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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Nov 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (Because many people have ia fear of being shut in when they visit cold 'looker rooms, an Ohio man has in- vented a refrigerated Hooker storage system whereby a customer’s own looker iia hoisted, up to him in a warn room, when he wants to store or remove meats and vegetables. I'aicsuneb broadcast in> English. radio programs Arabic, Rethrew arc and The bright-colored canyons and formations in Zion Navi on ai Park, Utah, were originally named Zion by religious-minded Mormons. • 'The hardy Fishermen of Canada mar- ket over 60 different kinds of food Fish and Shellfish, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled . . . each affording a grand opportunity for thrifty dishes that have style, zest and delicious flavour. So nourishing, too, for Canadian Fish and Shellfish give plenty of proteins, minerals and precious vitamins. In fact, they have everything folks enjoy and need in a lunch or supper dish. You can make arrangements with your dealer to supply different kinds of deli- cious fish several times a week, and the family will enjoy this tempting tr.eat. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. Please send me your free Book- let "100 Tempting Fish Recipes". Name.. (Please print letters plainly) Address.. V 0 A V A1 ..CW-12 FISH AND VEGETABLE LOAF Flake 2 cupfuls (1 pound) of canned or cooked fish and place in a buttered mold. Cover with layer of chopped, cooked spinach, seasoned with salt and pepper. Pack a layer of whole kernel corn on top. Pour over this 2 cupfuls of medium white sauce, 1 tablespoonful of chopped onion and blended with two slightly beaten eggs. Sprinkle the top of the mould with cracker crumbs. Place in a pan of hot water and bake in oven (350°F.) for 1 hour. Serve unmoulded and garnished with fresh parsley. Six servings. * * * -> 3-3 B A V FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this.firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. BOWMANVILLE Many took in the "Marie Antoin et-te” play at the Royal Theatre the (past week. It certainly was a great performance. The eclipse of the moon on Mon- day evening last was not a success to -any great extent. People that put on an entertainment of that kind should •be sure of the atmospheric- conditions before announcing. It is a pretty jolly crowd that forms the bowling club at the Balmoral Hotel ton Monday evening of each wedk and the chaff and repartee is fast and furious at times. Well it is a good way-to work off a surplus "sup- ply of energy. (Lotus United Church will hold a supper and concert on November 11th in the Orange hall. Local talent, and talent from Oshaiwa will furnish the programme, which, no doubt, will be good, so take i t in and encourage the church people in the work. One of the liveliest places on No. 2 Highway is Puddtick’s hall, at Cbur- tice village, always something doing. It will -soon, this highway between this town and Osliawa, be built up with fine -comfortable dwellings and much cheaper tha-n living in town. Many will regret the passing of 'Boh Fln'ev, of New Toronto Rub- ber works. Mr. Pin-ley was one of the -old guard of the Durham Rubber 'Co. of "this town, a hail fello-w well met, and1 to hear of his sudden taking away canne as a shock to his old -friends here. A large number of -rubber people went up to the city Saturday even- ing last to a banquet at the Royal York, the number of twenty-five year men at. this function was thirteen, and they were presented with the twenty- five year emblem and they received the usual $350.00 -sum which is al- ways acceptable. There was- the usual program and the chief speaker was Mr. Carlisle, President of the Bank of Commerce, The deal'll took plaice on Thursday of last week of Win. K. Sampson, in Blaigot, Man. Mr. -Sampson was well known here years ago when an em- ployee of the old- Upper Canada Furniture Co., but at the collapse of that institution went west and- engag- ed in farming. After a short time down -south in Florida State he was married to IMiss Maggie Morrison who passed away a: few years- ago and leaves a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John- Adams, of Bagot, Man. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono KENDAL Deputy Reeve W. J, Patton was- in Toronto Monday on business. Mr. Leonard Buckler, Lakeshore, visited over the week-end at Mr. John Patton’s. - Miss Marjorie Patron, of Bowman- ville, was home over the week-end at M-v. Norman Patton’s. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Rowe and son Richard, of Toronto, friends of W. H. Mercer, were 'Sunday visitors. Kendal United Chlur-ch held their Thank-offering Anniversary on Sun- day, with Rev. Mr. Lackey, of En- niskillen -conducting the morning ser- vice and Rev. W. Raokham, of Hampton, conducting the evening -service, iSbiloh eh-oir furnished the music at both services. There was a good attendance at both of these services and -the weather was ideal. The -Board of the Church extends banks to all those who took part and those wh-o attended. The offering amounted -to about $200.00. Kendal L.O.L, No. 405 at their regular meeting last Wednesday even- ing initiated Mr. Harry Berry into he Orange ’Degree. After the regu- lar routine of business had been transacted the. Lodge closed. As it was visitors night they held a ban- quet that -was prepared by the ladies. There were -visitors from all the lod- ges of Clarke District anti from Eli- Ziabefhville, Carmel and other lodges, and also the Provincial "Grand Mas- ter I fin. E. N. Mitchell, of Lindsay; fit was the first -time for a -Grand Master to visit Kendal Lodge. Wo-r. Pro. Han well Lowery -a-cled as- toast- master for the evening. After drink- ing the toast to the king and the singing o-f God save the King. Wor. Pro. Garland Oathcart proposed a toast to the Most Wor. Grand Mas- ter Bro. E. N. Mitchell, lie told of the Orange Association and of how it -consisted -of the different lodges, First Primary Lodges, District Lod- ges, County Lodges Bind then the Provincial Grand Lodges of which we are having the Grand Master as •a visitor tonight. This was respond- ed to by the Grand Master, and he told of his visits to the different lod- ges (and also his trip to the Orange Council in Ireland land o-f meeting members frrtm -all the Grand Lodges of the world. Other toasts nroposed -were one to the visitors and to the a dies for providing the banquet. NEWTONVILLE Mrs. iReichrath spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Weise, of Chicago. Mr. W. F. Holdawiay, of Cochrane, Ont., visited Mrs, J. Wade -and Mrs. W, Jaynes. Mrs.' J. Wade and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Han- cock, of -Orono. Mr. Martin Pethiok, of MjHbrook, spent a day last week with his broth- er, Mr. Brock Pethick. We are sorry to hear that Mr. C. Morris has sol-d his farm, stock and implements to a Toronto mam. Mr. an-d Mrs. Alvin Jones, of Port 'Hope, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stapleton on Sunday, . Mrs. Harry Tibbie and Miss Leona Tvbbie. of-Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. George J. jSfapleton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. King and Mr. -and Mrs. Bradley, of Toronto, and Mrs. Chester, of O.-hawa. were ’Sunday guests of Mrs. W, 'Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and fam- ily, off Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Millsom on Sun- day. Quite a large number of the local Women’s Institute ladiesi journeyed to Tyrone on Wednesday, November 2nd, and put on a programme. The Tyrone ladies served lunch. The guest speaker ait the Thank- offering services on Sunday, Novem- ber 13 th, will be Rev. R. E. Morton, (Newcastle, at 2.3-0 p.m., and Rev. Lit- tlowood, Orono, at Y.30 p.m. On Nov. 16th a good program will be given in the United -Church, basement under the auspices of t-he W.M.IS. -when Dr. M'iT.son, of Welcome, will give a lec- ture. Lunch will be served. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.IS. of the United Church was held on Tuesday, November 1st, in the basement. Miss- Laing, Presi- dent, opened the meeting with a hymn followed by “The Lord’s Prayer” in uni-son. The minutes were read and adopted and arrangements made for Dr. Mill son’s lecture on November 16th. 'Mrs. E. Li Beech then related -a recent experience, of here, a man -came to her door one -day asking for a lunch and was given it. He went on to his destination and on his- re- turn journey he came to the door 'again and -presented a quarter for the lunch she had1 given him. When she refused he said “give it to t-he church” and so she put the -money in the mission ary funds. -Mrs.. George MicCtiBbuigh was in charge of the pro- gramme. Mrs. Kaufman spoke, on China ; Mrs. Morris on Central India ; Marian Bruce on Korea and Mr-s. Savery on Africa; Mlrs. Red'knapp favoured with a solo. Miss I. Laing then gave a splendid report on the anriuiail meeting -of the Oghaiwa Pres- b.vt.criai hel-d- in the -Bowmanville Trinity Church, Fun is-nd gaiety prevailed at -the Tlallo-w-e’en party in the United- Church (School Room on Monday, October 31st. The room was suitably decorated for the occasion and quite a number came dressed1 in costume so that the judges, Mrs. Bruce Whitney and Mrs. A. Langstiaff, did not find their task too easy. Wandla McKay acted as pianist and prizes we-re given to Laureen- MlcOullough, Dorothy. Stapleton, Mrs. Frank Gil- mer -and Jack Kimball, Bud Jones -and Jim Savery. In a guessing con- test there was a tie between Miss Jen nie Thompson and Melville Sa-mis, Miss Thompson finally winning the prize. The programme with "Mr. Will Laing, chairman, consisted o-f, Guitar duet, Alfred Red-knlapp and Keith Burley ; reading, Mrs. -Slavery ; ; piano and violin music, Dorothy and John 'Slcott; : vocal solo, Vina Stacey ; â- chairman's address; reading, Meta Hla-U-o-wel-l ; vocal solo, Nellie S-hutka; reading, .Lena Kimball. Misses Meta I lallowell and -Lena Kimball were' leaders in a guessing game put -on by Miss Gladys Pearce -and Mrs. Stark, a delicious lunch .was -served. WANT CAVAN 1 TOWNSHIP A PHEASANT .SANCTUARY Probable designation of Cavan township as a saneutary for the pro- tected breeding of pheasants next year was indicated in* discussions on Monday night at the .annual 'banquet and election of officers of .the Durham and Northumberland- Fish -and Galme Associal iur. at Ilolda-way’.s Hotel in Be-wd-ley. The : discussion by Mr. McCartney. J. S. Thorne of Millforoo-k was re-elected president. Harry Hold- a way of Port Hope and B. K. Wil- liams of Wârkworth -are vieo-presi- donts for I ho ensuing year. 11. -Sidey off Bewd-ley is secretary and Robert Hnldawny is treasurer. wia-s led Other speakers were Wor. Bro. Lit- tlewo-od, County Master of -Ontario North; 'B-ro. J. J. M'ellor, Wor. Bro. -’. W. Bowen and others. T yrrelPsDrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO CHRISTMAS Greeting Cards Buy your supply of CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS early this year and have the choice o-f over a 100 new designs. 'Our -stock includes Special Greetings for members of the family, greetings from Canada (for overseas mailing), re- ligious cards, and -the colours and designs are new and most attractive. 3 CENT GREETING CARDS 2 FOR. ......... 5 c. 5 CENT, GREETING CARDS .6 FOR... 25c. 10 CENT CARDS ) 3 FOR... 25c. SPECIAL SELECTION Box pf 12 assorted Christmas Folders...........,25c. Christmas Gifts 'Shop early for your-Ohristmas -Gifts. Our sffock of Christmas Sielts is n-ow Gn display. A small deposit will hold any purchase for you and you benefit by choosing from a full selection. You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store Week-end Specials ROSE BAKING POWDER ..2 1-LB CANS,....25c ECLIPSE FLOUR.........24-LB BAG.*.45c JAVAL WATER... ...LARGE BOTTLE. 5c. NONSUCH LIQUID STOVE POLISH ...15c BLUEBERRIES........2 18-OZ. CANS.23c, CORNED BEEF..........2 1-LB TINS.25c. CANDY BUTTER WAFFLES.....1-2 LB. 8c. NATIONAL CHEESE WEEK November 7th to 12th NEW CHEESE ...... ............LB....21c. FINE'OLD -CHEESE...,..........LB 25c. ROYAL YORK' CREAM CHEESE, plain or pimento, ...................1-2 LB CARTON.14c. MAPLE LEAF CREAM CHEESE.1 2 LB CTN.15c. Wednesday, November 16 OUR THIRD BIRTHDAY Anniversary Sale on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and SATURDAY November 16th to 19th ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES â-  AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co i All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call ar... compare our prices with others, you will be surprised

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