ïiltiïi Freezing rain pi us wind = Damage Rolfe Wakefield of Wakefield Wakefield Insurance was stunned by a new piece of furniturë he acquired last Wednesday during during one of our winter storms. Mr. Wakefield had been working in his office arid upon returning to his: bedroom found a huge branch protruding protruding through the closet. The weather in the meantime had; thoroughly dampened the clothes in the closet. The branch had not only put a huge hole in the side of the house but also managed to break a rear side window and put a noticeable dent in the rear fender of his station Wagon parked below. According to Mr. Wakefield the damage suffered by this would be over $1,000.00. Recommends limited growth in Orono Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 31st, 1979 Harvey Partner chairman of Orono Hydro Commission Last Tuesday evening 'Mr. Harvey Partner was elected chairman of the Orono Hydro Commission with Mr. Dojig- las Simpson elected treasurer. treasurer. Hydro manager, Char- : lie Pearce, was appointed secretary to the Commission. Prior to Tuesday's meriting Douglas Simpson had held the chairmanship for a period of two years. Mr. Partner also Represents the Orono Commission on a Newcastle area study team considering amalgamation of hydro utilities in the arria. The first meeting Of this study . team is expected to be held this week or the first week in February. A technical committee made up of local area managers and representation from Ontario Hydro have been meeting to prepare information for the study team. This, committee is to provide costs and arrive at possible rates that would come into effect through, amalgamation. The local study team will look into the possibility of the whole of the Town of Newcastle Newcastle being amalgamated ' into one utility. Such a move would ban together all hydro customers in Orono, Newcastle Newcastle Village, Bowirianville and the rural areas to come under one utility. The technical study team is now working with Ontario Hydro to determine the cost of taking over all rural lines in the Town of Newcastle. This is expected to run into the million of dollars which would become a liability for any new utility that would emcompass the whole of the Town of Newcastle. The study- team will also consider the effects of the three urban centres, Orono", Newcastle Village and Bow- manville being amalgamated into one utility. All information ITom the Town of Newcastle Study anc) (Continued to page 2) A report from the planning director, Leslie Kristof, was received at the recent Planning Planning Committee meeting regarding regarding development in the hamlets of Orono and Hampton. Hampton. This report was received- in answer to a written memorandum memorandum from the chairwoman chairwoman of the planning committee, committee, Counc. Cowman. The Chairwoman had asked for the report as Regional council had filed a letter from the Town of Newcastle asking the ■ Region to investigate a supply of municipal water for Hamp- tob and an increase to supply in Orono. The Newcastle , request also asked the feasibility feasibility of diverting a water supply from Skinners Springs to .Hampton and Orono. In his recent report to the Plannihg Committee the Planning Director asked that his staff be directed to ' complete tffe Hamlet Development Development plans for Hampton and Orono based on two assumptions. His report said that development development should be limited to minor, infilling using private drilled wells and septic tanks. He states that future expansion expansion would only be permitted if a municipal water system is made available to the residents residents of Hampton and if the Orono system was expanded beyond its present limitations. limitations. The Village of Orono is now supplied with water from two drilled wells, one in the north of Or.ono and one in the south. WATER METERS FOR ORONO In a report from the Region of Durham it is now proposed that water meters are to be installed in Orono in 1981. Orono is one of three centres in the Region, Port Perry and Uxbridge who 'do not have their water use metred. Water meters are to be installed in Port Perry in 1979 apd in Uxbridge in 1980. Flat rate consumer rates for water in Orono will rise from $58.00 per annum in 1978 to $68.00 per annum in 1979. The same flat rate in Port Perry rises from $76.00 per year to $ l 79.00 and in Uxbridge from $64.00 per annum to $72.00. Arson suspected in $17,000 blaze Friday fjappentngs... ORONO COUNTRY JAMBOREE THIS SUNDAY The Orono Country Jamboree is being held this Sunday, February 4th in the Orono Town Hall, commencing at 2:00 p.m. The Jamboree will feature Marlene Ogar of Toronto, the Log Cabin Boys, Carl Leitch, Brooklin - star of the Hayloft Jamboree, Cathy Jean and Bill Lindsay from Ashburn. The house band, "Country Gold", and storyteller M.C. Sterling Mather will return. The show is sponsored by the Community Services Department of the Town of Newcastle. WEATHER POSTPONES MEETINGS Rain, sleet and snow postponed a number of meetings on Wednesday evening of last week. The elementary school teachers who were to hold a ratification meeting had to call off the meeting. The teachers were to consider the agreement reached between their negotiating team and that of the Board of Education. The weather also resulted in the postponing of a meeting between a Board of Education committee and the Town of Newcastle to consider an agreement in sharing the operating costs of the proposed swimming pool to be built at the Bowmanville High,School. Both meetings are to be rescheduled. A set of footprints in the snow leading to and from a unoccupied farmhouse north of Bowmanville has fire chief Jim Hayman of the Town of Nriweastle to suspect arsop. TÎieifarm bouse was totally destroyed by fire early last 1 Friday with 'an estimated damage of $17,000. The farm house; was located one mile east of Burketon Station. The home, owned by Edward Edward Lechowicz, R.R. 2 Burford, Ontario had been vacant since last "fall- The finis finis being investigated by the Durham Regional Police. ' The Orono fire department • tanker was called to the scene of thé fire .to assist with the supply of water.