OBO.NO W1 EKLY TIMES (Mr. Norman Reid, Misses Lottie and Agn.es Rae, and Viola Gilfilan, of Toronto, .spent Sunday 'with Mr. fend Mrs. J. J, Gilfillan. •i .. Mrs- C. <latiK',v and daughter Glenn have been, spending several days in , Toronto. Glenn is having her holidays ...1 from the Whitby Hospital. !Ab we go to press we learn that an- titiher team will enter the On .no Soft- ban League, a team from north of Osthiawa and that a new schedule will be drawn up. Oshawa Jimiors in the Lalceshore League defeated Oofbourg at Osih-aiwa Job prices reasonableâ€"try us. Bead the Advertisements in the Orono Weekly Times and profit by the merdhamts libera! cuts in prices on Wednesday by the close score of 2 to 1. Oowie, of Cobourg, pitched for that team and had seven strike- outs to hie credit. Mr. James Tatmlblyn Sr. has the stand ready for the first band concert on Saturday evening. On coming down, to work .ait 6 a.m. Wednesday morning we found. Mr. Tamblyn at work painting the stand. He believes in working early in .tihe morning. 'Fmltfige Easy Terms Can be Arranged Has These Outstanding FRIGIDAIRE 1938 FEATURES I fa New Silent Meter-Miser ^ New “Double-Easy" Quickube Trays fa New Food-Safety Indicator fa New 2-Way Cold Storage Tray fa Auto- matic Tray Release fa Automatic Reset Defroster fa 2-Way Frozen Storage Compartment fa Automatic Interior Light fa 2 Tall Bottle Stor- age Compartments fa Double -Range Cold Control fa F-114 Exclusive Low- Pressure Refrigerant fa Removable Bar-Type Shelves- fa Sliding Moisture- Seal Hydrator fa^Thermo-Seaied All- Steel Cabinet Construction fa Stain- less Porcelain in Food Compartment fa Makes 32 Ice Cubes, NEW, SILENT METER- MISER The simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built. Saves up to 25 % MORE <m electricity than even the cutrent- saving Meter-Miser of 1937. Comes with 5-Year Protection plan backed by GENERAL MOTORS, Every Frigidaire in our showroom bears this seal - your guarantee that you get a genuine 1938 model. P8 TED WOODYARD ORONO: 78r16 STORES BOWMANVILLE : 774 RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY LARGE PKGS. CHIPSO for YELLOW SUGAR 10 lbs 19c. Sic WH BEN’S Carbolic Soap 5 cakes 13c, QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs.......15c. JELLIED VEAL, lb......29c, HEAD CHEESE, lb........„19c. DUTCH LOAF, lb.........29c. ENGLISH BRAWN, with dish ...........10c. GOOD LARGE LEM- ONS, dozen!............29c. RIPE TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for............. ,..21c, 2 PKGS- SUPER SUDS .................. .....................20c. We will have flowers f or 2 PKGS. SALT..„. 9c. 3 LARGE PKGS. PRIN- CESS SOAP FLAKES for ...... 30c, 10 BARS WONDER- FUL SOAP .........25c. 4 kinds of SHORTEN- ING and PURE LARD 2 14b. pkgs. .. 25c. HARRY HORNE’S GRAPE, ORANGE, LIME or RASPBERRY PUNCH, bottle ...!.25c. Decoration. Sunday as usual FRY’S POLLY PRIM White Corn COCOA CATSUP in tins 1-2 lb tin 11^ oz bottle 2 for 19c. 10c. L 19c. Orono Pastry Flour, 24-lb bag - 48c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 n- LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mrs. E. Rainey is visiting in Pet- eriboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roaborough spent the week-end in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leishimam were week-end guests at Mt. Geo. Mit- oheJl’s. Mris. 0. Lowden and Phyllis spent Sunday with her, daughter Doris in Orillia. Dr. and Mrs. Manning have left for a week’s vacation in Northern Ontario. Mr. Win. Armstrong attended the races on Wedniesdlay afternoon in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper attended the races in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon. “Tony†Mlellyeén, "of the Bank of Con merci- staff, is away for a two week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. iSrotlt were in Whitby last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. P, C. Brown. Miss Joe Armstrong is spending a; week’s vacation with tier mother, Mrs. C. Armsltrong. Mrs. John Armstrong, has returned I to her home after a few months’ va- cation in thp. States. -'Miss Muriel Morton bad charge of the organ a week ago last, Sunday at ith.e Anglican Church. A. K. Morton and - Neil F. Porter of Orono were among those who at- tended! the group meeting of Mutual iFire ITiunderwriters in Pioton on Wedh-esday. Mr. W. H. Barrett, and Mrs. Crane motored to Goderich, Kincardine, London, Orangeville, recently for a few days, visiting friends -and rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Beg. Sutton attended the graduation, class of the Bowman - vile Hospital last Friday evening, al- so Misses Dorothy -and Kathleen ’Siimpson. -Quite a number of the Legion members and either soldiers from Orono -and -district attended the Dru-m Head .service at Bowrnanville on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lyiall Lowery, while playing softball for K-irby fed Bethany ’a week agio last Saturday, received a broken rilb wh-eni one of the opposing players rushing from third to home plate crashed! into him. Miss Meedia Williams, B.A., of 'Newmgrket, has been eng-age-d by the trustees of O votai Continuation school to till the position left vacant by Mists Galloway, who resigned to accept another position ait Stoney Creek. The students of !tb,pi Continuation School plan to celebrate the close of their academic year by holding a, pic- nic lunch at Orono- Park on the after- noon of June 2-9th. Preliminary air- ran-gemenlts have already - been made. All Con until! trim school students are invited to thi-s get-together. A bee was- held at the park on Wednesday afternoon when some of the citizens- cblileeted and removed the old foimdlaitio-n in front of the agri- cultural building, where the ground will be -put in shape for a flower bed. The Horticultural -Society will look after this work. Tine following pupils of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville were successful in-their piano examinations of the Toronto Conser- vatory of music : Grade V.â€"Ruby Alien (bon.), Libia Billings (lion.), Audrey Billings (bon.). Grade IV. â€"iSihli-rle-y Porter, Stella Best. Grade II.â€"iGrelta, Mercer. Grade I.â€"iWijlda Hooey, We extend our congratula- tions to the ailxrve pupils and alis-o to their teacher, Mrs. Colville. All Dvangfinen in Clarke District are urged to .attend Divine Service in. Park Street TJnited Ohur-ch, Orono, ini -Sunday, July 3rd, . at 7 p.m. (standard ' time) and meet at. the Lodige rooms at 0.30. Be'v- S. Little- wood, pastor land Co'tmiy Master, of Ontario Nioirith, will dist-oursc Ora age- ism -We Need It.†Parade will 'be led by Kendal Fife and Drum Band, Be on hand and be on time. Deco-ration Day Services will be held- a,t the local Cemot-ery on Sun- day. The Midland Regimental Band -will march to the cemetery and lead iu the -singing. Local ministers will ait,tend and if i-s expected Rev, D. R. Djewddey df iSt. Saviour’s Church will deliver ithe address. The frater- nal- Societies of the village are invited, to attend atod take part in fibre -doe-ora- tion. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. ( 'has..' Chappie and,.son Dialvid. i-bf'Billings, Montana, called on old friends Saturday. Charlie is in the drug business' in Billings and has ’not ’ visited this ' old home since the late 90’s. .They were accompanied by In's brother and sister, Mr. Flank Chappie and Mrs. Frank Soucli of BioiwmanvilTe. He visited' Iris- old homestead on the 4th " concession. He drove from Montana and is driv- ing on to Philadelphia to visit M-s son, and daughter. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER 24 LBS, .,2 LBS, Corn, 3 tins for Tomatoes, 3 tins ORONO PASTRY FLOUR ..... BLUE RICE.............. Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. National Matches, 3 boxes for IRISH STEW READY DINNER .2 TINS TALL TIN RED SEAL SALMON ..... Tomatoe Juice, tin Post Bran Flakes 25c 25c ..49c. ..12c. 21c 21 c „:.„23c. ..22c. 5c 9c BLSCU1TS ORANGE MALLOW, 14, ... ..2 LBS......27c. ENGLISH TEA SANDWICH 1 1-2 .,.2 LBS.27c. Muffets, 2 boxes Granulated Sugar, 1 0 lbs. 17c 53c HURON TOILET TISSUE....,........7 ROLLS.21c. FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, OUR SPECIAL, LB..25c IVORY FLAKES, ........4. LARGE PKG.....19c. COLGATES TOILET SOAP, SPECIAL, 6 CAKES..25c. BATHING SUITS The swimming season is here and we have the smartest array of suits you ever saw. Ladies’ Fine All Wool, Suits with Brassiere d*0 |"|A top and braided straps, in green -and red, sizes 34 to- 40.... 9«»vv LADIES’ BLOOMERS This is a real bargain in Ladies-’ Real iSilk BloOmers, reg. 59c. value -in small -and medium ; while they laet... ** Gâ„¢ .......7....SPECIAL .................... One dozen Tub-Fast Taibleidlio-tbsi, rayon add tioititon); just the thing to freshen up your faible -this siuimmer, 58x63-, pride *J<oC« ARMSTRONG’S Misses’ All Wop® 'Blaithing Suite with contra-siting colored back atraips, in blue and white, bliack and red:, and red and white, (h 1 Off sizes! 28 to 34, price................................ «p CMld-red’is Blaekless- Suite of All Wtio'l1, for boys or girls, 'iy ff in tilde, green, red and navy, sizes 22 to- 2-6, price v.. '..... » «3t.» Men’s All Wool Siwim Suits, neatly fitting minks with easily z.ipped-o-n top, maroon, blue and black -trunks, conitiriaetingd*O Off colored tap, sizes 34 to- 40', price....... ....... Trunks, separate trunks of blue aindi black with white belt (j* 1 Off for men and boys, sizes 34 to- 40, price ........ . ..Y 1, efciO Boys’ All Wool 1-piece Suits', sun nun batik and under arm <j* 1 AA openings, in- blue, green, yellow, red, black, -sizes; 28 to- 32; f 1 • W DRESSES We have eight 'Grope Dress eg, ranging from sizes 14 to 20. They are navy and bla.dk wiijtii bright trimmings add! im baifero- style. AO They are reg. $4.00 viafcie, but we are selling them, this week | ^ PANTS I Men’s Fine Quality White Prints; the -mol sumo 8 ing plaint,: washable, size 3-2 to 36 nier time out- ^0 8 1 SHORTS 1 Boys’ Knee Pants of Grey Wool. Flannel, éîasiti c inserts at , | ' SUITS Boys’ Go-vcra-llsi, blue cotton, with red -trimmir 6 years, priced . .. . . . ' ... gs> sizes 2 toffQ/» 1 WASH. SUITS I Oliildren’e Wash Suits, in a lot of differenlt, sty ' 39c to 95c 1 J SOCKEES 1 These are a- barigtiin:, regular 20c., -all 1st qulal ity,-n'eairily all 1 nimiiniiiiiiwiiiiimiiiiii â- .-'i-'s Trusses j Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the, Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchase d at y i r e 11’s D n ;> Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock- 'They are properly fitted and guaranteed. Mi 'ip TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono üü^fü