2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July lith, 1979 Orono Weekly Times WELCOME TO ORONO We certainly welcome the Vreekers and the Village Bake Shop to Orono. The shop opened late last week and from our observations of line-ups in the shop the venture is going over well. We hope it continues. . This' new venture in Orono is a lift to the local business section and provides some welcomed diversity. There are presently other interests considering Orono as a location for expansion and if this does come about the business section could, have all stores operative for the first time in a number of years. Of course the section does lack some services and certainly an operation such as a Stedman's could well be one of them. This interest in the Orono business section should give it a new lift and certainly much can be done by local business operators as far as parking is' concerned and the cleanliness of the main street. It just takes a little effort on the part of all. Welcome again to the Vreekers. INDIVIDUALS ARE SHOWING THE WAY Although the federal government in Ottawa may be showing tardiness and being charged with ignoring the plight of the Vietnamese people by such organization as Canada's largest world relief organization, World Vision Canada, individuals are banding together to do something about the plight that exist for these people. From news reports in the daily press it is quite apparent that Canadians in general are concerned and in fact are attempting to bring what relief they can by organizing sponsoring groups or working through existing relief groups. The two Christian Reformed Churches in Bowmanville are not isolated cases in this area for reports point to groups in such as Cobourg, Port Hope, Peterborough, Oshawa and Whitby who are likewise showing their concern and putting into actiofi the necessary financing and organization to assist with relocating in Canada these homeless refugees. The Canadian government certainly appears to be bogged down with red tape and lacking the dynamic leadership we were expecting from the new government. They have been hesitating in announcing new quota guides even though it may be quite evident that Canadians are receptive to more than a token 8,000 people from southeast Asia. Fortunately Canadians can act on their own and Vietnamese that are brought to Canada through local sponsoring groups are above the quota set by the federal government. Surely in Canada we can share our wealth and bounty and citizens across the nation are showing they are receptive to, doing just that. ( Continued from page 1 ) McCrea's 110th Anniversary 1928. This had names embroidered embroidered on it for a charge of 25c each. Old acquaintances were renewed, our lovely souvenir plates (120) were all sold. We are ordering again next Monday, so let Hilda Coch- ratne 983-5566 or Jessie Fisk 983-9108 know if you wish one. They are a real bargain at $2.50 ea. Nearly 50 copies of ■ Jessie Fisk's little book of Memories were purchased as well. All in all, it was a truly happy* and successful 110th Anniversary for • McCrea's Cemetery. The members of the board extend their sincei^ thanks tô all who helped in any way. We particularly appreciated the use of the sound system provided by Faye and Glory Adams. It certainly was a great asset, and we are very grateful. We hope to see everyone again next year on the "second Sunday in July. * Best Wishes and Good Luck to The Village Bakeshop Orono Compliments of Harvey Partner and Staff ( Continued from page 1) Vietnamese ted sponsorship of the 8,000 by the federal government. A local sponsoring group must first be cleared by the area Immigration office and this requires an in-depth study by the office to the acceptability of the group as to their responsibilities to those they are bringing into the country. Lockett said it took no more than five days to obtain approval of the responsible responsible group. At this point the group can make application application for sponsorship of a family or families. The Immigration officer said that figures had been bantered around as to financial financial assistance and it did appear that it did require some $2,500.00 for a family of four people. He said however there was much more than just financial responsibility. Lockett said individuals vtfho wished to assist could make contact with local qualified sponsoring groups or national organization assisting assisting in the program. He said lie can and does make referrals to individuals to local sponsoring groups. Lockett also said that the Vietnamese, through past experience, were one of the easiest groups to accom- Ganaraska assists private conservation project modate within Canadian Society. Society. It was pointed out that one of the greatest problems at • this time was clearing Vietnamese Vietnamese out of Malaysia or the other centres. Lockett said that the government had asked for volunteers to assist in this program and that two members of the Oshawa office had so volunteered but as yet had hot heard anything more. He also pointed out that all immigrants had to be cleared medically before being being considered and this did take time. ( Continued from page >D Cultural Centre groups to address their concerns. concerns. The acceptance of this amendment to the Region of Durham Official Plan by regional council which is general in nature would then allow the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre to proceed without an application for an Official Plan Amendment. The Centre would still have to seek a rezoning from the Town of Newcastle and which application would contain a site plan. The Community Telephone Company Company of Ontario Limited has made arrangements for its Orono subscribers subscribers to now pay their bills at the Canadian Imperial .Bank of Com-i merce. Dari Dream presents a HALF PRICE SPECIAL ONION RINGS reg. .«o ,30c WITH ANY FOOD ORDER Steak on a Bun -- Superburger >4 Burger--MiniBurger DARI DREAM King St. E. Bowmanville The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is presently planning its Conservation Conservation Services Project list for 1980 and is seeking private landowners who may be interested in the program. Since the program was started in 1977, some 25 landowners have had conservation conservation related work done on their properties. The project fall into three main categories : 1. Reforestation 2. Fish and wildlife improvement improvement 3. Erosion Control Reforestation is undertaken to protect headwater areas and establish windbreaks that reduce soil erosion. Fish and wildlife habitat improvement projects plant shrubs for wildlife food and . covet - , construct and install nesting structures, and undertake undertake stream enhancement work. Erosion control works stabilize stabilize stream banks to reduce sedimentation and establish grassed waterways to control gully erosion. The projects can be done either of two ways: 1. the landowner undertakes the project according to an approved approved plan arid is eligible for a grant for 75 percent of the cost; or 2. the Authority plans and undertakes the project and charges the landowner 25 percent of the cost. If you are interested in this program and would like further information, please contact Bill Newell of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 328, 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ontario, LIA 3W4 or tele-, phone (416) 885-6067. When the heat's on our fans really cool it 1 Two-speed box fan. Overload protected motor. Safety grills; plastic blade. Green/white. 20" size 500-2966-10 ... 28.66 2 Three-speed box fan. Overload protected protected motor. Safety grills; plastic blade. Brown/white. 10" size 500-2974-10 ... 21-77 3 Two-speed fan. Use as oscillating or straight blow type. Metal safety grill. Plastic blade. 9" size 500-3539-5 .. 35.77 4 Two-speed box fan. Oscillating%ction provides quiet, efficient circulation. Safety mesh. 10" size. 500-5805-5 35.99 5 Oscillating fan. For desk or wall mount. Safety overheat feature; metal grill. Powerful motor. 10" size. 499-5791-5 39.97 6 Straight blow fan. Silent cooling and ventilation: Protective fuse to prevent overheating. overheating. Reliable motor; metal stand. Safety grill. 8" size 499-5767-5 18.77 7 Two-speed fan. Excellent for desk or countertop. Silent operation. Safety flex blade. 6" size. 500-4802-5 19.97 RO Ip h Dominion Hd fClWd TÔ Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207