8-- Orôno Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 2tith, 1975 SPORTS ORONO MIDGETS CONSOLATION CHAMPIONS The Orono Midgets playing in the United Counties league came up with a goal with only twenty-eight seconds to go in the game to win the Consolation Championship. The winning goal came of the stick of Robbie Brandt to place the win Orono's hand at 2-1. This was the last game of the final consolation series with Colborne. ORONO ATOMS THE BEST OF SIXTEEN TEAMS The Orono Roast Beef Atoms proved the best of sixteen teams over the week-end when they won the Championship in Atom tournament in Grafton. The tournament was a two-day affair, Saturday and Saturday. The local boys won the final game taking the win from the Cobourg entry. Needless to say there was a lot of happiness in the ranks of the local squad. LOCAL NOVICE TEAM ENTERS CANNINGTON MEET The Orono Novice Hockey Club travelled to Cannington on March 22nd to play in a Novice tournament. Although the local boys were unable to win a game they sure gave it everything they had in their attempt. In the first game for Orono they took a 5-1 defeat from Fenelon Falls. The lone Orono goal was scored by Randy Tennant with assists to Greg Stacey and Dennis Zealous. Don Stevens in the net for Orono played a fine game. In the second game the Orono boys were edged out by a 3-2 count. Don Stevens and Dennis Zoelman shared the Orono goals. The local counters were by Randy Tennant and Murray Dennis with assists to John Urbanic and Glenn Jenkins. NOVICE TOURNIE IN ORONO This Friday a Novice Hockey tournament has been arranged for the Orono Arena with the first game starting at 8.00 a.m. There are eight teams entered in the tournament arid it will continue throughout the day with the championship game starting at 5.00 p.m. BEWDLEY AND KINSMEN PËEWEES CLASH. The Kinsmen PeeWees of Orono are deadlocked with Bewdley for the championship of the United Counties league. Both teams have won one game with the third to be played in Millbrookon Friday. The local Kinsmen won the opener Saturday night by a safe 6-4 score. Robbie Talsma and Wayne MacLean both netted two goals with singles going to Jim Moffatt and Ross Stutt. • In the second game of the series played on Saturday the Kinsmen were blanketed 3-0 by Bewdley. The third and final game will be played in Millbrook on Friday to decide the championship for the PeeWee division in the league. ITS A HOME TOWN AFFAIR The Orono Bantam Eagles and the Orono Dutch Oven Bantams will clash in what could be the final game to determine the Bantam championship in the United Counties. Last week the Eagles in the round robin series took a 4-1 win over the Falcons to eliminate the Falcons from further play. In the game Marcel Charland scored two goals with the others by Allen McCarthy and Danny Webster. The Falcon goal came off the stick of Martin Vissers. A win for the Dutch Oven entry over the Eagles will give them the championship. OTHER GAMES In the Novice division during the week the Orono Novice No. 2 team took a 3-0 victory over Newcastle. The three Orono goals were scored by Steven Murree, Steven Clapdorp and Andy Davey. David Kaukkert took the shut-out for the Orono club. 6 The Orono Atom Flyers took a 3-0 shut-out from the Orono Athletic Atoms. Jeff Gray earned the shut-out for the Flyers with the goal scoring by Scott Prescott, Brett Johnson and Ken Farrow. KINSMEN PEEWEES ADVANCE WITH OVERTIME GOAL The Orono Kinsmen PeeWees in an overtime period took a 5-4 victory over their counter part in Orono the Orono Hornets. The Kinmen goals were scored by Ross Stutt, Robbie Talsma, Ian Morley, Wayne MacLean and the winner by Ross Stutt for the second of the game. The Hornet goals went to Terry Hedges, Joey Seneco and Paul Reed. As a result of this win the Kinsmen PeeWees went to the final series for the championship. TWO WINS AT KAWARTHA Derek Newman of Orono drove to two wins at the Kawartha on Sunday with his first win coming with a locally owned horse. The first win came in the fifth race with Newman driving Hoot Van and taking the win in 2.10.2. Hoot Van has recently been purchased by Steven Allen of Orono. Steven is training a number of horses and has branched out jvith the purchase of Hoot Van. Gerald Robinson was second in the race with Lucky Streak. Elm Grove Chief was third. Newman's second win was in the tenth driving Misty ream to a first place finish ahead of second place Nancy's Duke and Boge. The second race on the card went to Arawana Belle in 2.13.5 with Jack Williams fourth driving Harwil Shirley and Frank Stacey sixth with Prosper Dares. Gerald Robinson finished second to Stewart's Tartan driving Argyel Royal in the fourth race. Derek Newman was seventh in the same race with Homestead Express. Glenn Tennant was sixth in the Sixth race dr ring his own horse Rob Ron Betsy. The race was won in 2.13 by Bye's Garry. Junior West's horse Hilltop Anders placed first in the eighth race with C. Hie making the drive in 2.09.3. LAST SUNDAY RACE This Sunday will be the last Sunday feature for this -season at the Kawartha. Saturday night racing is to start on April 5th with post time at 7:30 p.m. Prior to Sunday's racing Junior West was in seventh place in the contest for a Florida trip. The top eight drivers as of April 12th will advance to the semi-finals of this competitions. It is quite likely that West dropped behind on Sunday due to the fact he was not driving. MOSPORT RACING SCHOOL LIMITED For the sum of $550 one can purchase a three-day comprehesive driving course at Mosport Park from Mosport Racing School Limited. The calendar for a number of courses 1 Kawartha Hockey School ■ BOYS 7-16 I KINSMEN CIVIC CENTRE g Peterborough, Ontario g Chief Instructor, Roger Neilson, Coach, Péterbor- §) ough Petes, assisted by N.H.L., W.H.A., A.H.L. and * Junior'A'Hockey Stars. -- WEEKLY SESSIONS: July 7 - August 29,1975 ■ F or further information and applications forms are ■ available at your local arena or at the Rceration y Office, City Hall, 500 George Street, Petebforough, ■ Ontario, or Phone 742-7771 extension 236. 1 8 1 6 1 1 i ■ I ■ P NOVICE TOURNAMENT Orono Arena Fri., March 28th 8 p.m,--Bowmanville vs. Orono 9 a.m.--Oakwood vs. Colborne 10 a.m.--Cannington vs. Grafton 11 a.m.--Beaverton vs. Woodville Consolation game at 4 p.m. Championship game at 5 p.m. ADMISSION $1.00 This Sunday, March 30, 1975 will be Come on out a J -watch as Jerry Robinson, Doug Brown and Guy Larush attempt to unseat the top drivers in th Gell-Travel - Carousel Tours driver compete: Don't forget this v : be the last Sunday of racing. RACING WILL CONTINUE SATURDAY NIGHTS Beginning April 5th POST TIME 7.30 p.m. opens on April 3rd and continues until October 15th. Th school is expected to open as scheduled even though there was considerable loss in the $100,000 fire last fall. In their brochure the school outlines the $550 course which includes the use of a $7000 Formula Ford racing car (fully insured), driving suit complete with fireproof underwear, socks and a Snell crash helmet. There are classes using text books and visual aids to teach the techniques of racing. The school is under the direction of John Powell, Chief Instructor. Tentative plan for Town playgrounds Playgrounds have been tentatively tentatively arranged by the Department of Recreation for this, coming, summer and affects all parts of the Town of Newcastle. The program will be held for a period of seven weeks with twenty-two playgrounds playgrounds to be operated. In the Clarke Township, Newcastle Village area there are to be five playgrounds. These five playgrounds will be held at the. Kendal School gorunds, Newtonville School Grounds, the Orono Park, Newcastle Westview Heights and at the Brownsdale Community Community Centre. There are eight playgrounds playgrounds anticipated in the former Darlington area and nipe in fhe Town of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The Ward 1 and Ward 3 playgrounds will operate five afternoons each week for the seven weeks while those in Bowmanville, will operate both morning and afternoon for the seven week period. More information will be available later. Randy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build from the foundation up INSTALL AN FURNACE O BOILER sfj? HUMIDIFIER ^ OR HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months rail Harvey Partner Your Esso Service Dealer Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to fee desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, neighbour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5228 JACK ; RICARD® REALTOR l 99 King St., E. ® BOWMANVILLE " e e When Buying or Selling e Call e WILF HAWKE: your Orono Area • Representative 6 983-5274 * » Member of Oshawa and @ District Real Estate e Board $ ». Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 PHONEY MAY TALK,BUT IT SEEMS TO BE VERY HARD OF ^HEARING WHEN YOU NEED II Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Hamiitons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency All Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5115