ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 11 r IGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE Miss Marion Bruce is visiting friends in Bancroft. Misses T. Morton and C. Boughen Dale, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hoe- kin, Mr. and Mrs. Bred Nesbitt have moved to the village from Bowm-an- ville. Mrs. J. Wade and Jean spent the past week with relatives at Pont Bri- tain. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade.' Mr. Blake Stapleton, Orono, visit- ed his sister, Mrs. !.. E. Mil Ison on Sunday. Quite a large crowd gathered at the community Park on J uiy 20th for Field Day. Mr. and Mrs, Sanders have moved from Mr. F. Law’s house to Mr. J. Lu-mib’s house. Mr. and Mrs. Oampibell, Catnpbell- croft, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. U. Morton. Messrs. 'George Walkoy and Jamies Robinson visited Rev. and Mrs. Wal- lace, Gn-i.nl.ank, on: Tuesday. A large crowd oif men gathered â- and? raised the frame work for Mr. M; J, "Salmon’s- new barn on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Staple- ton were week-end guests- of their daughter, Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope. Mrs. J. Bragg and daughter Allie, Bo-wmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. Loickh-nrt and other friends around N ewtoh ville. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and two children are spending their va- cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dan-h. Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Hibbard and Joyce, and Mrs. Jack Nalls and two boys, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs, AVm. -Stapleton recently. Miss Jean Hudson, Simcoe, has been visiting Mrs. N. Samis and "Mrs. All in arid with them -visited Mr, and Mrs. II. Grills, Tuttle Britain. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and son and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wade, Kingston, a Week ago- to- day. Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mi's. .Willis Jones, Miss. Hazel Reid and Mr. Melville Jones journeyed to" Osh aw a Friday evening and viewe-d the gar- das on the R. S. McLaughlin estate, We are pleased to hear that Mrs. John Jackson has rented the house formerly owned by the late Mrs. Jus. Barley and intends moving in soon. Mrs. Jackson1, now of Toronto, used to reside in Kendal, NEWCASTLE Mr. Alee McLeod, of Toronto, was a recent visitor in town. Miss - Gladys Shaw was home from Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Pick are moving from. Mrs. O’Neil’s house to Mrs. W. Eddy’s rooms. , i Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. Brit- tain are visiting relatives in Toronto for a fortnight. Mrs. Gilbert H nyner. of Lake For- est, Illinois, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson. Mrs. S:tc!':a Anderson, “the New- castle Ann®,†entertained a number â- of friends at the tea hour on Tues- day. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Garrod are moving to the apartment recently oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haigh. Mr. and Mrs1. Lawrence Gains are moving into Mrs. Win. Top-lifts apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Top lift, in- tend living in- Napa nee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haigh and Joyce have moved to Bracebridgv where Mr. Haigh is attached to the staff of the Trans Canada Airways. On Friday last the Girls’ Auxiliary of iSt. George’s Church gave ta; very â- pleasant party in- honor of Mrs. Wal- ter Haigh before her departure for Braeebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Grey, recent bride and groom, were guests of honor at •f- shower held at the home of Miss Ethel Wade on Friday evening last, Tlbe young couple received many lovelly and practical gifts. The Pars-oni-rge Commi ! tec- of the United Church held a very - pleasant afternoon tea party at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. B. Cooke on Thursday last. The original places wore for a. garden party but the wea- ther proved unkind and the large gathering wa,s held indoors and on the large verandas. The proceeds are for parsonage repairs. The Horticultural Society had the privilege and great 'pleasure -of motor- ing to Oshawa. on Friday evening to visit the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlim. Wands fail to des- cribe the beauty of the flowers and the- formal gardens with fountains and colored lighting, -the beautiful trees and velvety green lawns. The visitors1 felt it was a great trea t - to "i- e one of the most beautiful estates in North America. ------Vâ€"--o-----â€"â€" Los's to farmers in the Whitby area from the ravages of the cut, worm is estimated to be in the neighbotiio-od of fsb.000. Although many fonm-s of tv->- -'H treatment have been tried, the m-fv effective deterrent so far is mixture of bran, mo-l'aisses 'and arseni it is claimed. BOWMANVILLE The Women’s Institute -of this town wilt hold a mooting this Thurs - day at the Cream of Barley in the form of a picnic with Mrs. Lyle 'as convener. Ei&v. Mr. Armtarong, a former pas- tor of Trinity Church and a member of the Rota ry Club, was a visitor at the Rotary Fair on Wednesday last, and was welcomed by the club at their luncheon on Friday at the Balmoral Hotel. Oobourg and Bdwmanvdlle girls baseball teams met on Monday last on the public cshooil grounds. A large number was present to see the game, but we do not take any stock in girls baseball games, so can’t say much about this one. Mr. S'arn Jack, who was- so, badly hurt the past week when struck by an automobile and (taken to the hos- pital here, passed away during the week, thb funeral being held on Sunday last from his late residence, concession 4, Darlington. It is claimed that October 10th wild, be a day of thanksgiving. This will give you plenty of time to con- sider wh'.-t t you should do in this mat ter because as a rule, considering what we owe and also what we get, is surely a day that should be observed, but; is it? Mr. and onto, have pa sit we Mrs. Kohl if sky’s mother. Mr, Ko id FOR YEARS the name of Detailty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair j and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud record.â€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently corne to a decision. ow a member of the Hart House String Quartette in place of Mr. Ad-ashen, who is summering at at the lake. We notice in the press of the town that a spiritual message service will the S.O.E. ITall-every 1st and 3rd Monday and every Friday at '2 li.m. .What it means we cannot, en- yc-u. To find out you wi'l atftend. Whether free or not informed1 but just remem- ber what- it says, “A spiritual healing and miesiage service.†timers will remember an old Bewnianv’lle boy, John David I let- cher, son of the laite Gordbn F letch er, who passed away suddenly in Tor- onto, -where he has been for many years employed. He was a brother of sky is n lighten have to we are no THE COBOIJRG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono »>â- * Mrs. Kuidoi'sky. of Tor- been visitors in town the at Mrs. Alan Williams, of Mr. IT Fletcher and .Mrs. Robert Grcnfield, of this- to-wn, and was - iiip-loyee of the Toronto; Waterworks and the Toronto Gas Plant. He: was 84 years of age. Li driving through Orono one evening tills week we could not but notice the large number of fine res! donees in that village, especially in the south portion of the village. The main street of the village would be a fierdit to- any town, in the Domin ion, but we miss the old time indus- tries that, at one time filled the va ley part of the burg, also the old time wagon ’and carriage shop. No,; we did not say hotels. Should suapendbrsj braces or gol- oshes be worn only when you have coat oh: ? Well, w-e are not an author ity on (Style of any kind but if a man is coini'- a V.i.hle in anything in that line lot style go hang, -even if. he has only part of a rope to keep up his, trouserl,oo ns. The tomfool questions that are asked nowadays make a per tired. As long as a man is - de- cently attired and in. his right mind let him wear what he likes and be comfortable. Mr-; Harry Knight, Bowmanviile’s dean, of v ocal music, has after sixty years- of service stopped down and we hope not out, for we think tie i-s good for a solo or two- yet, but lie has certainly done his share for the advancement of vocal musk; in this district, and will now leave it to the younger people to carry on. His place n St. Beul’s choir on Sunday last was vacant -and so “Old Fattier Time†has his say in the matter whether we like it or not. The next event in importance in this district will be the reunion, of the Soliim Old Boys and Girls which will be held on (Saturday and Sun day, July 30th and 31st, 'Sports of all kinds has been -arranged and there will be speech making and baud music gallode, so if you belong to any of the various elans that ait one time were prominent in Solitta, make it your buisiuiess to be there on this im- portant cocasion. Those in charge expect you, so do your part and help along the good work of reunion, both on Saturday and Sunday when some of ithe old timers will take part in church service which is also an im- portant part of the get-together. Din- nler will be served on the grounds on Saturday. A very large number of visitors at- tended the Rotary Fair on Wednesday evening and the streets were filled with people until a late hour. -We do KIRBY Mr. Lome Wannon is home spend- ing the week-end with Mrs. Wannon and babe. Mr. Ross: Whittaker, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs-. George Forbes. Master Frank Winn is spending part of his holidays with Miss Pearl Morrow and the youth of the village. Mrs. W. Kogki-n is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Lome Wannon during Mr. Wiannon’s absence at Guelph summer school. Mr. L. A. Morrow, Toronto, spent last 'Wednesday with his father and Pearl, and other friends around the village, (Rieiv. S. Littlewood delivered an in- teresting sermon here on Sunday and a#, I presume, were well pleased with our now pastor. •Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dayman, in oir.-puny with his mother, Mrs; Day- man Sr. and her sister from Toronto visited at Air. and Mrs. E. R. Bry- son’s. The citizens of Bowman vile and Newcastle should have another call like they had once before •and demand that those death traps at the piers- be dosed to traffic. Mr. Oxley Chapman made a big find of ready made merchandise and the styles are so modern that. he doesn’t dare to appear in public don- ning such late patterns. Mr. W. T. Little spent the most; of the day in Andy’s shop and seem- ed to be enjoying himself until Mr. D. A. Maickinnon happened to come iii and give him- -an impressive wani- ng about the company he was in. Air. little left at once for home. Miss -Marion McKeive.v. in com- pany with Miss E, Harding, both graduates- of the Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Linds'ay, leave thi-s week for two weeks holidays in Vancouver. We hope for a pleasant trip and a real good time for1 both and a safe return Dr. Ross S; Lang, ' of Chicago, in company with his two nieces, Miss- es Vidla Noden, Orono, and Barbara Nlixon, of Milton, called on friends here last Sunday. Dr, Boss-and his company were- very welcome guests and sorry so many of their friends were absent. rawâ€"mmma Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO SAVE MONEY ON THESE POPULAR SUMMER TOILETRIES ITALIAN BALM ...........15c-, 29c., 59c. and 89c. GYPSY CREAM, the perfect treatment for stm-lan.49c. PONDS’ COLD CREAMS and VANISHING CREAMS, Small siz.e -...15c. Large. size .................29c, ADRIENNE COLD CREAMS and VANISHING CREAMS ....... ...... ......,.......................50c. NOXZEMA CREAM, 25 cent size ........Special..15c. NON EM A CREAM, 54 cent size, with one tablet of Nox- zema Cream Sbap FREE.................Special.......54c. ODORONO LIQUID, small size..35c. Large size..59c. ODORONO ICE, helps stop perspiration and body odors, dries almost instantly, non greasy ..par jar....35c. MUM, small jar...35c. Large jar.............53c. SPECIAL To Clear a Stock of Tooth Brushes Regular 19c. and 25c. TOOTH BRUSHES, wlhil-e they last, SPECIAL ........ ...:...I......Each..................9c- m not believe the procession was up to last year but- it was a good one with more music of the drum and fife var iety titan usual. Only two brass bands were in the parade, the Mid- land Regimental, Orono, under Gapt- Milton Tatnb.yii, and the Legion Band, under Conductor Dempsey, of Oshawa.. The Sea Cadets bugle band of Oshawa was as usual fine and the girls’ finite band, also of Oshawa, looked quite smart in their red and white uniforms. The two orchestras or dance bands in the procession were certainly of the hilly-billy variety and their repertoire Was in keeping with wti-ait one should expect from, musi- cians of that calibre, hut everything goes on an occasion of that kind. A feature oif the parade was the farm machinery and the old time coach. The Legion Band gave a program of musical selections on Saturday evening on the green between the posto-ffice and the town ball on an improvised band stand, just put up for the occasion, but just the same the general public don’t seem to care for band music, especially on Saturday evenings1. They 'come in to shop, to meet relatives and friends and sit in their cars and visit and -talk over crops, harvest doings, Sunday School anniversaries and shell like évents -as pierf-ain to farm life. The best place in this burg for band -concerts is dream of Barley Park and with a covered bandstand the music render- ed would be bettered in several - ways than in- the open. iSunday aftern-oon concerts given every week would take with the p-ubli-c-better in the Mord-en Park than anywhere in town, but pro- grams for such will have to be varied and the winter season is the time of year for rehearsing such. Good music i-s not got up on the spur of the mo- ment ‘and the sain'-e music on the pro- gram becomes monotonous to say the least. It -is too much to ask Mr. Mor- el en to furnish a proper hand-stand as he has certainly gone to much ex- pense to make his park one of the beat in the country, and what would we do without it? However, the Canadian Legion can give the matter their consideration but. that is our view oif band1 music in this town. Even, in Toronto band music in the nark- is not what it was. at.one per-' iod, those in authority seemingly to ignore it altogether, probably more interested in the question “How far can taxation go.†You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH NECESSITIES IN HOME AND PERSONAL GOODS AT LOW PRICES Y ou can shop with pleasure and profit ait this friendly store- â€"-a (store extra well Stocked with -goods that you need and use every day, where prices are plainly marked for all to see and goods are backed by a guarantee of satisfaction or your ntoney cheerfully refunded. THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 28th, 29th €L SOth ARE SPECIAL 1 Feature Sale Days Grocery Specials If you are particular about Coffee, try FRESH LONDON HOUSE COFFEE .............I lb jar.....45c CONNOR’S HERRINGS in Tomato sauce- â- â- â- â- â- 2 for.25c ROYAL YORK PUMPKIN .........3 for.......25c AYLMER VACUUM DRY PACK CORN KERNELS, fresh from the cob, 12 ounce tin .....special.10c MAR VA PURE COCOA 1 lb. tin..,........25c. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, AUG. 1st ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE ANb DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co Although Slpain’s civil war ia not -over, the famous Alcazar in Toledo has already been turned into la mu- seum, showing the fortifications they were, -af ter the siege of 193-6.