Women Are Needed In Political Life Hamilton Controller Says, How- ever, Tbsl They Must Be Intelligent and Level-Headed You must learn what intelligent compromise means. Don’t send a woman who is a faddist to the city council. Avoid separatism. Sup- port men candidates as you would expect men to 'support women can- didates, solely because they are in- telligent, level-headed people, with the interests of the entire commu- nity in mind," counseled Controller Nora Frances Henderson of Hamil- ton, speaking before the Toronto Home and School Council. To Improve Democracy “Looking around at the world and seeing the lack of self-confidence which man is displaying at the moment, at the sad international situation, at the tragic times capital and labor are having, at the hope- lessness of the employment situa- tion, it is not a bad time for wo- men to say to the men, “Move over, and let us come in and help you," said the speaker. “There is a challenge today to improve our democracy, and unless we improve it we cannot conserve it,†Miss Henderson went on to say. Germany Wants Them Germany has made it clear to France and England- that the Reich’s colonial empire will have to be restored before a general European peace can be guaran- teed. Of the former .German possessions in Africa, shown in black, France holds a mandate over Togoland (1) and Camer- oons (2) with a minor interest al- lowed to Britain in both; South Africa (5) holds a mandate for Southwest Africa (3) and Brit- ain a mandate for Tanganyika (4). The Proper Time To Take Exercise Is in the Late Afternoon A Half Hour or So Before the Evening Meal What is the ideal time for the average business or professional man to take exercise? If he has (as most do) eaten a light breakfast and a light lunch he should eat a piece of candy or an orange or a banana, or bread or biscuit at 4 or 5 o’clock, and then take his exerciseâ€"golf, rid- ing, gymnasium,. walking, tennis (if young). He should have his exercise finished a half to an hour before his evening meal so that his appetite and digestive forces will be at their best. Eating the •large evening meal when tired is the cause of many stomach and in- testinal upsets. Light exerciseâ€"stretching and bendingâ€"is helpful before retir- ing as it draws the blood away from the brain. Canadian Macaroni The quality of Canadian macar- oni on the British market brings prestige to the Dominion, states the Canadian Trade Commossioner at Bristol, England. Due to its popularity, there are enquiries from time to time from distribu- tors of food products who wish to act as direct representatives of a Canadian manufacturer. For the 12 months ended March, 1938, ex- ports of macaroni from Canada to the United Kingdom amounted to 5,592,571 pounds, valued, at $312*845. For the previous 12 months, the amount was 4,766,077 pounds, valued at $251,195. Switzerland had fewer tourists during the summer than in 1937. The Goose Woman CHAPTER XIV Vogel paused and glanced at the reporters. They were frozen in various attitudes of atention, so he resumed his reading. “1 was much relieved to see him there and I was just about to call to him and ask him to wait a min- ute when I saw something very strange and startling. Suddenly, without warning, the bushes parted, and a man stepped out. He was all dressed in a long white cloak or a mantle. I thought it must be a ghost! “Question. Describe this man, please, as closely as you can. “Answer. I’m afraid I can’t de- scribe him very accurately. I was nervous and frightened, anyhow, and this â€" this apparition made it worse. He was tall and 1 think he wore a mask, but I’m not sure. May- be he just wore a hat and it shad- ed his face. That’s all I seem to remember a tall man in a long robe, but I heard him speak to Mr. Ethridge. “Question. What did you hear him say? “Answer. He called him by his name, then he said something to him about a woman. It sounded as if he said, T won’t let you take her away from me.’ Something like that. “Question. You are positive that he said something about a woman? “Answer. Yes. I remember that distinctly. Then lie shot Mr. Eth- ridge. He shot him twice, before he could fall. He kept shooting at him as he lay on the ground. It was all very horrible. I thought I must be dreaming or that it was a scene on a dark stage played in a spotlight and I was away out at the front of the house â€" it seemed so unreal. What happened next is pretty con- fused. I was deathly afraid and I didn’t dare cry out or move for fear the assassin might have confeder-. ates near by and they would kill me too. I just stood there staring and shaking. I saw the man kneel over Mr. Ethridge’s body, but his back was to me. I presume he was fixing that cross of twigs. Then he got up, passed out of the glare of the headlights, and turned them off. After that, of coursa, I could not see what he did. Car With One Headlight “Question. What did you do? “Answer. X stood still, I didn’t dare move. By and by I saw another light, across the road in the pine grove, so I dropped to my knees and crouched in the weeds and the hushes. I stayed there until the other car passed me â€" the car with one headlight. Then I got up and ran home. I suppose I ran home â€" anyhow, I found myself there with all my doors locked.†Vogel Paid aside the document from which lie had been reading and said : “That gentlemen, is the gist of Mrs. Holme’s sworn statement, and which she made voluntarily. Rather extraordinary, eh?†“Do you believe it?†somebody inquired. “Absolutely ! Chief Lopez and 1 questioned her carefully and we failed to shake her on any point. What’s more, we examined the roadside where she claimed she hid, and we found an old glove that had lain .there for some time. It was her glove. She showed us the mate to it at her house.†“Well, I don’t believe a word of it!†one of the local newspaper men declared. “I talked to her, the next morning â€" and I asked her a thou- sand questionsâ€"and she didn’t tell me any such story. It sounds alto- gether too theatrical. People don’t happen along country roads after midnight just in time to see mur- ders committed in the glare of the headlights from automobiles. Why didn’t she spill this sooner ?†A Big Story “She says the talk about the se- cret order frightened her. KOMOL HAIR DYE 1410 Stanley Montreal» t\Q, in the great struggle f o r life, everything depends on the . age you appear to he; but don't be discouraged. KOMOL, with its 19 : natural shades, gives back to hair its lost youth. Sold at all drug' stores and beauty parlors. issue 46â€"’38 by REX BEACH “She’s, a common drunk ; she’s eccentric and Utterly unreliable. I know all about her.†“Indeed?†Vogel grinned sarcas- tically. “Then you probably know who she really is. You know her stage name.†His listeners pricked up their ears, but he forestalled their questions by saying: “I’m making you boys a present of a big story that you weren’t smart enough to get for yourselves. How many of you remember a grand- opera singer by the name of Maria di Nardi? Not many. She was be- fore your time. But I remember Irel- and you can look her up. She lost her voice right at the height of her career and dropped out . of sight; was forgotten. One of the tragedies of the profession. She’s living in Westland and her name is Mary Holmes! Oh, you don’t have to take my word for it! You can talk to lier- as much as you please. Break her down in her story if you can. It’s more than I’ve been able to do.†“But wait!†another man quer- ied, eagerly. “What about the one- eyed automobile and the fellow in the robe? Have you got him?†Vogel smiled again, this time complacently. “Don’t ask me to tell you everything I know. I’m giving you this story because the Ethridge case is being tried in the newspap- ers and because you boys have all worked hard on it. I’m treating you squarely and I expect square treat- ment in return. Understand ? All right! /Make the most of what you have got and â€" maybe I’ll have an- other story for you tomorrow. Pos- sibly this evening." With these words the speaker opened the door to an inner office and called Mrs. Holmes, When she appeared the newspap- er men eyed her in astonishment, for she was amazingly changed. She was no longer the unlovely creature some of them had seen and all of them had written about; she was a quite imposing middle- aged woman. Her hair no longer hung in greasy snarls, it was soft and clean and smoothly combed ; her body had shape, and a good- looking street dress lent pleasing lines to it; there were silk hose and high-heeled shoes upon her feet. More astonishing than this, how- ever, was the alteration in the wo- man herself. She entered the room with her head up and with a poise, a carriage that only the stage can teeach; in her bearing was a dig- nity that brought the reporters to their feet and kept them standing until Vogel had introduced her and had given her a chair. Hour of Triumph This was Mary Holmes’ hour and she made the most of it. She took a CHILDREN'S COUGHS (due to colds) Don’t le t chest colds or croupy coughs go untreated. Rub Children’s Mild, Strength Musterole No, 2 on child’s throat and chest at once. This milder form of regular Musterole penetrates, warms and stimulates local circula- tion. Floods the bronchial tubes with its soothing, relieving vapors. Mus- terole brings relief because it’s a “ebunter* Irritant" â€" NOT just a salve. Recommended by many doc- tors and nurses. Made in Canada, in three strengths: Regular Strength, Children’s (mild), and Extra Strong. All druggists, 40jé each. CHILDREN’S MILD In Canada all the grand free gifts Dick Tracy offers on his radio program â€" are obtainable with box tops from delicious Quaker Corn Flakes ! Try Quaker Corn Flakes with the better flavourâ€"you’ll love them! Crisperâ€"tastierâ€" especially irradiated with Vitamin "Dâ€, they’re better to eat and better for you ! Ask Mother to order Quaker Corn Flakes today. Quaker Corn Flakes DICK TRACY, Box 100, Peterborough, Ont. à want to join the Dick Tracy Secret Service Patrol^ â-¡ Please send me tile new official all metal Dick Tracy badge, the new revised 1939 Dick Tracy Secret Code Book, and official Patrol Pledge. 1 enclose 2 Quaker Corn Flakes, Quaker Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice box tops â-¡ I am not now a member â-¡ Or à am a member and want my 2nd year badge Q ’ Name_____________!__________â€".......â€".......â€"------------------- Street. --------------------------------------â€" City__________:______________â- 1 . _ Prou_________________ tremendous satisfaction out of the evident embarrassment of these young men. They had maligned her and she hated them for it, but she concealed her feelings behind an air of modesty and simplicity that was anything hut genuine. She would have enjoyed nothing more than to turn the vials of her wrath upon them, to blister them with her scorn, but, realizing that through them she was talking to a vast aud- ience, she rose to the occasion as she had risen to other roles. Vogel had cleverly stage-managed her appearance and she had re- hearsed herself well. The result was all and more than either of ‘ them had anticipated, of course, but what a part to play and what an audience to play to! An audience consisting of America, the world! The world that had forgotten her! Well, it would remember her now and it would throb and sympathize with her story. That story, to her mind, was infinitely more dramatic, infintely more important, than the story of the Ethridge murder. (To be continued) Let Your Good Cooking Earn You Money $10 in Prizes , For the Best CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR’S DINNER MENU Mrs. H. M. Aitken, staff dieti- tian and radio commentator for the Canada Starch Co., Ltd., will act as Contest Judge. Prizes : 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2 A Special Prize will be given for the best recipe for an individual dish. Mail your entry now to: Contest Editor, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto - For a fine Musical Treat be sure and Listen Each Sunday Afternoon to THE LIPTON MELODY HOUR CEL Toronto CBM Montreal EVERY SUNDAY 4.30 P.M. Featuring John Biddle Olga Berezowska “Your Lipton Melody Singer’ Brilliant Young Soprano and . The Upton Ensemble - Presented by Thos. J. Lipton Limited, Packers of UPTON’S FULL-FLAVOURED TEA Women’s Paradise The island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Africa, must be a para- dise for women, because the offi- cial report reveals that men not only rock the cradle, but also do all the houseworkâ€"even the week- ly family wash. India expects its business to start toward prosperity this year. Quickly Relieves the Pain of BURNS, SCALDS CHAFING In Burns and Scalds every second counts. So keep a tube of Mentholatum always within reach . . . ready for every emergency. The moment a burn or scald occurs, apply Mentholatum to the affected part and relief will quickly follow. This healing balm soothes the tortured tissues ... cools and draws out the sting and burn . . . promotes quick, healthful healing. Mentholatum is used by millions of people the world over for the relief of chafing and chapped skin .. . head and chest colds and catarrh . . . neuralgia, headache, and scores of other uses. Non-irritatingâ€"it is harmless to the most sensitive skin and relief is guaranteed or money back. Get a 30c tube or jar today. « Mother of 6 at 21 A sixth child has been born to Mrs. Jesse Perdue, aged 21, of Longmont, Colorado. Mrs. Perdue first became a mother at 14. THE AWFUL PRICE TOO PAY FOR BEIM NERVOUS Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live withâ€"can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. What you should try is a particularly good woman's tonicâ€"and could you ask . for anything whose benefits are better proved than that world-famous Lydia E. Finkham’s Vegetable Compound^ Let Its wholesome herbs and roots help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, give more energy and Snake life worth living again. More than a million women have re- ported benefitâ€"-why not let Pinkham’s Compound, help YOU, too, to go “smil- ing thru†trying times like it has other grateful women for the past 3 genera- tions? IT MUST BE GOOD! at home, daddy- Th*.’» &ST coldest snap- Today s best t ^ Ask your the new HAMCO hot water HEATERV HSMC® Two «.Ving conv.m»™-68 HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITE» HAMILTON.. CANADA YOUR LOCAL DEALER’S NAME APPEARS . . ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE