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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Nov 1938, p. 5

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OEONO WEEKLY TIMES ' X ' â€" wG^Offîc^artEntis "T® the greatest single cause of disability in t-ernper- afte e.iimat*, says :a: physician at the University of Michigan Hospital. -------;---p------_------ Bev. I. 11. V. Walker, for 21 yearis pastor of the associated congre- gations of •laiiotviHe, Sestleton and Hailydutf. has accepted a cal to -Stir- hng iand West Huntingdon churches. BIRTHS LA IX G â€" in Viarkv Township, on .Monday, Koyetniber iîtKf"1938,;..to Mr. and Mrs. George Laing, a son. Job Work Prices Reason able Watch for the Opening ÃŽ OF THE NEWBARBERSHOP AT THE KUMRITE INN The prices will be right ° V U l! J B B B B B B B B B B B E n B| B Special for *"j One Week Individual Naivette Permanent Waive for dry, oily, grey white or bleached hair, reg $7.50 , ^ for B B Dandruff treatment, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 Open evenings by appointment Phone Orono 40-11 ^r=^p^^p^p^r=J|^lr=rii==Jr=dr=rii=Jr=T RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY MINCE MEAT 2 lb. carton 21c. OXDYOL large pkg. t 22c. 2 bars Comfort Soap 2 pkgs. AMMONIA all for 16c. Cereal, pkg.......20c. Aura Belle Pastry Flour, high test, 24-lb bag...59c. 7 lb. bag ......... ...20c. Kraft Dinner, pkg...........20c. Salt Petre, 2 lbs.........,25c, 5-string Brooms ...........25c. Cooking Figs, 2 lbs..........,21c. Eating Figs, pkg...........10c. Eating Raisins, pkg........32c. Fresh Currants, 2 lbs.....25c. Cut Peel, lb. â- ... ......23c. Whole Cherries, lb........45c, Vanilla or Lemon Ex- tract^ bottles ........ 15c. Large Raisins with -the Seeds, 2 lbs. .........25c. 1 lb. tin Crisco.........23c. 3 lb. tin Crisco.......65c. Calav Soap, 3 cakes........,17c. Sirloin Steak ib. 22c. Sirloin Roast lb. 21 c. Front of LAMB lb. 15c Shoulder Round Roast of Beef lb. 1 7 Ce Blade Roast lb. 1 3 Ce Cottage ] Rol 1, lb. 22c. Breakfast Bacon, lb. - - - 27c Before buying the material for your Xmas, cake come in and see our display, everything fresh. Quality Higher than Price Shelled Walnuts, extra nice, 1 b - 35c J PHONE 12rî i. J â-º . CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery H Q Z Dandruff treatment B B I 1 il B LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. Arthur Manning hasjpurcihased a new Chevrolet Coach. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards were in Ooiboui-g Wednesday last. A n-umber of citizens attended the Royal Winter Fair ilast week. Miss Helene Waddell, Toronto, Spent the week-end af home. Mr. Thompson visited . the Royal Winter Fair with his friends. Mrs. P. Gordon left -last week to spend a month in Shag-man, Mich. Mrs, Jaanes Mbffatt has'been on the sick list for the past few weeks. The Misses Ttou'rjee spent Sunday vith their aunt, Mrs. McPherson. Mr. D. Hooper iand Mr. A. Henry -ire fe-y these days in the woods. Mr. Robert Stew-art has returned vome after a visit in Western Can- ada. ‘Miss M. ,E. G. Waddell, M.A., LL.K. of Toronto, spent the week-end in Orono. Mrs. Neiil Smith visited with her daughter, Mrs. A. R. McDonald, Mil- ton, last week. Mr. Wallace Sisson, of Sudlbury, spent last week-end with his mother, Mrs. M. Siss-on. Air. Kenneth Ilall, of Toronto, pent the week-end with his father, Mr. Joseph Hall. SATURDAY Mr. John Thompson, accompanied by friends from -Osh-awa attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Bruce Waddell, of Montreal, is the guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Somerville. Mrs. George iRtichardson, Gloria nd: Montd returned h-ome on Sunday after a visit in Toronto. Mr. James Burgess is not at present enjoying very good health and wish him a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Fuller, of the Fifth Line, will occupy the Nick. Richards residence of the South Ward. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Miller spent a few days last week visiting friends in Toronto, Aurora and other points. Quite a number from here -attend- ed the Military Ball held in the Ar- mouries, Cobourg, on Friday evening last. Miss Eve Bo nek returned to Tor- onto on Wednesday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Forrester, for a few days. Mr, Charles Tyrrell attended the Junior Pharmacy dance at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Friday even- ing last. Alias Buchanan, of . Mount Forrest, -who- has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. A. Drummond, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Wyvan Reid and daughter Muriel motored to Toronto on Saturday to see the Stanta Claus parade. We understand -that Miss Dora Graham, of the Kumrite Inn leaves at an early date to learn hairdressing in Toronto. Lou W. Ohappelle, Billings, Mon- tana, spent a day with 0. T. Miller. While here he called on a number of old friends. -Contractor Frank Hall and his staff installed a septic tank' at Mr. T. W. Somerville’s and has- completed the contract. A number from Newcastle attend- ed the iSt. Saviour’s church supper in the town hall on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mowat, of Oak- ville, were Sunday guests of Miss M. Hall -and1 Mr. E. Z. Ha-11. j Miss Eileen Riddell returned home from Guelph this week, .after visit- ing with Rev. and Mrs. 'Stainton for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Quandnill and fam- ily accompanied by the former’s sis- ter, Mrs. Birch, were guests of Mrs. Alfred Chapman. Mrs. Oliver and son Keith, of Bob- caygeon, returned1 home on Monday after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. J. MieMiKan and. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson, of Cobourg, were in Orono pn Saturday visiting at the Kumrite Inn Hotel. Mr. Vernon Saunders and Miss Helen Orr, of Toronto, sipent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mrs. Gray has returned to her home in Toronto, having spent sev- eral weeks in Orono, the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. M. Billings-. Mr. Geo. Weston moved last week into Mr. H. G. Macdonald’s house opposite the Kumrite Inn, formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Honeywell. Will the Orono I.O.O.F. Brethren keep in mind the next meeting, Wed nesday, December 7-th. A good at- tendance is requested as there will be practice for the third degree. We understand that Mr. Ervan Rainey has purchased the Richard’s residence in the South Ward from Mr. Dewey Harness, and now has it rented to M)v. Fuller, who will m-ove in this week. Mr. Ted Wood-yard, radio dealer, has accepted a position as sales repre- sentative in conjunction with his business here, .representing the dis- trict from Toronto e-a-st to Peterboro, -by the Toronto Radio Sports. The Orono Public Library are of- fering readers thirteen months- for $1.0-0 to adults, and 26c. for juven- iles. Join the many readers of the library iand at the same time take ad- vantage of this spècial offer, a-44-c. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and daughter- iSthihJey, of Hamilton, were Sunday gu-egts of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards, Mrs. George Butters spent a few days in Toronto last rweek visiting friends and also attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Hamlin and family, of Green River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton on. Sunday last. A new cement tank is nearing com- pletion across the main road from Mrs. Roy’s residence for fire fighting purposes. The tank is 20 feet long, 8 feet deep wide and 8 feet deep, and wi$ hold 1,000 gallons of water. Mr. CJhas. RuddeOl had a very suc- cessful sale at his farm on Wednesday o-f last week, with a large crowd1 pres- ent, and prices realized were very sat- isfactory. Mr. Ruddell has traded his farm to a man in Oahawa for a house and a certain amount of cash. There will be a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Monday night at the Kumrite Inn, when plans and preparations will be made for the Christina# Tree. All business men and citizens are urgently requested to attend this meeting at 7.30 p.m. Mr. W. A. Waddell, manager of the Bank of Commerce, and Mrs. Wad- dell, of Thedford, were in Orono on Sunday and called on his cousin, T. W. and Mrs, Somerville. Mrs. Chas I lodge a, of Spokane, Wash., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm Waddell -Sr., accompanied them home to Thedford. Mr. Wm. J. Co-wan who has been seriously ill, is, we are pleased to re- port, -somewhat improved. Mrs. Keane is nursing him and his daugh- ters, Mrs, Hunter, of Lakefield, Mrs. Dooley, of Toronto, Mrs. Stevens, of Pbrt Hope, and Mrs. Turner, 0f New- castle, have all been at home with him for the past few days, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mc- Laughlin, Oshawa,, will entertain the members of the Durham Cbu-nty Club of Toronto at the Shelrbourne House on Thursday, November 24th, at 8.16 p.rn. This will be Bowmanvillv Good- year night. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Orono, has been invited to give her talk on the “Mlanufacture of Rubber.” , ; The W. A. of Park St. United Church are making up a bale of cloth- ing, bedding and reading material for the Prairie Provinces. Anyone wish- ing to contribute to this needy cause please leave your donation at the Par- sonage or Sunday School room any time during' November. The commit- tee in charge expect, to send, it away the list of December, A number of I.O.O.F. Brethren journeyed to Port Hope on Wednes- day of last week to hear the Gîrand Master give his platform for the com- ing year from which the Brethren gathered a great deal- of help and something to take home with them. Brothers were present firom Pon-ty- pool, -Orono, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Lind my and Peter- borough, after which the Rebekas- served a dainty dinner which was fol- lowed by the national, anthem. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS ROLLED OA1S WONDERFUL S >AP 6 lbs., 21c 10 bars, 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS CHIPSO 2 lbs., 22c large package, I8c RQBINHOOD FLOUR ......... ;...CWT....$2.85 GRANULATED SUGAR .............|Q LBs"I1.53c. DOMESTIC AND JEWEL SHORTENING,.... 2 lbs.25c. 2 LARGE BOXES LUX WITH KNITTING BOOK, ALL FOR......................... 45c GINGER SNAPS ...,................2 LBS..18c. COCOANUT BAR AND ASSORTED SANDWICH BISCUITS ....................2 LBS.29c. MATCHES.....................3 BOXES...19c. SARNIA WHITE TOILET TISSUE ..5 ROLLS..23c CORN BEEF.....................2 TINS..25c 1-2 TINS CLOVER LEAF SALMON..2 FOR....17c TOILET SOAP...................3 FOR..10c. Bee Hive Corn Syrup 5 lb. tin, 37c JEWEL SHORTENING 4 lbs., 45 c Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lbs., 45c Free Running Salt 2 boxs, 9c ARMSTRONG’S SNOW SUITS; Children’s Zipper,ed or but- toned Heavy Blanket Cloth Snow Suits, navy and red, brown or green with con- trasting plaid trim, sizes 1 to 2. PRICE $3, $3.50, $3.95 WOOL* GLOVES Children's and Misses’ Wool Finger Gloves, brown, wine, navy and black, trimmed with hand embroidery, m small, medium and[JA- liarge, pair .. WOOL HOSE Ladies’ Pure All-Wool Gir- dle Bar H ose, in a. fawn shade only, with special rib- bed stretch top, pair PURSES Special ! Ladies’ Leather Durable Waterproof Leath- er Handbags, green, navy, brown and black, each ...... $1.00 SPORT JACKETS Misses’ and Ladies’ Blanket Cloth Sport Jackets, In but- toned belli boy or zippered coat style, in red and navy, brown and green, also red itu1 2'o$350, $4.50 COTTON FLANNEL Extra Heavy Weight Cotton .Manuel, in six different pat- terns, 36-inch Reg": 45-c, value, special OJ , bargain, per yard. “Jv BLOOMERS Ladies’ large sized Fleece- lined Bloomers, white only, made with roomy gusset and strong elastic at waist and knees, special, C’A pier pair......... tll/L TABLE CLOTHS Here i-s a Christmas Special in, Table Cloths, 52”x52”, in blue, green and yellow in a rayon material, each SKATING BOOTS About 25 pairs of Men's, Women’s and 1 toys’ Skating Boots. People seem to buy vhu complete sets nowadays and we have these left in stock, reg. $3.00 to $4.00: Special until sold, per pair :..... ........j $1.00 UNDERWEAR Men’s Merino Shirts and Drawers, a nice medium weight Underwear, ÛC« sizes 36 to 44, each...... v vV BREECHES Boys’ Whipcord Breeches of special value, sizes 28 to 34.. UNDERWEAR" Men’s AH Wool! Shirts and Drawers, very spe- ( cial price, each.. $1.50 $1.50 $2.50 SWEATERS Heavy All-wool Jumbo Knit Coat in shades of maroon, blue, 'black and brown, each . windbreaker" Lined Denim, practical gar- ment for farmer, QC Very warm, 38-44 â„¢ COMBINATIONS Turnbull is always right in quality and weard*4^ C A sizes 36 to 46, suit*P^*vV FLANNELETTE Ten pieces to choose from our 22c. value ; special offering, 2 yards for..,.... a very 37c Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery m From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Storé. A Complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono Hi 4 ... â- â-  â-  f I 4 I 1 ; m .

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