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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jun 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS | â- i â€" ' â-  â€"â€" ' â-  â-  ' , , â€" I ENTERPRISE 'Road work is going on rapidity in our eonummity this season. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alien and Douglas visited on Sunday at Mr, J. Mb'fLiit.t’s. Mr. a nidi Mrs. T. MieRdberts and Verna visited at Mr. and Mrs. E. Ooidlinm-e’s. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hogg -spent Sun- day /with their daughter, Mrs, GL Go- hieem, of Bbwmianivi'Ile. Miss Ru th Fogg, nurse-in-.training at Bo'wmiaiwililfe hospital, sipeait Mon- day ait Mir. and Mrs. W. Dawson’s. On account of Bo-nitypon! Decora- tion Day next Sunday, the service at MdOrea’s will be held in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson and fam- ily, visited at- Mr. and Mrs. James J&m-sbvrryh. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. U. Wilson and fam- ily, and Mrs, Henrick.s, of Richmond Hill, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George White. Don’t- forget the Strawberry Tea at MieC'rea’s on Friday, June 24th. The young people of Kirby are put- ting on a play, entitled “Goose Money,” along wiith other local tal- ent. KENDAL There was a good attendance at the dance on Friday evening.' Mrs, T. A. Reid, Crooked Cheek, visited with Mrs. W. Carsoadden on Sunday. Mr. Jack Bryson spent Sunday with Mr, aindi Mrs. Wm. S-avery, of Siarkviiic. Hr. and Mrs. II. TToy, O-.iiawa. viei-tedl with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Teb- Sile on Friday. Several from- here 'attended1 the- Junior Farmer’s Field Day in Beth- any on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson visited, at Mr. and Mrs. George Smith’s, Stark- ville, on- Sunday. Mis-s- Annabe-i'le Hendry visited at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilendry, Newcastle, over the week-end. Mr. -and Mrs. Milton Robinson visited at Mr. land Mrs-. George Smith’s S-taik-ville, oin Sunday. North, South, East and West, Come to Kendall on Wednesday next If you like ice cream, you. sure won’t sweat, On June 22nd, “Now don’t forget,” CROOKED CREEK Mir. Jack Oaf ley spent the holiday with friends in Belleville. 'Crooked Creek softball team play- ed a friendly game with Zion school oil the King’s birthday. Mr. Les. Reid, of Toronto, has NEWTONVILLE Remember Field Day at the Com- munity Park, July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid visited Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Stapleton Friday evening. Messrs. John and Murray Barrie attended sales -at Guelph and El-ora last week, Mr. and Mrs. IT. Lane and- Leona, Co-ltborrie, spent the holiday with Mr. and Airs. W. C. Lane. Miss Jessie Walkey and Mr. Roy Best were married -on Saturday, June lOth, Congratulations-. Mr. a n-d Mrs. Harvey Oislbome and All in, of Welcome, visited her moth- er, Mrs. J, T. Pearce, Sunday. A number attended the field day at Bethany on- Saturday. Our girls â-  1-id well but lost in the last game, Etin spoiled the boys-’ game, Mrs. Jim Stark and Mrs, Willis J-ones attended the. cooking school at Bo-wniiinviiie on Wednesday and also took in. the show “Thorobreds Don’t Cry.” The community was saddened -at the news of thé death of two of its former residents, namely Mr. Bruce Elliott Sr., Pont Granby, and Mr. George Hancock, Port Hope. Deep- est sympathy is extended to the bereaved families. The regular monthly meeting of the W.MjS. was held in the base- ment of the U-niitCl Church on June 10th. The president, Mis-s I. Laing.. presided. A. call to prayer was read by Mlsiis Lading, followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. After the business period Mrs. J. Blarrie had charge of the following program : Mrs. Barrio, scripture and prayer ; roll call; Mrs, 'Cecil Burley gave a very interesting message on W.MjS. wo-rk; herald report from Mrs. Beech on Trinidad ; solo, Mrs. Radknapp; closing prayer, Mrs. 0. Burley, -after which the ladies packed their bale. At the July .meet- ing the ladies will entertain the moth- ers and babies of the congregation. been 'spending two weeks’ vacation with Mr. -and Mrs. T. A. Reid. Week-end visitorsâ€"Mr. liny Hugh- es, . of Toronto, and Mr. Lionel Hughes at their home ; Mr. Sid Rutherford wi-th his parents -at Kir- by; Mr. John -Sunday at his home ait Zion-. Mr. Tom Turner has completed his year ait Peterboro -.Normal School and is spending his vacation at his home. Our Siund-ay 'School is still keeping up in attendance and interest and is planning an open session on June 26th, with Mr. Ntei-1 Porter, of Orono, -as speaker. A strawberry festival will be held on the 2'Tith When- there will he bail] games, lots of strawber- ries and a good programme. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o-------------- Try u-s with your next printing order NEWCASTLE Mias Jean Cowans, of Toronto-, is visiting Mrs, R, W. Gibson. Mjieis. Burnham, o-f Cbb-ourg, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. D. J, -Gibson. Ai rs. Maiitlanid, of Brighton, visit- ed Mrs, D. J. Glalbraiitih on Monday. The gin-la’ softball team have given up their green sox and1 are now sport- ing bright red. Mr. Seldon, of Toronto, is visiting his daughter and son-in-law, Mi*, and Mrs. O. A. Parker. Mrs. R. Lo-vekin and son Dick, of Toronto, were Sunday guiests- orf Mr. and Mrs. J. Coulson. The bowling season was opened by a jitney being played on, the green on Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. .MacDor.al.l, otf Tor- -onito, were Sunday guests otf Mr. and Mrs. Harve BVitt-on. ..Miss Jessie MoNaug-hton, of Tor- on! to, is Visiting Miss Annie Drum- mond for the summer. Miss Fierai Galbraith, of Bowmian-- vilite, was a week-end visitor with Air. and Mrs. Howard Gibs-on. IMm i Stella Anderson spent Friday -aindl -Saturday in Toronto, attending -the Wifeon-Copping wedding. Air. and Mrs. W. E. IT. War-d mo- tored to Toronto for the week-end, Mrs. Ward remaining over for sev- eral days. Rev. John Bo naif lion, accompanied by Mins. Bonai.lum and small daugh- ter, have been holidaying with Mrs'. iS-aim Bo mi thou. Miss Arrest a Martin, Miss1 Ciais-- wiill, Mr. Murray Butler, Mr. and Mrs. AflUan I Toward, all of Toronto-, were home for the week-end-. Airs. J o-lin Ferguiso-n and- Mrs. Kin- caid, of Toronto, visited- Mrs, D. B. Simpson on Monday, Airs. Simpson returning to Toronto with them for a short visit. The Rev. John B-onastho-n celebrated -his- eleventh anniversary of Ms ordin- ation on: Sunday by taking the early service at IS t. Geo-rge’s and also- preaching at the eteven o’clock ser- vice. The Sunday School Anniversary -Services a-t the United Church on 'Sunday l'ait attracted large -congrega- tions'. The guest preacher was Rev. G. 0. R. McQuode, of Osh&wa. Rev. :iS-. McLean taking the -services- at : Osteiaiwia. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Butler, of Toronto, visited their motehir, Mrs. R. P. Butler on Thursday last, the occasion being Mrs. Bult-er’s birthday which w-a-s- -celebrated with a family teia- party. The . birthday cake held eighty-eight candies-, ----- ---o------â€"â€" Permanent Waving OPENING SPECIALS $2.50 to $6.00 Commencing Thursday June 16th SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Make your appointment Mrs. McDonald, Newcastle LESKARD Church service will be held at Les- kard Church on iSu-n-day, June 19th, at 7.80 p.m, Mr. J. J. Mel lor will be in charge. KIRBY the latter’s : s-ister, Mrs. IT. Rigby, of -San. Francisco, Cal. -Messrs. D. A. Mackinnon and John Brown drove to the city Sni-urday to Mr. George Forbes has improved -the a/pipearanee of his garage with a fresh coat of paint. Mi*, -and Mrs. F. Dewing, of Rag- lan, were Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. Lome Wkninja-n. Mr. James Wan nan. of Oo-ljuimibus, is spending a few days in the village with Air. and Mrs. Borne W-anman and babe. Mr, L. W/nir.an. /mi* popular teach- er at the Academy ,,f Education, has been engaged for another term. Con- gru t;u la riems Lome. Mrs. R. M. Bryson, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with relatives- and friends- here and she enjoyed the trip and time spent very much. Mrs. H. Rigby of S-an Francisco. Ciai, is visiting her brother, Mr. John Brown and! other relatives after art albs-encie. of . thirty-one years, and all will be pleased to see her. -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brys-on drove over to- Mi libre ok on 'Sunday to see Mrs. Edgar Thornton, who has been ailing fur sometime. Glad to hear I bar she is improving again. Kiev. J. H. Qis-torhout conducted the •services on Sunday at Kirby and gave a very interesting rehearaail of the -do- ings at the confer mice, and we would be pleased -to- have the -pleasure of having him with, us on- -I mu- 26th and -27-th," this being his farewell Sunday. Why -should he have to be absent sup- plying ait other appointments after serving us so faithful1-y for so many years ? FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. Today, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. the cobourg granite and MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR» G. A. BEAMISH - orono Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS RHONE 68, ORONO FOR ACID INDIGESTION TAKE BISMA-REX It quickly releives the discomfort of sour stomach, acid dyspepsia, heartburn and nausea I Usina-Hex contains selected qualities of Sodium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium, Bismuth, Subcarbonate, Diastase and Oil ,,t Peppermint, but NO SUGAR BISMA-REX, therefore, provides those bland alkaline sub- stances Which have proven so useful for neutralizing abnormal acidity and its disturbing effects. It is Safe, Prompt, Effective, Pleasant Tasting Next time, for prompt relief and prolonged comfort, try BISMA-REX 4 oz. bottle . . . . 75c. 16 oz. economy size . . $1.50 BISMA-REX IS SOLD ON A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store Low Cash Prices FOR THE WEEK-END WESTON’S or CHRISTIE’S SODA WAFERS,2 for 25c SHIRRIFF’S JELLY POWDERS, 7 flavors to choose from 4 for ...............„.. .........19c KRAFT BOILED DRESSING, 6 oz, jar............15c ROSE BAKING POWDER (there are imitations) lb. tin 14c CAMPBELL’S PORK & BEAN’S, 3 large 21 oz. tins ......25c AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, 3 large 26 oz. tins........ ............. ......25c PITTED DATES, fresh stock, lb. .............10c KELLQG’S CORN FLAKES, new large pkg., 2 for ......25c AYLMER IRISH STEW READY DINNER, contains Beef, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions and Peas in gravy 2 for .......................:.......23c SPECIAL 1 large pkg. Super Suds and three cakes of Colgate’s Toilet Soap All for 25C# CURRANTS, lb. ..... ... ...........10c REMEMBER FATHER’S DAY JUNE 19th ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 ~ Orono Coal & Lumber Co nmumâ€" ....

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