( Up and Down the Book Stacks ADULT ' Airwar by Edward Jablonski (an illustrated history of air. power in the Second World War) ■ Who Speaks for the Patient? by Andrew Allentuck (the I .crisis in Canadian health care) The Parent Book by Harold Bessell (raising the emotionally emotionally mature child) American Antique Glass by E. Oliver Canada's Illustrated Heritage ' a series of fourteen books, from Canada's beginnings to the present. Mark Coffin, U.S.S. by Allen Drury (a novel of American politics) The Railway King by Margaret Margaret Mayhew (a romantic tale ofEngland in the 1830s) Lure of the Outlaw Trail by Giles Lutz (Western) The Piercing by John Coyne (a story of love and the supernatural) JUNIOR Pioneers Every One by E. Blanch Norcross (stories "df 16 women) Top Fuelers; Drag Racing Royalty by Irwin Stambler The Mysterious Maya by George Stuart Scrooge by Elaine Donaldson (adapted from the screen play) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Muffin Muncher by Stephen Stephen Cosgrove George and Martha One Fine Day by James Marshall Elsa Tidiés her House by Anna Virin The Wonder Ring by Holden : Wetherbee (a fantasy in ■ silhouette a book for children children and adults alike) Madeleine Hadley. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 25th, 1979-5 Delay sr. staff salary approval Council on Monday night again delayed approval of salary increases for their senior non-union staff. The matter came before council and upon a motion was referred to a meeting of the committee of the whole to be called by the chair. It was hoped that the meeting would be held this week, Counc. Hobbs asked that the salary increases be tabled at this time as it was not an appropriate time to establish the increases. He said he would hate to see the increas es used against them. It appeared he was referring to ongoing negotiations with union staff where no headway is being made in negotiations. Counc. Barr objected strongly to .tabling the increases increases of the non-union staff. A tabling motion came to a tie amongst Council members and was broken by Mayor Rickard voting against tabling tabling of the increases. A motion to refer the matter to the committee of the whole did pass by a majority of council. ■ ■ Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5349 Orono AUDITOR'S REPORT To The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. We have examined the Balance Sheet of The Northumberland and Newcastle Board'of Education as at December 31, 1978 and the Revenue Fund Statement of Operations and the Capital Fund Statement of Operations for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing- standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these Financial 1 Statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at December 31,1978 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for Ontario school boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Cobourg, Ontario March 20th, 1979 Langhorne and Lynch, license number 889 Chartered Accountants , The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31,1978 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts receivable Under-requisitions - (elementary) Under-requisitions - (secondary) Other , Prepaid expenses Capital outlay to be recovered in future years LIABILITIES Current Liabilities * , , Bank and other short-term borrowing Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Over-requisitions-(elementary) , * Other Other current liabilities Net long-term liabilities Reserve for working funds Equity in reserve funds Unexpended capital funds $ 386 2,006 30,387 1,878,843 5,938 $ 1,917,560 13,403,495 $15,321,055 $ 1,303,495 16,619 604,548 17,236 ~$ 1,941JS98 13,057,715 178,847 124,750 17,845 $15,321,055 Thé accompanying notes are an integral part . ' ■ of these financial statements. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Revenue Fund Statement of Operations For the Year Ended December 31,1978 Elemen Secon • i tary dary xpenditure ■-.' ' Business administration $ 391,174 $ 221,133 Computer services 80,368 149,832 Instruction 13,291,027 12,988,685 Educational services • 350,164 92,871 Attendance, health and food services 11,956 111,995 Plant operation and maintenance 2,496,760 1,995,491 Transportation 1,614,677 1,108,872 Tuition fees 38,390 95,974 Capital expenditure (non-alloeable) • 4,455 2,404 Other operating expenditure 142,664, 84,331 Debt charges and capital loan interest 1,149,760 1,173,421 Non-operating expenditure excluding transfers to reserves 53,842 52,803 Total expenditure - , $19,625,237 $18,077,812 Recovery of Expenditure Other school boards - tuition fees and miscellaneous Government of Ontario, tuition fees and 1 miscellaneous Government of Canada • , Individuals- tuition fees Other revenue, excluding transfers from, reserves Total recovery of expenditure Net expenditure , . ■ , • , Financing of Net Expenditure - Government of Ontario General Legislative" Grants , . Local Taxation , , Previous year's over (under) requisition Note 6 Local taxation raised in the current year Decrease (increase) in reserve other than réservé for refund of taxes Total ' To be applied to the following year's taxation Net under (over) requisition Total $ 12,673 $ 65,870 12,875 15,088 691 44,685 51,122 93,636 104,248 165,828 $ 145,575 $ 421,141 $19,479,662 $17,656,671 $12,463,136 $11,453,026 88,400 7,003,239 109,224 6,103,284 (60;500) (39,250) $19,494,275 $17,626,284 (14,613) 30,387 $19,479,662 $17,656,671 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. The NorthurhlSrland and Newcastle Board of, Education Capital Fund Statement of Operations For the Year Ended December 31,1978 Capital Expenditure Fixed assets and work in progress Buildings, furniture and equipment School sites and improvement to sites Federal sales tax refund Total capital expenditure ' i Capital Financing - Unexpended funds at beginning of year, or (Balance at beginning of year not permanently financed) , Secondary Capital expenditure from the revenue fund - Balance at end of year not permanently financed or (Unexpended funds at end of year) , Elementary Secondary i 1 $425,592 6,859 (15,821) $416,630 Total $ 11,744 76,951 345,780 (17:845) $416,630 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.