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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1938, p. 3

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â€" Sanctuary As National Park PUULTBY ANO POULTRY IXUll’MUNT IÇ" ....." T.â„¢-'"-.""' ... â-  rfcMWiAe SEND FOR OUR LOW PRICES FOR July and August day old and ‘ îfgftedi Barred Rock, While Rock, New Hampshire Red and White Leghorn, cockerels, pullets or mix- OF chicks. -Prompt delivery guar- anteed. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. CATCH UP AND CASH IN ON 1HE high egg prices early next Winter With Bray started pullet chicks. We have some 2 and 3 week old Leghorn pullets available. Order now while the supply lasts. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY CHICKS FOR DELIVERY during August or September should be ordered at least. 5 weeks before desired. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St, North, Hamilton, On-. HIGH EGO PRICES PREDICTED for next Winter. Buy Bray chicks now and get in on the profits;' Write for our list of “Daily Spe- cial’’ prices. Br;iy Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. ’WE " CAN GIVE PROMPT DELIV- ery on day old or started chicks. Barred. Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds $7.45, Leghorns $6.45. Started Chicks 10 day old add 4c, 2 week 5Vic, 3 week 10c. Send for complete price list. Ba- den Electric Chick Hatchery Lim- ited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. LAST OF THE SEASON SALE OF Top Notch day old and started chicks. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire Reds, White Rocks 7 Ha c, cockerels 614c, pullets 9 %c ; Leg- horns 6'Ac. cockerels 3c, pullets 1314c. 10 day old add 4c, 2 week old add Sc. 3 week old add 10c. Large Egg Quality add lc, Leg- horn pullets 2c. $1.00 hooks order. Top Notch Chick cries, Guelph, On- tario. ITIIMTi iti: LYONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture Every article in our store" marked down for quick clearance, thorough- ly cleaned, reconditioned and sold under a positive money back guar- antee of satisfaction, A fine oppor- tunity for you to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a fraction of its real value. tfKm ÛO k*ec* room suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. Perfect. f|f| Beautiful vanity, dresser, fuii size bed and sagiess spring. Floor sample. #/|C& nfl Modern suite, vanity, ve- qPTiJmW nothin mirror, chiffonier, full size panel bed and sagiess spring écü AO ^mari 4 piece suite in wal- W nut large dresser, chiffonier, vanity, full size Fed "anti sagiess spring. Like new. #>£*£$ HO ^ar8'6 suite, dresser, triple tpu;57*VV mirror vanity, eh iff robe, full size bed, sagiess spring. Cost over $200.00 new. Perfect condition. $19. i gQ Large dresser, full size bed, sagiess spring and brand new felt mattress. «fc'TQ An Solid-walnut suite, dresser, up $ v* W vanity, chiffonier, full s-ize bed and sagiess spring", in perfect condition. $4 03 -dressers, $1.7.% wash stands, $8.7 chiffoniers. n ii s i k e ss n it o K r. r sELl your business qûTcjÏlV, SfiHfldMitlatiy, Tor çasb. Free «5- vî?e. ÂMhtil'ông Service, 45 Rich- mond West, Toronto. K JYTERT AIN M ENT LET THE EXCELSI OR QUARTETTE solve your entertainment problem for, your garden party, etc., and have a satisfied audience. Write Box 105. Palmerston. CCIt E/tltMING Jack Miner’s Place at Kingsville Is Beth Haven for Birds and Beautiful Parkland LABRADOR. QUEBEC MINK BE fa I ” foundation- stock, prices reason- able. Write Miner Minkery, Kings- ville, Ontario E A R fit l ' O Ft 8 A. L E FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 ACRES, LOT 6, Con. I, Township of East Willi- ims, County of Middlesex, good clay loam, suitable farm buildings, 20 acres of good hard maple sugar bush. Estate must be closed. Ap- ply to Hugh McIntyre Campbell, Executor of Estate, Aüsa Craig, Ontario, R. R. No. 1, or to A. W. Blxel, K.C., his Solicitor St rath- roy, Ontario. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS D E V E LO P E D A. N D EIG H T beautiful enlargements 30 c. 8 regular prints and one FREE en- largement 25c. Service Guaran- teed. York Photo Service, 183Va King East, Toronto. GEORGIAN BÏAY SUMMER GAMP CAM P F R A. N K LI N‘ S PRIZE ESSAY Contest. First prize, one hundred dollars; second prize, fifty dollars, Themeâ€"“Camp Franklin _ â€" the Camp with Ideals.” Full informa- tion regarding Canada’s unique and pioneer recreational camp for young men and young women, from Camp Franklin’s Toronto office, 83 Yonge Street. meÏÏ IG A ÏJ TRY DR. McLEOD’S SCIENTIFIC remedy Stomachic, for your stom- ach trouble. Clears up gas, nau- sea, bloating, indigestion. Drug stores or direct. Write for free i n f o r'-i tu-n. "1 0 l A1 ha n y Ave., To- ronto INFANTILE PARALYSIS CRIPPLES recover the use of their limbs un- der our new treatment. We give the famous foot treatment for tired aching feet. Hay Fever re- sponds instantly to our treatment. Don’t suffer. Consult us regard- ing your case. Adanac Health Clinic, 1 mile west of .Erin da le on Du nd as Highway. "FOR STOMACH TROUBLE, RHEI.J- m at. ism. Neuritis, Nerves, Weak Kidneys, Piles, Colitis, Female Ailments, Skin Diseases, Etc. Lang’s Mineral has brought new health and vitality to thousands where other treatment failed. information. Lang’s Mineral Reme- dies, t) 4 fi Robson Street, Vancouver, N R FOÃŽÃŽ SALE. 17 A Solid oak dining room suites, buffet, extension table and C leather upholstered «‘hairs. AA y piece suite, walnut finish, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 slip seat chairs. Ite finished. ATI Beautiful oak suite, buffet, f4.u.Wextengjon table and 6 Leath- er upholstered chairs. f|f| Fine walnut finish suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and (i leather seat chairs. <te.9' Kf| English oak suite, buffet, extension table, china cab- inet. and 6 leather seat chairs. jfcjRCl A A Rich walnut finish suite, fU^.UV|arge buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs, perfect. Afl Beautiful walnut suite, 9 £7»VV pieces, buffet, china cab- inet, extension table and (i leather seat chairs, Like new. AA Modern 9 piece suite, buf- fet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Cost new over $200.00. 5&1 AA A $500 solid walnut suite, ^ "vv beautiful carved buffet, extension table, china cabinet and fi leather upholstered chairs. Perfect condition. ®| I O AA Burl walnut suite, large buffet, closed front, chi- na cabinet, extension table and 6 chairs with backs and seats uphol- stered in blue mohair. Cost new- over $400.00. Completely. refinished. 4MQ AA Beautiful 3 piece chester- tgr-su-.w ficId Rllite- in rust: repp, re- versible Marshall spring cushions. Floor sample. 4J12Q 00 ^ar8"G mohair suite, 3 ^ ' pieces, figured, reversible Marshall cushions in perfect condi- tion. AA Three piece ’brown mohair «P’ j quite, pillow arms, Marsh- all reversible spring cushions, Thor- oughly cleaned. SI4 30 T>aii&'e 3 piece chesterfield ^ * suite, tapestry cover, Marshall spring cushions. CA Smart 3 piece jacquard ^ ’ “ suite, reversible Marshall spring cushions Perfect. 4£?7 $7A French jacquard suite, 3 * pieces, Marshall revers- ible spring cushions. Perfect con- dition. S45 00 -^-roe.h!cr chesterfield bed , _ * suite. 3 pieces,, upholstered In fine velour cover. Cost new about $1*5.00, €4 4 odd chesterfields, mohair ^ â- * covers, Marshall reversible cusbions. €17 RJA 3 smart 2 piece suites, «p . * v -j chesterfield and 1 chair to match in fine mohair covers. €11,4 AKl 6 piece breakfast suites, $8.85 Kitchen cabinets: ice boxes. $11.85 Singer sewing- machines, $4.85 gas stoves, $51.85 brand new felt mattresses and hun- dreds of other outstanding values too numerous to mention. Write for free YUV’^fr-etcd catalogue. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St., Toronto By Lance Connery Far better known for his cham- pionship of the principles of wild life conservation, Jack Miner is nevertheless a keen student of tree and plant life. Proof of this is seen at his bird sanctuary in Kingsville, where the roadside leading to his estate is lined with literally thous- ands of gorgeous blooms. Yes, the naturalist has spent nearly as much time on trees and flowers as lie has on his feathered visitors. Perhaps one of the choic- est iris beds in North America may be seen at his home, grown through the years from bulbs donated by an admirer of the naturalist. Flowers and Birds Few gardens on the continent are made up of flowers gathered from such a wide- range of climate and territory. Practically every state of tile' Union and every Canadian province is represented. And. this floral beauty is in no way commercialized. Many a sick friend has enjoyed a magnificent bouquet of breath-taking beauty, hardly realizing that the finest blooms in North America were his. The naturalist has clear-cut views on flowers as gifts. Give flow- ers to the living, not neglect them for the dead, he counsels. At a recent birthday celebration, Jack Miner told reporters he would have no desire to live, but for children, flowers, birds and music. And he meant it. I AM OFFERING DARK SILKY M i nk lei fs of f cho ic e Q tie bee stock $25.00 each for July and August delivery. C. Reilly, Richmond, On- * WE DEÇA I,â€"L t VE STOCK SWOLLEN UDDER â€" GARGET â„¢- Lang’s Mineral excells anything obtainable for Swollen Udder, Gar- get, Bleeding Teats, Ringworm, or Scratches on horses’ feet. Results quick and complete, saves worry and expense. Sent by mail. Free information. Lang’s Mineral Remedies. 946 Robson Street, Wan- NEWSPAPER OPPORTUN1T Y weekly newspaper proper- ty and Job plant for sale in thriv- ing Ontario town. Excellent job printing business, complete equip- ment in splendid condition. Re- quires -$4,000 cash, balance on easy terms to responsible purchaser. O. E. Brown, 114 Moore Ave., Tor- onto. ’ 01)08; R.UESS TOILETS YOU CAN HAVE CITY CONVENU enc.es in your village or farm home without water supply or sewers Write, for free information on our modern, self-emptying-, odourless Toilets from $35.GO up and leave behind for ever the dread out- house with its flies, cold and un- healthy discomforts. Kaustinc En- gineering Company, 164 Portland street, Toronto, Ont. VV Aver Icy 8985. PERSONAL PERSONAL problems solved from your handwriting and signa- ture. Write us in confidence. Send 25 cents todny. Kingsley Docu- ments, 221 St. Sacrament Sireet, Montreal. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free Bartlett’s, Box 1, Winnipeg. EVERY MARRIED COUPLE! AND those contemplating marriage should readâ€"“Sex and Youth,” 104 pages, postpaid 25c. Our 12 page illustrated catalogue of sex books, drug sundries, etc., free upon re- quest. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto.. â€"â€"â€"s A t~ ” ENLARGEMENT FRIGE WITH EV- ery 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Established over 26 years. Bright- ling Studio, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT, ROLL DE- veloped, printed 25c, reprints 3c, An till Studio, 73 Brock St., Ki ng - â-  si on, Ont. . IIAMOS 'FOR SALE 25 ONLY -â€""GENUINE BARGAINSâ€" Reconditioned radios, well known makes, working condition. For- tu n a to pu re h a se enabt e s us to sell at $20 plus freight. Trans-Canada Sales Company, Dept. Rl, 100 B1 opr West, Toronto. SA LESINA N.WANTED ’ REPRESENTATI VE . W AN.T.ED, TO sell mining stock in thé Mal ortie a.rea.. Generous commissions. Par- ticulars. 4 07 Central Building, To- A young man applied for' a position and was granted an inter- view. After tho usual preliminar- ies the manager said: Managerâ€"“Have you any am- bition?” Young Manâ€"“Ambition? I shall never rest until I see you out of that chair.” The Little Cabin Only in the little cabin, where the poor man’s children play, Have the feet of time passed lightly o’er the threshold day by day. Only in the little cabin, where the door to all swings wide, Does the ring of carefree laughter glorify the eventide. Only on the little cabin with a door-way rose-entwined Has the hand of Time fallen gent- Sick Man (as the nurse let him. sit up for the first time) â€" “Gee! I wouldn’t let them operate oil me again for a million dollars !” Doctor (coming along just then with a worried look on his face) â€"“I’m sorry, but I shall have to open you again.” Sick Man (letting out a roar)â€"- “Nothing doing! I won’t stand for it! I won’t stand for it! Ab- solutely not!”' Doctor (arguing) â€" “But, it’s something that just has to be done. You see, a terrible, mistake was made. When I sewed you up I lçft one of my rubber gloves in- side you.” Sick Manâ€"“Is that why you wan to open me again?” Doctorâ€"“Yes.” Sick Man (smiling)â€"“Don’t be silly! .Here’s a quarterâ€"go out and get yourself another rubber glove.” ___ „ QtWtR nuncGISTS 35* ' DIXIE is always fresh because you cut it as you use it/ It in g a ball. - First Class Caddy â€" One who can go nine holes and find a ball. Two women were gossiping about another friend who had been taking beauty treatments : Firçtâ€"{‘Why you know, my dear, I understand that her beauty doctor dip an excellent job in making her look younger !” Second] (snapping)â€"“Yes. She’s almost able to travel half-fare Scotch Classification Third Class Caddy: One who can go nine holes without losing a ball. Second Class Caddyâ€"One who can go eighteen holes without, los- ly, leaving simple joys behind. TRÀCTOIt magneto a n II GENERATOR REPAIRS SEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNE- to and Generator Repairs. We save you money. AUanson Armature Manfr.. 865 Bay St., Toronto. Issue No. 30â€"’38 ...Gardening Notes K â-  â-  STARTING A ROCK GARDEN Before starting to build a rock garden, study the site to decide on a size and shape that wilt blend, in- to the garden design. Place the stones so that two-thirds of each one is beneath the soil surface to simulate conditions to which most of our rock garden plants are ac- customed. 1 â-  Arrange the stones in a natural positionâ€"which precludes standing them on their ends. Let the sur- face incline toward the back so that the rain water will drain into the soil and not run over the forward end. Potted plants of perennials now in active growth may be ob- tained as "piahtin-g-material. .. CUTTING THE LAWN Cutting the lawn short often up- sets the balance between top growth and root system. In addi- tion, it exposes the crowns of the plants to the direct rays of the summer sun. Young tender blades are seriously affected. Much of the soil surface also is fully exposed' to the sun, and water evaporates from these areas at an alarming rate, The roller of the mower should be set as low as it will go so as to raise the cutting blades one and a half to two inches over the crowns. The first and second cuttings with the high blades perhaps leave a somewhat disappointing sight since the effect will be quite different from the accustomed results. This condition urges many gardeners to fall back upon shaving the lawn in the conventional style. But those who have the courage to go on will find the appearance of their lawn greatly improved by the third cut- ting, and when the fourth is com- pleted they likely 1 will be complete- ly converted. See Europe at BARgilN PRICE! These special rates are avail- able on the following sailings FROM MONTREAL LETIT1A Sept. 4 B’fast, L’p’l. G'g°™ ANDA.NIA Sept. 9 G’gow, B fast, L p I ALAUNIA Sept, 9 Ply, Havre, London ATBBNIA Sept, lli 11 fast, L p I, G gow AURANIA Sept. 16 Ply, Havre, London ANTONIA Sept. 23 G cow B fast, L p 1 ASCANIA Sept. 23 Ply, Havre, London LETITIA Sept. 30 B fast, L p l. G gow AUSONIA Sept. 30 Ply, Havre, London FROM NEW YORK FRANCONIA Sept. 4 G’way, B’fast, L’p’l BRITANNIC Sept. 4 Cobh, b hampton, Havre, London OUEEN MARY Sept. 7 Ch'b’g, S’hanyjton SAMARIA Sept. 9 G’gow (via Green; , ock), Dublin, L p i AQUITANIA Sept. 14 Ch’b'g, S'hampton SCYTHIA Sept. 17 G way, B fast, L p 1 GEORGIC Sept, 17 Cobh, S Hampton, Havre, London OUEEN MARY Sept. 21 Cli'b'g, S’hampton LACONIA Sept. 23 G gow (v.a Green- ock),Dubhn,L p 1 FRANCONIA Octt I G’way, B’fast, L'p'l BRITANNIC Oct. I Cobh, S Hampton, Havre, London Special excursion rates Round Trip to Europe as lew as THIRD CLASS Passengers must embark for the return journey not later than 28 days from the time of landing at European port. CANADA LILY The Canadian lily (Lilium cana- dense) also is known as meadow lily and wild yellow lily. It is more common than any other other of our native lilies, ranging from New Brunswick and Ontario southward to Missouri, Georgia and Alabama. While it does well In the garden, provided favorable growing condi- tions are present, plants found in the wilds usually are superior in stature and number of flowers to the stem. When in bloom they stand anywhere from two to five feet in height, carrying from one to ten flowers at the top of the slen- der but strong flower spike. The inidvidual blooms are two or three inches in length, and when fully open-are’ aliRSSt-twice as wide. The bulbs may be planted in ei- ther autumn or spring. They resent Hme in the soil, and should be cov- ered about two inches deep. In their native haunts they take kind- ly to semi-shaded positions. They also appear in open mountainous meadows, where they never suffer from want of moisture. The bloom- ing season falls in June and July. BITES insect, snake, off animal the. best treatment is plenty of Mmrord’s at once., it ' soothes. Steals and cleanses* ^ ©raw* ©ut the p©!sets 1 „ Pilots Should Eat Spinach Vitamin “A” Needed for Good Eyes, Military Doctor Says A U.S. army air corps medical officer told military pilots to eat their spinach and take their cod liver oil if they want to avoid ac- cidents and stay alive. Major John Hargraves, flight sur- geon in the school of aviation, me- dicine, said in the air corps’ news letter that he wanted to maintain and improve the eyesight of pilots. The same warning, he added, holds good for motorists, particu- larly those driving at night or on long trips. Essential to Sight A chemical essential to sight is constantly being used up by the ; action of light.on it, but is replaced immediately if there is sufficient vitamin “A” or „arotene in the diet, Dr. Hargraves said. Otherwise the supply of chemical, known as vis- ual purple," in the eyeball diminish- es and vision becomes increasingly impaired, Where To Get It Most people ordinarily obtain enough, vitamin “A” or carotene, the physician said. He recommend- ed, however, that as a protective measure, all pilots above the ag; of 35 include in their daily diet, foods which contain 4,000 units of Vita- min “A”. That â-  amount, he added, can be obtained from leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage, one quart of milk, butter, : egg yolks, animal fats, liver, carrots, green beans, or peas, sweet potatoes and pumpkinâ€"-or from one spoonful of cod liver oil a day. Hair Turns White Then Dark Again Elderly Man, Aged by Shock, Puzzles Court and Doctor "By some extraordinary process, which is difficult to understand, the accident produced a shock which acted on the glands of the body and resulted in old age, a man of 56 changing to a man of 70. Now he has the advantage of us in looking forward to getting your. ;er instead of older." This wag the comment! of Judge Dale, at thy Birmingham (England), county court, in ve urtiiig compen- sa! ion of. $.125 against menu .n in favor of Alfred Barnes. t-ingers were Crushed While in the firm’s employ „....-. April, last year, counsel for the plaintiff testified, Barnes crushed the fingers of his left hand and the tops of them were taken off, But the most serious feature was that owing to shock he was “precipitat- ed into premature senility.” His hair dropped out, and when it grew again it was white. His appearance changed so much that his friends and a sailor son who had returned from the East, on leave passed him in the street without recognizing him. He was unable to find work. Case Is Unique In evidence, Dr. A. F. Thompson said the case was unique and he could not trace an exact compari- son, He had lectured on the case and when asked to guess Barnes’s age medical students had put it at 70. Subsequently Barnes’s hair, which went snow-white, had chang- ed. slowly week by week and had begun to resume its normal dark color. Swiss Abolish Death Penalty Swiss voters in a national ple- biscite last week adopted a new ’Federal penal code, aimed at unify, ii the canton ,1 codes, of wh! ’ the country formerly â-  had 25. The new code abolishes the death â- penalty and aims generally not to retaliate against but to improve the criminal A judge’s first considera- tion will not be the actual crime but the motive. Insane Cared For The code aLo provides means to protect the community against ha- bitual criminals such as drunkards, incorrigible wr.. vdoers ami cases of incurable insanity by confining the victims in sanitariums or pris- ons for ir 'e fin ite periods. Captain George Eyston, holder of the world’s land speed record of 311 miles an hour, had to pay $5 costs at West London Police Court for driving his car 38 miles an hour.

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