r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 46. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1937. Subscription, $ 1.25 Per Year. Presented With Lamp On Their Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Laing Are Entertained By Their Friends A number of relatives' and friends .gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laing on Saturday evening, Deo. 4, in honour of their Twenty-fifth Wedding Aniiivelrsary. They came wit h well filled baskets in time for supper and provided a bountiful meal even to a three-story wedding cake which wia-s made by Mrs. S. Glover. This lovely confection was topped with twenty-five candles which were lit Ut the proper timp and then the groom extinguished nearly all with one powerful blow. After all had been .satisfied - and the cake had been sampled sampled Mir. Win. Laing asked Miss Isabel Robinson to read the following -address-;- "Newtonville, Dec. 4, 1937. Dear May and Jim,- Realizing that it is just twenty- five years ago t-o-day, that you took passage on the "Sea of Matrimony." we, a few of your rèïattivas and friends, have taken possession of your honte to-night, to help you celebrate the Occasion. , Your voyage has certainly not been ■a® smooth sailing, you have surely had you full share of difficulties, hut the' real test of man hood and wom anhood, anhood, is just how we meet and face those hard placefs in life, and the greatest. tribute we pan pay you tonight tonight is that, "you have stood the test and -come through smiling" and our sincere wish and prayer is, that you may have health to enjoy many more years on this voyage of life together. together. We ask you to "accept this Alladin Lamp, and as you use it daily, may it bring back memories of your Friends,, for after all "Friends" are one of our greatest earthly treasures. Signed on behalf of those friends -pEllsie and Bird, Mr, Jack Glover presented the Lamp and the Misses Rub hi sen and Mr. Jas. Robinson gave a silver butter dish and knife. Mr. and Mrs. Laing each made a short speech of thanks, and some of the guests made speeches. Some games were played but the most interesting feature of that part of the entertainment was the reminiscence of stories of twenty- five years ago when "courting" • was done with a horse and' buggy or cutter. cutter. One couple from the Lake Shore who were invited to Orono for tea drove (with « horse and buggy) around by Bowman ville to prolong the pleasure. Another young couple were out driving with the horse and cutter and the horse spilled them into a snowbank snowbank and went home without them. They had to follow after on foot carrying the robe and cushion, etc. Who will deny that they were the good old days?, At last it came to leave and all went home feeling that it was an evening well spent. Letters were received from several who were unable to be present, but wanted to express their good wishes. --o---- --? Weather Report--• 6 a.in. Thursday, 8 degrees above zero. Ooldesit day so far -this year. Visibility good, No TWO MINUTES FLAT Orono. Fire Brigade had their second second call in the space of three weeks when the alarm was sounded Wednesday Wednesday afternoon around 1.30 p.m. The firemen appeared in no time and were soon- tearing down to the south end of the village to the lire, being a garage on Chick Richards' property. property. The building was a total wreck. A car belonging to Mr. Armstrong, who lives in half of Richards' -house, was in the garage at the time but he mimaged to get it safely out of -the garage before any damage resulted. The fire is supposed to have been started by children playing with mat- chest. We believe that Orono has the fastest fire brigade around these parts ass it was no longer, than two minutes after the bell rang that the engine .was- at the scene and the firemen ready for action. W.M.S. ELECT OFFICERS The monthly meeting of the Wo-- '"-anL Missionary -Society, was hold n Tuesday afterno-on in. the School room of Park Sit. Church, with the President, Miss D-avey, in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing singing of Ohristenais hymns and 1 Christmas Christmas bible reading, a vocal solo Wat- given by Mrs. Vicier Pha.sèy, the devotional devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. TI. Walsh, the theme being "Fellowship in: the ch-uteh and in ourselves." Mrs. W. M. iS-tutt and Misfe Stella Best read short passages from the, bible on tile -object. Tin tlie business period the secretary read the minute® of the last meeting and the treasurer gave her report of the year up tb the .present, -and a committee committee was appointed fio consider ways and means of raising .money to moot the allocation: next year. The report" of the nominating committee committee on the slate of officers- for next year -was read by Mrs. Osteihout, and on motion carried. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Pres., Misti-"M. Daiveye, - 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. R. Rainey, 2nd Viee-PreS., Mrs: R. Best. 3rd- Vice-Pres,, Mr's. Blackburn. Réc. "'Sec., Mrs: C. Wood. „ Cor. Sec., Mrs. R. Brown. Treas,, Mrs. M. II. 'Staples. Chirstian Stewardship, Mrs. Os-ter- hout. -Mi-slslionary Monthly Sec., M'i-Ss M. Taylor. Temperance Sec., Mrs. R. Rainey. Pea.ce -See., Mrs. F, Kelly. (Supply Sec., Mrs. J. Taipblyn. Mission Band, Mrs. M-oLai'en and Mrs. Sutton. Pres's Séc., F. M. Oohbledick. -Strangers' Sec., Mm. F. Tamblyn. 'Fruit Sec., Mrs. Fra.Iiek, Pianists. Mbs. R. Smith and Mrs. RdSbo rough. A most interesting program wa-s then given, consisting of a Christmas Christmas vocal duet by Mrs. A. A. Drummond Drummond and Mrs. Linton; a Christmas monologue by Mrs. Hamm and Mias ■ [Stella Best gave the second -chapter of the study book ; Mrs. Osterbout read extracts froim letters written by a missionary and his wife who are out among the Indians. -Programme committee for January, January, Mrs. R. Shenvin, Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs;. John Tamblyn. rain in sight. Rexall Prize Contest Thursday Morning Results Crowded House Greets Children At Annual Public School Concert FOOT AMPUTATED (Mr. J. W. Brown, of Stella, near Kingston, had his left foot amputated amputated in the Kingston hospital on November 28th, the member being removed seven inches- below the knee. Mr. Brown was injured on, June 22nd when in, -some unaocoun-taible way as: ho was working on a stone crusher a team of horses bolted and threw him aside. Hé suffered a compound fracture fracture and the wound never healed properly. The latest reports are to the-effect that he is doing nicely. Mr. Charlie Brown of Orono is- a brother. L.O.L. No. 409 degree team, paid Newlca-sitle Lodge a visit on- Wednesday Wednesday night and conferred the Orange Degree. l.o.lTofficers The annual meeting of Orono L. O.L., No. 40-9, wa-s held on, Monday evening, December 6th, with a record atteivdhnlce. -There were -also present visiting Brethren from Newcastle and Kendal- Lodges, and the Grand Lodge Organizer, R.W. Bro: II. A. Graham, of King*-ton. After: disposing of the business of the meeting, at which the committee's report of the annual dance to be held on December 29th, was given, 'assuring 'assuring the members and their friends that everything possible is being done to make this the best yet. W. Bro. N. F. Porter took the chair and assisted by Rr. W. Bro. II. A. Graham, W. Bro. E. J. Hamm and Bro. George Brown installed the following officers for the ensuing ye-ii r : W.M.--Wor. Bro. W. J. Riddel. D..M.--Wor. Bro. George R. Morton. Morton. Chaplain--J. D. Brown. Recording Secretory--Woir, Bro. C. A. Brown. Fin. Secretary -- C. C. Biarobard 1 . Treasurer--Wor. Bro. J. II. Gib- sen, Jr. Marshall--- O. T. Gibson. Its Lecturer--W. A, Robinson. Sud Lecturer ---J. M. Stapleton,. Inner Guard -- IT. W. Murray. Tyler -- C. W. Allin. let Com.--Wor. Bro. X. F. Porter. 2tnd Com.--Wor. Bro. E. J, Hamm. 3rd Com.--L. J. Wood. 4t:h Cbm.--J. L. Lowery. 5th Com.--'Wor. Bro. A. E. Morton. Assistant (Secretary -- W. E. D-avoy. Auditor'S--J. L. Lowery and J. II. Cornish. - (Several of the Brethren then expressed expressed their appreciation of the meeting and all enjoyed the exteep- tion-alriud-dreste of the Grand Organizer, Organizer, the guest speaker of the evening. The meeting closed with the singing singing of God Save the King. e ■ ■ Children Provide Programme For Adults-Prizes Also Awarded The Public -school! students, tinder the direction of Mrs. Donald Robb, presented their school concert on Friday evening to a highly appreciative appreciative audience. The ball was filled 1 to capacity, -showing the great interest of parents and friends. The singing and acting of these young -children showed splendid talent, talent, Much praise is -due Mrs., Robb, and al-so the teachers, Miss Foster and Miss Adiamis for their untiring efforts in training the students for their different numbers. Mr. A. J. -Tamblyn acted a-s chairman chairman for the evening and the program consisted of choruses, recitations, folk Songs and danices-, exercises, action songs and a rhythm hand. The play, "Bear Skin," w-a:s very enjoyable. Those taking part were Albert Mitchell, as father; June Goode, his- dutiful daughter,_later being being crowned Princess-; Mercedes Mantle Mantle and liunice .Middleton, the two haughty daughters-, and Douglas- Case a-s the handsome prince. The distribution of -prizes then were awarded, which were as follows: 1st Baton trophies to "Misses Anna and,' Carol Staples. "Miss Foster donated- cash prizes to .Margaret Flintoff, highest marks in history; Vance Allen, highest, marks in arithmetic. Miss Adams- donated cash .prizes to Joyice Lowery, for courtesy and Allen Cornish for courtesy. Tlie Women V Institute ; liyfzes. in n " oases were given fur improve- - ■>«>. during the year, rather than for mghest marks : •Second class, highest standing, Sitïrley Myles ; improvement in arithmetic, arithmetic, Greta Mercer; improvement in writing, Betty Linton. -First Class--Efficiency, Dawn M-of- fa t-t. ; improvement in writing, Bob Casey; improvement, in arithmetic, Edgar Middleton. (Senior Primer--Writing, Donna West; arithmetic, Junior West; greatest general improvement, Lucille Lucille -Case. Junior Pri mer--Efficiency, Helen Clarke; improvement in: 'arithmetic, George Sha-w ; improvement in writing. writing. H-en-ry i.oarocn. General Efficiency -- IV. book-- Donald Staples-, 1st, $2.00; Glenn Tamblyn, 2-nd, $1.00. Sr. III.----Carol Staples, 1st, $,1.00. Jr. HI. --Dan Clnnura, 1st, $1.00. Bobby Cooper presented Mrs. D. R'-obb with -a beautiful blooming plant on behalf of the boys -and girls of the Public .school. Mrs. Robb spoke her appréciation to the children f-or the beautiful gift that she will have all winter. The Will Of God the Basis Of All Effectual Prayer BOYS 1. George Shaw; 2, Marvin T.unn ; 3. Barry Rowe'Lynch; 4. Carl Flintoff; Flintoff; 5. Dean West ; 6. Jack Watson; 7. Donnie Mercer ; 8, Boss Taylor ; 9. B-ob CWper; 10, Allan Cornish; 11. Freddie Glanville; ■ iff: Ross Thompson ; 13. Bobby " Ca-sey; 14, Jackie Bryson : 15. Gerald Rainey ; 16. Glenn, Tamblyn; 17. Oar-man Ooruisli ; 18. -Garry Hancock ;. 19. Dick Wood ; 20. Jim Patterson ; . 21. Donald McLaren ; 22. Jack Tebble ; 23. -Sonny Jordan; 24. Bil-1 Jordan, 2-5. -Somny Cowan. GIRLS 1. Joyce Tennant; 2.' Shirley Porter; Porter; 3. Mildred R-icherds; 4.. Audrey Billings; 5. W-ilda Hooey;- (I. Betty I .ininn; 7. Shirley Payne; 8. -Jean Forrester; 9. Merle Oa-rleton; 10. Joan Mkrming; 11. Audrey Teb-blo; 12. Joan- Bruton; 13. Len-ora Wood; M. Helen Wood; 15. Muriel- Reid; 16. Kathleen ' Simpson ; 17. Carol Staples; 18. Jean Rainey; 19. Loreen Manning.; 20. Joyce, Lowery; 21. Joyce Sutton; 22. Ruth Limn; 23. Helen Lewis; 24. Margaret Jackson; 25. Lois Dean. FIGURED IN CRASH Mr. F. II. W-inda-tt, of Kingston, a former teller of the Blank of - Commence Commence in Orono five years ago, was involved in an accident -ait, the intersection intersection of Ntortticliffe B'lvd. and Ollo- vcrlawn Ave., Toronto, on Saturday night last, when two -cars collided, causing the death of Mrs. Laura Berwick, Berwick, a pedestrian. She suffered fatal head and: internal injuries- when one of the cars rebounded and mounted the north sidewalk of Oloverlaiwm Ave. -She died in Toronto Western hospital shortly after admittance. The ears, driven north on Nort-h- cl'iffe lllvd. by F. H. Wiudatt of Kingston and east on Cloverlawn Ave. by George Way, Laudter A-ve., were badly damaged, Windatt's ear mounted the curb and crashed into a telephone -pole on Northcliffo Blvd. Way's car continued over the sidewalk sidewalk and struck the woman. B-oth drivers and Miss E-nmia Gr-a- bam, Forest Hill Rd., a, passenger in Windarf's car, suffereed bruises and cuts'. All four were trivet; medical treatment, An inquest will be held. COUNCIL MEETING A quiet session faced Clarke Township Township Council o.n Monday, Another meeting will be held bn December loth for the transaction of general business and closing up of the municipal municipal affairs for the year 1937. A. petition was received by the Council to I take necessary proceedings under the Power Commission Act,, being R.-S.O. 1927, chapter 57, to procure from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario a -apply of elecrieal -power or energy for the purpose of lighting the street -in the vil lage of Newton ville. This petition was left over for future reference. reference. The following bills were ordered paid : Etta Boyd, Toronto General Hospital, Hospital, $54,2-5 ; Mary Brough, Troonto General, $12,25; Annie: Brough, $27.- 13 ; Mrs. E$] a Line--. $10.50; Henry Casement. Ft. Willhnn Sanatorium. $23.25; -Geo-. Richards, repairing clock, $11.50; attendance of Bailiff and Clerk at Division Court, $24.00; E. II. Wood, caretaker, $26.00; W. E. Davey, taxi, $6 ; Orono Times, printing, printing, $2,50; road voucher, $138-5.89 ; Fred Wood, carting wood to hall, $5; Lanlcaster's Garage, 5 trips re Brown family to hospital. $2-5.00; J. C. G a,they, renewal of insurance for hall, $22.50. LETTER OF APPRECIATION Th-e fo il inving is a letter of appreciation appreciation for -tiho splendid services- of nur fire brigade at the recent fire of Mrs. A. Henry's home and garage, received by Mr. W. E. D-avey, from The Dominion Insurance Company, which reads in part : Dear Mr. Davey : "As, you no doubt are aware we had a policy on the property of Mrs. Gertrude Gertrude II. Henry which wa-s damaged by fire on the 19th instant. On reviewing the adjuster's report, we understand- the fire brigade did excellent work in extinguishing thils blaze without further damage being done and we wish to take this opportunity opportunity of congratulating you as captain captain and 1 the members of the Fire Department on their ouibstand-ing work." AN APPRECIATION A well known person passed away on November 27th. who was a well known- - citizen of this neighborhood in the 88th year of his age. Mr. White w-as born on Lot 12, in the 7th Concession of Clarke, wtis -a former pupil -of McLoatn's School bu-t lived most of Ms life on the farm purchased, purchased, from- the Chestnut family some, sixty years ago and gave up farming several years ago to reside at four corners ( Sta rkville). Imimediate -survivors who mourn their JosS, are his widow, who was formerly- M-is-s 1 Esther Patterfeon, also a native of Clarke and daughter of the late Thomas Patterson. Mr. ami Mrs. White „ celebrated on .October 21st Inst" the (53 vd anniversary anniversary of thier marriage,-also an only only -child (Miss Ida) Mrs. L B. Stark., , -Our departed friend was a consist,- e;nit member,of the former Methodist church and after the union of the United -church. The writer is glad to state that in an intimate friendship w-e can. say of the late John White "he w-as a Christian gentleman." -Rev. J. H. Ostefhout preached a very effective sermon- to a large and interested congregation in Park -St. Church last Sunday morning on the t-exts "I delight to do Thy will O' M,y Lord," and "Th-y will be done on earth as it is- in. Heaven." -He said 1 there can be no effeoctual prayer that has not as its basic motive motive the will of God. This is a general general condition of all true prayer and the answer to the question what shall wet pray for. There is no limit to wha-t we can ask for in the will of God. If you examine the psychology and mechanics of prayer yon may conclude ;ha! there is hot much-,to it, but the fa-ct that there is a connect-ion. connect-ion. between -certain facts that a reproduced reproduced and prayer cannot be denied! The answers to prayer are too many to bo argued against.' The preacher, quoted V Wni. James, ■ the eoaminent psychologist, as sa.Ving. "prayer docs real work, it releases' forces which bring kings to pass." When we pray thy will be done we can then leave results With God. All prayer is answered but' not always ah we expect it to be. We can trust our Father to give us what is hes-t for us. The prayer, thy will be done, is Used sometimes- to express God's purpose in redemption. It is- not his will that any should perish but that all should come -to him and be s-aved. Jesus said my meat is to do the will of my Father and -our meat is- to dp the will ,df our Master, when-"we do-- God's will it ife meat to us when we do our own will it is poison. God's will is the basis of all true prayer. At the evening service the minister spoke on the subject, "Joy " over -the recovered," using at-- t he basis- of Lift sermon: the -four lost -para.ahfas inffthe 15t,h chapter ufLuke, the lost,sheep, the lost coi ii, the Sat younger son and the lost, elder son. We can create joy -on earth and (in Heaven,-said the preacher by coming to -Jésus ourselves for salvation and by bringing otiiers td know -him, whom to kno-w is life ever-lasting. At, this service Mr. and Mrs. Smit-h sang à very, well rendered and suitable suitable duet, "Where is: tny - wandering bey tonight,