4-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MAY 14th, 1975 New amended act encourages forestry The Forestry Act has been amended to permit the establishment of programs for the encouragement of private forestry retroactive to 1973 according to a news release from the Ontario Forestry Association. Qualifying forest land owners owners whose property is not assessed as farm will receive a grant equal to 50 percent of municipal and school taxes levied on their forest properties. properties. To qualify, landowners must be residents of Ontario and manage their forests for the production of wood and wood products as well as providing for wildlife habitat,, soil and water conservation. J.D. Coats, executive vice president of. the Ontario Forestry Association, which has been campaigning for government recognition of the values of managed, privately owned forest lands, had landed the program. "It goes a long way towards implementing our recommendations," recommendations," he said. The Managed Forest Tax Reduction Program must meet certain requirements - number of trees per acre - plus one of the following conditions : -the forest is subject to an agreement under the Woodlands Woodlands Improvement Act of the Forestry Act. : -the forest is managed under a plan prepared by a registered professional forester. -the forest must comprise 25 acres or more and livestock not pasture or roam in the forest. Applications for the grant are to go to the Subsidies Preliminary budget up by 37.7 percent The region will also seek to have the province maintain their $1 million transitional grant as paid in 1974 rather than have the province reduce this amount by one-third for The Region of Durham Finance Committee received a glimpse of what is in the air last Thursday when they were presented with the preliminary preliminary budget for 1975. This preliminary budget showed an increase of 37.7 percent over Regional expenditures expenditures of 1974. It was poirtted out that 1974 was not a full year of operation and if it had the increase percentage wise would have been less. The budget will be reviewed by the Branch ministry of treasury and economics and intergovernmental intergovernmental affairs, 56 Wellesley Wellesley St. W., Toronto. The assistance is retroactive retroactive to 1973 for those who paid over. $20 taxes on ' forest properties. 1975. It was pointed out at the' finance committee meeting that the tentative budget was very tentative at this point of the discussions. finance committee and likely they will set the percentage of increase that they will accept for 1975. It will then mean that each department of the region will then have to do a paring job on their respective budgets budgets before final approval is given. The two main departments where budget cuts can be expected are the works and finance departments. The finance committee chairman, Coun. Ashe stated that the finance committee would be approaching the provincial government for increased grants this year in view of the fact that a new police communication system is to be set up and also in view of the fact that the region has taken over certain roads in Oshawa as Regional roads. DURHAM EAST Progressive Conservative Assoc. Election of Officers TO SELECT THE EXECUTIVE FOR THE NEW RIDING OF DURHAM EAST M.J. HOBBS SR. PUBLIC SCHOOL TAUNTON ROAD AT HAMPTON Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00 p.m. ***** ********* |§|®t8g! ; tltl§it§l§ ' i ™ Some muffler shop-.; keep harping on how long as you own your ear. I!" anything goes speedily they can install a muffler. Which is wrong with the muffler a new guaranteed a good thing ro talk about. Especially it you Midas muffler will be installed on your ear don't have the Midas guarantee to talk about, by any Midas muffler shop for only a service At Midas we're just as fast at installing charge upon presentation of the certificate, mufflers as anyone else around. But we also At Midas if might take a little longer, offer our famous guarantee. But what difference do a few seconds make Every Midas muffler is guaranteed for as in the life of our guarantee? 116 Bond Street West, Oshawa SIP