1-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JANUARY 15th, 1975. Request year round lake oatrol Scugog Mayor Lawrence Malcolm does not want the region to supply a rescue boat to run up and down Lake Scugog all winter. But Whitby would like one on Lake Ontario. The finance committee received received a letter from Whitby council Thursday, calling on the region to subsidize the rescue boat COMRA operated by Pickering and a new one to be introduced soon in Newcastle. Newcastle. Whitby says the boats are providing a regional service because Lake Ontario is "being utilized by residents from all municipaEties in Durham Region." Coun. Malcolm was not impressed by the claim. He points out that much of Brock is on Lake Simcoe and Scugog has its own lake with 40 miles of shoreline, "but I don't know that we want two or three boats running up and down the shoreline all winter." "It is not a regional service," insists Coun. Malcolm. Malcolm. Coun. George Ashe disagreed. disagreed. "When we pick somebody somebody up on our boat we don't ask where he is from, and if he does not say from Pickering kick him off." he commented. The committee referred Whitby's letter to staff for a report. , INSTALL. AN FURNACE O BOILER vV HUMIDIFIER ^ OR HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months Call Harvey Partner Your Esso Service Dealer Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 To donate $1000. increase to charity ndy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 larpentry Work Remodelling We build from the foundation up WANTED Fresh Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Margwill Fur Farm 263-2721 KIRBY NEWS Kirby U.C.W. held their motnhly meeting on Tuesday January 7th with twelve present. The election of officers officers was held as follows: Mrs. Dora Morris, President; Mrs. Inez Harris, 1st Vice and Quilts; Mrs. Katie Lowery, 2nd Vice; Mrs. Doreen Lowery, Lowery, sec.; Mrs. Mary Forrest, ass. Sec.; Mrs. Ruby Bryson, pianist; Mrs. Barb Cochrane, Treasurer; Miss Marion Mc+ Kelvey, stewardship; Mrs. Lila Chapman, archives; Mrs Neta Ransberry, supplies; Mrs. Darla Lowery cards and stamps; Mrs. Katie Lowery and Mrs. Grace Reid, floral; Mrs. Norma Ransberyy, dom. tapes and Mrs. Mary Forrest, labels. Katie Lowery moved and Mary Forrest sec. that the slate of officers be elected as named. Mrs. Grace Reid opened the meeting reading a verse of worship. Hymn 503 was sung with Mrs. Lowery at the piano followed by the Lords prayer in unison. Roll call was taken and the sec. report read by Mrs. Lila Chapman. It was moved by Dora sec. by Darla that we send summer clothing to Egypt. Other business was taken care of. The treasurers report was given by Barb. Marion McKelvey gave the devotional.- We sang hymn O Jesus I have promised and prayer by Marion. She also read a New Years Wish, and a poem entitled a Womans Prayer and closed with prayer. prayer. The collection was rec. and dedicàted. It was moved and sec. that we have a pot. luck supper before the annual meeting January 14th. Dora gave thoughts for the New Year reading 1st Cor. 21-9 and prayer. The scripture for the Least Coin was John 15-lst verse and closed with prayer, the meeting closed with the mispahbendiction. Nita Ransberry Ransberry served a lovely lunch. A euchre party was held at the school on Sat. evening, dpe to no advertising there was only four tables. Those winning the prizes were as follows: Dorothy MacDonald As Regional Councillors were voting themselves a ten percent increase in pay for the year 1975 Councillor Lyall was protesting the increase and has'since stated that he will not use the increase himself but will donate the $1000 increase to charity. He said that at this time next year he will make knowh the contributions to charitable organizations in the amount of the $1,000.00. With 27 members of Regional Regional Council present the vote went 19 in favour of the ten percent increase with only eight opposing the increase. Councillor Lyall of the Town of Newcastle was the most vocal opposition to the move and stated, "that it was no wonder politics had become a Ontario fishing regulations 1975 door prize donated by Mrs. Ian Colder, Ladies High Norma Moffat, donated by Newcastle Drug Store. Ladies low Doreen Lowery, Newcastle Newcastle Stedman Store, Mens High Aleck Moffat, by Goode's Hwde. Mens Low Lor an Stacey donated by Kirby General Store. We thank all who donated prizes. Mrs. Mary Ann Innis and Mrs. Doreen Johnson are the new convenors for the card parties. They did not set a date for the next card party. We were sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs; Jack Cowan at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital early Sunday morning. morning. She had just come to here daughters, Mrs. Milt Wann- ans the latter part of the week from the hospital. She rested at Barlow Funeral Home for the funeral service which was held on Tuesday at 2 p m. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Milt Wannan and Mr. Cliff Cowan and daughters. daughters. It is just two weeks since Mrs. Cliff Cowan passed away. The grades seven and eight of Kirby Centennial School along with their teachers are busy getting ready to move into the new Pines Senior Elementary School this week. Kirby is to move on Thursday. Renovations are to be made at Kirby Centennial before the Kindergarten move from the old Kirby School. The old school will be 100 years old in 1976. dirty word." He also said it was a poor way to fight inflation. "Most of user-' claimed Lyall, "are better off having been here." Council members at the regional level will now make $11,000 plus their municipal pay which in the Town of Newcastle is $5,000. Of the $16,000 paid for both the region and municipal one- The 1975 Ontario Fishing Regulation Summaries are now available from District Offices across the province. These brochures are summaries summaries only and are meant to provide the angler with £ guide. A complete consolidation consolidation of the regulations is available from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Parliament Parliament Buildings, Torontp. For more detailed information, reference should be made to the Game and Fish Act, and the Ontario Fishery Regulations. Regulations. While Brown, Rainbow, and Lake Trout may be fished all year in Lake Ontario, a combined limit of 5 per day in any combination has been established for Pacific Salmon Salmon and Trout except that no more than 3 may be Lake Trout or Splake from Lake Ontario. Around stream mouths fronting Lake Ontario anglers may experience some difficulty difficulty in determining what is lake and what is stream. If in doubt the angler would be wise to consult the District Office or if this is impractical at the time, move to an area for which there can be no doubt. The Ganaraska River Estuary is open to Trout fishing all year from the C.N.R. bridge in Port Hope to Lake Ontario. Winter Fishing is open in the Lindsay District on Lake Scugog for Yellow Pickerel and Pan fish. The balance of the inland waters of the Lindsay District are closed to angling from December 16 to April 26. On the later date a number of temporary sanctuaries sanctuaries are enforced until the opening of the pickerel fishing season. For the location and description description of these sanctuaries contact the Lindsay District Office. Last winter saw the first use of Lake Scugog for a winter fishery. This resulted in a number of complaints to our Ministry and t the Ministry of the Environment concerning garbage and other litter being left on the ice by anglers. This is contrary to section 29 of the Public Lands Act as well as being detrimental to the Lake Environment. Garbage does not belong on the ice nor does it belong shoved down a hole into the lake beneath the ice. Our officers and those of the Ministry of the Environment have been asked to rigidly enforce the law. Do your part; do not litter. third is free €. income I charges. Those opposing the increase at the region were:- John Aker (Oshawa), William Ballinger (Uxbridge), Mike Breaugh (Ohawa) John How- den (Oshawa), Ken Lyall (Newcastle), Lawrence Malcolm Malcolm (Scugog), Allan McPha- il (Brock), James Potticary (Oshawa) and Margaret Shaw (Oshawa. Post Christmas YARDLEY COLOGNES 1/2 PRICE Selected iTems THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO will hold a Special Cabinet Meeting In OSHAWA On Wednesday, February 12,1975 Briefs from municipalities, organizations and individuals will be received at: OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM 99 Thornton's Road South from 2-5 P.M. Advance copies of briefs should be sent before February 3 To: Secretary of the Cabinet, Room 359, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario