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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1938, p. 5

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0RON O WEEKLY TIMES: The three chjHrëktiHf. ..-;Mr. Mrs. Clifford Bruton ure shut in with scarlet fever. ; OiaBC.es Hie ,:eiu nui eu . proceeded homeward. > ;; EN-GACHMEN-T daughter”, Eivu TsaiM,- to take pla-ee in Jnnuary. Cowan’SjStore In accordance with the New Regulations this store will ben closed : every night at 6.30 p.m., excepting.. Sat- urday nights until March 15 th. M. COWAN " f (0no .Dur iiaui County paper printed i a piece to the effect that the Town- ship of Ok rke had -a small debenture i -to pay. I ris is not true as the town x ship has -; no debenture debt, being- i ahsi.iiiltci.v 1 " Eight ti- ib-les 'of ' Euchre and Five â- - 1 Hundred v ve-rg played on Wednesday v evening in the Orange Lodge rooms d under the auspices of the L.U.B.A. â-  The prize - winners were :. L-adie-s, Mrs-. » 0, Cooper 3110 ; gents, .John- Mor- ris. 2560; consolation, ladies, Mrs. C. II. Etc isle, 540;. geht-s, Percy d Winter and 01-lie Cooper were tied r" for low m an each with, a score of 1 320, a dr; w being made with Percy <1 Winter w irailing the coveted prize e bv cutting the lowest card. Winners in euchre were : Mr. E. E. Patterson, “ Mrs. H. L lean ; consolation, Mrs. Ed. â-  Dean and Mr?. Ah West. < trine Gamshyb Midget Hockey team of Orono vsv Crooked Creek school- - -tea m under the -supervision of S-id Rutherford, teacher. The game will take place in the Orono Arena on Sa tun lav afternoon. Admission 10 cents'. - Come and- cheer for these voting tin* •key players. ;â-  Members at" the'Midget . Utrvljev team::: are- now selling’ fk -kefs for the game. Which â-  will be ,pL from 1 to i.yed < m S a fu ret ay ai tei noon 2 .p.m. All the school children 1 vein Orono, school will be admitted free. So everyone who can utter., 1 this game are asked to do !ii the boys on to victory. LOCAL AND SOCIAL ^j^^=jfj=^;^r^f-^t^r;==lr=d,==ir=Ji==ür==jr=iii=Jr=^i'^ri fE 0 a 1 FREE CLINIC FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN I). E. Stèddey amiounoes the opening of a. <4:nie for poor, ehil" dmi up to the age of twelve, years. Knowing the splendid result- attained in many of ! he ailments common to children and the need, too, for such work at this time, Mr. Steckley feels. that children given tin- advantage of vhi- free treatment will derive, gratifying and lasting benefit. Children, respond: to treatment: more rapidly than adults and the correction of defects in: children at this age will prevent very serious -eori citions developing in later years. The good accomplished in sitclt clinics in recent years is suf- ficerrt proof of their great need and merit.- _ -, Ilf you know of somie child who is sick: or deformed, send him or her to the clinic. All children have equal right j, to health and many : cannot afford a competent physician. Mr. Sitooldl,eiy:’is clinic affords- the unfortunate a chance so- much ' needed: to gain their health and happiness, A careful examination will be made and the treatment indicated in each- cAseJ given. , livery child in need will be welcome. PJ;;BE (AA:-310..hours-- are. Tuesday and : iSaturd-ay..aftemficms, from 4.06 till 6,00. All applicants must apply at the office during I-. - • hour o house calls will! be made, nor will free service be granted dit-rm>: regular office hours. D. E. STECKLEY 146 S1MCOE ST, NORTH, OSHAW.A. PHONE 224 RED & WHITE STORES Silver Bright Red Salmon, extra special, lb - 12k Smoked Fillets, lb - - 13c Fancy Pink Salmon, 3 J-lb. tins - 25c Tiger Salmon, large tins - 22c Large tins Keta Salmon, 3 for - 25c Oysters, good price in bulk MEATS Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak, lb 19c Front of Veal, boned & rolled, lb 16c Head Cheese, lb 14c Butt of Pork, lb - - 17c GROCERIES Clean Cooking Beans, 6 lbs - 22c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs - - 25c Alphabet Macaroni, 2 lbs - 9c Canned Pumpkin, large tins, 2 for - 17c Red Rose Tea, pkgs., each 29c Our Store Avili close every evening except: Saturdays at 6.30 p.m, until March 15th. “ J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Mrs, Bradley: is- in O-hawa nursing 1rs. .F. Lycett. iMi-ss Hazel : Winters-is vi-siting her bster .-Mrs. Fred Lycett. in .Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. - Oscar .Scott were nests at the - Orange Hail Monday veiling. Miss. Flora Cobble-dick is. visiting er aunt, Mrs;-; J. Oobbled-i-ck, in Bfew- univiUe. - Mr. Xornian Bruton, of Bow-mait- ille, spent a few days holidays with iia mother, Mrs. L. Bruton. : -Miss Rosa lee Gamsby has returned to Hamilton,, after being home for a few weeks during her sister, Hilda s 1 A number of the I.G.OjF. members of Orono Lodge attended the I.O.O.I. meeting at Bowman,ville on Wednes- day night. Mrs-. Fred Co-wan returned to her home from Toronto after spending two" weeks- with her daughter, Mrs. O. E. Crease, - , Miss Marjorie Adams, teacher at Orono Public School has been unable teach most of this week, owing to a severe cold. â-  Mi s-s Florftn.ce- (Idbbledi ck ha s- clos- ed up her home here and is s-pending the winter with her sister, Mrs,: C. A-dam-s in Toronto. Congratulations to-Mr, Wilfred W. Sherwin on su-cessifully passing his Christmas- - Examinations with honors at the Ontario Veterinary College, Mr. Leslie Herbert Aidread, of Newcastle, and Miss Neta Alberta A1 tin, of Clarke Township, were united in marriage at, Court-ice by the Rev. W. C. timith. - The kitchen of the Orange Lodge is being renovated. New..: cupboards are being built, a new floor covering laid, and a cloak room for the ladies is also being built. Mr. and Mrs. "Ross Chatter-ton and son Jim of Niagara Fall-- X. Y. metered- over and spent Christinas arid the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, M. Oliart-terton, Clark Union. Miss Dora Graham of th.c Kum-rite Inn was- rushed to Toronto General Hospital last week for an emergency appehdiici-tia: operation. (She is iim- proving rapidly and expects, t-» be home this Friday. Smite among those who have been entertaining lately are; Mrs. R. Slier- win, Mrsv-Jasr’lIi-chardbl 'Mrs;"" G. .But- ters, Mrs, 1). Carsedden, Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. Robt, Mortan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Cantrell enter tail led at tea on Tuesday, when -little Marlene Cantrell and Givenythe -and David Phasey were' baptized by Rev. J. IT. O-siterhout and a very pleasant evening spent, Mr. and Mrs. H, Graham of Fort Erie, while on their honeymoon trip to:points in Eastern Ontario, sloped off. on their return home and visited Mrs. Graham school friend, Mrs M. Chatterton and family : dhiring the Holiday Season. The executive of the Midget, Hockey team invite all the school -children ,.f Orono- Public School to attend the game to be played at the local rink on Saturday from 1 to 2, between the Orono Midgets and -Crooked Greek School. M r. Sam- OuttelJ returned to i his- h-ome after spending â- â- â-  a-â-  couple of weeks with his- son, Dr. Floyd Cut tell of Chicago. Mrs-. Cm tell who also was in Chicago stopped off to spend a -couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs, 0. B. S;urges?, of Hamburg, N.Y., Lou W. Chappie, of Billings, Mon- tana, visited Orono for a short, time Thursday las-t renewing old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chappie were visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Smi-vh, of Bow numville. This was- their first trip •back to this district in seventeen years. Whey, calling on friends in Orono, they were on their return trip to Montana, after visiting his \ son. and daughter in the east. Friends will be glad, to hear Lou is- now a -grandad. The Sons of England entertained their ladies and friends to a card •party in their ball on Monday, Jan. 1.0th, their being a splendid turnout with everyone enjoying themselves. The winners for the- euchre were : Ladies, 1st prize, Mrs, 0. Shaw ; con solation prize, Mrs. Limn ; gents, 1st prize, Mr. Matt, Harrison ; gents con solation prize, Mr, Geo. Morton, and lucky number prize was won by Mr. Win,I- Cornish, after which the ladies supplied a splendid, lunch. The Mas- ter of Cérémonies was Mr. Win. Me Kenzie. The annual meeting of lot owners of the Orono Cemetery Co. will be held in the town hall on Monday, January Ill'll. 1938, at the houir of 2.30 p.m. The tiiumcial statement will lie presented, election, of Direc- tors for li>3S and any soitih other busi :-ness->"as-.'tffla:y properly come before the meeting. A good attendance is requested. b-51-c. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 22c Eclipse Pastry floury 24-lb bag - 67 c Maxwell House Coffee, lb 39c Pork & Beans, 2 1 6-oz. tins - 15 c Choice Dairy Butter, lb. 31c Peanut Butter, 20 oz. jar 21c Pie Cake Shortening, 2 lbs 23c Matches, 3 boxes for 21c Red River Cereal . 19c P &QG Soap, 5 bars 18c Rinso, large package 21c Colgate’s Toilet Soap, 3 for . 13c This store will close every evening at 6.30 p.m. except Saturday evenings ARMSTI RONG’S These Prices are for Cash Custom- ers only. This is an No Profit Clearing Sale of Winter Stock Sweater Coats Men’s Jumbo Knit all wool tsi?LrT:::t $1-95 Work Shirts 1 Flannel,;- cos • - Or - -- -:- - doeskins, reg, $] .0": H , 4“ to $1.25, for C A Sweaters Ladies’ Pullovers, in fancy shades, short puffed sleeves:, reg- $1.25 to $2.00, Q C for .............. *J-*J*+ Sweater Coats Women’s and girls’, all -wool coats, reg- to $2.00 ^ ] 35 Pyjamas Silk, 2 piece,'in combination colors, reg, .$2.25, . ^ 1 for ............... 1 Sweaters Pullovers- for girls, in red, yellow arid blue, long sleeves, reg. $1.25, pj p* for .... • vC Pyjamas GMs, 10 to 14 years, dette, reg. 95c. for 70c Nightgowns & Pyjamas Made of Silk, reg. (J A $1.50, for OUC Lumber Sox Men’s, reg. $1.00, Car Rugs All Wool, reg. Ç1 Cfl $2.50, for Boys’, reg. 75c. /JA for t)UC Sox, all wool, 3 1-2 lbs., reg. 50c. 3 pairs fotr <^| Mocassins Sheepskin, reg Cl Ofl $1.45, for' ; Goloshes Spiral Velvet, reg. $2.95, for !... Goloshes Fur, brown and black, low au-d high heels, veb § 2-45 Goloshes Someodds and ends for latlies, a ivw pairs ft? only «OC Cashmere goloshes Zippers, reg. $2.45 tl AC for t • Rubbers 1 strap Splasher Rubbers, size's 3 t'o 6, reg. >7 C $1-25, for â-  i OC : Cushions In Fancy CMnltz, r% rf 18x18, each ADC Rubber Goloshes Brown and black, d* i reg. $1.25 W * Flannellette In plain and stripped, 27 inches wide, reg 1.7ctf>/* _ yd, 2 yds for Redpath’s Fine or Medium Sugar, per cwt. $5.50 This- Store will close every evening, except Saturdays at 6-30 p. m. until March 15-rh.

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