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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Sep 1938, p. 8

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NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEWTONVILLE Mrs. Prank Law visited friend: in â- Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank GSbner visit ed at Niâigara Faite last week, Cluster Itaymund 0inner is attend ing. High School at Niagara Fails. Mrs. Marks and Maryiow, of He troii, are visiting Miss Isabel Lain Mr. A. Haines, G-ormley, spent few days last week" with Mr. Uouak Hurley. Jones’ grist mill will run on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays fron: now on. Mise Phyllis Chatlis, of Bc-wman- ville, is teatthing a class in pi the village. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Ilamcock, Marl and Glen, of Orono, visited Mrs. J Wade on Sunday. Miss Marion Bruce has arrived home after spending most of her holidays in Bancroft. Miss Floremce Buntey has accepted a posirion in Toronto and began, her new duties' on Saturday. Mrs. Thomas iStapleton spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. George Smith, Stiarkvi.Ilo. Mrs. Rutherford is visiting in Toronto while Mrs. Ha seen is spend- ing a while in Chatham. Miss Helen LeDrew, of Toronto is visiting her roiiisin, Miss Lena Kimball and other rototives, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ht evens, Bancroft have moved to our community and are living in Mr. Win. Stapleton’: house. Mrs, Chad. Cowan and Velma, o-i Cowanville, were Sunday guests oi the former’s sister, Mrs. La ns on M ill son. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hoklaway, of Flint, Mich., visited li:is sisters, Mrs, Jack Wade and Mrs. Cecil Walkey. over the holiday. Mrs. Torn Hancock, of Peterboro was buried here last Wednesday. Years ago Mr. and Mrs, Hancock •lived where Mr. Wm. Lying now re- sides. Inspector A. A. Martin,, wife and family,, of Brighton, visited at Mr. George J. Stapleton’s on" Sunday. Mr. R. Martin was also .a guest there. Mr. .and Mrs. Brock Pet-hick, ac eornpatried Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Turner, Newcastle, to Crooked Creek <>n Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs1. J. Turner, Mrs. Haig!i wia-s unceremoniously wakened in the night recently by someone attempting to enter the house. He fled when -she turned the flashlight on him. Mr. -and Mrs,. Cttarenee Mor-tin, Betty and Douglas, Mr. Edward Martin and. Miss Gertrude Martin, of S i,-;.v ner, visited their cousin, KIRBY Mr, Wm. Demin and Mis-s Eileen visited at Mr. John Brown’s on Sunday. The meeting of! the W.A. was held nu Monday and was- largely at- tended. Mrs. Eva Allen I .and Mins. Roy Cornish, of Port Perry, visited with Miss _ Thqmp- Sunday Mr. and Mrk. E. R. Bryson and Mrs. F. Brim-aicombe a day at the Exhibition and -a real good -show -and time well Pearl M-orrow recently. Messrs. To-zer arid Bro-die son spent a few Hours - on with Mr. spent report spent. We are glad to | learn of the mi -provem-ent- of Mr. Spietl-ce Gordon’s litfle girl and hope for a speedy re- covery Mr. Ted Copping is placing quite a lot of McCormack goods -to the far- mers. This shows (‘'.inclusively that he’s a trusty salesman. Miss Annie Forbes1 has returned 'after visiting- relatives and friends in the city, taking in the Exhibition and several other places of -attraction. •Rev. S. Liittlewojo-d preached here on. Sunday, his subject being on school days, and wq,s a real interest- ing address, perhaps to- some not so easily interpreted bitt having a sound fou-ndlati-o-n. An address and presentation was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Llbyd Trull was omitted from week as we were The Times last not in possession of the ! -address. However, they re- ceived two beautiful token- of -goodwill spected, young couple with very best wishes from all present for a happy and prosperous life new home. Drifting out on off the mouth of Os îawn harbor, Raul iShetier, 1'6-year-old Mrs. Lee Shetler, if Harmony, was- rescued by the crew of members of the Oshawa Yacht Oluib. Shetler was 'in -a, homemade boat. Mrs. day. Rev. E, L. christeniing" B'éeol service Church next Sunday the -close there will Service. iService will begin at 7.30 p.m. At the Sunday siary in the Un-ited Mr. A. A.. Martin, Was guest speaker, two anthem* in the evening with Miss Hazel Reid and Mrs. A. Redkmapp taking the duet parts' in one Of them. Mrs. Ken. Ware tend Mrs, jOIelLand l.-nno sang a duet also. chairs as -a slight, to a highly re- t-oigether iti their Beg. -o Lake Ontario, son of Mr. and George J. Stapleton, on Satur- oondu-ct a i wi) in the United evening. At be the S-acrament School Aimivev- Cliurch Sunday, I.R.S., Brighton, The choir sang FOR YEARS the name - of Delanty has courteous attention, high class workmans!» and reasonable treatment. To day, even ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and ing its proud recordâ€"earned through Ion straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection s can intelligently come to a decision. stood for p and fair more than maintain- g years of o that you THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE DELANTY BROS For further particular^ see our local MR. G. A. BEAMISH - WORKS agent ORONO â- A BOWMANVILLE :St. - Pauli s Church Anniversary will be held on October 31st, and the U speaker" will be Principal H. A. Kent of Queen’s College, Kingston, The Mayor of the town, Mr. Jones, is with his family back from hi s' vacation and will be at the town council meeting on Monday evening, September 12th. Mr. Tommy Ross, of the Kinj Street Theatre, has moved down east on King street to his : residence. The apartment over the theatre .will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson, Tourists are making trucks for homes and the trailers- and luggage Vans will be stowed away for another season, and by that time may we have another highway to -ease up our over- taxed No. 2 Highway. We notice the name Alec. McLeod, formerly of Newcastle, and it seems to us1 that that name was formerly associated with the Newcastle Band. This time it was with the Toronto Fair. W-oul-d like to meet him. Always- pleased to see our old friend Joe lived* of the Telegram newspaper, Toronto, who with his family were down on Civic Holiday, the guests of Mrs. Hylids’ mother, Mrs. John Sanders, West Mount. Quite a number of military men passed through town the past week on their way home from the “doings” at Camp Borden. Col. Bo-unsall was a visitor there for the week-end with several, other officers from different parts- of the Dominion. M-iss Betty' Snowden, of the H-ol- lingheiad plant here, has left to take 1 position in the Toronto office of this company. Last Saturday the employees of the. plant here present- ed her with a- fine travelling bag as â- i -token o-f ! their esteem for her. Somehow! or other there did not appear to be the same feeling to go to the Toronto- Fair as in other years in this town, the rather cool weather probably was the reason, and then with the general public, oh, they say, iH is the sane thing over again, Well, perhaps so. j From what we have , seen, heard and read of “Jitter Bugs,” “Swing dances,” “Lambeth Kicks” and su-cb like tomfoolery, it is plainly evident that that portion of society will. even- tula!1] y -get back to the jungle life and barberons custom's of the semi-savage ways of jungle dwellers. That is our opinion, you may think different. The Take front bea-chers have re- 'urued to their old home*- arid both the ea'st and west beaches have taken on their deserted fall -appearance, with few exceptions, and from now dn tih-e old wharf road will be a silent stretch of highway compared to the nn-i old summer time, also the G. T.R. and Honey Bridge, west side highway, j Now that the big Toronto- Fair is Over for another sp-eel, it will now be in o'rider td turn our attention to home affairs and one of the most im- portant is the Orono Fair next' week which, of course, you -are making ar- rangements j to attend. With good wealthier this will be a record gather- ing mo doubt, as special efforts have been made this season to have the grounds and track in first cla.** shape. So encourage the president and of- ficials by your. attendance, Lieut.-Col S. B. S.o'beît, North Porcupine, Mr. and. Mrs. Jaimeè Koo- bell, Ottawa, attended the funeral of A. 11. -Shobell, who passed away at the hospital here the past week. “Dick,” as he Was called by all his o .id friends here, wa-s one of the old Dor iniou Organ and Piano Co.’s emiployees for many years and ’ af t-er- wards worked in Oshawa. His fore- bear* were of the earlier settlers- of this town, his father being an emd- u-ent, chemist in this line of business, and being well known by our old topers pf this district. Alkterma.il: Gunn, has certainly made a good job r>f paving the south side ;.T Front Street from C'o-rbett’s corner To the Agrioulitura-l office corner. It was in bad shape f-o-r -some time" past bui now is jail right - for some time to come. Now. it will be. in order for the n’ortjlh side to receive the same attention which will make our business thoroughfare- look like what it: should be, . attractive to tourists, businessmen, and no less to towns-, peo-pile themselves, and- the Roads and Streets Oo-m-missioner is the man for thé: job u-s evident in the latest im- provement*. - The name Fliigg in the Newcastle news items of last week reminds us of Mr. F-ligg who was the superin- tendent of the Sunday School of the Bethel Pr;niiative Church, north of Newcastle and be resided on the fa ion at the jog on the highway, afterwards the Dickson farm. He was a fine citizen and very highly respected and was a power for good in church work in the locality at that period. The little olid chapel has disappeared, also the Turnkey shop and residence, and very few of the old people of that period are left, and very few of the youngsters who attended this S-unday School, are to the fore to-day. ST ARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunn and boys visited ait Sterling. A number from our community at- tended the Exhibition last week, •Our capable teacher, Miss Marion •I. B. Green, has resumed her duties once more. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor, o-f Orono, Mr. Leonard Ireland, Zion, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rutherford. •Our baseball boys entertained the girls o-f the community to- a weiner roast in Shiloh Church one night last week. A good time was had by all. Regent visitors : Mr. and Mrs, Charles Yule -and George, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sav- evy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holt and Doreen, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone ; Mrs. Jam es Stark and Donna, with Mrs. I. Stark; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. .Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McKay, with Mbs, John McKay with Mflsv Mlarttvi remaining with her mioither ; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hal'- loWell, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. H-al- lowell ; Mr. ad Mrs. Russel S'avery, with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muldrew, Elizabeihvi.le: Mrs. Martin, Toronto, with her niece, Mrs. G. Silver ; Mrs. I. Stark and John, in New ton ville ; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell, with Mr. -and Mrs:. Ed. White, Elizabeth- ville ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Bobby, of Windsor,, Mrs. James Stark, Kathleen and Ethel, with Mrs. John McKay, COWANVILLE Mr. Alfred1 Perrin attended the Ex- hibition- lasit week. Mir. Hector Milison motored to H,-nii'ii! last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, Newcas- tle, were recent visitors with Mr. Charles McNeil. Mr, and Mrs. W. Reid spent Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs-. John Rei-d, Crooked1 Creek. Mr. T. J. Simpson, Jim, Marian, Ethel, Dorothy and Kathleen attended, the Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ha-skill, of Port Britain, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Porterais. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Watterson and Irene, from Welland, called on Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Farrow on their way to Scotland. Mrs. Westol Stringer with Mrs. Willis Farrow and Mrs. Ivan Harrow is spending a few days with her rela- tives. in Detroit, Thee regular meeting of the Wo- man’s Association met- on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Perrin with a good -attendance. LESKARD Mr. EiaaT Duvall is busy these da-ys wiring hisfh'otme and. Store. Mr. J. J. Mell-o-r has been calling on his congregation the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodwin have re- turned to t-heir home in Toronto. Mr. Will Balrstow, of Providence, spent Sunday with hi-s parents, Mr. and Mr's. 0. Bairstow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce, of Bowmaniville, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Miris, George- Ball, Mrs. Art Tennant has returned home after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edward.. Oshawa. The hydro men are in the vicinitiy this- morning laying poles-, so the old home town will soon be anlaze with the electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cain and Terry, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Cor- nish and family, of Orono, were re- cent visitors- with Mrs. W. Cornish. The -Sunday evening service was well attended. There were quite a number present, from Kirby, Orono and Tyrone. The next service will, be held on Sept, 25th. DEATHS DAWiS>â€"At Kel'stern, Sa-sk., on Monday, Sep-t. 5th. 19-38, Herman •Davis, beloved Father of Mrs. •George Stewart, aged 7l9 years and 8 months. Funeral took place (from -the, residence of Mr. Morton ISItewart, on Wednesday, Sept. 7th. Interment in St. Boswell’s Ceme- tery. HANCOCKâ€"At Peterboro. on Mon- day, Sept. 5th, 1938; Sarah Cb-op'er, widow of the late Thomas Han- cock. Interment Was made in INewtonvilie cemetery on Wednes; day, Sept. 7th. McOOiRMI-CKâ€"Alt Mt. Vernon, N. Y., on Saturday, September 10-th, 1938, Tohsu-a J,. McCormick, in his 62nd year. Funeral wa-s held on Monday, September 12th. Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO ASTHMA And HAY FEVER RELIEF KELLOG’S ASTHMA REMEDY............ ,s-mlal...25c lge...$1.00 WAMPOLE’S RESPIRIN CAPSULES, per box..............50c:~- TEMPLETON’S RAZMAH CAPSULES, small................50c. Large .............................. ...... ....$1.00 (Guaranteed relief in the dollar box or your money refunded) PAGE’S INHALERS .......... small...50c. Large...$1.50 GOUGH And COLD REMEDIES BUCKLEY’S MIXTURE TYRRELL’S Large Mason’ THER DING ....40c, and 75 c. pleasant tasting COUGH MIXTUREâ€"a compound of 1 lore-hound, Honey, White Pine Syrup, Tar and Eucalyptus, does not upset the stomach. Sold on a money back guarantee of quick relief. bottle ...„+...., ... ....,49c. s “49” Cough Mixture .....40c, C. B. Q. TABLETS, per box ...j.25c. FOURSQUARE CHEST RUB ..........29c. VICK’S VAPO-RUB ............:..,43c. MO-GENE MEDICATED, WAD- .............,...;.;....47c REXALT, NOSE and THROAT RELIEF, ............ 25c, Large .......50c. See our advertisement in- -this issue of the Times regarding the picture taking contest on Orono Fair Day. Two good prizes, no entry f ee. For amateur photographers only ! You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store NEW FALL MERCHANDISE Arriving every week. When you have a few minutes to spare drop in and see them on display INFANT’S WOOL POLKA COATS, colors wlhlilte, pink or blue silk edging, ribbon tied.!........... BOYS’ WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS, fine knit from good quality wool, colors wine and royal, sizes 59c. 24 to 32 ..98 c. Grocery Specials Just received another shipment of those RICH CREAMED CAKES direct from the ovens, just Wits -the spot for those lunch boxes ..............LB.... 15c. STRAWBERRY JAM, good quality ......2 LB JAR....... 29c. '[ FREE BOX KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES with every 2 box-es of KEf.LOGO'S ALL WHEAT...ALL FOR.25c CORN MEAL,, fresh stock ......3 LBS..,13c PITTED Da|ES .................2 LBS...... 21c NEW CHEESE ..................... LB..20c MILLIONAIRE KIPPERS, large 8-oz. tin.....,..10c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL A- COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD . ' IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE . PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call aad compare our prices with others, you will be surpriSsd

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