E2ËS223èiïï GET A QUOTE FROM OS BEFORE YOU BUY\ REMEMBER THERE'S MORE TO ELECTRICAL WORK THAN MEETS THE. EYE Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McCurdy INVESTING MONEY, THE AMOUNT OF INTEREST SHOULD. DEPEND ONr WHETHER YOU WANT TO"EAT WELL OR "SLEEP WELL 1 WATSON'S / Marine and Cycle | Orono Phone 983-5343 Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency All Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5119 A fall wedding in the midst of the autumn splendor took place on Saturday September 27, 1975 at 1:30 p.m. in Orono when Mary Ruth Chater of Orono, became the bride of Kenneth Allan McCurdy, Stirling. Stirling. - The Rev. Basil Long officiated officiated at the double ring ceremony at the Orono United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater of Orono and the groom is the. sont of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCurdy, Stirling. The church was decorated with baskets of yellow and bronze pompoms and daisies with sprays of babys breath one each pew. Special music was . sung by Ruth and Elaine Kellogg, Port Hope with Doug Dêwell accompanying accompanying them on the organ. The repetoire was "If" and "There is love". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of polyester satin, with long sheer sleeves, princess lines with a ruffle at the bottom of the gown and train. The bride wore a cameo pendant of her late mother's and an elbow length vail. The bride's bouquet was made up of pink roses carried upon a white bible. Mrs. Louise Lowes of R. R, 2, Stirling, a friend of the bride, was matron of honour. She wore an A-line dress with cape in Moss green. The bridesmaids were Shelley Shelley Ransberry, Pam Newell, and Heather Sawyer, all friends of the bride and grown. They wore matching A-line dress and capes in harvest gold. Their bouquets were bronze and yellow pompoms and daisies. ross McCurdy, the grooms borther was best man and Gary Lowes, David Donnan, Wm. Jeanes were ushers. The men all wore green winds or tuxedos with matching matching accessories. The reception followed in the Church basement where a buffet tea was served by local ladies from the U.C.W. The brides aunt received the guests wearing a sky blue gown and shawl. She wore a corsage of yellow rosebuds. The grooms mother wore a rose coloured gown with a yellow rosebud corsage. For the wedding trip to northern Ontario the bride wore a navy knee length dress and a corsage of pink rosebuds. rosebuds. Guests were from Madoc, Stirling, Foxboro, Belleville, Ottawa, Barrie, London, Osh- awa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Hope, Toronto and Bolton. The happy couple are now residing at 16 Emily Street in Stirling. To conduct feasibilty study for region Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial - Commercial Residential Free Estimates 736-2471 R.R. 1 Orono Don't Leave It to Chance lie sure your home : mly proiectedby a good policy. Cali us now Millson Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 $Io4U&i4> Since 1912 I ■ I I ii Distinctive Floral Themes For Any Occasion 162 King St, East, Bowmanville Phone 623-3365 No Commissioned Agents A Toronto architectural firm has been chosen over five others to come up with the solution to the Region of Durham accommodation headaches. Management committee will recommend the firm of Neish. Owen. Rowland- and Roy to regional council as the committee's choice to design a regional headquarters. However, the first item on the list of priorities for the architects is to conduct a feasibility study into the use of the existing office space at the current Rossland Road headquarters as well as to determine the future space requirements of all regional departments. Then comes the task of finding a way to bring all of these department under the one roof - or at least closer together than they are at present. Two of the region's departments, departments, public works and planning and f development are currently located at 105 Consumer's Drive in Whitby industrial park while a third, UPAND DOWN THE BOOK STACKS Thursday, October 30, 1975 ADULT' Denison's Ice Road by Edith Iglauer (building a truck route in the Arctic) Rape: the first source book for Women edited by Nore- en Connell & Cassandra Wilson Laurence Olivier by John Cottrell Contemporary Canadian Painting by William Withrow Withrow The Night Rider by Tom Ingram The Landlady by Constance Rauch (horror story) JUNIOR Halloween by Helen Borten See My Lovely Poison Ivy by Lilian Moore (verses about witches etc.) An Atlas of North American Affairs by D. K. Adams & H. B. Rodgers The Warlock of Westfall by Leonard Fisher (novel about about witchcraft) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel (an "I can read book) When the Wind Stops by Charlotte Zolotow Madeleine Hadley social services, operates from offices on Simcoe Street North in Oshawa. The economics of using the existing headquarters building building in any new design must also be considered in the study. The study must also addres- s itself to the question of whether the existing facilities should be merely extended or even incorporated into another another structure. Or should the Rossland Road building be disposed of in favor of a totally new and all department encompassing complex. One thing made clear during during the interview session with the applicants on Thursday is that new pending provincial energy guidleines will greatly influence the design of any new building. vvecKiy nmes, Wednesday, October 29th, 1975--5 I I I I I I I I I I ! 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PURCHASE OR IMPROVE PROPERTY ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE FARMS - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL MIKE COUGHLIN (705) 743-2501 Great Northern Financial Corp. SAME DAY APPROVALS New Styles in i ender Tootsie Shoes have arrived Beautiful Slip-Ons Beautiful Slip-On number in both Brazilian and black colours A second number Slip-On Shoe. Patent Leather type finish in a smart Slip-On Shoe in both black and brown. Price $12.00 Price $10.00 Price $9.00 Price $12.00 Comfortable Tie Shoe Woc-A-Moc - A comfortable Tie Shoe in Hickory, Brown, and Black colours Sandal Style Shoe A lovely Suede type Multi-Coloured Sandal style Price $13.00 Silver Sandal for evening wear. Price $13.00 Slippers ONLY $5.00 The popular Snuggle Bug Slipper in red, white, blue, pink and gold. A Mule Slipper of the same material as the Snuggle _ . Bug. Looks smart in blonde mink <vith fancy trim PriC6 $8.00 ARMSTRONG'S