4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 10th, 1979 Thanksgiving at Kindergarten, grade one In recognition of Thanks- giving dinner on Friday in providing the vegetables, and mats and hats for the giving the .Orono Kinder- their classroom at the school, fruit (apparently the turkey occasion, garten and Grade One stud- The young students pre- had flown the coup) and as At the time for this picture ents took part in a Thanks- pared for the .dinner by well made their own place they were saying Grace. Up and Down thé Bookstacks ADULT • The Complete Book of Dental Care by Norman Woods Clementine Churchill , by Mary Soames (a fascinating fascinating look at Winston Churchill's Churchill's wonderful wife) Looking Pretty, Feeling Fine by Mariabelle Stewart (total beauty for teens) Industrial Welding Procedures Procedures by Frank Schell ( oxy- ' acetylene, electric arc, MIG and TIG) Summer Girl by Caroline Crane (novel of suspense) Made in America by Peter Mass (the author of Serpico has written another brilliant brilliant novel about the corruption corruption of the human spirit) The People from the Sea by Velda Johnston (one more for Johnston fans) The Dead Zone by Stephen King (for Carrie fans another another menacing novel of evil) JUNIOR All Pro Basketball Stars 1979 by Bruce Weber The Pumpkin People by.. David Cavagnaro City Horse by Jack Demuth ( the life of a police horse in , New York) "The Trouble with Thirteen by Betty Miles EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Animals who changed their colours by Pascale Allamand John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat by Jenny Wagner The Witçhy Broom by Ida DeLage The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher by Judith St. George. Madeleine Hadley. Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640 3079 Gray claims Flora dumped Candu sale Herb Gray, Liberal Finance Finance critic in Ottawa, was the guest speaker at the annual Durham-Northumberland Liberal Association executive nomination meeting held at the Dutch Oven Restaurant on Wednesday of last week. Some fifty from the riding were in attendance. In addressing the meeting Gray stated that the loss of the sale of the Candu reactor by Canda to Argentina was due directly to remarks made by Flora Macdonald in her speech at the United Nations where she hinted that Canada would be demanding additional additional nuclear safeguards. in order to permit the use of Candu reactors. He said that the International Trade Minister, Minister, Michael Wilson, had barely had time to get off the plane from Argentina when • Flora Macdonald, Foreign Affairs Minister, made her speech at the UN. Gray said the Argentinians ' now had fewer restrictions that formerly agreed upon with Canada to insure Nuclear Nuclear safety. He said the bungling by the Conservatives Conservatives was just another example example of "the confusion and lack of co-ordination on the part of the Conservative cabinet." Gray also pointed out that Canada and Argentina had agreed to safeguards but that MacDonald was hinting of further regulations. Gray said the MacDonald UN speech so disturbed the Argentinians Argentinians that even though the German deal was going to cost the Argentinians millions of dollars more the purchase was directed to the Germans. Gr^y contended that the loss of the sale would cost many thousands -of Canadian jobs. He also said there would be a loss of billions of dollars of trade. He also spoke of the privatization' of Eldorado Nuclear and felt that this would not be a good thing for Port Hope and the NewcasUe area.'• 24 p.c. Durham students involved with liquor Trout migration easier on Ganaraska A stretch of the Ganaraska River has been improved to allow rainbow trout easier ■access upstream to their spawning habitat in the headwaters of the stream. Just north of the Port Hope Harbour at the mouth of the Ganaraska River, migrating rainbow trout are confronted by a series of flat ledges in the hard limestone shale of the river bottom. In the past, the trout congregated in large numbers below these ledges, as the water was simply too fast and too shallow for most of the fish. To help the trout get over the ledges, local residents have spent many hours each spring placing sandbags in the river trying to create - pools of water for the fish to A publicity and education drive against abuse of alcohol, alcohol, which includes a prong directed at school students as young as the Grade 7 level, is to be launched in Ontario. The campaign, to begin in November and to include public advertising which will be particularly visible during the Christmas and New Year holidays, was announced here today by Health Minister Dennis Timbrell. "There are an estimated 250,000 alcoholics in Ontario, more than double the number 15 years ago," Mr. Timbrell said. "In addition, there are many more problem drinkers who lose time from work, cause a greater number of accidents and spend more time in hospitals. "Added to that is the fact that the incidence of drinking in schools is growing and the age affected is becoming younger. A survey in Durham Region, for example, shows that 24 percent of pupils between the ages of 14 and 18 in that region exhibited systems systems of alcohol dependency.. that 41 percent were social drinkers and 8 percent were problem drinkers without dependency symptoms. "These figures help to demonstrate the magnitude of the health problem created by alcohol abuse." He said the theme , of the campaign will be You Call the Shots. Television viewers will ■' be reminded of the wisdom of moderation. So will riders on public transit. The schools, with the co-operation of the Ministry of Education, will be supplied with education kit* which Mr. Timbrell said are comprehensive and flexible, allowing teachers to tailor the lessons Ip the individual needs of their students., The kits are for use in Gradeà 7 to 10. The Ministry has allocated $600,000 to the campaign. JEEE@@H1EÜ Mi Shop Gerri's Flower and Gifts Main Street, Orono 983-9724 .Closed Wednesdays, Open 9-5 Monday-Saturday After Hours Call 623-1487. TELEPHONE 623*6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 118 KING STREET EAST. SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1N3 swim through. This past summer, the Ministry of Natural Resources Resources hired a tractor which had a hydraulic ram with a chisel blade attached to it. Using this machine a series of holes were chiselled into the hard limestone shale on both sides of the river. Each of the holes is approximately five to six feet square and two feet deep and there is a hole on each of the ledges.-The holes create relatively quiet areas in the stream for the fish to rest. Also, because the water now tumbles down through the holes, the trout can get over each of the ledges by jumping from one hole to the next until they reach the top of the gradient where they can'swifn upstream freely. ELECTRICAL/ WORK TT /S SORE A SAMP-. * Y- WE'RE WELL EQUIPPED TO DO O. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario here for household goods Our prices are reasonable - Our stock consists of Lace table cloths, easy-care vinyl, flannel back cloths, all cotton permapress soil resistant cloths. Two new patterns in reversible place mats both ovaI and oblong. Lirien calendars for 1980 with beautiful patterns, some of which are Courier and Ives designs. New bath towels and face cloths, some plain and some wjth designs. Boxed pillow eases and plain tex-made cases. We also have floor runners, blankets, dish cloths, sheets and many other items. Armstrong's ÈllMIEIMIMfÜÎEJMlEJElMIMJSMftilMIMJMIMrMJEBMIElMBMIEfEMr