. Orders filled by return mail. No substitutes. Samples free. Ontario Neck- w ear Company, 357 Eastern Ave,, Toronto, SALESMAN WANTED BY "THE OLD BE- liable Fonthill Nurseries'* (Established 100 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines. Start now, exclusive territory territory in town or country ; liberal terms;' free outfit. Stone and Wellington, Toronto 2. bbijTsobibs guaranteed LINGERIE, hosiery. Manufacturers. Stores. Established Established 25 years. Christmas seller. Experience Experience unnecessary. Get details. S obi es, 140 Farnham, Que. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED ^ FOR HOS- ierv manufacturer for this district. Only energetic man Considered. Write full particulars particulars to Mr. Elliott, 72 Queen West,. To- A MAZING PROFITS, AGENTS, ROUTE MEN selling stores, homes. Hundreds of big money makers. Clothing, dry goods, toilet preparations, household specialties, drug - sundries. Free catalogue. Write Ealco, Wholesale, Box 1404, Montreal. AGENTS TO SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR Christmas. Good profits. Write for samples and price list. Murgatroid Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, licensed Instructors. Leavens Brothers Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel granary granary lining. Superior Products Limited, Sarnia, Sarnia, Ont. -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ROOMING HOUSES FOR RENT, CONTENTS for sale, reasonable ; rooms all occupied, good paying guests. Ottken, 17 Isabella, Toronto. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO REVERS- lble Ruga. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co,, Toronto 4. CATTLE ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS -- START breeding beef cattle now. They are scarce all over the Continent. Aberdeen Angus have produced Grand Champion Carcass of Beef at Chicago International every year since 1900 Bulls and Females of breeding age for sale reasonable. .Tames Bowman, Elm Park, Guelph, Ontario. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees average average over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. Prices $56.00 to $80.00. Federaly Accredited. Accredited. Bayside Farm, Owen Sound. GRAPHOLOGY YOTJR HANDWRITING REVEALS MUCH. 26c full reading; two questions answered. C, Mayo, Graphologist, 264 Bleeeker Street, Toronto. ■""liïÂÏRDRÊSSÏNG SCHOOUS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIRDRESS- ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. pamphlet. 707 Yonge Street, Toronto. ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed. We train you for Board Examination. Special winter rates. Write for prospectus. 061 Bloor St. West, Toronto. "'honey DELICIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO buckwheat, 6-10's, $4.20. H, D. McIntyre, Bridgeport, Ont. MEDICAL PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN OPERA- tion. Beasley's Bitters (all-herb tonic) prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stomach stomach if you are suffering from Internal trouble. Write for the testimonials we have from living people. Mrs. T. Van Camp, manufacturer, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto. ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- mon ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or liquids---ONLY NATURAL REMEDY-- Free Booklet, "Nature's Way to Health"-- No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Company, Company, 2090W Duhdas St, West, Toronto. YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tionary discovery of European physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stubborn stubborn they apoear to be. Write for free information. information. R'M.B. Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., Dept. 1-629, Vancouver Block, Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C. wMMm® THE FLAVOUR Bill III ; *r mm lai I fmfmm WMmM ■SI mm rnSmi YmÆi'Mï W/W'm A THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco DOGS SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES, RARE BEAU- . ties, reasonably priced, safe delivery ln- 'Sr'Sured. Paramount Kennels, ENorth Hatley, Que. -- electric welder THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- derful new invention. Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders--Brazes. $3.95 delivered. delivered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 2oc, Photo-Craft, 183% King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with tree enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont, MEDICINE WHY SUFFER? ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Varicose Salve will give permanent Relief from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money-back guarantee. Mazar Mfg., 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- ment at home -- shorten those long winter evenings. Hawaiian or Spanish Guitar; Violin; Violin; Mandolin ; Piano Accordion, etc. ; complete complete with course of home study lessons, sold on very easy terms. Send at once for particulars. particulars. Whaley, Royce and Company, Limited, Limited, 237 Yonge Street, Toronto, or your local local Music Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospectus. prospectus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ontario. 16 LBS. VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF TO- bacco $2. 7 lbs. $1. G. Dubois, 262% Rideau, Ottawa. FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO CHOICE Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, $1.00. Boxed--postpaid. Robert Har- vie, 238 King East, Toronto. MEN WANTED WANTED _ AMBITIOUS MEN, 18 YEARS or over, to learn detective work. Big pay- Rewards. Interesting home-study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Station T,, Montreal. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX. REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PORTRAIT IN FOLDER--FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Snapshot Service, 166 King St.. West, Dept. Y, Toronto. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FA.VOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c; 75c a dozen; complete complete with envelopes. Enlargements 5x7 In easle frame, 39c; 2 for 75c. Roll films developed and printed, 25c; reprints 3c each. Free enlargement with every 25c order. Brlghtling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, "Dept. B., Outremont, Que. FURNITURE LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT, The wonderful bargains in our Furniture Trade-in Dept, have made this the most popu- lar in Toronto. Space will not permit us to list more than a few of our specials. If you do not see what you want advertised, write and let us know your needs. Every piece of nirniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. All orders carefully carefully packed ready for immediate shipment on receipt of money order. fiQ Beautiful 5-Piece bedroom suite v two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new all-felt, roll edge mattress; new condition. fifl 6-Piece walnut bedroom suite -- large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- fmi.sh.ed like new. Cost over $200.00. A real Modern 9-piece walnut finish din- mg room suite. Buffet, china cabinet, cabinet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. A real Smart suite. A QC Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large buffet, extension table and six strong leather-seat chairs ; guaranteed clean and in good condition. (3.0, >§ fin Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, in- chiding 3-piece chesterfield suite upholstered in a good hard wearing brown repp, with reversible Marshall cushions ; end table, bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion. A real outstanding value. t*»-a o Large 3-piece chesterfield suite, up- tp jU>.tû»U bolstered in brown repp with figured figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Hurry for this offer. CIS Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- legs, spring'" and new roll edge all felt mattress. Large assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, odd dressers, chiffoniers, studio couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. Trade-In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND •UPHOLSTERING CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent. free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St,, Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept 219, Preston, Preston, Ont. After Suffering Acute Pam For Years Rheumatism first attacked this old lady in 1931, and gradually spread from her arms to other parts of her body. Then she started to take Kruschen Kruschen Salts, and now she sends the following letter in her own handwriting handwriting "I have suffered from rheumatism since 1931. At first, 1 felt acute pain in both arms. I could not sleep for pain. It grew worse, and gradually it crept down to the tips of my fingers. Next it reached my knees and ankles, which made me quite helpless for a long period. A friend recommended me to take Kruschen Salts. I find they do me more good than any other medicine, medicine, liniment or ointment I ever used. This is my own writing, though I am in my 84th year."--(Mrs.) H. The pains and stiffness of rheumatism rheumatism are often caused by deposits of needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints. Kruschen Salts stimulate your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular action, and assist them to get rid of the excess uric acid which is frequently the cause of yotir suffering. SONGS POWER (BRAND) TONIC, ESPECIALLY recommended for men. Retains Vim and Vigor. 50 pills $2.00. , , MRS. LE-ROYS FEMALE PILLS, FOR PAIN- ful and delayed menstruation. 30 Pills $4.00. DIRECTIONS ON BOTTLES. MAIL ORDERS postpaid, plain wrapping, Hygenlc Laboratories, Laboratories, 460 Richmond St. W., Toronto. City Agents, Sky's Pharmacy. JUnc. 8332. PIGEONS MAGPIES, HELMETS, HOMERS, NUNS, Fantails. High class pigeons priced reasonably. reasonably. Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine, Ontario. TWO NEW FOLIOS FOR CHRISTMAS -- "Shirley Temple's Favorite Songs, from her newest pictures, including "Good Night My Love," "When I'm With You," and seven others complete with words, music and many pictures of- this famous star. "Carols for Christmas" containing thirty famous Christmas songs together with a condensed condensed version of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," and recitation with music "'Twas The Night Before Christmas." Price 50 cents each. Dominion Music Supply, Herman!, Building, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE,? AND RHODE ISLAND Reds. Best quality cockerels $3.00. Rhode Island Red hens ,90c. M. Fisher, Enterprise Ontario. SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd., 4.4 Bonsecours Mkt., Montreal. POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil. Many home uses. Two sizes -- 79c (8 oz.) 25c (2 oz,). Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof .Ointment. Dependable Dependable over 88' years. Sold by druggists. For FREE information write G. C. Briggs & Sons, Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED CANADA, 96 DIFFERENT $1.00; 60 REVEN- ues 50c. Coronation ; 52 Dominions $8.25, 135 Colonies $6.75. Canadian Catalogue 200 illustrations 25c. Free Price List 500 sets. Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. WANTED WANTED -- CHRISTMAS TREES, BALSAM, Spruce, Scotch Pine. State price. W. Easton, Route 6, Brantford/ Ontario. Ancient Babylonians began their day at sunrise, the Jews and Greeks at sunset, but the Egyptians and Romans Romans began it at midnight as most modem people do. Try something HEW for The old saying: "Times change and we with Time" applies to your Rheumatic pains in a way. What grandma found effective might be quite useless to you. There is now available in Canada a rheumatic rheumatic remedy that has had an outstanding record of success in Britain, where its popularity popularity has been rapid and well deserved. There's only one way to account for it. Fynnon Sal* is the modern expression of the old "spa" treatment that was so good for those who could afford it. Fynnon Salt combines Sodium, Potassium, Lithium in its composition. One glass of Fynnon Salt is as beneficial as three glasses of mineral Spa Water. Being so rich in the very ingredients that are known to drive Rheumatic pains out of the system, it is making firm friends with tortured Rheumatic sufferers everywhere. You can turn confidently confidently to Fynnon Salt. Take the daily dose for a week as a duty. After that, you'll take it as a pleasure --- as an insurance against any return of the pains that have harried you for too long. Get a large 75c package of Fynnon Salt from your druggist. If you have any difficulty getting supplies, write: Laurentian Agencies, St. Gàbriel Street, Montreal. $ GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood, Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS ! GIANT washfast remnants ! "Makes five Urdus" Cottons! Prints! Silks;! Eiderdowns! -™ $100 Collect" Sample bundle -- 25,c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 De» gaspe, Montreal. , .4. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 up. Write for free Price List. Palace Radio Shop, 721 Pape, Toronto. tearing ? L buckles % A Here's an unbeatable philosophy of life: "Keep an even mind and a fine spirit and ,eventually the bouquets will outnumber the brickbats." Every man hates to settle down and try to think out his immediate problems. It's much harder to do than to work. What we want to do. when we ought to settle down and think, is to wish and hope. Now wo are told that excessive laughter can cause heart trouble, So many of us will have to stop laughing laughing at our own jokes. A young boy, undergoing an examination examination for position came across the question: "What is the distance of the earth from the sun? " He wrote answer as follows: "I am unable unable to state accurately, but I don't believe the sun is near enough to interfere interfere with a proper performance of my duties if I get this clerkship. ' He got it. Guide--That is the statue of the famous Indian chieftain, Black Hawk. Girl--H-m-m--he had a son, Tommy, Tommy, didn't he ? One of the best resolutions you can make is never to do anything which you would despise or think meanly of in another. Never do anything anything that you would be afraid or ashamed of if it were your last hour on earth. Then the world will call you blessed. Jay-- Are you acquainted with your fashionable new neignbor ? Kay---Only in a way. Her cat boards at my house.. A ' certain man whose business is more service than sales, has hung a large mirror on the wall by his telephone. telephone. His reason he explains as follows : Sometimes he gets so busy he doesn't take time to shave or clean up for days. When his phone rings, and he goes to answer it, chances are he'll see himself in the mirror, realize realize how had he looks and what others see when they look at him, and proceeds proceeds to clean up. Now there's a real lesson for us all. It may be we not only need a mirror to reflect our physical selves to us, but other parts of our being may look soiled or neglected too. How about the disposition? disposition? Are. our habits getting dingy? What would a spiritual or moral mirror reveal to us about ourselves ourselves ? But no matter what your peculiarity peculiarity may be, avoid absent-mindedness. Pathfinder tells this one:-- Elsie--What made you quarrel with Norman? Helen--The meanie, he proposed to me again last night. Elsie-- But certainly that was nothing to get angry at. Helen--Oh, yet it was. I had accepted accepted him the night before. A man told a friend that he was running for an undertaker, as his wife was seriously ill. Friend--But it's not an undertaker you want; it's a doctor. Scotsman--- Na, 11a, I canna afford to deal with middlemen. Don't put much confidence in inside inside information. It's usually noth' ing hut silly hooey. TIRED or NERVOUS? Is MIe.doing its work? Your liver Is lazy, that's Why you feel sc rotten half the time. Your system Is riot getting enough title. Your head aches, youl hack aches. Your food doesn't digest prop- erly. It stagnates and decays for lack ol bile. Bile is a digestant and an antiseptic. Your liver should produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every 24 hours. Tanol Tablets will make your liver do its work. Based upon a small proportion of Calomel Calomel blended with certain other useful medicinal medicinal ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly and directly upon the liver, stimulating th< flow of bile. They are easy to take and provide provide ,a safe, easy way of using calomel, probably probably the most effective liver stimulant known, They are not harsh, But they are efficient, Your druggist has them. 50c. (a-) imam ragged nerves That deadly weariness that drags you down all day is probably a sure sign of nerve-sfcar^m. Swengtnen your nerves with PHObhMtiNL. This great tonic soothes ragged nerves, helps you Bleep soundly and eat well, and gives you confidence and vitality. At druggists. 60c, $1.00 and $1.60. Old fashioned music, as we get it, is thp kind that's supposed to carry some kind of a tune along with it. We wonder if that isn't the main reason it's still pretty much inclined to be popular. We shall do something in life if we try to live up to the expectation of those who have confidence in us. THE GREAT NERVE TONIC TONIC (SOLUTION OP BIPHOSPHATES OF LIME) DIRECT FROM the MONASTERY to you Will build you up rapidly. Used successfully successfully for over 150 years--for nervous debility--diseases of the brain--anaemia--diseases of the * bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLP MEDALS WON AT WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OF HYGIENE PRICE $1.00 At All Drug Stores If you can hear a voice but not the words try the famous Leonard Ear Oil. Rub it back of the ears to plieve partial deafness, noises in head, earache. LEONARD m v Read "Care of the Hearing" i n every package. $1.25 at your druggist's, ' l Canadian Distributors: I LAURENTIAN AGENCIES, MONTREAL . ..STOPPED IN A MINUTE Aie you tormented with the itching torturas of eczema, rashes,atidete a foAt, skin afflictions? For Quick andtappy relief. use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. It* gentle oils eootne the irn tated sUn. Clear, greasciess and stainless-- driea fast, Stops the most Intense Itching Irntantiy. A 35c trial bottle, at drug "tor™, proves it--or money back; ' T 37" B---1 YOU IF you are troubled 1 w ith indigestion, gas, sour stomach, heartburn, if you are weak and lack appetite, appetite, try Dr. Pierse's Golden Medical Discovery Discovery now. It stimulates stimulates the appetite, improves the action vwswkiw- of the stoma ch makes" the food digest^ better. Read what Mrs. Doris Berne of 156 Rebecca St, Last Hamilton. Ont, said: "After an illness X felt very weak, bad no appetite and suffered from indigestion. After eating I would get so bloated .and frequently had heartburn. I used Dr, Pierce's . «olden MedicaV Discovery Discovery and it was wonderful. It improved my appetite and helped to drive away the stomach discomfort It seemed to build me right up." New size, tab*. 50c. Liquid $1.00,

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