B#8S|§sll &00sbBb& W&-' " - $ém WÇMjmâ WÉ0ÊÈ, \ ' The Forum Flames were all fired up for their final and deciding game with Barry's Variety in Bowmanville for the championship of the Lobb Slow Pitch League in the Town of Newcastle. From the moment .the Flames took to the field and in their first bat in the first inning it was apparent that the team had the momentum and the desire to take the championship. With five runs in the opening frame the flames were out in front never to let up in their advance to the championship. Barry's were unable to muster a rally and throughout the nine innings of play were able only to cross one rtin over home plate. Not only were the Flames strong at bat but some excellent fielding kept theiji in the game to the very end winning by a score of nine to one. The Flames were a. top team in the league throughout the regular schedule but in the finals they were pushed to the wall in the championship final round by Barry's Variety Variety and up to Monday the finals were tied at two games apiece. Town to seek further grants for Orono arena complex With an overexpenditure of $35,506.00 in the construction cost of the Orono Arena and Community Centre complex the Town of Newcastle are to seek further Wintario and Community Centres Act fufids for the project. * . TWO LOCAL BREAK-INS Two break-ins took place over the week-end in Orono and the Orono area. Detective Sargèant Aird of the Regional Police said they suspect the break-ins are related. The front door of Rahm's Garagjs in Orono was forced with entry into the premises. A tool box with most of the tools in the garage were stolen along with a supply of spark plugs, two chain saws, test equipment and as well the lot of metric wrenches. The cost of the articles taken is expected to" reach at least $2500.00. Wm. Rahm.said his dad had been collecting the tools over a period of 46 years. All that left in the shop were five screw drivers, vice grips and a few wrenches. Entry into the garage is thought to have taken place sometime between midnight Sunday and five a.m. Monday. A full nlew set of tools are to arrive today at Rahms. Within the same period of time entry waS also made into All Season's Holiday on Highway 115 south of Orono. A welder, assorted toojs and a 1976 %-ton truck were stolen om the premises. According to police the truck had not be found up until Tuesday. * Without further funding, than originally set forth from Wintario or Community Cen- , très, • the local fund raising committee are faced with $81,000 to raise. If further funding through grants do become available the fund raising committee will have $63,000 to raise through local contributions. It was thought a week ago that the local fund raising committee had only $45,000 left to raise to meet their commitment. Figures provided last week through the Tctwn Treasurer, Klaas DeGroot, show that the overall cost of the Oronc project had reached a total oi $93^,872.00 which is $35,506 over the estimated budget ol $902.366.00. Wintario, Community Cen très and the Town of Newcas tie had agreed to pay a total ol $656,894 *of the total budget estimate of $902.366. This left a total of $245,472 to be raised locally through public subscriptions. subscriptions. Since the total cost (Continued on page 2) , Harry tiaitsma, Orono, retired retired last Friday after sixteen years with Curvply in Orono. Above he is congratulated by E.H. Samuel for his, quality worn over his term of employment with Curvpiy. Harry found the easy chair quite comfortable and was not long getting his feet up on the ottoman, a gift from the local firm. ■ Mr. Haitsma was also presented with gifts from fellow employees and all enjoyed a retirement cake during a social hour following the presentations. Wiz Bryant coming to Orono The Town of Newcastle Library system will be recognizing recognizing library week throughout throughout its three branches this coming week, October 15th to 20th. These celebrations will, be included in the Orono branch and a special outing for adults have beén planned for Wednesday evening, October October 17 th to be held in the Orono Town Hall commencing commencing at 7:30 p.m. Wiz Bryant, a Canadian Folk singer and composer will perform his own musical message of Canada and for its people in his appearance to Orono. The talented Bryant will not only sing his own compositions compositions but will also show slides with a singing accompaniment. accompaniment. The program is being sponsored by the Newcastle Library Board No sooner had the Highway 115 Information Centre, re proposed changes to the highway been taken down and : shipped out of the Village than opposition, to the proposal proposal became evident. As a result a public meeting has been called by a group of local citizens to be held on Wed- ftesday, October 17th in the Orono Town Hall. The Information Centre devised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Communications and displayed in the Orono Town Hall outlined proposed changes to Highway 115 north from the 401 to Enterprise. In effect the Ministry is proposing a four lane highway with a centre barrier resulting in no left- hand turns off the highway. A series of fly-overs and underpasses underpasses are being proposed at most intersections with the highway. .In speaking with Mrs. Jeanne Staples she said they were not concerned over the possible , inconvenience but rather than Highway 115 was to become a 'Super' highway. ■ She said a number of people had expressed concerns over the proposed changes and felt triât the noise factor would increase and traffic would be speeded-,up. "We just don't want a 'super' highway in our community", she said. . She: said the Ministry should how develop the new 407 highway across the northern northern section of the Region as it was going to be needed in the not too distant future. She also suggested that truck traffic on the present 115 had . decreased due to traffic signals and that more suhc signals would further discourage discourage the use of the highway and at the same time slow down traffic. Mrs: Staples said it had been suggested to her that the safe,ty factor of the new proposal being presented by : the Ministry was no more than a red herring. ' Colville Evans, another in opposition to the new proposal felt that local residents were being inconvenienced to too great of a degree and cited the example of those on the fifth line who could not under the new plan cross the highway into the Village. Evans has suggested that a new highway could be developed developed east of the present highway using some unopened unopened road allowances. The 'Stop the Super Highway', Highway', meeting is being held to draft a petition that is to be (Continued on page 2) Retires after sixteen years Ororio Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 10th, 1979 F