2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 5th, 1975 or ono weekly time* Up and down the book stacks NO HEAD HUNTER IS SHULMAN No matter what members of the Conservation government in Ontario claim Mort Shulman is no head hunter but rather is a dedicated member of the legislature keenly interest in the well being of the province of Ontario and its inhabitants. To our knowledge no member has shown more concern for thie individual or groups of individuals than he. The present publicity over asbestos poisoning can all be attributed to Shulman who a couple of months ago opened the door to this problem with a claim that drinking water in Metro had an unsafe count of asbestos fibre. This claim was refuted by the Ministry of Health but however the presence of deadlin asbestos fibre has shown up4rrsuch places as John Mansville Plant, Scarborough, also a mining operation and in putty fill used in the drywall operation. These public disclosures, and definitely they should be disclosed, have resulted from the dedicated work of Mort Shulman. It is hard to understand, due to the sriousness of this fibre dust which has now been revealed, just where the ministry of Health has been in the past. Surely we need more Shulmans, undaunted, unafraid and concerned with the life and welfare of the citizens of this province. SOUTH ENTRANCE FROM ORONO ESTATES AGAIN SOUTH ENTRANCE FROM ESTATES AGAIN BLOCKED The Newcastle Town Council were faced with a recommendation from The Public Works department that council take no further action regarding a south entrance into the Orono Estates from the Village proper. The recommendation came as a result of another rejections from the Orono Cemetery Board not to sell a south-east portion of the cemetery property to the Town to allow entrance to the subdivision from the south 1 . ' Council however left their options open by deleting a portion of the recommendation which does not close out the fact that the Town is not interest in lot 21 in the subdivision which would be part of a road out of the development. Councillor Wearn, also chairman of the Public Works department stated that they were up against a stone wall unless someone wishes to make a motion to expropriate the necessary land to carry-out the plan. No one came forth with this aspect even though it is the only answer if a road is so desired into the subdivision from the south. CouncillorWearn also said there was no need to keep strings on the lot if council was not going to act and in this he appears on the right course and is surely saying to council, if you want the road you will have to take definite action. But . council does shy away from such action at this time. Councillor Entwisle wants to hold on and referred to a possible trade off with Home Smith who may wish to rezoning land at the entrance to the development for a convenience store. There should be no way that local government should enter into tràdé-offs. It is either good planning to have a convenience store or it isn't, and of course we beleive there is n< ► need to start constructing such items for every 8o homes developed in the community. The usefulness of a south road into the development may be questionable and no doubt those living in the south end would oppose such a move due to excessive traffic. If one is to travel by car what difference does one mile or a half mile make. The biggest concern, and we feel council should be concerned and should insist that those children in the development going to the Orono school have egress from the subdivision from the south. Perhaps we can rightly forget about the road but lets not force students to walk or be bused from the north or even have to cross through the cemetery. THURS. MARCH 6th, 1975 ADULT Great Aeroplanes of the World by Enzo Angelucci (colour illustrations and design) design) Queen Elizabeth 11 by Douglas Douglas Liversidge (the British Monarchy today) Stress Without Distress by Hans Selye Super Shopper by Anne Apor (a guide to the best shopping in Toronto) Wolfe's Cloister by Bentz Plagemann (mystery-romance) (mystery-romance) Operation Iscariot by Bruce Marshall (spy novel) PAPERBACKS Times to Remember by Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy The Tower by Richard Stern (the film the Towering Inferno Inferno is based on this book) You Can't Get There From Here by Earl Hamner Jr. The Way We Were by Arthur Laurents Jaws by Peter Benchley Once is not Enough by Jacqueline Susanne The Last Canadian by William William Heine She Lives ! by Elizabeth Gill We now have a good selection of "large print" paperbacks JUNIOR ■ Where Everyday Things Come From by Aldren Watson Rock Encyclopedia by Lillian Roxon The Boomerang Book by M.J. Hanson (how to make your own) Gods and Heroes of War by C.A. Burland (myths and legends) Lots of new paperbacks for our junior readers EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS One White Crocodile Smile by? Richard Hefter (counting! book) One White Crocodile Smile by Richard Hefter < counting book i Peter's Pocker by Judi Barrett The Penguin and the Vacuum Cleaner by Carolyn Sloan The Paper Party by Don Freeman Sale of Discards .10 each MADELEINE HADLEY Your green IT'S All HERE! Get y cun now abfoli/tely i « $ew iPrZ^eir JOMrs Trips to : Maritimes, Western Canada, Mosohee, New England, California, Nashville, Boston, Quebec, Pennsylvania, and many morei- For details Contact TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. P.O. Box 772, PETERBOROUGH Phone Toll Free 1-800-461-7615 thumb REPOT UNHEALTHY HOUSEPLANTS If your houseplant looks ill, it may need repotting. The problem may be poor soil, or roots so large there is not enough room in the pot. Many roots protruding from a pot's drainage hole are sure signs that the plant needs a larger container. "A good soil mixture for repotting is one part soil, one part peat moss, and one part perlite or coarse sand," says Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food horticulturist D.M. Sangster. This provides good drainage and enough air for root development. To repot a plant, tap it out of the old pot and place it in a larger container, keeping the rootball intact. Add new soil on all sides and firm it with your fingers, filling the pot to within one-half inch of the top. Water with a dilute fertilizer solution. 3 Canada Cords 2nd Orono Guides Monday, February 24th the Girl Guides of the 2nd Company met at the Kirby Centennial School as usual but this Monday was Special. Janice Heard, Rose Marie Tax and Gail Youngman received their Canada Cord which ; is the highest honour World Day of Prayer "Become Perfectly One" is the focus for the 1975 World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 7 th. Approximately 3000 communities across Canada and 170 countries around the world will be sharing this inter-denominational inter-denominational day of prayer and fellowship. This year the service was prepared in Egypt. In Orono, a service will be held at Main Hall, Orono United Church on Friday March 7, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. Special music, refreshments refreshments and a Social Hour. Men, women and children of all faiths are welcome. Speaker : - Mrs. Alex Martin Newcastle, Vice-Pres. - Osh- awa Presbyferial, U.C.W. The WOrld Day of Prayer is sponsored, in Canada, by the Women's Inter-Church Council Council of Canada, 77 Charles Street Wést, Toronto. The Council is made up of representatives representatives from ten Christian denominations, the Y.W.C.A., the John Milton Society for the Blind in Canada, and the Armed Forces Chapel Guilds. Offerings from the World Day of Prayer are Used to support ecumenical programmes that meet human need, both in Canada and other countries. that they can earn as a Girl Guide. Each girl invited friends and family as special guests to share their special occasion. Lisa Zolfman was enrolled tonight by Mrs. Tate District Commissioner. While almost all of the other guides received several badges that they had earned since our group had started in the fall. Captain Mrs. Jean Heard and Lieutenant Mrs. Bronwen Stolk presented the badges to their girls. Mrs. Tate at this time got up and presented our 2nd Orono Company with our Charter. Before closing in our squeeze squeeze we asked Mrs. White and her girls from our Rangers group along with Kendal Guide Leader Mrs. Ruth Wayritch and Mrs. Tate to join us in a song. At this time the Rangers taught us a new long and then we closed in prayer. Cake and coffee were serv ed by some girls working? their hostess badges whiY mrs. Eikens; head of our mothers Committee in the kitchen supervising. We would like to extend our thanks to the parents who came out to give support to their children. "A good girl guide is hard to beat." Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy. Call us now. Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Cniirch and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Polaroid zl P OUTFIT Spring special Camera IX Type 87 film IX Slyvania AGI Lamps IX Print Folder ALL FOR WHILE THEY LAST $|9 99 STMTS PHARMACY PHONE ORONO 983-5009 $9.2 MILLION CMHC LOAN FOR LAND ASSEMBLY IN WHITBY AND PICKERING Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation today announced approval of a $9,219, 328 loan to the Ontario Housing Corporation for the acquisition of approximately 2,365 acres of land, part located in the Town of Whitby and the remainder in the Township of Pickering. The land is situated adjacent adjacent to Highway 7, eight miles north of Highway 401 and 1^> miles west of Highway 12. Ontario Housing Corporation Corporation has acquired the property for land banking purposes. When the time for development development is appropriate, it will be carried out within the board land-use objectives of the Province of Ontario and the Regional Municipality of Durham. In the meantime, it is anticipated this land will continue to be used for mixed farming. The topography of the site allows flexibility in community design and has the advantage of being located located close to existing conservation conservation areas. The loan, for a term of 25 years, covers 90 per cent of acquisition costs and is made under the provisions of the National Housing Act. During 1974, CMHC made loans totalling $33,930,947 to OHC for land assembly purposes purposes in Ontario. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY respectfully wishes to announce a 10 percent reduction on all Cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and March 31st for Spring erection. This offer is made annually in order that their entire staff may be employed during the winter months. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY has an excellent selection of domestic and foreign granites in many colours from which to choose. RUTTER GANITE COMPANY is located at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, telephone 885-5216. TENNANT FUELS Your Fina Sales Agent, Orono, Ontario Serving all of the.Town of Newcastle 983-5693 Enjoy the warmth of summer throughout the winter months we provide everything you need. -FREE annual furnace conditioning. -PLUS FREE, Emergency burner service. -Hot water tank rental. -Dependable automatic metered deliveries. -Monthly créait terni». -Interest free budget accounts. ;