esentation from Orono United Churc Among the many gifts and from private donors in are being made by Mrs. presented to Basil and Norma the form of cash,. E.L. Gilbank and Mr. Carlos Long on Sunday evening were The presentations above Tamblyn. those from the United Church Presentation from HiCs Miss Colleen Moffat (left) Longs with a painting of the painting was by Don Staples and Debbie Colvin (right) of Orono United Church. The! of Orono. the Orono Hi-Cs present the . ' Pèrform at Farewell Party s -i"he Country Four Quar- Rev. Long's favourites. Mem- Allin, Don Staples, Merrill tette again present a fine bers of the quartette are Jack Brown and Glenn Allin. _ program with a number of Made bid for Mosport concert Stephen First, acting on hehalf of Prodcoin Productions Productions Inc., made a bid on Monday seeking approval of a rock concert to be held at Mosport on August 23rd form the Town of Newcastle council. council. His attendance with council was in support of an application for a licence filed with the Town on July 22nd. The promoters have, states the letter, undertaken to provide a security bond in an amount of not less than $100,000 to cover police costs, to obtain public liability and property damage insurance and for the repair and ' cleaning of. the property. The promoters also undertake to provide a security bond in an amount of not less than $6,000 for adequate fire protection and a further bond of $1,000. for to assure proper health requirements. As a delegation before council First answered a number of questions from councillors admitting that tickets for the' concert had gone on sale on July 22nd and stating that they were confident confident they could fill : all requirements as outlined in the Town by-law. He said financing was all- Canadian and that the promotion promotion was initiated from Canada. Some of the same principals from the 1978, concert were involved. Hé said the only American content content were some of the talent agents involved in bookings. , Young said the break-even point for the promoters would Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 30th, 1980-3 royalty basis. First said that reports on the concert had in general been positive even though Holliday produced a report from the Toronto Star with a number of comments which were of a negative nature. First also said they were sure it would be a good concert and that there would be a good mix of groups performing at the concert. The Town of Newcastle licence fee is $100.00. be 50,000 spectators. If 100,000 attended he said they would say it was a great success: He said the show would be a • twelve hour show starting at 11 a.m. and continuing until 11 p.m. He said there was no reason for people to stay after the show was over. When asked what there was in it for the Town Young said there would be employment of tradesmen, services, food requirements, student employment employment and neëded accommodation accommodation in the area. When it was intimated that the general general manager for the concert promotion had suggested something coming to the Town for approval, First said this was unfounded. Cduncillor Holliday suggested suggested a financial ' benefit could come to the Town through * some form of a Fitness: What it does for your body it does for your mind. 4) pamcipscnon m The Centdlin moveroml k* peraon** nine»». CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN FARM BUILDING COMMERCIALS INDUSTRIAL ! : ç an ; | GORDCOONS j I Port Hope (416) 885-8652 j § • i MAPLE LEAF Skinless 16 oz. Pkg. Wieners $1.18 Coca Cola 29c 750 ml bottle nlus deposit PARAMOUNT Fancy Red Soekeye Salmon $1.79 | 71/2 oz . tin. lb MAPLE LEAF Cottage Rolls $1.48 BURNS, Fresh Head Cheese lb. $1.49 Sliced or Piece Knock-out Outdoor Specials!! SUNSPUN, Singles Cheese Slices»» .99 Macaroni ^ SUNSPUN - Dinner & Cheese 3-89c Red Flu ms .footed 69c ROYALE - 2 roll pkg Paper Towels 1 .05 , « f •, 1 450 gm. pkg. Cookies vvvs °atmeai. 99c DARE'S SAVE 30c . 450 gm. pkg. Cookies 1.29 Shop for •* No-Name Prbducts at Red & White. ■■mu Quality and Value! CORNISH'S Phone 983-5201