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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEWTONVILLE tMm J. T. Pea nee has returned; to lier, home. Mrs. A. Eediknaipip visited Mrs. W. ( ’1 tester, Olghiaiwa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barclay, Oshawa, visited friends in the village. Mr. Win Andrews spent the week- end with friends in Port Hope. Mr, and Mrs. Max Stapleton visited Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Orono. ; ISoime from, here attended Zion and iSbillolh Anniversaries on Sunday. Mrs. Fred 'Smith and Sam visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mitiehel, Lindsay, recently. Miss Velma M.a dough, Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mrs. George J, Stapleton. Mrs.. Bradley and friends, of Tor- onto, visited the former?s mother, Mrs. Wlhititaker. The Park Committee held a suc- cessif ui dlan.ee in the Comrirami ty liai! on Friday niglht last. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock, of Beterboro, have purchased Miss Lor- raine Milligan’s house. Mrs. John Jackson visited her nephew, Mr. George. Smith, Stark- vile, who is not very well Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sharpe, Toronto, and Mr. F. 0. Cordon, Hampton, Visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon: and family, of Elizalbethville, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred McKay. MS to: nkizoli Rtoidl attended the wedding of Mise Hetty Wallace in Oshaiwa on Saturday and acted as bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Mill-son and Doreen visited Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Turner, CobOurg, and attended Rose- l tea tin Fair. Mrs: Tims. Allen celebrated her birthday on Thanksgiving Day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Her- man Samis. Mm Wilis Jones and family and Mrs. J. -Stark and Donna visited friends in Castlctmi and Warkworrh during the week-end and took in Roseneath Fair. Others who attended Roseneath Fair from here were, Mr. and Mrs. John Couch and Bill, Mr. and Mrs-. Olela-nd Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burley, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay and Mr. and Mrs. .Sidney Lockhart. Among those present from a dis- tance at the funeral of the late Mr. IMitohdll Zealand were, Mr. Hollis Zealand, Oshawa; Mr. Alec Zealand, Mrs. B. Zealand, Mr. and Mrs. O. Zealand, Lindsay; Mrs. M. Libby, of lirooklin, and Mr. Stan. Zealand, of Ctiboung. Mr. Will: Todld. -of Oshawa, former- ly oif Xewtonvi'lle and Starkvii'ie, wias buried here Monday, 'October 17th. Nexvtorv-v i i 1 e friends extend sympathy 1 to his bereaved widow. Mrs. Todd, and! to his daughter, Mrs. MieOahey, <Miawa, and sons, Messrs. Lome and Fred, Starkvill'e. STARKVILLE Visitors : .Miss Bertha II alio well has return- ed to Toronto. Mrs. Thomas Falls has been visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Stevens with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- ctouigh with Mrs-. John McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mrs. Charles Cowan, -Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gilmer. Mr. Leonard Ireland, Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Simpson, Quay’s, with Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Misses Annie and Pairiv.ia Yeo with. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Won I la’iloweli and Media w-ith Mr. and Mrs. W- Mc- Kay, Séwtonville, » Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow and Lena wiitli Mr. and Mrs. Percy Far- row. Miss Ruth Slavery is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs-. 0. Yule and Mrs. A. Barclay, Oshawa. Mrs. Richard Hallow-ell and Helena with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sawery. Helena is h-ome for a couple of weeks’ holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryson, Mr. S. Bryson and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yule and George with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savory. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. S-owden and Anna, Mr. Lionel Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bdl, and Mr. Howard Quaiit-riili, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Giltraef. iSymf'iathy is extended to the family of -the late Wm. T-odid. Mr. Todd was a former resident of our com- munity, but spent the -last few years in Oshawa. Misses Ka:hieen, Marguerite and Wanda McKay, Miss Lena Kimball, Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Hallowed, Mr jack KiirlbaE -and Mr. Hugh Staple ton with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallo- well. BOWMANVILLE Oil heaters are being installed in tawn the past week and the chances .are there will be many more in the near future. -Coal and wood is t-oo dear altogether for the work entail- ed in its use compared with oil and the chances are it has had its day. So now for the oil burner and less drudgery. - There are nineteen applications for the job of cuisltom-s collector in this town, and those in charge are Mr. Young; High School. !.. W. Dipped and Mr. R. M. Cotton. Years ago there Would be more than that num- ber as appro ten ices to the different trades, sh-oe makers, tailors, bla-ck- smtills, tinsmiths, and- clerks in gro- cery stores,' butcher shops and wood carvers. No-w it is one big open space with everyone wondering how it cam bo filled. It was a big day at the Rotary on Friday last when the school children of the district were brought in and Tommy Bo-sis was a busy man at hi-s play house entertaining the host of youngsters which were brought in by bus, motor cars, trucks and other conveyances by.. Rotary mem- bens from different school Stations. It wias a. great outing for the school's, somewhat, different from whait old Nto, 9 and other sections had some seventy-five . years ago, when a threshing machine outfit go- ing by would be a moving picture that would cause a break, in the mon- otony of school life of that period. •Sait-urdny last was .apply day with the Boy Scouts and the youngsters were on, the job until late in, the evening. We hope they did a good days business and tiow it will be the QSrl Guides that will be cm the job with thei-r doughnut's this week, well from the -opening of. spring with the sale of suckers by youngster, for a little pocket money to Boy Scouts with apples, Girl Guides with do-ugh- nuits, rummage sales by the church people, bazaar sales by. different in- stitutions home cooking, teacup reading and bridge parties. Well wt reckon we will manage to get. along until Christmas when- there is an- other upheaval and the old- man will -o- ITundreds of motorists on Friday night last parked on the. side of No. 2 Highway in the vicinity of Port Hope and Ooboung and waited for the heavy fog to life, that made driv- ing impossible. H.E.P.C. HAS PROFIT NEWCASTLE -Miss Oitirve Thorne, of Toronto, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D, B. Simpson. -Mis-s McKel'vie, R.N., of Orono, visited- Miss Hattie Mason over the week-end. The Public vS-ehool Commence- ment will be held in the Community Halil -on Friday, November 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Tuple and daughter, of Bowma-nville, were week-end guests of Mr. ami Mrs. C-luis. Han- cock. The Men’s Club -of St. George’s Church were guests- of the .Men’s Club of St. Mark’s Church, Port Hope, on Tuesday evening. Miss Audrey ITorrocks is entertain- ing the Little Helrers of the W.A. at a tea party in the Parish Hall on Thursday afternoon. A number of teachers, of the Unit- ed Church Sunday School attended the SundavykSchool convention in B-owmanville oil Tuesday, afternoon. Mrs. Wise and children; who ha-ve been visiting with Miss Breen at the Lake, have gone to A.lllisito-n t-o join Mr, Wise. Miss1 Breen, has closed her -house and gone to Toronto to stay with relatives. The United Church Woman’s Asso- ciation are holding their annual Churleh supper in the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. tSt. George’s Church also intend holding their annual supper in the near future, the date n-ot having been set as yet, PONTYPÃ"Ã"L Dr. M-a-cNeil has returned home from his sister’s funeral. Don’t forget the fowl supper on Monday the 24th. Everybody wel- come. Mrs. Ham wa-s a Saturday visitor to Lindsay, also Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taunlb'tyn. Mrs. Robert White is spending a couple of weeks with her brother, Mr. John MMley. -Mr. Lome McGill has painted his house, and! red trimmings is. sure getting a great -dalll Bosxvorrli and Mrs. other uipneavai aim mo wu ..*â- *â- Â»* Mr. and Mrs. w» -"tâ€" have to go down info his jeans for | Brenton- spent Sunday with Mr. and that event and so the round goes. Mrs. James Malloy. (Continued from page one) ti-on. In -alll the history of Ontario’s Hydro .there has never been a municipality of police village that has purchased their Hydro- system having to raise any monies by direct taxation to pay for same. This, ap- pears to be true also- of Orono. On November 5th the voters of this village wilt have an opportunity to voté on the purchase of t-h-e Hydro Electric Utility in Orono. A vote for -the purchase means keeping those earned profits at home for the benefit of all Hydro consumers. j FOR YEARS the name of Delanly has stood for 1 courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair I and reasonable treatment. Today, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. I THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono Perhaps it is none of our business but we have it that the young orches- tra that has been in operation in the Orono Church for -some time past has disbanded, which, we would imagine, would be a backward step, not only m-’tibally but morally as well. Pos- sibly the efforts of anyone to keep an institution of that kind going will be better appreciated when it is num- bered with the past than when a-go- ing concern very few have any idea of .the amount of work required to put a young orchestra on a standard that, would be needed to put it before the public, not only the instruments taught but the arranging of the music as wdll, A person to do this work, and it mCanis work, is not to be found m every village and town in this lto- rn,inion, and the boys and girls who have this advantage are very fortun- ate. Probably this will lead to higher lines1 in muisiloal work but so far we regard- it as a backward Step, other- wise than musically. You may differ. .Sunday last the anniversary ser- vice of Trinity United Church was bdl-d. and the preacher of the day wa-s Rev. J. V. Robins, B.A., Tren- ton, and his theme for the morning service w-as “Big Business.” The first solist- was Mrs. F. V. Ott. At the evening service Mr. Robins’ theme was tithe Ultimate for Christ.” A feature of the evening service was the selection by the choir, “The Hea- vens are Telling,” and the soloists we e Mrs. T. W. Oaiwker,. Messrs. C. AILin a-nd O. Osborne and this was well rendered by all. There Was also a male chorus. The amount- asked for by the managers was $3,000, but wo did not learn if that amount Was se- cured-. The large auditorium was not filled with a Gypsey-fomith aud- io nice, -which shows that with many t-hn1 sentetion-al draws. The organist, Dr. T. A. Partridge, gave an organ re'.itial,:. Among the numbers given was the overture to “Wm.-Tell' (Ros- sini). On the program one number was omitted, a- trio, which.-was a dii sappointmcnlt. The Legion Band held an “At H-ome” in St. John’s Parish Hall on Friday evening last and quite a large number turned out to listen to the programme given by Mr. Abernathy. The president presided and Mr. R. M. Cotton gave a fine address on band music generally which was followed by community singing by the wives and chi I’d ron of the bansdmen. The song leader wais Mr. John James, but who the pianist was we did not learn. A vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Roberts and a clarinette trio given, also a saxophone duet by the D-a-reli Bros,, Which was much appreciated. A cornet solo by Master Evans was much applauded but would have help- edithis youthful musician if some one had played the piano. He did not have a fair show. Young Master Roberts gave the Holy City as a mA livre, TUTOti ttAW VVPTl Mrs. James 31 alley. Mir. Bert Richardson is busy put- ting a new cement foundation under Mr. Krupinsky’s house. Mis-s Merita Richardson has accept- ed a position in Oshawa. Don’t for- get the old town, Merita. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rennie and Mrs. Jas. Richardson were business visitors to Peterboro- on Monday evening. Mr., and Mrs. Percy M-acMahon and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters and Mrs. James Richardson spent Sunday visiting in 'Lironto. LESKARD The Hydro men are still working in the community. Don’ tifiorget the Anniversary and Goose Dinner on October 30th and 3"lst. We extend the sympathy of the community to Mr. and M.rs. Geo. Cliiater in the loss of his sister, Mrs. Quiimey, of Tyrone. Mrs. Herb. Thompson, Mr. Bruce Thompson and lady friend, Misses Norma and Margaret Thompson and Master Ronald Thompson, of Toronto, spent Sunday at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. W, Smart have sold their residence and moved to Tor- onto. Mr. Hill, of Toronto, being the purchaser. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs, Hill and fam- ily to our village. The Dehniah Beloow Club, of Tor- onto, held their meeting on Satur- day evening, October ldth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Fee. The programme for (the evening- started with a treasure hunt which was won by Miss D. Wariburton- and Miss E. Loueks. 'Square dancing was enjoyed wii-tlh Mr. M. Sikdlding as Master of Ceremonies. Box lunch- es brought by each lady were sold by auction. Square dancing and bil- liards brought the happy evening to a close. Members present- were, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ed limn son, Miss B. Stevenson, Mr. Les. Dyer, Mr. and1 Mrs. L. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. W Belling- ham. Miss D. WoHmrton, Mr. A. Loueks, Mr. C. Grant, Mr." and Mrs. W. MioNei'l. Miss/ E. Loueks; visi- tors, Mi-, and Mrs. R. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. K. Garen, Mr. W. L. Cor- nish, Mr. M. Skeâdir.g and Miss- J. Fee. â€"------1--o--------- A new low mark was reached for -communicable disqa-ses in Oshawa for the month of September when, only three oases were reported. unlol cilyx I /“I plllayed. Taken all1! through it was a fine programme and the band should have more of such programs as it is a splendid means of bringing out the young people and gives them confi- dence in this line of entertainment, TyrrelPsDrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO COMING CANADA’S GREATEST DRUG SALE THE REX ALL ONECENTSALE November 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Pay the regular price for an item and get one just like it for just ONE CENT You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store MAKE YOUR Spare Time Profitable -Yew Patterns in STAMPED GOODS, Tray Cloths, Doilies, Scarfs, Diningroom Sets, Shopping Bags, Card Table Cover's, Ladies’ and Children's Aprons, etc., etc. You are cordially in- tired to inspect this line. Our stock is complete of Wheeling Yarns, Scotch Fingering, Balled Wools, Crochet Cotton, Pearl Cotton, Knitting Cot- tons and Tatting Cottons, Artsy! Rope, Embroidery Floss. HOT -WATER BOTTLES, No. 2 size, made from Pure Para Rubber, guaranteed against a!ll defects, assorted colors .................................. ...................39c. Grocery Specials UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, Special, 11 bars.25c. MEDIUM SIZED PRUNES, freii stock, 2 lbs..19c. SUNBEAM SEEDED RAISINS, 1 lb. pkg. ......15c. MARMALADE, containing Orange, Grapefruit and Lemon, 1 lb. jars...........-..-.17c. FINE OLD CHEESE, per lb..................25c. GOOD QUALITY SODAS, over Mb in pkg., 2 pkgs.25c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE ..L.r. 4- i HI krt 'krlHrxU Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big | Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE-CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR , REQUIREMENTS PROMPT SERVICE ”™ PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&Lumber Co All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Ca> and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised

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