principal ines ! eing September 'ines Senior Public -i 1 have its first, toal in the person of icy Green. The ap- t vas recently made orthumberland and 3 Board of Educat- tack of french teachers curb french program ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE 18th, 1975 It was reported at the Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education meeting last Thursday that the administration was finding finding difficulty in obtaining proper french teachers for the french immersion courses intended to be instituted this coming term. The report stated that a teacher had been obtained from the Kindergarten french immersion course to be held in Bowmanville this year at: the Ontario Central Publicl School. To date 31 pupils have enrolled in the course and both a morning and afternoon session will be held at the school. Up to this date no teacher has been found to teach in a proposed course to be held in Port Hope with the result that the course will not be offered if a teacher is not soon found. In Cobourg the Board was endeavouring to hire a teacher teacher for the Grade one immersion immersion course but here again they were . unsuccessful. It was recommended by the committee committee that the Kindergarten french teacher of the last session be employed to teach the grade one class which has an enrolment of 33 pupils from the french immersion course. This leaves the proposed kindergarten immersion french course without a teacher teacher in Cobourg and like Port Hope the program will have to be cancelled if such a teacher is not hired in the near future. Gommer 2nd the Pi School wi vice-princ Mr. Stank pointaient by the No Newcastle Will seek regional water-sewer rates Mayor Rickard on Monday stated that they would be supporting a regional water rate structure at a meeting of regional council on Wednesday Wednesday of this week (today.) ' , The Regional Public Works Department has been sup- Mr. John Duvall, son of Mr and Mrs. H. Duvall, recently completed his studies at Trent University towards degrees in Geography and English. He plans to further his education at Thé Faculty of Education in September. porting the scheme and it comes before council on Wednesday. Under the regional water rate scheme all costs towards water will be meet out of a water user monthly charge rather than some of the money coming from the user rate and through frontage charges, connection charges and amounts directly on the tax bill. It has been reported that costs would be lower in' Orono and other Newcastle Town systems under the regional scheme. Oshawa has been fighting the move as their costs would increase. In a report to the regional council it showed an increase of 183 percent for water in the Town of Newcastle under the present system of charges for water and sewers. Mayor Rickard in referring to the report said this would involve increases in- Bowmanville, and Orono and a high increase in the Village of Newcastle which would be impossible for the local residents to carry. He said he supported the regional rate structure and would be seeking this system rather than the present system system of financing.. ion. Mr. Green has been viceprincipal viceprincipal at the M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School in Hampton Hampton and from the Hobbs School to the Pines Senior Public School. No gasing of bus while loaded A memorandum from Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has been; sent to all school bus operators operators stating that all school buses must be gassed while there are no .passengers on board. The matter came before the board when it was reported that a school bus was observed observed taking on gas at a station while loaded with school pupils. Doug Motfatt. principal of the Orono Public School presents Pentathalon Trophy to Sandra Williams which she had won at , the recent Clarke-Newcastle Field day held in Orono. Stephen Bob (centre) was the champion 10 years old boy while Mathew Johnson was tied for the 9 year old championship. Students Students from the Pines Senior School assisted with the program of events at the meet and their assistance was greatly appreciated. Small increase in regional tax Flowers like attention-Gardeners Twenty-four Junior- Mrs. Zegers showed some Gardeners were welcomed to Strawberry Corn, Seed of the June meeting by Mrs. Zegers. 6 Canada and the According to reports from the regional finance office the' average tax payer for the average home in the Town of Newcastle will only be faced with a $2 to $4 increase this year. In a directive from the which had been included with region it was pointed out that the other garden seeds, and the total levy increase in the Creed were used to open the meeting. Roll call was to name a flower. Mrs. Zegers asked the children if they had their gardens planted. She told them that flowers like attention, attention, maybe not so far as talking to them, but if they are well looked after they do seem to grow better. Marigolds and nasturtiums help to keep insects away from other plants. The Indians discovered discovered this long ago. When plants, grown from seed, have 4 leaves, they can be transplanted into rows or circles or other patterns. The above group of Orono were tops in "camping on Guides won the Pennant at a your own" for the two-day Camporee last week-end at period. Back row (1-r) Keri- Camp Adelaide. The girls Lynn Grady, Christine Bene dict, patrol leader, Karen Atkins, (front) Laurie Benedict, Benedict, Kathy Bambrick and Debbie Murree. she said this would be good to use in a Thanksgiving arrangement. arrangement. Everyone is to bring an arrangement for the Thanksgiving meeting, n The children were told that Mrs. Fairbrother had had one operation and will have another shortly when it is hoped she will be greatly improved and able to get around better. Each member had brought some kind of container in which to make an arrangement arrangement with lupines, Johnny - jump-ups, fern, grasses and violet leaves being supplied. These were very nice when finished. Elza\Vogel read a very interesting story on "The Earthworm." They have five pairs of hearts and like to be buried alive. If they are accidently cut in two they can still survive. They live on grass, leaves and dirt which is digested and returned to the soil. They have a life span of six years. Tunnels made by earthworms earthworms won't collapse as they produce a mucus which cements cements them together. Earthworms Earthworms do an excellent job of aerating the soil with these tunnels so that the water drains away ,and the air is able to get into the soil. Red earthworms bring the soil to the top of the ground and gray ones work underneath the soil so they make a great team! The 'owly earthworm, one of God ; creatures can really help you in your garden so do not harm them. The Flower Basket sale is to be held this Saturday, June 21st and anyone who can go to Mrs. Zegers to help with the cedar clippings will be most region this year, exclusive of Oshawa roads, would be 12.1 percent. However, when this comes down to the individual taxpayer the increase amounts to approximately 7 percent. The decrease from the total levy to the individual levy comes about due to additional- assessment in the region this year over that of 1 last-year. NEWCASTLE BUDGET In speaking with Mayor Rickard on Monday regarding the local Town of Newcastle budget he stated that in his mind it is practically eomple- ;ed. He said it was natural that there. was increases in the Social Services expenditures expenditures and in public works while in other areas expenditures expenditures have remained consider ably close to that of last year. However at this point it is impossible to give an accurate accurate report on the outcome of the Newcastle budget as it will affect the average home- owner in the municipality. fja WITHDRAWS FROM CONSERVATIVE] RACE Councillor Ken Lyall who had announced he would -1 a candidate at the East Durham nomination meeting has ' stated thathe will not stand for the nomination. HAVE THE ANSWER THURSDAY-Mayor Rickard is still quite non-commital over whether he will run for the Conservative nomination being held this Thursday evening in Bowmanville. The answer will have to come on Thursday. FOUNDING MEETING - The Durham East NDPs will be holding their founding meeting at the M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School on Wednesday, July 2nd at 8:00 p.m. The election of officers will be conducted along with speakers, Doug Moffatt, NDP candidate for the new riding, Michael Breaugh and Dr. Charles Godfrey. CUBS AT SANDARASKA PARK - A horde of some 500 cubs descended on the Sandaraska Park, north of Enterprise on Friday evening for a week-end Cuberee. The event was sponsored by the Boy Scouts of Canada. USE OF NEW MATHEMATICS - The Orono Public School Teachers and their spouses spent Saturday evening at the Kawartha Raceway south of Peterborough.,The group from Orono enjoyed a banquet dinner in the club house and the remainder of the evening using the new math of some years ago to place bets on the horses. One visitor stated that it took a bet on a horse driven by Junior West to bale him out. ORONO CHAMBER COMES TO LIFE - While this paper is being printed the Orono Chamber of Commerce is holding its annual meeting with the hopes of dropping some new life into the organization.' The annual meeting was held at the Coach and Four Restaurant with annual fees of $10.00 now payable for membership.