ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Local News Week-end Thanksgiving visito-ris- at the home of Mrs. SkeHimg, Lesklard, were, Mr. and Mils. Gilders, Mir. and Mrs. ïvà 'n Farrow, Mr. and Mrs/ Murltland, from Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. .Dêwey Harness and family. MoOrea’s Church are holding a Thankoffering Service on Sunday, October 16th, at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Bury, Janet vile, will take the ser- vice and Kiilby choir will furnish music and song. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Giddus Jones and family attended the funeral of their cousin, the late W. D, Jones, in New- ton ville last week. Some years ago Mr, Jones conducted a butcher shop here and lived in the house now oc- cupied by Mr. Richard Wood. The W.C.T.U. public speaking contest will be held on Friday, Got. 21st, in the basement of Park Street United Church. Bight contestants •Will Itiake part. Miss Duff, Toronto, Riwinciu] Travdlling Secretary, will he present. A good attendance will be very much appreciated. Ohapman , and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield' Piaite, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williamson and daughter Morion, of Peterboro : Mrs. R. Henry, Mr. -and Mrs. Hallow.#! and Miss Tarv-ie, of Bowniaiivilie, nti Mrs. Freeland, otf Toronto. LOCAL AND SOCIAL] Recent visitors with Mrs. F’red Cowan were, Mr. and Mrs. Brian 'On Thanksgiving Day a surprise birthday piart-y was held for M-rs. I Winter, when ten of her eleven chi dren with their families were pres ent. Following a buffet luncheon each person was called upon to par ticipate in an impromptu programme consisting of stories, stunts, îmisien numbers and games. Mrs. AIM. Chairman received a tele- gram from Saskatchewan which in formed her that her brother Edwiard Birch, after suffering three strokes had passed away. He leaves to mourn hits logs, two sons and three daughters and a large circle of grandchildren also one brother and one sister. He was a very successful farmer and took an active interest in church work, and always opened his home for all work ers and visitors from Ontario. Mr. Birch left Kirby for Ithe West in 1898. “KAY-DEE†EXHIBITORS CIRCUITS PRESENTS THE GREAT WAR TIME PICTURE “All Quiet On The Western Front†TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, October 15th at 8.00 p.m. ADULTS, 30c.; CHILDREN, 15c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Golden Bantam CORN 2 tins 17c. Red & White Pastry Flour , 24 lb bag 45C 7 lb bag 17C Chocolate Marshmallow Biscuits 2 lbs for 29c. A unit Mary’s Peanut But- ter, large jar ....,19c. Canned Apricots, per tin ......15 c. Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs..19c. Roberts* Cough Syrup, bottle .............35 c. Brock’s Bird Gravel, per Mushroom Soup, tin....,„..10c. Humbugs, lb..........,.19c. Tomato Juice, 2 large titos ........... 17c. Sn ra wherry Jam with pectin, 32 ozs for...27c. Yellow Peaches, 2 tins...27e. Bologna Sausage, lb ...15c. F~S- Ibish St-e-w, 2 tins ... Lamb Slt'ew, 2 tins Jiffy Dinners, tin .. ^ Round Steak, lb. 20c. Roasting Veal, lb ......21c. 25c.. Stewing Beef, lb 13c. Large tins 5 boxes PORK & Pumpkin Eddy’s BEANS 2 for Matches 21 ounce size 2 tins 17c. 20c. 15c. Cottage Roll, per lb. Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. 23c. 19c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery Mrs. J. Eagleson .visited friend, Kendal over the holiday. - Mrs. L. Seari visited friends a'r Eliziibeiirvilie this week. Miss Thelma Myles, of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Miss Viola Nodon, of , Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother. Cecil Bruton has accepted a posi- tion as a drug apprentice in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fraste and son Wilfred spent the week-end in Tam- worth. Mr. Jack -Ooblblediek, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving week-end at his parental hoane, Mrs. A. Henry and Mrs. dona Id spent Sunday in visiting friends. Mrs. heat i'ii. Andrews is..- improving m H. Mac- Lindsay Mrs. R. A. Macdonald, of Milton, visited lier mother, Mrs. Neil Smith during the week-end. Miss Miary Sisson and Mr. Wallace Si-sson, of Toronto-, visited Mrs. Sis- son over the holiday. Miss Williams, teiaicher in the Qrono Collegiate spent the holiday at her home in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bun-can Sunday with their daughter, Gann, Garden Iffil-1. Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Fraliek, of T-o-r- onto, visite on -Sunday with Mias M. Davy and Mrs. L. Frali-ok. Mr. Sid Hughson, of , Toronto, was the -gu-es-t of his father, Mr. 0. Hughson, over the week-end. Mr. Clifford Jones left, on Monday to take a position in the Roger-Ma- jestic Radio S-hop in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Forrester and family -spent the week-end with rela- tives in Toronto -and Hamilton. Mr. Roy Oolville, of Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with hi-s parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. Colville. M-r. and Mrs. Neil Porter and daughter Shirley and Greta.. Mercer spent the wedk-end at Bohcaygeon. Mrs. Clinton Oaverley, 0f B-owm,an- ville, visited her father, Mr. W. E. Davey, during the week-end holiday, Mr. LeRo-y Brown, of the 0. A. C„ Giuelp-h, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs-. J. D. Brown. Mr. Frank Mellreen, of the Bank of Commerce -Staff, spent Thanksgiv- ing hbliday at his home in Bowm-an- ville, Mrg. Peel, sister of Mrs. Fred Dun- can, returned to her home in Peter- borough -after an. extended, visit in Orono. Mr. Vern-on Saunders and Miss Helen Orr spent the weekend with hie pa-rents, Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Messrs. Sam and Bob Keane, of Toronto-, -spent Thanksgiving . week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mrs. Thomas Patterson has return- ed home after a pleasant, visit with her daughter, Mrs, J-ohn Berry, of Clarke Union. (Mr. Victor Mallory, of Atlanta, IT. S.A., drop into the Times: office for a few minimes visit before proceeding on to Ooboui'g. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dixon, of Tor- onto, spent, the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Hefstpe-r Dean and also at Mr. George Bowen’s. Mr. J. C. Tamblyn and. Mias Hilda Rowland spent Thanksgiving week- end wth Mr, and Mrs. Everett Brown at Hudson Heights, Quebec. Gordon- Bruton is taking a week’s holiday from his duties at J. J. Corn- ish’s stare. He expects, to spend his holidays in Midland and Orillia, Hold-ay visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. J.- Gilfihan were, their -s-on- Jim from London,, Miss Viola from Ham- ilton, and the former’s sister, Viola, from Kincardine. Mrs. 0. Froste â- was taken to the Oshaiwa Hospital on Wednesday af- ternoon Where she will undergo a ten day treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery. Messrs. Percy Lunin, John Grady and! Madison Hall took advantage of the nice weather over the week-end for a fishing expedition and returned home with a nice catch of pike. Mliss Mae Glenny spent Saturday j and Sunday in Toronto. s at The Orono Goal and Lumber Co. have purchased -a new tru-ck for de- livery purposes, â- Master Ross Myles has returned I home from the hospital after his ap- pendicitis op era t i-o n. IMr. Harold Hooey h-a-s purchased a new race horse and it will be seen on the local track next season. M-r. Cecil P-o-wers is adding to his residence, building a large sun porch on the west side of his home. Dr. A. MiaCDontd-Reid, of Toronto, was tthe guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mjaie onald over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries, of Toronto, visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allien1. Dir. and Mrs. McCulloch returned home on Monday evening after an ex- tended motor trip to Manitoba. 'Mrs, W. N. Perry, of Belleville, called on Mrs. Tames Tairnblyn for a short visit one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris have returned home 'after spending about six weeks touring the Western Prov- inces. We understand that a man from spent Toronto has moved on the farm re- Mrs. cently vacated by Mr. L. Case, who moved to Aurora. Mr. A. J. Knox hag purchased a piece, of -land from Mr. 0. F. Aiwde, north of O. Knox’s residence, -and will build a new honey house. The Midland Regimental Badmin- ton Club is opening for the season1 on- Friday, October 14th. Anyone wish- ing to join will! be welcomed. Don’t forget the Orono-Milllbrook Inter-School Field. Meet on- Friday, October 14th. It will' bo held a)t the Agricultural Grounds, beginning at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holman, Mise M. Taylor, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Richard- son and Mr, W-m. Brass, of Toronto, Spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs: A. Saunders: Mr. and Mr.-. Giddus Jones, Clif- ford and- Eileen, -accompanied by Mrs. Thomas' Patterson, were recent viei tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allot), Osli'awn. Mr. R. H. Brown is having a new verandah erected at his home north of the village, and is also having new cement floors laid in, his- stable, Mr. Cecil Power being the. oo-n|trâctor. On Thanksgiving Day Mrs. E. E. Patterson picked two ripe strawber- ries from her vines. This ‘s very un usual at this time of the season as strawberries generally bear only once a year. . Special Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices will b-e held in -the Anglican Church on Sunday next at 9.30- a.m. and 7.00 p.m. There will be special music by the choir. All are invited to attend. A number of our business men at- tended the races on. Thanksgiving Day ;in Toronto -and report a lucky day on their winnings. We never hear of any-o-ne losing money on the ra-cee. Mr, B'rerelton, -of Newcastle, is busy in town at present -erecting new new chimneys. He built -a new chimney and shingled the hou-se >f Mr. Fred Duncan, and also-; built two new eliimneyi? for Mr. Austin Turner. Dr. Kerslake, of Toronto, is having his property improved on Main St., -n-ow occupi-ed by Dr. Milne. New cement will replace the old that h-a-s crumbled -and a new chimney is be- ing built. Oolin Brown, of Lasfeard, is doing the work. Mrs. Charles Harris served fifty t-o a fowl, dinner on Monday, a total -of one hundred- and fifty for meals over the week-end1, being ably -assisted by her daughter Florence. Harris and niece Mary Harris. Charlie gave his services but found plenty of time for -golf and quoits. Last week’s picture show, “Law For Tombstone,†featuring Buck -loti», wlas enjoyed by all who -at- tended. These pictures presented by the “Kay-Dee†* Exhibitors Cir- cuits in the Orono Town Hal'l are High Class Talking Pictures. This Saftnrdlay evening, .“All Quiet on the Western Front†will be the feature picture. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Granulated Sugar MATCH*. S 10 lbs., 53c 3 boxes, 19c ROLLED OATS Rose Bak ng Powder / 5 lbs., 19c 1 ib. tin, 12c COOKING BRAN 2 3-LB BAGS ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 LBS 45c. CUT MACARONI 3 LBS 13c CRISCO 63c. AYLMER TOMATO AND VEGETABLE SOUP 3 FOR...25c BULK COCOA................j...;,.PER LB.12c. ENGLISH SANDWICH TEA BISCUIT.....LB...15c. CHOCOLATE MALLOW .........»...2 FOR.....27c. TALL TINS KETA SALMON.........2 FOR...19c. MUFFETS 2 boxes, 17c PITTED DATES 2 lbs., 21c SOAP CHIPS 3 lb., 19c White Naptha Soap 5 bars, 18c ARMSTRONG’S OVERCOATS We bought the samples from the Goolk Clothing Co. at 33 1-3 discount. They are wonderful Coals ait wonderful prices S'h,,U!:M:'::ATd$20.oo to $45.00 sums All Wool Worsted Two Pant Suits, 183 weight of doth, satin lined, good tailoring; in grey, brown and blue, fancy checks and stripes, sizes 36 to 48, priced. $27 50 UNDERWEAR Penman’s A11 Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 36 to 44. Priced ^ J #59 UNDERWEAR Turnbull's Conibinatiions, double back and front, sizes 34 to 44 Priced .-.. . $2.50 SWEATERS * Coat, a good UNDERWEAR Penman’s Wool Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers Sizes 36 to 44 Priced . 75c Men’s All Wool without a collar; looking garment, for ......... ... $1.50 SOCKS Heavy Ribbed' Sox, 50c. value, 3 pr for ................ reg- BLANKETS I Bex 12-4 Blankets, the largest and best made. Priced per pair ..... RUBBERS Men’s Black 7-lace 1-Ot Red Sole Rubbers at a ridicu- lously low - price, sizes 6 to 11 . $2.45 $1.95 $1.10 HATS We have a large assortment of Ladies’ Hats in all the newest shades, black, bur- gandy, green, navy (T* 1 At and brown .. SHOES Ladies’ Low Heeled Kid Oxfords, with cushion sole and steel arch support; a' good durable shoedJO QC for winter wear... Ladies Winter Underwear W-e have a complete line of Winter Underwear at rea- sonable prices Come in. and see our stock. CARDIGANS Ladies’, and Misses’ All Wool, with high buttoned fastening jn navy, brown, green and black, sizes 34 to 38 $1.75 Sizes 40 to 44.$2.00 pullovers: Girls’ All Wool Pullovers, in green, blue and red, in a smart style, sizes d* 1 AA 24 to 36, each V * • VV Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono