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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES CART) OF THANKS Mrs. Mary H. Andrus wishes to ex- tend her appreciation to her many friends and neighbours and ladies of the Church for the kind expressions .of sympathy and floral tributes ex- tended to her during the bereavement of her sister. Mrs. Hazel Flin'toff spent Wednes- day in the Queen City. Mr.: (.'has. Tyrrell spent. a couple of days the fore part of this week at tending the Druggist convention and also was1 shown through the Parke Daivis : factories: at Wallkerville and: Detroit. DEATHS MIEILTlOIN' â€" In 0roiio', on Thurs day, October 13th, 1938, Sarah Jane Reynolds,- widow of the late John Mtillto-n, in her 76th year. GET SERVICED FOR WINTER AT ERNIE’S SERVICE STATION 42rl 1, Orono WINTER OILS ARE IN Sealed National Oil.........25c. a quart Sealed Enarco Oil . . 35c. a quart Transmission Differential Extreme Pressure Lub- ricant . . . . 15c. a ^ lb shot Slovap Alcohol Antifreeze . 35c. a quart Prestone Antifreeze . . $3.75 a gallon JOAN JOEL Bennett McCrea IN THE FEATURE PICTURE “Two In A Crowd” ALSO OSWOLD CARTOON TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, October 22nd at 8.00 p.m. Three Lucky Ticket Number Prizes will be given away Next Week “The Magnificent Brute” ADULTS, 25c.; CHILDREN, 15c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Molasses Soap Large Red White Snaps Flakes Jelly Powders 2 lbs. 3 lbs. for 4 for 19c. 17c. 25c. 1 FREE McCormick's Soda Wafers in air conditioned pkg.....20c White Beans, 6 lbs.........„.23c Grapefruit Juice, 2 tins for......... ..... ...,25c 30 oz. pkgs. Mincemeat...23c Fresh Picnic Shoulders, per lb......... ...:...........19c Pork Liver, lb.............14c Chuck Roaslts of , Beef, boned and rolled, lb..... 16c Plate, boned and rolled, per lb................... ...14c. Salted Peanuts, 1-2 lb. 9c Finest Cooking- Rice, 3 lbs, for ................. 23c Krunchie Peanut Butter with nuits, jar .-......19c Mushroom Soup, tin .....10c Popped Wheat, the large bag, 22c. ; 2 for .....43c Quick Quaker Oafs in large pkg. ................. 21c Ground Nut Meg, lb.....39c Round Steak, lb..........20c Sirloin Rdaslts, lb. ...24c Libby’s Spaghetti 3 tins 25c Family Size 2 tins 25c 5-string Brooms Each 25c. Breakfast Bacon in piece »• 27c. sliced lb 30c. Pitted Dates per lb 10c We are enjoying a nice sale on Magic Coffee, ground while you wait, money re- funded if not AA satisfied, per AMP pound - - J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery LOCAL AND SOCIAL] Mrs. I Toneyweei, we are sorry to report, is confined to her bed for two weeks. Mrs. - John Armstrong is visiting in Toronto and Hamilton for a few weeks. Air. Bob Keane and Jack Gobble dick,were home from Toronto for the week-end. Dr. D. M. Somerville, of Toronto was a guest of Mrs, Annie Roy on Thursday last. Mrs. J. R. Cooper visited last week at Roseneath and Harwood and spent Monday in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Price, of Rethlariy, were in town on Sunday calling on Mrs. Hiarrison. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter, of Hampton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Victor Hancock was operated on for appendicitis last Thursday evening in Bowmanyille hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, of Peterborough, spent Thanksgiving with her father, Mr. O. W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and family, of Peterboro, spent Sunday wii'li Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Wildey, of Osliawa, spent Thanksgiving Day cat Mr. Percy Morgan’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Bowen and Miss McKay motored 'last week to Port El- gin. London and Owen Sound, where they visited friends. Miss M. Haiti and brother Roily Hall visited friends- in Hastings and took in the Pair at Roseneath on Friday, October 7th. Mr. Rowland Smith has engaged a fust-class, all round carpenter to as- sist him. He is now able to undertake any work, inside or out. Messrs. A. Gundy, W. IT. Brunt and B. Brunt, of Toronto, were guests of Orme Oam'shy this week relating t-o a business- proposition. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dunlop, of,Perth, Ont., Mr. II. Gordon and sister, of Havelock, spent the week-end at Mr. Percy Morgan’s, Sixth Line. Mr. W. Brass, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bidd'leoomb and Carol, and Mrs. -Richardson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-. Arthur Saunders. Mr. and Mrs-. Lawrence Allen and Ann Marie, accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galbraith, visited relatives in Halliburton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sher-win, and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Sherwin, enjoyed meeting many old friends and acquaintances at Roseneath Fair on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. H, Walsh spent Thanksgiving Monday with Mrs. J. Cotiblediek, who has returned from Calgary and Vancouver after spend- ing the summer months there. (Mr. O. W. Scott visited last week 'with his granddaughter, Mrs. Riussel Wilson, of OsShawa, also his niece, Mrs. G. IT. Robinson, and.Miss Ella McGuire, cousin -of the late Mrs. O. W. Scott, all of Toronto. -Congratulations to Clifford P. Jones, who successfully passed all his examinations with honors in “Com- mercial; Radio Operating and Wire- less Telegraphy,” and has now re- ceived his government certificate. Rev. -S. Littlewood gave a splendid address on- the Bible Society 'Sunday morning to -a large congregation-. Rev. Mr. Rock-man, of Hampton, occupied the pulpit in the evening, exchanging with Rev. Littlewood1, who conducted anniversary services- at Hampton. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne, Orono, were, Mr. and Mrs. -S. Payne, parents of the former, also his sister Miss Dorothy Piay-ne and Mr. Lome Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Lauber and -two -children, and Mrs. J. Robertson, all of Toronto. A letter was received by M-r. -and Mrs. E. J. Hamm from- their son Cal- vin, who is residing in Stratton, which is near the Rainey River Dis- trict forest fires. He says the refugees- are being brought -to Stratton and from that place you can plainly see the flames shooting high. Stratton, he ;says, is very emoky and that it is very difficult -to get a breath of fresh air. Stan. Puvr.e Will hold a dance in -the town hall1 on Friday, Nov. 4 th. -Mt-s. II. Caswell is spending a few days with Donald Robb. Mrs. J. Middleton, of the North Wanj: is on the sick list. Mir. Art Allen- has been, la-id up the past week with a bad cold. Mrs. Grey, of Toronto, is the guest of tier sister, Mrs. S. M. Billings. Mrs, Georgina Miss Foster spent Toronto. OolbÉlediek and the week-end in Mrs. Peter McGill and family, of Toronto, spent a few hours -in Orono on Saturday, Mrs. Found, of Toronto,, spent a ctoulpl-e of days with- her father, Mr. W. E. Davey. Mr. Jaimes .Dickson has brightened up the fronts of Ms stores with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Weldon Inch, of Weston, spent- Sunday with his grandmother, M-rs. S, M. Billings. Mr. Chas. F. Awde, T-ax. Collector, i-s busy these days putting out tax bill's. Have you got yOurs yet ? Mrs. M. Woodley, Mm C. F. A wide and Mrs. D. G. Hooper visit- ed- at Mrs. James Stone, Tyrone, on Tuesday. Mr. M. II. 'Staples-, our apple king, is busy at his -apple market, supplying all comers from the north country and the city. Mrs. M, Woodley, of Los Angeles, California-, was visiting her cousins, Mrs. D. G. Hooper and Chas. F. Awde, on Tuesday. Plan to attend the soccer game between O. O. S, fboye and Port Perry at the park on Saturday after- noon at 3 o’clock. We solicit, your patronage. Dr. Lesley Somerville and daugh- ter Patsy, of Forest Hill Village, Toronto, -are spending a few days with- t he la i tor’s grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Somerville. Francis Cowan, son of Mr. and M-rs. Brook's Cowan, fell!-, down the cellar steps -at his home and fractured his jaw. He was taken to Bbwman- vill-e Hospital fo-r m-edi-oal attention. Mr. O. F. Awde spent the week-end- in Toronto with hlis -son Harold. Neil son of Mr. Harold Awde, who has been in a Toronto Hospital sir May 29th for observation, underwe an operation on his n-eck last week, gland being the cause of the, trouble. A large crowd attended the pile show Saturday evening in the town hull. Be sure to see a -good show this coming Saturday, Joan Bennett “Two in a Crowd.” Last Saturday evening p-riz-e-S* were given a-way. There- will als-o be prizes given -away this- -Saturday evening. Mr. Cecil Bruton has commenced his duties- at Midland, Ont., being employed by Ro-s-s the Druggist, Mid- I'am-dY Rexall Store, and reports be- ing much pleased with hi si position and surroundings. Cecil has been a live wire among the young people of our village and an ardent worker in -the church. We join, with his- many friends- in wishing him every sucices-s i-n. his new venture. -On Friday afternoon of last week, the pupils of Orono Public School hëlti. a sports day. Following are the prize winners : Grade IV.â€" Girls, Enid Middleton ; boys, Junior West. Grade III.â€"Gi-rlb, Connie Mlitoh-dl'l; boys-, Henry Leam-èn. Grade IT.â€"Girls, (Shirley- Flintoff ; boys, Gerald Rainey. Grade T.â€"Girls, Carole C-ornish ; bo ye, Ray West, -Sack race, Jean Rainey, Open Race, Jean Rainey. Another large attendance was pres- et! a-t Monday evening’s Young Peo- ple’s meeting in Park Street Church. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. O. W. Ralph, who gave an interesting talk on Citizenship. Mis-s Gladys Oaley delighted the young people with -a piano recital. A spe- cial meeting of the .executive was held to make arrangements for the Halloween -Social evening to be held on Monday, October 31st. . 'Orono DOT. No. 409 paid a Fra- ternal- visit to Cowanville L.O.L., Newcastle, on Tuesday evening. The Degree Team of Orono conferred- the Blue Degree on one candidate. This: Lodge meeting was one of -the best ever held alt Cowan ville Lodge. Grandmaster of Ontario East, Right Worshipful Bro. Everett Mitchell, of Lindsay, was present and gave a very inspiring, address. Bro. Graham, Grand Organizer of Onlt-ario East was also a visitor and spoke of the work of the Association. Other visi- tors were present from Lindsay, Ken- dal and Newtbnville. A tasty banquet wa-s served by the Brethren and much enjoyed. Worshipful Bro. F. Couch acted as toastmaster. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73ri WE DELIVER SPECIALS Laundry Soap Pi cake Shortening 2 lbs. 23c. Brown Sugar 10 lbs. 49c. unwrapped, 13 for 25c Chipso, 18c CYRUS BREAD FLOUR..........jCWT...$2.30 CORN FLAKES ..... ...... 3 BOXES...23c. GRAPENUT FLAKES ...........2 FOR...17c. GREEN VALLEY CANNED PEAS ..3 FOR...25c CLOVER HONEY .... ......4 LB PAIL...42c. FIG BAR BISCUITS ..........2 LBS 27c. GINGER SNAPS .............. 2 LBS 19c. CREAM SANDWICH BISCUITS ......LB....1.15c. NEW CHEESE...................LB.......20c. OLD YORK CERCEAL............PKG...22c. MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR..............65c. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD BREAD FLOUR....*.$2.95 Club House Coffee 1 lb. tin 38c Orono Pastry Flour per bag 43c Free Running Salt 2 for9c Peanut Butter Pint Gem 22c Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased At Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and % Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono ARMST RONG’S COTTON FLANNEL Here is a real bargain in a good, durable e-xitra heavy Cotton Flannel. We have over a dozen assorted patterns to choose from. The id-e'al material for warm winter dresses Q A and skirts, men’s shirts and ladie's’ ski blouses, yard Ox/C WASH SATIN First quality high grade white wash Satin. It irons and washes beautifully for slips and under gar- CQ _ WOOLETTE An array of floral designs, amusing nursery designs, also plain pink, just the cosy material for pyjamas and nlenjt-s, yard nightgowns. 39c yd. Plain 25c. BELTS Over a dozen kinds of belts from narrow polka dot ones to gold and -silver braided U. 15 to 59c ’ FLOWERS We have a huge display of artificial dress and coat flowers, just what you need to brighten up your fall wardrobe 25c. to 59c. HATS Come in and see our array of Fall and Winter Hafts, in brown, navy, black, green and burgundy ...... $1.95 SNUGGIES An inexpensive lightweight Cotton Pan-lee, in QQ pink only PANTEES and VESTS Ladies’ Silk Striped All Wool Pan-tees with vests to match, in medium and large garment VESTS Ladies’ Cotton and Wool quarter length Sleeve Vests, with draw string ; a real warm garment, in C A large sizes xJ vL MEN’S HATS Of Brush Wool Edit, a smart looking hat in Shades ojf grey, tirown, AA green, blue V“*vV PANTS ' v Men’s Worsted Pants, in brown and grey patterns, reg. $2.50 value, <M AC for «Pl»vv UNDERWEAR 88 Combinations, made by Turnbull, all double d*0 CA back and front, suli/t SMOCKS A Good Quality Black De- j niin Smock, lined through- j out with a heavy quality flannel with cor- (£0 CA du-roy collar | SHOES 20 pairs of Ladies’ Tie Pumps ,and Strap Shoes, regular $2.95, -for ^ J ^ OVERALLS Men’s Heavy ; Quality Blue Overalls, • in large make, every pair guaran- (M H C | teed, sizes 34-44 4 • * O

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