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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1938, p. 3

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Papers come out clean and fresh from the Double Automatic Booklet A<* ENTS W ANT ED MAN UK WOMAN FOR CUPID CON- centrated Flavors. Fifty varieties. Long profits. Grand route salesman extra. Acme Direct Sales, 6.15 Yonge, Toronto. LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED, To sell Phillips Lightning Protective System. B. Phillips Company Limit- ed, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. ART IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH OR Paint, write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 52, 72 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. BABY CHICKS POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT CHICKS ONE CENT EACH FOR TEN EXTRA, with every hundred ordered Ten Days in advance of delivery, prices lower May 24th and June 18th, Write for list. Trent Electric Hatch- ery, Box 533W, Trenton, Ont. JOHNSON’S SUPERIOR CHICKS HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE. We specialize in two breeds bred to lay Barred Rocks and Barron strain $.C,W. Leghorns. All breeders are blood tested and from R.O.P. males. Only the very best type of breeders are used and eggs set weigh between 25 and 30 oz. per doz. Price Barred v, Rocks, 9 cents; Leghorns, 8 cents each. 100% safe arrival guaranteed. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ontario, TWEDDLE PRICES GREATLY RE- . due eel for June. .Buy Tweddle High Quality Chicks now at the price of ordinary grade chicks. Tweddle Chicks are rioted for livability, lay- ability and fast maturity. Don’t buy until you get our latest price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. A.W.’s 270 BRAY WHITE LEGHORN pullets, laying under 5 months, aver- aged 150 eggs per bird during an 11 month period. Order Bray chicks to- day for real profits next Fall. Write for prices. Bray Hatchery, 1.30 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. GOVERNMENT MARKET REPORTS strong egg market next Fall and Winter. Make the most of this mon- ey-making opportunity with early- laying Bray chicks. Write for prices today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY’S STARTED PULLETS SAVE time and feed. Get more eggs earli- er this Fall when prices are high. Write for regular prices and daily specials today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. R.O.P. SIRED CHICKS, BLOOD-TEST- ed breeders. Established 25' years, Leghorns 8c, Rocks 9c, White, Black Giants 10c. No better stock. Why pay higher prices. Schafer Sanitary Hatchery, Kitchener. Ontario. HERE ARE OUR JUNE PRICES FOR Government approved chicks from Bloodtested Breeders: Leghorns, New Hampshire Reds $6.95, Barred Rocks $7.95, White Rocks $8.95. Big Egg- quality lVzc more. Older Chicks 10 day old add 4c, 2 week old 5%c, 3 week olds 10c. Complete price list On pullets, cockerels, etc., on request. Baden Electric Chicle Hatchery Lim- ited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR. JUNE chicks, Leghorns 6%c, pullets $13.95, cockerels 95c. New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks 7%C, pullets $9.95, cockerels $6.95, Large Egg- Quality add lc. leghorn pullets 2c. Started Chicks 10 day old add 3c, 2 week old 4c, 3 week old 9c. AU chicks from Government banded, bloodtested stock. $1.00 deposit, balance C.O.D. Lower prices for last half of June and July. Top Notch Chickerîes, 16 Wilson St., Guelph, Ontario. CLOTHING FOIL SALE LOOK! REDUCED PRICES ALL BIG 4 CHICKS BACKED BY guarantee that we honestly believe has never before been offered chick buyers., Our catalogue tells you why. Big 4 chicks have extra vitality and ability to lay more and larger eggs because they are backed by a definite breeding program. Breeders Govern- ment Inspected, Blood-tested. For Immediate delivery: Leghorn Stand- ards, $6.95; pullets $15.90. Barred Rock Standards, $8.95; pullets $13.50. Hampshires, $7.95; pullets- $14.90. Leghorn cockerels $1.50. Heavy1 cock- erels $6.00. Premiums $2.00 more. Write for special prices on Started Chicks, Pullets all ages, Capons, and catalogue. Kitchener Big-4 Hatch- ery, 1083 King St. E., Kitchener, On- tario. , R AYMAR/ Canada** Foremost Adviser Human problem*, will send _ Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who write* him. This amazing Free | fief is made merely to advertise C.C.tB. Iron & Yeast Tablets \ «nd will be l,hi tûgelher with « trie! p.eltage loi these Wonderful ublets: & Write lod.fy, lonclosirrg: » sell. eddressed, stemped (envelope end your birth-dele. Addresi-- L I R.yqwr, _ 1 rMÂÏÃ"N R| Ml Pits UM 14 MeCAvi it. -.» can,aba' FREE HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES, ‘etc., with clothing purchase. Write tor tree illustrated catalogue of clothing bargains, Dept. N. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. EOlt SALK YORKSHIRESâ€"AT THE HEAD OF Shadeland Farms herd the Grand Champion, sire o t "Sainabury Tro- phy" and "Best Market Pen" at Royal Winter Fair. Sows include First and Second winners Toronto and First Guelph. Young males with “Advanced Registry" backing. For Sale, Shadeland Farms, Box 7, Eden. Elgin Co. FURNITURE LYONS Drastic Reductions in Our Trade- In Department Every article in the store marked down for quick clearance. We must hp,ve floor space regardless . of cost. Every piece is reconditioned, guaran- teed absolutely clean and sold Under a definite money back guarantee of satis- faction. G piece bed room suite, walnut finish, dressed, vanity,' chi fir obe, bed tgd QQ spring and new mattress 4 ve.vv Large dresser, steel bed, sag- djO] less spring, new mattress • * 3 piece suite, new modern, floor sam- ple, dresser, bed and chiffon- $g'7 QQ 1er, * 4 piece suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless QQ spring , v 8 piece solid oak dining room suite, buffet, table and 6 leather $94 QC seat chairs. Perfect *r " 15 Buffets in oak and walnut $4 QK finish, from, each • 1 only, 9 piece Malcolm Suite in burl walnut, large buffet, china cabinet, ex- tension table & 6 chairs upholstered in- blue mohair. Cost new over $1 9C QQ $350. Completely refinished "e1 Beautiful 9 piece walnut suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet arid 6; leather seat chairs, in perfect too AQ condition. «pOÏ7.UU % only, 3 piece chesterfield suites, up- holstered in French jacquard $24 95 Completely reconditioned. . 1 Onlyâ€"Kroehler Chesterfield bed, suite, 3 pieces, Thoroughly *40 QQ1 cleaned piece red leather chesterfield *CQ QQ suite. Perfect condition. «pvR». t Beautiful 3 piece mohair suite, revers-; ible Marshall cushions, Per- $717 (jfli feet condition. 1. only chesterfield bed with $23 00 large wardrobe box, rust repp Ice Boxes $4.95, Breakfast Suites $13.95,j Dressers, $3.95, Beds 92.80, New Mat-! tresses $8.05, Kitchen Cabinets, $13.50,j Gas Stoves $4.95, Chesterfield Suites! $13.95, Buffets $4.95, Extension Tables I. $5.50. All goods carefully packed ready for immediate shipment on receipt of mon- ey order and sold under a definite ; money-back guarantee of satisfaction. Write for free illustrated catalogue of,! new and reconditioned furniture. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. J 478 Yonge St, Toronto MEDICAL (R, & 8.) RHEUMATISM AND. STOM- ach Powder, "The Great Eliminator,"1 Contains ten of Nature’s ingredients1. Removing the cause and eliminating, Rheumatism, Stomach troubles. Arth- ritis!, Neuritis, Constipation, . etc. $1,50, $3.00. $5.00. All Druggists. Agents Lymans Limited, Montreal. g £1 Smiles and | Chuckles I Nothing Half So Lovely What scenes, prepared at great, ex- pense vast stages to adorn, Could rival roseate splendor of a ris- ing sun at morn? The fragrance of costly perfume, tho you search far and wide, Will never equal lilacs in a breeze at even-tide. And ne’er a gorgeous diamond shines, in elegance supreme, But 'tis an imitation of a, sparkling dew-drop’s gleam. Of all delights that Wealth can bring you or me, There’s nothing half so lovely as the things that we get free. â€"oâ€" To be content with little is difficult; To he content with much, impossible. â€"0â€" Mrs. Perkinsonâ€"You know, my hus- band is a second story man. Mrs. Petersonâ€"You don’t say! Mrs. Perkinsonâ€"Yes, his first story never fools me, â€"oâ€" Samboâ€"Do you want me to shoo the flies in here for you? Mr. Crabberâ€"No. Let 'em run around in their bare feet. â€"oâ€" Jacksonâ€"Did you hear about the accident my brother had? He fell against tie piano and hit his head, Johnsonâ€"That’s too bad. Did. he hurt himself? Jacksonâ€"Oh, no; not much. You see he hit the soft pedal. Elderly Lady (to her granddaugh- ter)’â€"I’m afraid you’ll he late at the party. Girlâ€"Oh, dear, grandma, don’t you know that in a fashionable set nobody â€"0â€" goes to a party until everybody has ’. there! â€"oâ€" Think It Over Well did the ancient sages say to me the greatest bane Is not the pinch of poverty, nor bitter pangs of pain. Not faithless friends, nor kin unkind, the sore such woes may be, Far worse in Fickle Fortune’s smileâ€" undue prosperity. Frederickâ€"Glory, there’s an awful lot of girls stuck on me. THE NEWEST GAME SENSATION PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- der-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co.. Dept. 219 Pres- ton, Ont. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, in- expensively. Guaranteed. Advice tree. Box 1, Winnipeg. PACKAGE BEES ITALIAN PKGE. BEES WITH SELECT queensâ€"2 lb. $2.45â€"3 lb. $3.15. Order now. Percy Waldron, Amherstburg, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Estab- lished over 26 years. Brightling Studio, 29 Richmond Street Bast, To- ronto, PROFESSIONAL RESULTS COUNT â€" any film developed and printed prop- erly. Mall with 25c to Professional Dept. A, London, Ont. Send your own choice of negative back with your second film for free Etchcraft En- largement:. •' RAT E XTERMINATOIt ALL KNOWN DISEASES CAN BE CAR- ried by rats. Safeguard your home and stock by using Ratopaxâ€"Harm- less to humane, domestic animals, poultry. Ratopax is guaranteed to kill all rodents, etc. If your dealer cannot supply you send 35c in coin for post-paid supply. Dealers write for particulars. National Sales Agency. 57 Bloor West, Toronto. WifA Untstatuxmg Possibilities 0R0WSH0RE LACHA CEMilS KIRKLAND GATEWAY S. FIRTH BROKER 200 BAY ST. TORONTO Here Is fee tire feat is easy on your purse â€" the tire that pate money in yow pocket by what you save on its low price. This sensational new Firestone Standard Tire hits a new all-time high in value for it has everything you want-â€" safety, mileage and econ- omy. Standard Tires have all the extra features which make Firestone Tires fa- mous for quality. And. every Standard Tire car- ries fee Firestone guaran- tee. Drive in to your nearest Firestone Dealer to- day and See how he can save you money. este SI Jeffersonâ€"Yeah? Well, they must be an awful loti, Mr. Jonesâ€"Why do you always call your wife “Honey,” Friend? Friendâ€"Well, for one thing, honey has never agreed with me. May Blossoms Willing workers are not usually wistfully waiting . . . The business race is handicapped with too many hurdles . . . The girls who used to go crazy about, jazz are now going crazier trying to keep their girls away from swing. ... If you want to build a good foundation for success, you’ll have to begin at the bottom ... If you think that face powder is not explosive, just let your wife find some on your coat. â€"0â€" Husbandâ€"J. wonder why It Is we can’t save anything? , Wifeâ€"It’s the neighbours, dear; they are always doing something we 3an’t afford. Plan to Build Roads of Sugar The much-discussed perfect road surface has been occupying busy Anglo-Indian scientists. The Imper ial Institute of Sugar Technology, India, has just formulated a process for making roads out of molasses. The formula remains a secret, and it will be some time before the final verdict is known. But we may yet walk and ride on sugar! ---- DEAFNESS AIDED â€" Secure 11 hearing' aid fitted to sum Individual needs, by the manufac- turer of Better Aids tor Better Hearing since 1903. Write for Free Demonstration ACQUSTICON INSTITUTE 330 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT. IMPORTANT PaUx REDUCTION of HAMCO COKE I isue No. 22â€"*38 Bâ€"D GET A DANDY HAMCO COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of regular cost. See your dealer. • Ask him, too, about the new HAMCO AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL and HAMCO ' HOT WATER HEATER Save dollars through- the next heating season by filling your bin with Hamco Coke NOW. Ask your local Hamco Dealer for full particulars. HAMCO HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA YOUR LOCAL DEALER’S NAME Appears elsewhere in this paper

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