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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1938, p. 7

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 Classified Advertising *;< g v ÿ V AGENTS WANTED RELIABLE WOMEN TO SELL A CANADIAN Cosmetic product of fine quality. Facial ex- perience preferable, but not essential. Lib- eral commission and premiums. Evelyn Davies Perfumer, 47 Triller, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE 3...CUT YOUR OWN HAIR LITTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, THE automatic hair-cutter, for men and boys. Really does cut and trim the hair, and does it well. Send for circular. S. ,T. Jackson, 897 Bioor West, Toronto, Canadian dis- tributor. TRICKS, JOKES, PUZZLES AND MAGIC Novelties. Send 25 cents for catalogue, de- ducted from first order of $1 or more. $1, $3, $5 assortments. Crown Supply Company, 12A Queen East, Toronto: AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, •«sensed instructors. Leavens Brothers’ Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. CLO.HING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING, LOWEST PRICES. Write lor catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. DOGS ” FOR SALEâ€"AMERICAN "PIT" BULL TE.R- rier male pups, ten dollars, registered. Clar- ence Fleming, Sprlngford, Ont. FEATHERS WANTED feathers bought, goose and duck Highest prices paid. The Canadian Feather and Mattress Co,, Ltd., 4.1 Spruce St., Tor- onto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re-prints It) for 25c Photo-Craft, 183% King St. E„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with tree enlargement 25c. Trevanna Stud- ios, 03 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored ) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest qual- ity. Macllray Film's, Winnipeg, FILMS DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN GLOS- SY prints (two of each) 25c. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c., Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Su- perior Service, Mach ray, Winnipeg. PRINT YOUR OWN NEGATIVES AT HOME on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle ”oto Kit complete with instructions for 150 tints, ,$I. J. 0. Williams, 5 Richmond East Toronto. FOR SALE FOR BALEâ€"LAVENDULA VERA â€" TRUE English lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar a pound, delivered. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. FUR 1MING MINK t:tut 'tUti..UiAMPI,53 COPY MAGAZINE 10c. v't cutting free, nun. uUuun Journal. Box 34, Toronto, Ontario. .. " FURNITURE:. FREE! 2,000 Pieces Furniture FREE! IN LYONS’ 1938 CATALOGUE OF NEW AND Re-conditioned Furniture. Write now tor this free, illustrated Catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons’ remarkable furniture values. LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. NEW AND RE-CONDITIONED BARGAINS Cf) 5-Piece Bedroom Suite in two- T“u tone walnut finish. Dresser, Chif- fuil size panel bed, sag! egg spring and all-felt mattress. Completely re- ,d;: new finished. <1*23 30 8"1>lece aoll(i oak Dining Room Suite. Large buffet, extension ta- ll leather upholstered chairs; like <j*g 75 •* Bu,nC!' Gas stove $49.00 ble and «29 Of) Rbautifu 1 3 piece Chesterfield Suite. * Full size Chesterfield and 2 roomy chairs to match, upholstered in a good quality French jacquard with reversible Marshall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. ©23 00 Large 3 ,1 rawer dresser with mir- <p*.«J.VV rpr, in walnut finish, steel bed m walnut finish, sagless spring and brand -new roll edge felt mattress. Completely re- finished. il S (in- six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite. 7 â- 6-r*vv Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition, «1 1 SA Qak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has Â¥ U sliding door front with Hour and sugar containers, large cupboard space in base with bread box and three drawers in fine con- dition. with oven, ____ Guaranteed. Brand new 3-piece chesterfield suite, upholstered in fine quality repp cover, rust shade, Marshall reversible spring cushions; full webta construction. fW| Brand new Chesterfield Bed Suite. •I'Vtr.uu Chesterfield bed has large ward- robe. 2 big Chairs to match. Covered In hard wearing repp material (rust shade). A real bargain. $4 50 ill) Dreaseri* in all finishes with. _T R large mirrors and 3 drawers. S»f5 50 tin Ghiffonlera in oak ami walnut ipu.,JV up finishes. *10 Sft Drop-head Singer Sewing Machines, ' “ Guaranteed good condition *3 05 Brand new all-felt Mattresses with v ^ heavy roll edge, well tufted â€" In cretonne covers. All sizes. $2.50 Up Ketal Bcds' A!1 *1/1 ftK Brand new Chiffonier in selected y * birch with walnut finish â€" five <•» - Colonial design, 0(1(1 Chesterfield Chairs with Mar- " shall reversible cushions. Ï7 5ft 6-plece walnut Bedroom , „ Suite. Large drosser, vanity, ebif- ÏÏerU,ft£.6lze *i?d- sagless spring and brand ;W all-felt mattress. Completely re-eottdi- ed. Like new. 1 Oft Rlne-pieee watoat finish Dining ,-V - Room Suite. Stiff et, nfttoft off- square extension table and 6 feather ffi- 'tCfed chairs. Completely refinished. COGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Ye have a large assortment of chairs, eof- • iffsi-iamp»,' sewing cabin- radios, fffgs, hrdrr.r.m And furniture; etc., at the most rea- prices in Toronto. All our furniture atom-" hr cleaned and re-conditioned in -ory «mâ carefully packed for im- Bnt pment on receipt of money order, l ew 1938 illustrated catalogue is now sure to write for one. me<’ out, yegg vy v - LYONS’ BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OPRN EVENINGS -1 J St . Toronto HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPEES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and ail types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods; Write for illustrated cata- logue, Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst St., Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed. We train you for Board Examination, Free prospectus, 901 Bioor West, Toronto. MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, BAIRDRESS- ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamph- let 707 Yonge Street, Toronto. MEDICAL HAVE g o c ~~g* heARU 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY FOR (R. and S. ) Powder, herbal remedy â€" rheu- matism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month, $3; two months, $5, Druggists, or J. C, McIntyre, Edmonton, Alberta, MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C., Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ont. NOVELTIES NOVELTIES-12 .ASSORTED SAMPLES â€" Only lOe. Novelties, S, Pimum, B.C. PORTRaTFiN FOLDERâ€"ÃŽÃŽ^RËË WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed, 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto, PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents ; Drawings; Registrations: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or underatraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton. Ont. POPCORN POPCORNâ€"HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED One Hundred Pounds, Six Dollars â€" cash with order. John G. Coleridge, Box. 479, Kingsville, Ontario. ; POULTRY , Advertising Salesman (ta the pro- prietor of a small store)â€""Why don’t you advertise?” Proprietorâ€""Because I’m against advertising.” Advertising Salesman â€" "But why are you against it?” Proprietorâ€"‘‘It don’t leave a man no time. I advertised once last sum- mer and the consequence was I was so busy I didn’t have no time to go fishing all season.’’ READ IT OR NOT:â€"If all the blood vessels in an adult human body were laid end to end, they would reach 2,000 miles. Mrs. A.â€"“My husband is 42. You wouldn’t think it, but there is actual- ly ten years difference in our ages.” Mrs. B.-â€""Impossible ! You look as young as he does!” This word of warning is not amiss, Let’s make it both strong and clearâ€" Beware of the man who "shoots the bull”, He’ll give you a doubtful steer. OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER, BIGGER, make bettei pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy, blood tes ted. Free chick feeders with early Orders. 1638 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR 1938 CHICKS Free? Enter the Twcddle Chick Contest. 1,500 .free chicks,- pyirCB.to everyone, BCTV.l for contest form, Twcddle Chick Hatchery Limited, Fergus, Ontario. QUILT REMNANTS FIVE POUNDS!â€"QUILT REMNANTSâ€"$1.00 Free!â€"110 Patterns, Designs. Washfast Cottons; Prints, Broadcloths, Silks. Collect Samplesâ€"25c. Refund Guarantee ! Mari- time Textiles, Department WILS. 8049 Degaspe, Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS \vk Hey and k;-.i.:, old stamps.’.toron- to Stamp Company, 66 King Street West, Toronto. An old farmer, having been made very wealthy by the discovery of oil on his run-down farm, moved into the big city, with all his family, and pur- chased a very fine mansion in the most aristocratic section of the town. After their first night in the place, the old man’s wife awakened bright and early, saying: Wifeâ€"‘‘Well, Setli, ain’t it about time you was gottin’ up to build the fire?” Sethâ€""No, siree! I’ll just telephone for the fire department ; we might just as well get used to these city conveniences right now!” Howard â€" "Hello there ! Are you home ? I thought you were in college." Charlesâ€"“I was, but 1 had to leave on account of my eyesgiht.” Howardâ€""You had to leave college on account of your eyesight? Why that’s too bad.” Charlesâ€"“Yes, I mistook the new dean of women for a coed.” Mary Knows a Good Thing MaVy had" aHitue...,4nil;-- You’ve heard this oft beforeâ€" And then she passed her plate again And had a little more. Another reason why romance lasted longer in the old days was that the bride levied much the same after tak- ing her make-up all off. Carl-â€"“Say, haven’t I seen your face somewhere before ?” Sadieâ€""No. Its never been where but where it is now.” any- Rqyitïtil, Canada', Fcf.mott Advisflf on human problems, will tend a Chorticlei and Personality Chart to anyone who writes him This omozing free offer is mode merely td advertise MASON'S 49 COLD RtMEDV ««J it available for « limited time only. Write W today, enclosing a self addressed, stomped envelope and ÿour birth-dot* Address*-*- K«ymær, Mason Remedies Limited The man who isn’t looking around the corner these days is blind, to say the least. Canadian Apples Readiest Market United Kingdom is Our Chief Buyer; Shipping Facilities, and Tariff Restrictions . of Other Countries Reduce Imports Throughout the world the Canadian apple is favorably known, but its chief market is the United Kingdom. Out- side that country, quotas, tariffs, abundance of local fruits, limited ship- ping facilities, and other factors im- pose a restricting influence on profit- able business. Apples are imported into France under a system of quotas controlled by the Issuance of import licences. By trade agreement Canada is guaranteed 4.7 per cent, of the 220,000 quintals (220.4 lb, a quintal) allowed to be im- ported during the first quarter of the fiscal year, and 3.3 per cent, of the 160,000 quintals during the fourth quarter. This is approximately 5,280 quintals during October to December inclusive, and 10,340 quintals for Jan- uary to March inclusive. With regard to Belgium, the market demand is mostly for barrelled apples, and the volume of imports depends to a large extent upon the size of the domestic crop. Sweden Important Market Sweden is the most important mar- ket of any of SjeujtMrr’vifin coun- tries for imported apples!' Althtsug!’. the United States is the main source of supply, with Australia showing an increasing trade, Canadian boxed ap- ples are well and favourably known, and sell at a slightly higher price than similar TJ.S. varieties, owing to the fact that Canadian apples are consid- ered to possess better keeping qual- ities. As regards barrelled apples, the Canadian types are not so highly ap- preciated as the U. S. varieties on ac- count of the fact that the colouring is not so well liked. “â- e cruelest criticism is indiffer- H MiCAULST, TORONTO. CANADA 1©c a day buys a new guaranteed REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with all essential features Free- carrying CASE TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR. Writeâ€" RciiJeigton Rand Limited Toronto TRIED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your liver is lazy, tiiat’s why you feel so rotten half the time. Your system is not, lotting enough Me. Your head aches, yotir track aches. Your food doesn’t digest prop- erly. It stagnates and decays for lack of title. Bile is a digest&nt, and an antiseptic. Sour liver should produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every 24 hours, I Tanol Tablets will make your liver do its virork. Based upon a. small proportion of Cal- omel blended with certain other useful medi- cinal ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly a|nd directly upon the llyer, stimulating the flow of bile. They are easy to take and pro- vide a safe, easy way of using calomel, prob- ably the most effective liver stimulant known. They are not. harsh. But they are efficient. Your druggist has them. 50c. (a) Kingdom Without a King Hungary, though without a King since the flight of the Habsburg Charles at the end of the World War, has remained a kingdom, the throne meanwhile being guarded by a Regent, Admiral Nicholas Horthy. Regent Horthy, who will be 70 next year, took the reins of Hungary in 1920. Twice he prevented former King Charles from regaining the throne. So far he has clone nothing to further the pre- tentions of .Archduke Otto to the an- cient Crown of St Stephen. Recently Hungarian Nazis have urged that Ad- miral Horthy, a Protestant, be recog- nized as King of Catholic Hungary. Such a move would block the monar- ’ cMsts and other anti-Nazi groups which lean ‘-ward a Habsburg res- toration. Last week, however, Admiral. Hor- thy denied that he had ambitions to wear the Hungarian crown, “x shall always feel it my duty,” he said, "to defend the institution of monarchy. I can only repeat what I said in 1920, which is still my view today: I was chosen Regent and cannot tolerate that the Regent’s person should be connected with the occupancy of the royal’ throne.” ^Scratching S â€"- » ... Mongrel Bog Amazes Audience VANCOUVER.â€"Duke, four-year-old mongrel dog, showed a goggle-eyed audience here how he makes change for his master’s purchases, helps with the housework, does card tricks and answers quêtions on his ancestry, which he admits is decidedly mixed ’ Owner Richard Davidson claims his charge mind-reads sometimes and may turn, journalistic. "He’ll bring a broom, hat, shovel a-xe or anything around a house,” said Davidson. "He even helped me build the cabin by getting the hammer, a sack of nails and the odd two-by-four when I asked him.!’ He waltzed on his hind legs after a fashion, but his kangaroo imitation was tops. As for mind reading, listen to David- son: Back home I’ve been sitting in the cabin and suddenly thought of some- thing I wanted to get. Before I got around to it, Duke was back with it.” And the middle-aged prospector isn’t to be bite for appointments. Whats the time, Duka?” and then Duke nips Davidson’s watch from his vest pocket. APPETITE gone tiens, quickly vWthtÀ n, 81(111 «™P- tfc,liquid p. d. d. PREicmmorSsSSS; Clear,: greastkse and stain. BWU® OP YOUR NERVES It’s nervesâ€"starved, weakened, upset nerves that usually are the cause of failing appetite: Build up your nerve» with the great nerve tome PHÇSFEIMNE-â€"and urn how quickly your appetite improves, and strength returns: At druggists, 60e, $1.00 and $1.60. 71 PHOSFEBINESISc Issue No. 3- "’b-... Launches War On “Loan Sharks?’ Several “test cases” in a campaign to curb the collection of usurious in- terest rates by ‘ loan sharks” will probably be launched early in the new year by the Ontario attorney-general Cecil Snyder, K.C., senior crown counsel, who has been assigned to the investigation, said that definite action might be expected early in 193:8. He had, he said, been “deluged” with com- plaints of persons claiming to have been the victims of "loan sharks.” Each case, he explained, was being investigated carefully and a report was being made to the attorney-gen- eral. It had also been suggested that in addition to action in the courts, the Hepburn Government might launch a public investigation under the Public Inquiries Act. Faster Than Light Roy Chapman Andrews says in a magizine article that, the cephenomyia, : a small insect, can fly 400 yards a 1 second, or 800 miles an hour, and he ' believes it to be the speediest living ; thing. But did he ever see a crowd of lumberjacks racing to thei grub tent 7 just after the dinner gong rang ? Shaded areas in the latest war map shb.w the Japanese army is now .boss of all Japan and liait of 'CuinaT" NEW YORK <Th.£ ^ext Stop? If New York is your next stop, you’ll wont to know about The v Shelton Hotel. The Shelton provides its guests with "added attractions", at no addsd cost, among them are the famous Shelton swimming pool, ^m*T\ gymnasium, library and solarium. Furthermore* The Shelton is in the Grand Control zone, considered the best location in New York. -D COULD HARDLY CLOSE HANDS Had Rheumatism and Neuritis “I suffered severely from Rheumatism ana Neuritis,” writes Mr. W. J. Tracy of Toronto, “1 could hardly walk i-. », .mXzz firs the swelling left my hands and knees. 1 could climb stairs and ladder. I advise any person suffering as I did to take Fruit-*» lives. They give quick relief.” Try thk real fruit juice, herb and tonic presorqitioa of a famous Canadian doctor. If you suffer, they might dear up your case too. 25c. and 50c. No substitute. At druggists. FRUIT-A-TIVESnJm

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