I /FAN ATHELETE GETS "Armen's foot, AN ASTRONAUT MUST GET'MiSSHE Recreation dept playground program ,ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE 25th, 1975 -7 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle j Ormm Phone 983-534$ Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency YOUR All Personal and Commercial Insurance lie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5X15 The Newcastle Recreation Department will conduct Playgrounds throughout the Town of Newcastle, five days a week for 7 weeks 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., starting on Monday July 7th and finishing on Friday, August 22nd. Playgrounds in Ward 1, will be alternated morning and lafternoon at the following places : Tyrone Park, Hampton Public Public School, South Courtice Public School, North Courtice Public School, Maple Grove School, Zion Public School, and Solina Public School. - The ward 2 Playgrounds will consist of the following : Waverly Gardens, Lions Centre, Centre, Lord Elgin Park, Memorial Memorial park, Soper Creek Park, East Beach, West Beach, Vincent Massey, Ontario St and Knox School. * Whip ItUplL. YES, Whip Up a Great Summer Dessert B; Topping it with Glen Roe Whipping Cream AVAILABLE AT TOUR DOOR OR AT TOUR STOREI If It's GLEN RAE ft's Good Playgrounds in Ward 3 will operate the same as in Ward 1, alternating morning and afternoons. The Playgrounds are: Kendal School Grounds, Newtonville School Grounds, Orono Park, Newcastle Village Village Westview Heights, Brownsdale Community Centre. Centre. The age category is four years of age and up and programme will consist of art, crafts, active games, story telling, sports, special events and other outdoor activities. The Chief Supervisor of Playgrounds is Miss Nancy Talyor and the Assistant is Miss Sandy Mackey: The supervisors are: Rosemary Schmegner, Janet Schoenmaker, Janice West, Anna Ciesielski, Paula Ferrill Debbie Dewell, Starr Ferrill, David Wren, Syvlia Bosgra Amiee Brereton, Patti Brock, Douglas Hoy, Wendy Hoy f Nancy Watson, Louise Mini- gon, Sue Robertson, Kathy Samells, Michelle Taylor, . r 0 . , _ _ . _ Barbard Henning Richard Linda McLaren, daughter of lor of Science in Agriculture Spring Convocation. She is Krakenberg and j oyce mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLaren (Animal Science) from the shown here with her parents. Chambers of Orono, received her Bache- University of Guelph at Lorna Lowery Miss Lorna Lowery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery leaves for Denmark and Sweden this week where she will compete in Orienteering meets being, held in the two countries within the next couple of weeks. iiiii mmm t'.f ^ S:-:®