WW:.::.V I: ■ Slow'Pitch Tournament in Orono 'The Orono and Area Cham- ' her of Commerce are looking. for .fair weather this week-end for the promotion of their Slew-Pitch LOBB Ball Tournament. Tournament. The tournament will commence on Firday evening continue through Saturday into Sunday afternoon. There are' a total of twenty-five teams entered in the tournament, all from the Town of Newcastle. Of the twenty-five teams, 16 .are from the men's league and nine from the ladies' league. Ball diamonds in Bowman- ville, Newcastle, Newtonville, Lockharts, the Orono Park, the Orono Fairgrounds and two at the Orono School will all be brought into service for the tournament. The finals on Sunday will be played in the Orono Park and at the Orono Fairgrounds. In connection with the tournament a ball player's dance will be held on Saturday Saturday night in the Community Room of the Orono arena. Light lunches will also be served and a bar operated commencing Friday evening from six to midnight. This will continue through Satur day from noon until l:0ti a.m. and again on Sunday from noon until six o'clock. Over three participants are expected to compete in the competition. For the ball spectator there will be lots bf it this week-end, ' especially in Orono. Wins $500 jackpot in 49 nos. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 26th, 1979 Donna Goodwin of Orono was the winner of the Pine Ridge Kinsmen, $500 bingo jackpot Tuesday, September 18th. According to Tom Barry the jackpot went in only 49 numbers which is a rècord for the club's bingo. Generally it . takes from 56 to 59 numbers to be called before the jackpot is won. Attendance at the bimonthly bimonthly bingo held in the Orono Arena has grown to an average of one hundred, the bingos are held every other Tuesday with the next bingo on Tuesday, October 2nd. Town hire engineers Initial hockey and skating enrolment drops in Orono for Splash complex After approving a report from the Building Committee' of the Splash complex in which approval was given that the Town hire the. engineering firm of Totten Sims Hubicki for the swimming swimming pool and squash courts complex subject to Splash completing its fund raising program and paying to the Town sums required for the consultants fees and subject to the approval of Wintario and Community Services grants, the matter was re- Graduates Mary Catherine Bunting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bunting, received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture Agriculture at University of Guelph's June Convocation. opened and discussed for a further two hours resulting in an amendment being made to the original resolution. Counc. Cowman questioned that council should delegate all responsibility to a committee committee of citizens for the Splash complex when in fact •the responsibility rested • with council. Mayor Rickard said council had found it hard to find a council member willing to sit on the committee but that Counc. Clarke had agreed and was a member of the committee. committee. He also pointed out that the Town Manager, Albert Guiler also was a member of the committee. Counc. Clarke said he also had the same concerns as expressed by Counc. Cowman and had recommended that a senior member of the recreation recreation staff sit oh the committee. After all it will be this department that will have to operate the complex and they should be involved in the construction, design and the choice of equipment. The heaviest attack came from Counc. Holliday who sought the drafting of an agreement between Splash and council which would outline, our concerns as to method of procedure, time schedules, financing etc. Holliday Holliday presented an amendment amendment calling for an agreement agreement between the'two bodies which was seconded by Counc. Barr. Counc. Hobbs • challenged 1 happenings... W WINNERS AT ORONO FUEL OPEN HOUSE Following the Open House at Orono Fuel and Lumber on September 21st, two draws were held with the following winners. Mrs. Doris Roberts, Kendal won the patio door while Mr. Gary Thompson, Orono was the winner of the hot stand. DONATIONS COMING IN FOR SOUTH INDO CHINESE FAMILY SPONSORSHIP After a period of one week a total sum of $536.00 has been donated to the sponsorship of one family of South Indo Chinese to Orono. Further funds will be required and donations may be left at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce or through the Orono United Church, Mr. Ray Dickson or William Armstrong, The family of six is expected to arrive in Orono within the next six to eight weeks. 4 NOT CONVINCED HYDRO SAFETY ENOUGH In a recent news report it was stated that the Atomic Energy Control Board was not yet convinced that Ontario Hydro's proposed nuclear safety improvements were enough. It was felt however that Hydro has received the message and that they could not igndre the board's order. The Board is now awaiting plans for changes at Bruce, Pickering and Douglas Point., \ Enrolment for hockey and figure skating by the Orono Athletic Association and the Orono Figure Skating Club dropped somewhat over that of the initial registration one year ago. It is expected however that the enrolment in both cases will increase by the time the arena opens. In speaking with Mr. Gord Lowery, president of the Athletic Association, he said enrolment on September 14th and 15th had dropped sotne- the chair in that such an agreement was not. possible as Splash could not sign a legal agreement. The Town Manager informed informed council that a memorandum memorandum of understanding could be drafted between the two parties, its a gentleman's agreement, he said. Holliday said council .in accepting the recommendation recommendation from the Splash com mittee had no idea of the terms of reference in hiring the engineers nor to cost. "We are leaving the door wide open", he stated. "WE must know exactly where we are going and where they are going," he said. Council did amend the original recommendation in that the firm of Totten Sims Hubicki are to be hired as architectural and engineering consultants for the project and that the Town Manager 1 draft a contract with the engineers to the Town's approval and that Splash provide the required funding for the consultants payment to 1 the Town's account. Council did amend the original recommendation in that the firm of Totten Sims Hubicki are to be hired as architectural and engineering consultants for the project and that the Town Manager draft a contract with the engineers to, the Town's , approval and that Splash provide the required funding for the consultants payment To the Town's account. A further resolution was also passed in that the Town Manager draft a Memorandum Memorandum of Agreement taking in the concerns of council and to be signed between Splash and council. Both Al. Strike and M.D. Brown spoke to council on behalf of the building committee committee urging that approval for hiring the engineers was most urgent if the committee was to .let their contract before the end of the year in order Jo gain financing from Wintario. wnat from the previous year. He said 110 boys had registered registered for hockey where in the past this registration would have reached 150 to possibly 160 boys. He said he knew of a number of boys who do intend to play hockey but that they just did not sign up during registration: Lowery points out that it does make it difficult for the Association to make plans, allot ice time and schedule games when registration is not complete. He said in the matter of the United Counties (Continued page 6) Furniture sale real success The Curvply-Plydesign ■ Life-Line Committee were well pleased with the response response to their furniture sale over the week-end held in aid of their sponsorship of two families from South Indo China. The group above were on duty Sunday selling furniture after a'good sale on Saturdây. They are Sheila Bruton, Sandra Lewis (seated) Evelyn Evelyn Olesen,-Arnold Bartl and y era Nosowenkoall members of the Life-Linç Committee from Curvply and Plydesigns. ' In» speaking with \era Nosowenko she said the sale had bfeen fantastic and had given the committee a big boost in their endeavours both financially and 'morally. She explained that both Curvply and Plydesigns had provided the furniture to the Life-Line Committee at greatly reduced reduced ' prices and -in many cases below cost. The committee committee added a small profit which still provided sale- prices far below the normal. There were bargains- galore both in chesterfields, love ■seats, chairs, «dining sets, stools and fables. ' Mrs. Nosowenko also said it vas a grand opportunity for, those at Plydesigns and Curvply to, meet those in the community and for the community community ' to view furniture , produced in the local plants. She said both Mr. Samuels and Mr. Klasner. were well > pleased with the sale. The sale was held in the Orono Town Hall with the main auditorium entirely taken up with the display of life-style furniture. When a piece of furniture was sold another was brought in to take its place. Stirling Mather stated over $7,000 worth of furniture ' had been sold on Saturday and considering a chair was sold at $107 this represents a goodly amount of furniture. The Curvply-Plydesigns Life-Line committee intend to redecorate two of the Curvply apartments for their sponsorship sponsorship and some of the money, realized through the .sale will be used for this purpose. . The committee are also holding'a dance to be held in the, Orono' 'Arena on November November ,10th. Music will be 1 supplied by Ross Jackman of Bowmanville; '