Man noth tent city at plowing match WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 Hamiltons Insurance Service your Friendly Agency All Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5115 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs All types of House Remodelling Flagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs Phone 983-5606 /N MV OPINION, THESE EASY PAYMENTS, ARE IN THE SAME Cl ASS AS "PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTIONS! The Tented City area of the International Plowing Match and farm machinery show is a community unto itself, covering covering 100 acres and is fully serviced with hydro, telephones, telephones, water, toilets, etc. Over 300 exhibits will include the latest in farm machinery, automobiles and home appliances. appliances. To satisfy the appetites of the thousands of visitors who will attend each day, some 50 food caterers will provide everything from a hot dog to a full course home-cooked meal and, in addition, caramel corn, fudge, apple cider, popsicles and candy apples. Visitors will have an opportunity opportunity to see over 300 contestants contestants competing for over $20,000 in prizes in the various horse and tractor plowing classes Special Plowing classes classes include the Queen of the Furrow, mayors class, war dens and regional chairmen's class, press, radio and TV class. In addition to the regular competitions, the Canadian Championship is open to two contestants from each province province in Canada, and the two winners of this competition, will represent Canada at the 1976 World Plowing Contest. The highlight of the 1975 event is the hosting of the World Plowing Contest by the Durham Region local committee, committee, the Canadian Plowing Council and the Ontario Plowmen's Association. This will be the third time the World Contest has been held in Canada, the first country to achieve that distinction. There will be contestants from 20 countries around the world and these contests will be held on Friday and Saturday. Kendal News We .have had a lot of rain fall on the day of the election September the eighteen and on Saturday morning the twentieth. Congratulations to Mr. Doug Moffatt who is now our member in the Provincial Parliament. His home is just north of the village of Kendal. Two weddings took place in Kendal United Church on Saturday afternoon. In the first one Mr. Michael Dudar- eck and Jacqueline Udall were united in Marriage by Rev. G. Montgomery. Mr. Dudareck had lived in Kendal as a boy. There were fifteen guests in attendance. The Kendal Women's Institute Institute met at the home of Mrs. H. Foster on Wednesday evening Sept. 17th. This meeting was in charge of Mrs. J. Stapleton and Mrs. T. Gosson convenors for Agriculture Agriculture and Canadian Industries. They invited Mrs. F. Zegers who is the leader of the Junior Garden Club of Orono to be their speaker. The roll call was, "Name a plant or Don't leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truly protectedby a good policy. I Call us now Millson Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial - Commercial Residential Free Estimates 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono vegetable you have grown this year and enjoyed". Each member responded with one new to her, as brocoli, cale, sage etc. Then the treasurer's report was given. The proceeds of the bake sale on July 5th was $36.70. Then Mrs. Zegers gave us many suggestions she had found helpful in gardening. She suggested that the size of our garden should perhaps depend on the size of our family. It rows were kept close together it would conserve conserve moisture. They should be cultivated following the rain to prevent weeds and conserve moisture. Beans should be planted as early as possible. Then a second crop of bean should be planted early in July. She found "Little Finger carrots" especially especially suited to the children's lunch pail. Baby head cabbage cabbage were very suitable for small families. Two good books recommended were: (a) "Talk to your plants" and (b) Plants are like people by Jerry Baker: A vote of thanks was tendered our speaker who had given us so many good suggestions. Then a delicious lunch was provided by Mrs. T. Stevens and Miss C. Stewart. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A. Low. The funeral of Miss Marion McKelvey took place on Saturday September 20 at the Lang Memorial Chapel Orono. Orono. Her minister Rev. B. Long conducted the service. She grew up on the family farm on the seventh line. She trained a as a nurse in Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsay and graduated graduated as a registered nurse. She was on the staff of the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Hospital and later served on the staff of Sunnybrooke Veterans Hospital in Toronto from which she retired to her home east of Kirby. She became ill in June. She underwent surgery surgery on July the first but failed to regain her health and passed away on September 18th. She will be missed in Kirby Church where she took a very active part and in the surrounding neighbourhood where her cheerful disposition and willingness to serve was always an asset to any gathering. Sympathy is extended extended to here brother John and to her cousins Miss Catherine Stewart and Mr. Garland Cathcart also to her nursing friend Mrs. Wilfred Gedges of Peterborough. She had a great many friends. A pretty wedding took place in Kendal United Church on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock September 20th when Irene Lillian Mercer youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer was united in Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 17,1975--5 cousins and joined other members of the family. Mr. Reg Elliott has gone north to hunt the moose while Mrs. R. Elliott has joined Mrs. C. Lowery on a bus tour to Virginia. Oh Thursday of this week a Kendal bus will take a load to the Ploughing Match. lllcll I Walker son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker Orono. The reception was held in Newcastle. Newcastle. Week end visitors from Ripley in Bruce County at the home of Miss Catherine Stewart were Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Best they are The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education EVENING COURSES Clarke High School Courses will be offered for 20 weeks at a cost of $15.00 per course Classes will be held in the following courses provided there are sufficient applicants applicants for any course. 1) Basic Typing (Wed.) 2) Instrumental Music for beginners (Monday) 3) Community Band (for experienced players (Monday only) 4) Learning to Sing 5) Skills for the great outdoors 6) Conversational German 7) Conversational French 8) Women's Fitness and Recreation (Wed.) 9) Candle-Making 10) Antiques for fun and profit 1 1 ) Wood working 12) Metalworking 13) Pottery and Ceramics 14) Stretch and Sew ( Monday) 15) Basic Sewing (Wed.) 16) Advanced Sewing (Wed.) 17) Adult Badminton (Mon. - Thurs.) 18) Leatherwork 19) Cake Decorating 20) Upholstery (Monday) ADULT GUIDANCE SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE ON MONDAY EVENINGS REGISTRATION- Wednesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 25th, 1975 from 7.01) - 9.oo p.m. at Clarke High School. Courses will be offered on Monday and Wednesday nights beginning Monday, September 29th from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. An extra charge for materials as determined by the instructor will be added to the fee in some courses. NO FEES WILL BE COLLECTED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION All fees will be paid on the first night of your course. For Further Information Telephone Mr. L.M. Lowry 987-4842. Boy's T-Shirts In plain colours, brown, navy, green and red. Sizes 8 - 14 years.Priced at $4.95 Boy's Patterned T-Shirts Sizes 8 - 14 years. Priced $5.25 Boy's Scrambler Sweater Tops Sweater Tops patterned in brown, navy, green and red. S., M. & L. Sizes. Priced $5.50 Girl's Long Housecoats In Pink, Blue and Yellow. Sizes 4 - 6X. Priced ut $8.00 We carry- Beehive Astra Wool 59cioz.baii Canadiana Sayelle $1.10 20z.baii Canadiana Fingering, 3 ply 65c ioz.ban Beehive Baby Sayelle 75c i«*.b»n ARMSTRONG'S