Presents submission to planning com. The Federation of Agriculture Agriculture has forwarded a submission submission re : the District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. At a recent meeting held in Hampton Hampton and attended by over 100 farm people the Directors were instructed to seek changes changes in the plan. The Directors are requesting requesting that the section reading "before a farmer begins construction of new farm buildings he shall be required to obtain a certificate of complaince from the Ministry of the Environment" be deleted. If passed and made law the distances contained in the present agricultural code of practices for Ontario are not acceptable to farmers. The distance requirements before new or additional to farm buildings can be made are (1) at least 2000 feet from land presently zoned for residential use (2) at least 1000 feet from dwelling on adjacent property (3) at least 300 feet from the center line of any public road (4) at least 200 feet from the lot lines of the site on which the production production unit is situated. Revisions are being made tc the agriculture code of practice practice but there is no indication when they will be available. Further information is being being sought regarding the future of farming operations in areas designated deferred industrial, major open space, environmentally protected, and environmental study. It appears farmers would be allowed to continue their operations but will not be allowed any additional buildings buildings or make any changes to improve their operation. The submission also states that any development in rural areas must be compatible compatible with agriculture uses. Considering upping annual honorarium Last Tuesday members of ;he Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education discussed the new Educational Educational Act with representatives of the Ministrÿ of Education. The new act came into force as of the first of the year and combines many of the former régulations which were contained contained in five separate acts as well as introducing some new. features. The new act does set forth new regulations governing the pay for trustees which would allow the remuneration for the Northumberland and Newcastle trustees to be increased fom $200.00 to $400.00 up until the end of 1974 the Act allowed the maximum for the local Board to be set at $200.00 At that time the honorarium for trustees in a system with 15,000 to 30,000 could be a, maximum of $200;00 per month, 30,000 to 60,000 pupils would generate a maximum of $250.00. Under the new Act 10,000 to 40,000.pupils allows members of the Board to be paid an honorarium of $400,000. There are some 23,000 students under the jurisdiction of the Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education. Trustees of the local Board may also claim 10 cents a mile mileage for car expenses in attending meetings. A motion was presented to the meeting on Tuesday by members Cy Johnston and Howard Sheppard that they now be paid $400,00 a month in accord with the new Act. The motion was not put to the meeting but was tabled to the regular meeting of the Board to be held on March 15th. It is understood that the Durham Separate School Board has upped their honorariums honorariums as laid out in the new Act while the Durham Region Board has not as yet taken any increase in their honorarium. honorarium. The new act among many new features does now allow a hearing for a student who has been expelled from school and does give the parent legal right to visit any school that a child of theirs is in attendan- The Town of Newcastle in a committee of the whole meeting meeting last Friday gave their approval to oppose the purchase purchase of some 3.5 acres of Town land by expropriation by Ontario Hydro. It has been reported that the Town Solicitor, Solicitor, Edward McNeely has been authorized to secure someone to oppose the expropriation expropriation by Hydro of the 3.5 acres of land needed to go along with other lands now already owned by Hydro to construct the Nuclear Hydro Plant just west of the Town of Newcastle. The expropriation hearing is scheduled to be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, on March 25th. As the meeting was held in camera, Councillor Lyall left stating that "The people had a right to know," everything the town was doing concerning the largest nuclear station in the world. This is the second time that Coun. Lyall has left a meeting which went into camera over the past two weeks. Last year the Town refused to sell the land to Hydro who then began proceedings to expropriate the lands. Girl guide cookies Once again the Girl Guides and Brownies of the Pine Ridge District are taking orders for Girl Guide cookies. The girls have been taking orders to help their Pack or Company to raise money for trips etc. This is a yearly furrd-raising event, which goes on throughout Ontario. Last year the Provincial target was 1,500,000 packages, while this vea-r the target is i,buu,uuo pacKages. Last year the Pine Ridge District sold 884 packages of cookies, and this yeàr we hope to sell more packages of cookies. These cookies are made by Christie, Brown and Company. Company. Each package of cookies consists of one row of vanilla cream filled cookies and a row of chocolate cream filled cookies. Each package is 75c each. They should be delivered delivered around April 26th. Help your local Girl Guides and Brownies, buy Girl Guide cookies ! RAREN ATKINS 1st Orono Girl Guide Co. Girl guides On Saturday, March 1st, the first brownies and girl guides parent committee held their bake sale. A good turn out resulted in total sell out. Also a very impressive demonstration demonstration of test work presented by the brownies and girl guides. The brownies in actual craft creating work to earn their craft badges helping helping them up their golden ladder. The guides showed tremendous efforts serving at the tea tables, also assisting at clean up. Thus being a very busy but enjoyable time. Sincere thanks to everyone who helped to make this bake sale possible. Thankyou very much. Department of Recreation CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Playground Leader Training Course 1. COURSE DATES & PLACES: Place Bowmanville High School, Liberty Street, North, March 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, April 2nd, 7th and 9th. Time 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 2. TO QUALIFY: To qualify for a position on Ward 2 Playgrounds (Bowmanville) an applicant with less than two year's previous experience in Playground work must either (a) successfully complete the course or (b) pass a practical test and a written test on a date to be decided early in April. Those who are sleeted for Playground work, will attend a staff meeting in June prior to the opeing of playgrounds. All applicants must attend all sessions of the course. No numeration will be paid for these Training Sessions. 3. PLAYGROUND DATES & TIMES: Playground will operate five days a week, Monday through Friday for a period of seven weeks. Starting on July 7th and finishing on Friday August 22nd. Playground hours are 9:30 to 12:00 noon - 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. - 4. SALARY SCALE: ' The Salary scale will be drawn up at a later date. 5. APPLICATIONS: Applications may be obtained at the Bowmanville Recreation Office, Town Hall, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 6. Applications and course time table are available at the Bowmanville High School, Courtice High School, and Clarke High School. T.A. FANNING DIRECTOR OF RECREATION Oppose expropriation! of town lands Mix Business, Pleasure Planning to talk business over lunch? Enjoy it in our congenial surroundings. surroundings. We offer a varied menu of complete meals, entrees. Now Open Sundays Our dining lounge is now open seven days of the week and fully licensed during this period. Enjoy an outing at the Forum. jforum iBmtns Eounge Fully Licensed under LLBO 12 Noon to 1.00 a.m. T^r jporum Eaocm -U y. : . J u . S' i i ii-i, .1,1..* U Ju 7a.m.-l a.m. Phone 987-4226 Just a few miles south of Orono on Highway 115.